Caledon Oxbridge Deans' Q&A for 2024-12-22

14:38 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hola, Larky
14:47 Larky (larkylouz) Hi Word
14:48 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hi, Andrea
14:48 Larky (larkylouz) hi Andrea
14:51 Wordsmith Jarvinen Welcome, Ms. Gronk :)
14:52 Wordsmith Jarvinen Welcome, Phrynne
14:52 Phrynne ☆*¨¨*:•.•:*¨* hallo hello hi holla *¨¨*:•.•:*¨*☆
14:52 Gronk Seriman Greetings, Chancellor Jarvinen, everybody!
14:53 Wordsmith Jarvinen Welcome, Elfbiter
14:55 Wordsmith Jarvinen Welcome, Camie
14:55 Camie Rembrandt waves to everyone
14:55 Camie Rembrandt Thank you
14:57 Wordsmith Jarvinen Gronk, you appear capable of leading our sleigh. ;)
14:57 Gronk Seriman smiles
14:58 Spike Rose (spike.bloodrose) howdy everyone
14:59 Gronk Seriman I had to turn my nose down a bit. It was lighting up everything, earlier.
15:00 Wordsmith Jarvinen Welcome Spike
15:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen Welcome to this week's Caledon Oxbridge Deans' Q&A. This is an open meeting;
15:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen all are welcome apart from those who intend to misbehave in a disruptive manner.
15:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen Non-disruptive misbehavior is at your discretion.
15:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen Transcripts will be posted after the meeting.
15:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen at
15:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen Ember is likely off holidaying, so Andrea, what do you have for us today?
15:02 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) 29th 4-6pm SLT! Are all Christmas/Holiday tunes at our yearly ice rink display! Don’t have skates? We will have some there as well as cocoa and coffee! Let’s celebrate the holiday skating to our favorite holiday tunes while fundraising to keep our amazing community going!! Family friendly attire please! See you then!
15:02 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) is our next party.
15:03 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) If things go as I hope. tomorrow I will be on the road for Christmas and be back Tuesday after noon and all day Wednesday
15:03 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) so I'm thinking a marathon of movies Wednesday
15:03 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) and Tuesday night
15:04 Wordsmith Jarvinen Sounds good, Party and having you back. Hope that all goes well.
15:04 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) with the other Christmas activities around. should be plenty for people to do
15:04 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) nods
15:04 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) might even setup TVs on different parcels with different movies
15:04 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) back to you
15:05 Wordsmith Jarvinen I'll also be around on Tuesday and Wednesday, and while classes are canceled then, Oxbridge will be open.
15:06 Wordsmith Jarvinen Welcome, Lovejoy. Stream is working
15:07 Wordsmith Jarvinen All instructor stipends are paid to date, and the class calendar is current.
15:08 Wordsmith Jarvinen I don't have a lot for today, we remain in good financial shape although the Mint account decreased by about 5200 $L over the last two weeks.
15:08 Wordsmith Jarvinen Welcome, Agatha.
15:08 Agatha Macbeth Hello Word
15:08 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) I will probably log in to the plaza as well.
15:09 Wordsmith Jarvinen With that open for comments, questions, and general announcements.
15:09 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) I have some rides up in the village, easy to find, the Hungry Dog tavern is back up and decorated for Christmas, and the Krampas park is up
15:10 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) beware in the park
15:10 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) there are 2 Krampuses, one you don't want to meet
15:10 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) used shared environment for the best look
15:10 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) and the Krampus that you don;t want to meet is a good place for a photo shoot. just click him and sit
15:10 Agatha Macbeth wonders what a Krampus is
15:11 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) the other side of Santa
15:11 lovejoy2199 Evil Santa
15:12 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) these are in the Oxbridge Village
15:12 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) next door
15:12 Wordsmith Jarvinen In mythology Krampus punished naughty children, while Santa gave good children gifts. Easily searchable.
15:12 Agatha Macbeth Oh right
15:12 Camie Rembrandt Hi everyone, not sure if my question is adequate for the Dean's Q&A but I would like to know where can I learn more about Caledon's history? (I mean, since it first started as Caledon-Winterfell - and even before that, if there was a 'before that'.) Is there a website with an official archive or something similar?
15:12 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) and some of his minions are in there
15:12 Spike Rose (spike.bloodrose) he's just around to kramp Santa'ss style
15:13 Wordsmith Jarvinen Oh, I also have the transcript for last week's Caledon Community Meeting up at
15:13 Phrynne Have you looked in the Hall of Caledon on campus?
15:13 lauramariii waves. Evey here
15:15 Wordsmith Jarvinen I got to musing about a year with a very cold holiday season after Christmas. The children who were naughty got together in an old house with a coal stove, each bringing their lump of coal. By rationing the coal they stayed cozy and warm, while the children who simply behaved shivered among their toys. Sometimes coal is a real warm gift.
15:16 Wordsmith Jarvinen Welcome Laura :)
15:16 lauramariii :) true
15:16 lauramariii thank you.
15:16 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) I think former Guvnah would know most of Caledon's history...
15:16 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) oh i have some coal. Would anyone like one?
15:17 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) oh
15:17 lauramariii lol
15:17 lauramariii I was a good girl, so no lol
15:17 Katie (katie.canningham) blue coal!
15:17 Phrynne Is it Blue Coal?
15:17 lauramariii Blue? then yes! I want one
15:17 Camie Rembrandt Thank you, Elfbiter
15:17 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) ...the Shadow Knows.....
15:17 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) I did set out a couple of gift boxes in the plaza. I may add some more before Christmas. Gotta dig in my inventory.
15:17 Katie (katie.canningham) YESH
15:18 Wordsmith Jarvinen Any other topics?
15:18 lauramariii yes!
15:18 lauramariii Ty Andrea!
15:18 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) (Blue Coal was sponsor of the original The Shadow radio show)
15:18 lauramariii well I have rezzed the calendar to give out freely
15:18 Spike Rose (spike.bloodrose) snark. now i can keep my heater going easier.
15:19 Agatha Macbeth will send it to Newcastle
15:19 Katie (katie.canningham) many thanks Andrea!
15:19 lauramariii I rezzed a Santa Claus with toys on touch
15:19 lauramariii 20 toys to give freely too
15:19 Phrynne Where does one get the calendar?
15:19 Katie (katie.canningham) cool!
15:19 lauramariii At the lecture hall entrance
15:19 Phrynne thanks
15:19 lauramariii yvw!
15:20 Katie (katie.canningham) the purest anthracite coal is not just for naughty children anymore!
15:20 lauramariii it will give the notecard with the landmarks, the map, each one' cards and classes schedule.
15:20 lauramariii Now. If you want me to relocate it , I will
15:20 Wordsmith Jarvinen I also think that the song got Bowdlerized along the way. That the original had "naughty AND nice".
15:20 Agatha Macbeth Or Andreacite
15:20 Katie (katie.canningham) hehe
15:21 Wordsmith Jarvinen Welcome, Katie
15:21 Katie (katie.canningham) thankee Wordsmith!
15:21 lauramariii Suzanna wanted to know if we could give certificates. I presented the topic last week
15:21 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) and lastly. I sent out Christmas cards. if you didn't get one and want one. im me please
15:21 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Original song did not mention presents at all. so "be good for goodness sake"
15:21 lauramariii they would be like level certificates with the Oxbridge logo
15:22 Katie (katie.canningham) "be good or gramma will be run over by a reindeer" didn't scan as well, either
15:22 Wordsmith Jarvinen I can work something up for that, Laura.
15:23 lauramariii that would be great (evey here lol)
15:23 Wordsmith Jarvinen I figured
15:23 lauramariii so I think Ravelli had some, maybe it would be the same idea?
15:23 lauramariii XD
15:24 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) "Santa Claws is gunning you down"
15:24 lauramariii lol
15:24 Katie (katie.canningham) ~*~* EEEEEEEEK! *~*~
15:24 Wordsmith Jarvinen I'm not up on what Ravelli has
15:25 Agatha Macbeth gives Katie a glass of water
15:25 Wordsmith Jarvinen Not at Oxbridge, Elf, we'd have to remove him for weapons in hand.
15:25 Katie (katie.canningham) thankee Agatha!
15:26 lauramariii well , we would have approx. 12 levels
15:26 lauramariii so students are encouraged to keep learning
15:26 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Level 57 cleric multi-classed with Bard level 5
15:26 Wordsmith Jarvinen Other topics?
15:26 lauramariii just a minute, let me find the notecard
15:27 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) No inner circle levels with esoteric learning, one hopes
15:28 lauramariii well, Suzanna had an idea to open a marketplace for caledon
15:28 lauramariii with small items on sell
15:28 lauramariii that would help maybe?
15:28 Phrynne for Caledon or for Oxbridge?
15:28 lauramariii for Oxbridge
15:28 Wordsmith Jarvinen We do have a small shop by the train station
15:29 lauramariii sorry, I keep saying Caledon, it's for Oxbridge, all the items would be freebies
15:29 Wordsmith Jarvinen Oh, and as an aside
15:29 Wordsmith Jarvinen .
T'was the night before Christmas, and all through the house,
all the creatures were active, even the mouse.
With last minute shopping just barely done,
much was still pending, before Christmas fun.

With ma in her ... er ... kerchief and I in my cap,
we'd just snuggled in for a warm active nap.
When up on the roof, I heard such a clatter,
that I knew that the Claus used cheap anti-matter.

A teleport whined and presents appeared,
among them a chat-bot that proudly declared:
"Merry Christmas to all, and be of good cheer".

Then up on the roof, I heard Santa say,
On Quantum, on Warper,
I'll be up for a week before Christmas day.

Then with a loud crackle Santa was gone,
leaving behind a bright ion-trail, denoting he'd come.

...Wordsmith Jarvinen
15:29 lauramariii yes, but it's not the same to give them to someone passing by, than have free access to all the residents when they look for an item
15:30 lauramariii it could be 1L on marketplace or free at Oxbridge
15:30 Katie (katie.canningham) thankee Wordsmith! cool!
15:31 lauramariii thank you
15:32 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Would the marketplace has the items in the Cafe Vox?
15:33 lauramariii yes, same items
15:33 Wordsmith Jarvinen The shop is there and it's use is open to discussion, yes the shop at Café Vox.
15:33 lauramariii many stores do the same, free inworld or 1L on marketplace
15:33 lauramariii both contribute to people knowing we exist
15:34 Wordsmith Jarvinen Wearing an Oxbridge tag when elsewhere can also help
15:34 lauramariii exactly
15:34 lauramariii think about it, its almost the same but part of promotion
15:35 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) I usually forget to change to group tag anyway...
15:36 Wordsmith Jarvinen For several years, Phrynne coordinated a form of Oxbridge advent calendar. A new box under the gazebo for each day, boxes remaining until January. But that was a tremendous effort, not to be envied.
15:36 Agatha Macbeth Tell me about it
15:36 lauramariii I found that post, it was great to have it here
15:37 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Hard to find good items to include.
15:37 lauramariii maybe for next year?
15:37 lauramariii there are many creators in Oxbridge,
15:37 Katie (katie.canningham) I expect there will be an army of volunteers
15:37 Wordsmith Jarvinen I remember you taking that on Agatha, and thank you.
15:37 lauramariii I volunteer, we can work on good items
15:37 Agatha Macbeth nods and smiles
15:37 Katie (katie.canningham) I volunteer as tribute! er, I mean to help make things!
15:39 Wordsmith Jarvinen That does get us on the advent lists and create traffic.
15:39 lauramariii yes
15:39 lauramariii We can recycle some free items Im giving with Santa Claus
15:39 Wordsmith Jarvinen But getting outside donations became harder and harder.
15:39 lauramariii most of them are full perm
15:40 lauramariii well, like I said some students can donate too!
15:40 Katie (katie.canningham) and stockings filled with the finest blue anthracite coal from Centralia, Pennsylvania
15:40 lauramariii :)
15:41 Wordsmith Jarvinen Sounds good, if a few of you want to take that on.
15:41 Wordsmith Jarvinen Anything else?
15:42 lauramariii Do you want me to send you a notecard with full information Words?
15:42 Wordsmith Jarvinen Sure
15:42 lauramariii great
15:43 Wordsmith Jarvinen Other topics for today?
15:43 lauramariii I will send it with PROJECT OXBRIDGE PROMOTION name
15:43 lauramariii not that I know
15:43 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hearing nothing......
15:44 Wordsmith Jarvinen We are ....
15:44 Wordsmith Jarvinen adjourned
15:44 lauramariii thank you!
15:44 lauramariii and Merry Christmas to all!
15:44 Katie (katie.canningham) Good night Lovejoy! see you tomorrow!
15:44 Wordsmith Jarvinen Thank you all for coming :)
15:44 Agatha Macbeth Yay
15:44 Katie (katie.canningham) oops I meant to whisper that
15:44 lauramariii See you tomorrow!
15:45 Agatha Macbeth The bells!
15:45 Camie Rembrandt waves goodbye to everyone
15:45 Agatha Macbeth waves
15:45 Gronk Seriman Thank you, Deans!
15:45 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) thank you for coming see you soon
15:45 Katie (katie.canningham) many thanks Andrea and Wordsmith!
15:45 Katie (katie.canningham) Sleep well Elf!
15:45 Katie (katie.canningham) nini all!