Caledon Oxbridge Q&A for 2019-04-28
14:50 | Kara2016 | Greetings Dean, Phrynne |
14:50 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Welcome, lovejoy and Kara |
14:50 | Kara2016 | greetings WordSmith and Andrea. |
14:50 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Hi Andrea. |
14:51 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | And yes, Phrynne, one schedule is missing and the rest are just fouled up. |
14:51 | Phrynne | Do we have gremlins? |
14:52 | lovejoy2199 | Hello Chancellor. |
14:52 | lovejoy2199 | brb again...RL |
14:52 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | We had Lindal to return one and I needed to replace all the rest via the kiosk server. |
14:53 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | which takes no prisoners. |
14:53 | Phrynne | so we don't have to bail you out ,as they're doing at Fantasy Faire? |
14:54 | Kara2016 | greetings Guerra and Teddy bear. |
14:54 | Dronejoe | rut row, did I do something wrong? |
14:54 | - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (atlasshrugged3) | snuggles Everyone |
14:54 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Welcome, Elf, Tahisha, and Teddy. |
14:54 | Kara2016 | You're fine, Joe. |
14:54 | - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (atlasshrugged3) | Rezzer of Dragons |
14:54 | Dronejoe | thanks for the invite |
14:56 | Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) | :-) |
15:01 | Wordsmith Jarvinen Prescribes some anti-ADHD meds for Dean Phrynne's chair. | |
15:01 | Phrynne | it's a very laid-back crustacean, Word |
15:02 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Welcome to this week's Caledon Oxbridge Deans' Q&A. This is an open meeting; |
15:02 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | all are welcome apart from those who intend to misbehave in a disruptive manner. |
15:02 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Non-disruptive misbehavior is at your discretion. |
15:02 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Transcripts will be posted after the meeting. |
15:02 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | at |
15:03 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Phrynne, do you have anything to start out with? |
15:03 | Phrynne | I have two things. |
15:04 | Phrynne | First, if you ever are at Oxbridge and receive a notice or IM or announcement that says scripts are off, please notify me or Wordsmith at once. We need the scripts to stay on so that proper records can be kept about classes and visitors; if there is some kind of error that shuts them off, we need to know. |
15:05 | Phrynne | Second, it's come to my attention in the past week that Linden Labs has returned to its older rules regarding the ages of people allowed to be in Second Life. |
15:06 | Phrynne | For several years it was possible for anyone who could get an adult to sign for them, to come in. This meant that we functioned as unpaid, unofficial babysitters for children as young as 6 years old, at times. |
15:06 | Phrynne | It was not a good situation. |
15:06 | Phrynne | Now, we are back to the older rules. SL is for people over 18; people who are 16 and 17 can be in General regions only. Anyone younger whom you see on a region should be reported to Linden Labs. |
15:07 | Phrynne | I am not talking about child-appearing avatars but actual children pretending to be older. |
15:07 | Phrynne | If you don't know how to file an Abuse Report to report something to Linden Labs, contact me and I'll walk you through it. |
15:08 | Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) | It is sometimes hard to recognize kids |
15:08 | Phrynne | Official info on teens in SL: How to Abuse Report an under-aged person: |
15:08 | Phrynne | I know it's hard to tell -- but kids who are underage often are foolish enough to tell you that they're 14 or 12 or younger. |
15:09 | Phrynne | If they do, believe them and report it. |
15:09 | Phrynne | Then it's up to them to prove their age. |
15:09 | Phrynne | and it's not your problem. |
15:09 | Phrynne | and that's all I have for today. |
15:09 | Kara2016 | it is hard too tell with these child avatars. |
15:09 | Frigid Cryotank | I foresee an up-tick in the sales of child avatars... |
15:10 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Thank you, Phrynne. |
15:10 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Andrea? |
15:10 | Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) | A couple of things |
15:10 | Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) | There will be a Fund raiser on Tuesday Night at the Throne of Steam courtyard in the Oxbridge village. Everyone is invited to attend and please help to get the word out. I realize it is a bad time to do one as there is still fantasy fair and something going on in many regions that night. I do hope you can attend. See the group notices for info note cards. |
15:11 | Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) | I am starting a bi weekly fundraiser event on the alternate Sundays from the Bashful Peacock dances. |
15:11 | Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) | Different places with different music kinda of like Tuesday's Caledonian nights |
15:12 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | I gave unto thee a poster, also Andrea. |
15:12 | Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) | but may be with different dj's land owners etc |
15:13 | Dronejoe | I have been at the Linden Realms collecting and cashing in gems for Lindens to reach certain goals. As of yesterday I was not able to cash in the gems I had collected and received a notice saying i needed to set up a paying account to be able to collect gems and cash them into lindens. So my questions is the new age restriction possibly associated with this request to have a paying account? |
15:13 | Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) | i think anyone can take a copy of the poster behind us. feel free to take one |
15:13 | Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) | looks back to Wordsmith |
15:14 | Josain Zsun | April 18? |
15:14 | Phrynne | Joe, I don't think that's it. The new rules went into effect a while ago -- they just didn't tell me. I learned of it three days ago. |
15:14 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Thanks, Andrea |
15:14 | Phrynne | So I don't think it has anything to do with gems for Lindens. |
15:14 | Dronejoe | okay thank you |
15:14 | Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) | no Josain the 30th |
15:14 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Crud, Date error. |
15:15 | Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) | this coming Tuesday |
15:15 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | I'll correct that and get you a new one Andrea. |
15:15 | Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) | the notice in the ISC and COUS groups has the correct date and info. |
15:16 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Thanks, Andrea. |
15:17 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | My focus right now is on getting the translators running under the Azure V3.0 interfaces. This will be a web-only change for now. |
15:19 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | The old interface dies on 30 April, The major difference between the V2 and V3 interface is that V2 used XML and version 3 uses JSON. As of this morning I'm testing the interface and it doesn't like a parameter. So, I'm tracking that down. |
15:20 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | With that open for general questions. |
15:20 | - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (atlasshrugged3) | I had a question for Andrea |
15:20 | - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (atlasshrugged3) | I not sure if she can hear me |
15:21 | Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) | If you can see her name tag, She can |
15:21 | - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (atlasshrugged3) | I could not help notice Caledon Fencing Club is located near the "Thrones of Steam" event |
15:21 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | You are within chat range, Teddy. |
15:21 | - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (atlasshrugged3) | I was wondering if the Fencing Club could perform a demonstration during the "Thrones of Steam" event? |
15:21 | Kara2016 | smiles brightly. |
15:22 | Phrynne | I don't think the club is that organized, or perhaps organized to do that. |
15:22 | - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (atlasshrugged3) | It would be a good place to show off their skills |
15:22 | - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (atlasshrugged3) | Last Thing |
15:23 | Phrynne | Also, the fencing there is En Garde, which is based in 17th Century European dueling, not in the kind of combat that is in the combat regions in Second Life or in Game of Thrones |
15:23 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Nods |
15:23 | Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) | they are welcome to put up a sign or advertisement |
15:24 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Ravelli would likely be the one to ask |
15:24 | Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) | En Garde was originally a card game. Pistes may or may not stop working in the future |
15:24 | Phrynne | They still work now. |
15:24 | Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) | Yes, consult Ravelli Ormstein |
15:26 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | The guy who made the pistes has been locked out of SL and there was a website element to the game. |
15:26 | Phrynne | The game still works. It is still played. |
15:26 | Phrynne | I still teach it. |
15:27 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Okay. |
15:27 | Phrynne | The only thing that does not work is the list of rankings, which was on a website. |
15:28 | Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) | I'm told someone was trying to re-script the game. No idea who that someone is. |
15:28 | Phrynne | Yes, there is an experimental piste in a couple of places. Work is ongoing to revise it. |
15:29 | Phrynne | And there are still tournaments every week somewhere in SL. |
15:29 | Phrynne | run by United En Garde group. |
15:30 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | We can see what Ravelli thinks about trying a demo |
15:30 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Other items? |
15:31 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Elf still holds a writing workshop Thursdays at 11 am |
15:32 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | The current art exhibition at the National Museum of Caledon has been extended through May |
15:32 | Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) | Yup. Weird writing prompts provided but no demands. |
15:33 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Caledon Brigadoon will shortly sink beneath the waves. |
15:33 | Kara2016 | oh, no..not another one |
15:33 | Phrynne | Yes. |
15:34 | Kara2016 | poor Spookymarsh |
15:34 | Kara2016 | SpookyMist |
15:34 | lovejoy2199 | Another railroad stop gone. |
15:34 | Phrynne | Many of the people who were still there have moved to Port Caledon; some may have gone elsewhere in Caledon. |
15:35 | Kara2016 | nods. |
15:36 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Anything else? |
15:36 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Hearing nothing |
15:36 | Kara2016 | no more ghostly Brigadoon Village. |
15:37 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | we are |
15:37 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | adjourned. |
15:37 | Gronk Seriman | Thank you, Deans! |
15:37 | Phrynne | thank you for coming |
15:37 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Thank you all for coming and participating. |
15:37 | lovejoy2199 | Take care all. No jumping today. |
15:38 | Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) | Bedtime for me |
15:38 | Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) | bye all |
15:38 | Oxbridge Donation Coin R1 (Alternate Lecture Hall) | badgerofzen gave a generous donation to help support classes and tutorials at Caledon Oxbridge Gateway. |
15:38 | Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) | Hold the fort |