Caledon Oxbridge Q&A for 2017-10-22

15:01 Phrynne Hello, everyone, and welcome to the Caledon Oxbridge Deans' Q&A for October 22, 2017. Everyone is welcome to attend except those who show by their behavior that they are not. We will have reports first and then open the floor for questions, and I hope for answers, since Chancellor Wordsmith is not available. But I will try to answer them first if possible, and then ask for knowledgeable people in the audience.
15:01 Phrynne First, reports. Andrea, do you have anything?
15:02 Andrea Jones The COu Halloween buuild is still up and is having visitors.
15:02 Andrea Jones With wordsmith out< i don't know if it is drawing in a ny lindes, though it is possible
15:03 Andrea Jones another 1800 was brought in from the 2 silent auctions.
15:03 Gronk Seriman Woohoo!
15:03 RainyDayRecess Yay
15:03 Andrea Jones Pins will go out later this week when we get the lists of donators compilles
15:03 Andrea Jones compiled
15:04 Phrynne Thank you, Andrea.
15:04 Andrea Jones Looking of r designer to make the pin for the 1000 l patron group.
15:04 Phrynne ok
15:04 Andrea Jones otherwise nothing much else up.
15:04 Andrea Jones dance on tuesday
15:04 Andrea Jones at the swamp in south end
15:05 Andrea Jones There is now a castle to explore on mysterious island in the steam sky city sim
15:05 Phrynne oooh!
15:05 Andrea Jones The castle of the dead.
15:05 Gronk Seriman Oooo!
15:05 Agatha Macbeth Ooo
15:05 Huffelgump uuii
15:06 Andrea Jones Enter and make your way down to the River stx, there use the ferryman to move to different landings to explore
15:06 Jorge Serapis *makes spooky noises to join in*
15:06 RainyDayRecess :D
15:06 Andrea Jones interesting build to play with
15:06 Elfbiter SkysmithElfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) would add a black swan but he does not have any
15:06 Andrea Jones will be up to october 31
15:06 Andrea Jones same as the rides
15:07 Andrea Jones looks back at phryne
15:07 Phrynne Thanks, Andrea!
15:07 Phrynne Agatha, any update on the Advent Calendar work?
15:07 Agatha Macbeth Still a week and a bit for people to get stuff in
15:08 Agatha Macbeth I'll start sorting out the boxes this week
15:08 Agatha Macbeth to see what's going where
15:08 Phrynne If you need anything from past years, let me know.
15:08 Agatha Macbeth But all looks hunky dory atm
15:08 Agatha Macbeth I will boss
15:09 Phrynne that's great!
15:09 Agatha Macbeth Thanks
15:09 Phrynne RainyDay? Anything?
15:09 RainyDayRecess Nothing from me this week ;)
15:09 Phrynne ok
15:10 Phrynne In terms of Commons, I've added some ground fog in the small cemeteries on campus, and have started planning for November and December decorations. December is easy -- all those seasonal holidays -- but November's a bit difficult.
15:11 Agatha Macbeth 0.0
15:11 Phrynne If anyone has any idea where I can find an animated turkey that does not explode or try to kill other people, please let me know.
15:11 Jorge Serapis Where`s the fun in that..?
15:11 Gronk Seriman 'sploding turkeys. That's all you need.
15:11 Agatha MacbethAgatha Macbeth knows of exploding chickens
15:11 RainyDayRecess Hehee
15:11 Jorge Serapis Preach!
15:11 Huffelgump xD...i killed a dog before
15:11 Phrynne I'd just like one to walk around and cluck at people
15:11 Andrea Jones jian maybe
15:12 Jorge Serapis I once murdered a sentence.
15:12 Phrynne Other than that, we're in good shape.
15:12 Jorge Serapis Left its particle dangling, i did..
15:12 RainyDayRecess :D
15:12 star lol
15:12 Agatha Macbeth To boldly split an infinitive
15:12 Phrynne And no, we are not going to kill anyone at Oxbridge, other than a participial phrase, since Oxbridge is a General region.
15:12 Phrynne And now, open for questions
15:12 Phrynne from the audience
15:12 starstar (astarynite) raises her hand
15:13 Jorge Serapis *raises hand*
15:13 Phrynne Star?
15:13 star My haunted Area "Star's Harrowing Haunts" was visited by a Linden and is now in the Destination Guide and also in the sub category under Haunted.
15:13 Agatha Macbeth Woot
15:13 Phrynne Congratulations!!!
15:13 RainyDayRecess Yay
15:13 Huffelgump :D
15:13 Jorge Serapis Mazel tov!
15:13 star thank you
15:13 star If you happen to tp to another spot in Caledon II there is a sign and a tp to the graveyard. Please come and explore. When you are finished please go to the back porch and tp up to a pleasant surprise. If you have already been to the haunt, a few more scary things have been added in the past few days.
15:13 Gronk Seriman Woohoo, Star!
15:13 Phrynne Jorge?
15:14 star The COU Coin is also there as well as a Gacha machine with all proceeds going to COU.
15:14 Jorge Serapis What`s the capital of Sweden?
15:14 RainyDayRecess Is that the one on the ad boards?
15:14 Huffelgump stockholm
15:14 Jorge Serapis Ok, thanks!
15:14 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- Stockholm
15:14 star yes Rainy, you can also click an ad board for information in front of the lecture hall
15:14 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- I have a comment
15:14 star and thank you Rainy for the pictures
15:14 Jorge Serapis *surrepititiously fills in his crossword*
15:14 Phrynne Yes, Teddy Bear?
15:15 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- Everything is set in place for the special Photo Salon class on Wednesday, October 25th at 7 SLT
“Event Photography – Tour of Haunted Houses”
15:15 Phrynne very cool
15:15 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- The advertising posted on Facebook today has been well received
15:15 Phrynne excellent!
15:15 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- Our Tour Begins at Star's Haunted Domains
15:15 star yay!
15:16 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- Star’s may you attend class and help me guide the students through your Haunted House?
15:16 star of course
15:16 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- The number of attendees may force us to hold Photo Salon here at the Alternative Lecture Hall
15:16 star Phrynne, what is the earliest I can decorate the lecture hall for the class?
15:16 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- Good Question, I would like to start my postings also
15:17 Phrynne Which one?
15:17 star I guess on ground level
15:17 star that is where the class will be unless it overflows
15:17 star or I can decorate both
15:17 Phrynne Downstairs, the mainlecture hall, anything that is rezzed by a professor is there until it's unrezzed; anything rezzed by a non group member is there for 3 hours max.
15:17 star ok
15:18 star thank you
15:18 RainyDayRecessRainyDayRecess raises hand
15:18 Phrynne I think it is the same here . HOWEVER, the group for the Alt. Lecture Hall is COUG, the student group, not COU, the professors group.
15:18 Phrynne You may want to send an IM to Word to check; he should return in a day or so
15:18 Phrynne Rainy?
15:19 star ok
15:19 star thank you Phrynne
15:19 RainyDayRecess Can I say something about the horse and carriage or is this a bad time?
15:19 Phrynne Please, go ahead
15:19 Elfbiter SkysmithElfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) raises copper eyebrow
15:19 RainyDayRecess I just wanted to mention something about the horse and carriage, since Word is buried with responsibilities and was supposed to also work on the scripting for them, he found a new LL viewer that's coming soon which allows animating of mesh just like an avatar, it's called Animesh ;) here's the link...
15:20 RainyDayRecess that's all ;)
15:20 RainyDayRecess It's still Beta though
15:21 Phrynne Gronk?
15:21 Agatha Macbeth Interesting
15:21 RainyDayRecess I thought so too!
15:21 RainyDayRecess Very exciting ;)
15:21 Gronk Seriman Oh, wow! LL isn't all concentrated on Sansar? Nice!
15:22 RainyDayRecess So instead of being is 'Pieces' it can look just like an avi ;)
15:22 RainyDayRecess *in
15:22 Phrynne Yes, it's good to know that we are still getting improvements from Linden Labs.
15:22 Phrynne Any more questions? Jorge?
15:22 Jorge Serapis LL has often stated once Sansar is up and running, it will refocus on improvements for sl.
15:23 Jorge Serapis As for me, it`s good to be able to spend a bit more time inworld...
15:23 RainyDayRecess It's great to have you here ;)
15:23 Jorge Serapis .. I`ve dropped off one Advent gift to Phrynne..
15:23 Phrynne which I sent on to Agatha
15:23 Elfbiter SkysmithElfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) is in Caledon because of good company
15:23 Jorge Serapis Miss agatha, you should have it..
15:23 Agatha Macbeth Much obliged
15:23 Agatha Macbeth If it's the easel I do :)
15:24 Jorge Serapis .. and working on another one which should be finished by mid November.
15:24 Agatha Macbeth Yay
15:24 Agatha Macbeth I look forward to it
15:24 Jorge Serapis So once I caught up on my sleep, I`ll be back to it. ;_)
15:24 Agatha Macbeth Gracias
15:24 Jorge Serapis That`s wot I got for the moment.
15:24 Jorge Serapis A su orden.
15:25 Phrynne For anyone who doesn't know about it, Caledon Oxbridge sponsors an Advent Calendar give-away the first 24 days of December.
15:25 Phrynne It is open to everyone -- and there is a new gift or two each day.
15:25 Phrynne Agatha Macbeth is organizing it this year.
15:25 Agatha MacbethAgatha Macbeth beams brightly
15:25 Phrynne and it is always a good place to find wonderful things.
15:25 RainyDayRecess Great work Agatha ;D
15:25 Jorge Serapis May the Great Cog have mercy on your soul. :-)
15:25 star Yay Agatha!
15:25 Agatha Macbeth Ty ty
15:26 Phrynne especially ones you will not see anywhere else in Second Life.
15:26 Agatha Macbeth The Great Cog has teeth I hear
15:26 Phrynne Gronk?
15:26 Gronk Seriman Last year's Advent Calendar included a house, and all the furnishings. There was even a friendly competition to make a household from the gifts.
15:27 Agatha MacbethAgatha Macbeth remembers it well
15:27 Phrynne Some of those were amazing
15:27 star and a turret which some peopke decorated with the gifts
15:27 Jorge Serapis Yes, the theme for the Calendar was "Home".
15:27 HuffelgumpHuffelgump if there is a hous then it must be a land to put it on
15:28 star what is the theme this year?
15:28 RainyDayRecess Holidays?
15:28 Agatha Macbeth Yes
15:28 Phrynne Huffelgump, people rent land or buy land to put their houses on.
15:28 Huffelgump ok
15:28 Agatha Macbeth Would be hard to put land in a box...
15:29 RainyDayRecess ;)
15:29 Huffelgump yeah of course
15:29 star heh
15:29 Phrynne We have a class at Caledon Oxbridge on renting and buying land in Second Life; it's very good.
15:29 Phrynne Any more questions?
15:29 Phrynne going once...
15:30 Phrynne Jorge?
15:30 Jorge Serapis Nope. Just thought I`d psyche ya out. :-P
15:30 star lol
15:30 Agatha Macbeth Hehe
15:30 Phrynne Going twice...
15:30 Agatha MacbethAgatha Macbeth waits for Phrynne to bang the hammer
15:30 Phrynne And we are adjourned. Thank you all for coming
15:31 Agatha Macbeth Yay
15:31 RainyDayRecess Thank you Deans ;)
15:31 PhrynnePhrynne slams hammer down on stage
15:31 Jorge Serapis BRAVO!!!!!!
15:31 Jorge Serapis ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE***********
15:31 Jorge Serapis .;:+*'`'* APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE *'`'*+:;.
15:31 Jorge Serapis ♫~~♫~~APPLAUSE~~♫~~♫
15:31 HuffelgumpHuffelgump there i´m sold
15:31 RainyDayRecess Hahaha
15:31 Gronk Seriman Thank you, Deans!
15:31 RomanRoy Thank you :)
15:31 star if anyone would like the lm to my Harrowing Haunts please msg me
15:31 Huffelgump ty :)
15:31 Elfbiter Skysmith Bedtime for me.....
15:31 star night Elf
15:31 Elfbiter Skysmith Past of somewhat
15:31 RomanRoy Good Night Elf
15:31 RainyDayRecess 'Nighty Elf ;)
15:31 RainyDayRecess Sweet Dreams
15:31 Elfbiter Skysmith Be seeing you