Caledon Oxbridge Q&A for 2017-09-24

15:03 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hi Andrea.
15:03 Wordsmith Jarvinen Welcome all to this weeks Caledon Oxbridge Deans' Q&A.
15:03 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) hi
15:04 Wordsmith Jarvinen This is an open meeting. All are welcome (until someone proves otherwise). Transcripts will be posted after the meeting.
15:05 Wordsmith Jarvinen Phrynne, any things for this week?
15:05 Kara2016 smilews brightly.
15:06 Phrynne Nothing much, other than that I think we're ok on Halloween decorations, and some of them will surprise you. I'll start putting them out Oct.1
15:06 Agatha Macbeth looks for snakes in Phrynne's hair
15:06 RainyDayRecess I know, right!?
15:06 RainyDayRecess Beautiful hair by the way Phrynne ;D
15:06 Phrynne thank you!
15:06 Phrynne it hypnotizes snakes
15:06 Wordsmith Jarvinen Surprise as in unusual or surprise as in sneak up on one with dynamite?
15:07 RainyDayRecess :D
15:07 Phrynne Surprise as in things you are used to seeing in some places will be moved to others and something new will be there.
15:07 Phrynne And all done when nobody's around, if possible.
15:08 Phrynne NO, I will not be moving any buildings.
15:09 Wordsmith Jarvinen (or removing)
15:09 Phrynne that either
15:09 Agatha Macbeth Whew
15:09 RainyDayRecess ;)
15:10 Gronk Seriman smirks
15:10 Wordsmith Jarvinen Actually Phrynne has pretty much got down returning unwanted objects while leaving the wanted one's in place.
15:10 RainyDayRecess wow
15:10 Phrynne Don't any of you try leaving stuff in the library just to see if I return it
15:11 RainyDayRecess Hehee
15:11 Agatha Macbeth As if
15:11 Kara2016 smiles brightly.
15:11 Wordsmith Jarvinen Andrea (looks at Andrea)?
15:11 Phrynne Hey, we have had houses rezzed inside there at times.
15:11 Phrynne All sorts of fun to deal with. NOT.
15:12 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Several things this week.
15:12 Wordsmith Jarvinen Well, we haven't had a cruise ship.... yet.
15:12 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) nd huge boardgame sets....
15:12 star (astarynite) grins
15:12 Kara2016 board games?
15:12 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Granted, that was while ago
15:12 Phrynne and stacks of underar boxes...
15:12 Phrynne *underwear
15:12 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) As we mentioned last week there is a new patron program. It is at the 1000l level, that is a little over 5 us dollars. a month.
15:13 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) The tag for it will be Oxbridge Benefactor
15:13 RainyDayRecess Nice ;)
15:13 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) I may be wrong on the us dollars, may be closer to 4
15:14 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) A pin is inthe owrks for those that ish to wear it fopr thepatron groups.
15:14 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) ooo typos
15:14 Phrynne There's a lot of lag out there messing with typing
15:14 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Nah it's me
15:14 star (astarynite) that's my excuse
15:14 RainyDayRecess but they're so much fun :D
15:14 RainyDayRecess Gronks are the best though
15:15 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) anyway. We are going to work in the color gold for the existing Patrons ,and silver for the Benefactors
15:15 Gronk Seriman I resemble that remark.
15:15 RainyDayRecess (hehee, sorry)
15:16 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) The fundraiser party themed for Halloween fo the 14th is moving along. I'm waiting to hear back from a a couple of DJ's.
15:16 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) I don't know where yet.
15:16 Gronk Seriman Will there be a dunk tank?
15:17 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Maybe in the pArk in the village or in a sky box
15:17 Wordsmith Jarvinen It should be a scream.
15:17 RainyDayRecess :O
15:17 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) I can arrange a dunk tank
15:17 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) I need to holler atDesmond. Most likely it will be spread out over my parcesl and the park
15:18 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) others are hollering that they have stuff too so it may turninto a multi sim party
15:18 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Lasting over the course of the day
15:18 Gronk Seriman Ooo! Nice!
15:18 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) thank you those that just volunteered :-)
15:19 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Donation coins will of course be setup around the different builds and attractions
15:19 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) I know the bumper car ride will be in a skybox in soutend
15:19 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) southend
15:20 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) More info will be forethcoming
15:21 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) The Dj's hough may need tip jars out. My ussual go to person for our events got up and left. But all other proceeds will go to the COU
15:21 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) though
15:21 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Looks at Wordsmith
15:21 Gronk Seriman That seems fair.
15:22 Wordsmith Jarvinen Thank you, Andrea. Both for the report and for all the work involved behind it.
15:22 star (astarynite) there are other DJ's in Caledon, are they aware of the fundraiser?
15:22 Wordsmith Jarvinen Agatha, any needs or urgings?
15:22 Agatha Macbeth ponders her urges
15:22 Wordsmith Jarvinen (smiles)
15:23 RainyDayRecess :D
15:23 Agatha Macbeth We seem to be going ok atm sir
15:23 Agatha Macbeth Thanks again for the table
15:23 Wordsmith Jarvinen You're most welcome.
15:23 Agatha Macbeth All goeth according to plan thus far
15:24 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Noplan survives the contact with...
15:25 Wordsmith Jarvinen From me, stipend payments to instructors are current through yesterday, leaving about 273k $L. Our next 74.5k $L tier payment is due in early October.
15:26 Wordsmith Jarvinen I compiled that visitor statistics at Oxbridge for August this morning and got those out to Phrynne, Andrea, and Lindal.
15:27 Wordsmith Jarvinen That's a summary document and is not "secret" if anyone is interested.
15:27 Wordsmith Jarvinen That pretty much it from me for the week.
15:28 Wordsmith Jarvinen Open for general questions and discussion.
15:28 Gronk Seriman Any general takeaways? I have spent a few lonely evenings in the Plaza lately.
15:28 Agatha Macbeth Aww
15:28 RainyDayRecess Thank you Word for all of that hard work ;)
15:28 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) The usual, I think
15:29 Wordsmith Jarvinen End of summer, beginning of school, I think traffic seems down a bit.
15:29 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Oh the Bowling lanes will come down today. BTW
15:30 Gronk Seriman Awww! Just change the balls into pumpkins.
15:30 Kara2016 smiles brightly.
15:30 RainyDayRecess Hahahaha
15:30 RainyDayRecess Great idea!
15:30 Gronk Seriman And the bowling pins into skeleton teeth.
15:31 RainyDayRecess No really......that's a great idea
15:31 RainyDayRecess Spooky Bowling
15:32 star (astarynite) in the dark
15:32 Gronk Seriman smiles, but has a clue how much work that would take.
15:32 lovejoy2199 Just wished I could figure out how to bowl strikes. I am tried of 9 pins and spares.
15:32 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Smiles, I need the prims and scripting space. I don't want the sim getting laggy
15:32 RainyDayRecess I know right?
15:32 star (astarynite) me too lovejoy!
15:32 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Well if you are using the place. I'll try and leave it up
15:33 lovejoy2199 Almost evryday.
15:33 star (astarynite) this Tuesday is the dance ANdrea?
15:33 lovejoy2199 everyday
15:33 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Yes the avatars in space for the nights group is Tuesday night
15:33 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) nice little place in space
15:33 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) I'm working ona sat night event
15:34 Kara2016 Smiles brightly.
15:34 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) It may become a revenue maker for the cou. Will have to wait and see
15:34 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Lots of facftors in that
15:34 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) factors
15:34 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Oh forgot to mention that to the other deans, don't tell
15:34 Wordsmith Jarvinen Here Gronk, the August stats file:
15:35 RainyDayRecess :D
15:35 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Looks at word from the corner of my eye
15:35 Wordsmith Jarvinen Cornering me, Andrea? (grins)
15:36 Gronk Seriman Ooo! Thank you!
15:36 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Oh, Please send me a nc if you decide to join either patron program.
15:36 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) I'm still giving out the summer barn in the Gold program
15:37 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Oh one last thing.
15:38 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) I have mentioned before that I would be at the Burn 2 in October. That has been canceled. I won't be there. I didn't want you guys looking around for it and it not be there.
15:38 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) I'm done.
15:38 RainyDayRecess Awwww
15:38 Kara2016 Smiles brightly.
15:39 RainyDayRecess You can't do everything hun
15:39 Gronk Seriman Oh noez!
15:39 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) I have a 512 parecl paid for if anyone wants it.
15:39 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) there at Burning Man
15:40 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Passes the baton to Word.
15:41 Wordsmith Jarvinen A last bit on the statistics. Here's the explanations of fields. I'll pretty this up with an index later.
15:41 Wordsmith Jarvinen Other questions?
15:42 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hearing none, we are adjourned and potentially ready to base jump.
15:42 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) night all, thanks for coming
15:43 Wordsmith Jarvinen Thanks you all for coming and participating.
15:43 RainyDayRecess Thank you Deans :D