Caledon Oxbridge Q&A for 2017-03-12

14:59 Wordsmith Jarvinen An explosive chicken is even better than a gavel to call the meeting to order (or creative disorder).
14:59 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) puts on a serious face
14:59 RainyDayRecess Hi everyone! ;)
14:59 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) never going to get old
15:00 Wordsmith Jarvinen Phrynne, will you start with your report?
15:00 Phrynne Sure!
15:00 Agatha Macbeth is glad to see Phrynne is well again
15:01 RainyDayRecess ;)
15:01 Phrynne Over the years, Oxbidge has tried to provide a variety of ways to learn. One thing that we lost, a bit, when the region went to homestead, was some interactive opportunities.
15:01 Phrynne So, I have tried to remedy that by putting up a variety of interesting chairs with multiple singles sits, as well as a couple of swings.
15:02 Phrynne This gives people more experience with menus and different animations.
15:02 Phrynne I hope to add a few more things like this as I find ones that are worthy of Oxbridge.
15:03 Phrynne (since we now have the prims to support a few more chairs and such)
15:03 Wordsmith Jarvinen If we have more chairs, we can have more committees?
15:04 Phrynne They're scattered around the place -- if you want committees you will have to fill all of them.
15:04 Wordsmith Jarvinen (subsides)
15:04 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Subcommittee per chair?
15:04 Gronk Seriman I love the pretty flowering trees all over, Phrynne!
15:04 Phrynne Possibly. They are all singles animations
15:05 Wordsmith Jarvinen Well, every committee needs someone to be the chair.
15:05 Phrynne Thank you, Gronk! I am having fun decorating this year.
15:05 Phrynne And that's all I have.
15:05 Phrynne Tasha?
15:05 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) I would like to thank the inventor of Day Light Saving, as this provides me with a short window when I can attend Deans Q&A in the Spring and Autumn
15:05 Agatha Macbeth Woot
15:06 RainyDayRecess Yay!!
15:06 Wordsmith Jarvinen ty Phrynne (and yes, you keep the place looking appealing)
15:06 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hi, Carl.
15:06 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) After the UK starts British Summer Time, the Q&A gets later for me until the autumn
15:06 Carl Metropolitan Hello
15:06 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) About the same here in couple of weeks...
15:07 Phrynne Hello, Carl!
15:07 Wordsmith Jarvinen Tasha is our Assist Dean in charge of tutors.
15:07 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) we have recruited a couple of new tutors since I was last here
15:07 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) Holly and Caissa
15:07 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) INcluding some quality tutors
15:07 Oxbridge Donation Coin R1 (Alternate Lecture Hall) Carl Metropolitan gave a generous donation to help support classes and tutorials at Caledon Oxbridge Gateway.
15:07 GaiaTheGoddess what do you tutor?
15:07 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Beginners
15:07 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) both have shown they are very able and helpful
15:08 Wordsmith Jarvinen The tutors are our inworld / in-plaza helpers.
15:08 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) yes, the tutor role is to meet and greet, to help new people to get started in SL
15:08 GaiaTheGoddess oh ok
15:08 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) we also help older residents with teck issues
15:08 Gronk Seriman Tutors generally are helpers. we answer questions, and guide new people through the Orientation.
15:09 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) to the best of my knowledge we have never failed to find a solution, though some take a little longer
15:09 Carl Metropolitan They are really the core of what we do here.
15:09 Carl Metropolitan The frontline.
15:09 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) as such, we are always on the look out for people who can give their time to help new people
15:10 Carl Metropolitan The people we send charging into machine gun nests over barb wire... Okay. Maybe taking that metaphor a bit too far.
15:10 тαℓıηα ℜoѕє (talina718) lol
15:10 Wordsmith Jarvinen Which takes a diversity of skills, from the SL technical ones, to communication skills.
15:10 Phrynne Occasionally, accurate but we do discourage people from bringing machine guns to Oxbridge.
15:10 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) the job speck looks daunting, but we know there are talented people out there... it only looks like we need Mother Teresa with an MSc in IT
15:11 Gronk Seriman Ability to participate in puns and witty banter also helps.
15:11 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) about it for me
15:11 Wordsmith Jarvinen Carl, anything to report?
15:11 GaiaTheGoddess do you help with creating clothing ?
15:11 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) we have classes for that
15:12 тαℓıηα ℜoѕє (talina718) I log in late , do you have late classes for those that live the the states
15:12 Carl Metropolitan Got our space at VWBPE and am working on something to build there. I've played around with some ideas in blender and prims but am not happy. If I can't think of anything better, I will reuse last years, which was really nice. It featured Martini's stained glass prominently.
15:12 Wordsmith Jarvinen Last class slot starts at 9pm
15:12 тαℓıηα ℜoѕє (talina718) I am interested in learning how to make mesh clothing
15:12 Oxbridge Donation Coin R1 (Alternate Lecture Hall) Kara2016 gave a generous donation to help support classes and tutorials at Caledon Oxbridge Gateway.
15:13 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) classes in other time zones is some thing I, for one would like to see, as I am on UK time. but most of our Profs are on US time
15:13 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) sorry, Carl
15:14 Carl Metropolitan There are other places that do free classes you should also check out. Builders Brewery has excellent ones.
15:14 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hi Red, come on in.
15:14 Carl Metropolitan No, I wish we had the people and money to do classes on european time (mostly the people).
15:14 Phrynne waves to a fellow bunneh
15:14 Red Quixote hello all :)
15:14 Wordsmith Jarvinen Welcome, Fire.
15:14 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) hey Fire
15:14 Carl Metropolitan They are multiplying like rabbits!
15:14 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) hi red
15:16 Wordsmith Jarvinen So, from Carl, the upcoming VWBPE exhibit (Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education).
15:17 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) hi Eva
15:17 Carl Metropolitan As far as I know, no one from oxbridge is giving a presentation this year.
15:17 Eva Gaelle (jucastt) hi, Tasha! Good afternoon!
15:17 Carl Metropolitan Though we have in the past.
15:18 Wordsmith Jarvinen My turn. The website and class tracker are now cut over to the new scheduling interface. Which allows me to create location specific schedule images when needed.
15:19 Wordsmith Jarvinen And allows each statistics gatherer to only care about the classes held where it's located.
15:19 Carl Metropolitan Very good news.
15:19 Wordsmith Jarvinen Right now, we don't have multiple classes in different places at the same time, but it opens that door.
15:20 Phrynne All we'd need are people to teach them.
15:21 Wordsmith Jarvinen Yep, the next step. Get Orange in and teaching. Look for some more with the time and knowledge.
15:21 Carl Metropolitan Orange?
15:22 RainyDayRecess Orange Planar
15:22 RainyDayRecess He's got lots of classes
15:22 RainyDayRecess 'in the wings'
15:22 Wordsmith Jarvinen He did a review class on communications for several of us a couple of weeks ago.
15:22 RainyDayRecess (or is it Planer?)
15:22 Phrynne Planer, I think
15:23 Carl Metropolitan Oh. Very good.
15:23 RainyDayRecess (ty)
15:23 Fire Broono Yis
15:24 Wordsmith Jarvinen Open to general questions.
15:24 Phrynne looks around for the chicken
15:24 Fire Broono noms
15:24 Wordsmith Jarvinen Andrea grabbed it back.
15:24 Phrynne oh, too bad!
15:24 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) fun chicken
15:25 Kara2016 giggles.
15:25 Phrynne though I wonder what would happen if two of them ran into each other.
15:25 Wordsmith Jarvinen Made a good gavel.
15:25 Carl Metropolitan Andrea do you have any events of interest to people to announce?
15:25 Wordsmith Jarvinen She had to run off.
15:25 Agatha Macbeth Chicken run
15:25 Kara2016 smiles brightly.
15:25 Phrynne fowl play
15:25 Holly Gaavin (hollydeni) ouch
15:26 Gronk Seriman At least it was a blaxt.
15:26 Kara2016 ouch.
15:26 Gronk Seriman *blast
15:26 RainyDayRecess :D
15:26 Kara2016 laughing.
15:26 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) people do not need to be egged on here
15:26 Wordsmith Jarvinen She's got a St Patrick's day event at 6pm on Tuesday.
15:26 Kara2016 yes, she does.
15:27 Wordsmith Jarvinen Caledonian Nights is happy to be having a St Patrick's day party at the Irish Pub in the Oxbridge Village the 14 th of this month starting at 6PM Sl time. DJ Poppy will be our DJ for the evening bringing us a great selection of music for the evening. Plus there will be a costume contest for best dressed singles and couples.
15:27 Kara2016 smiles brightly.
15:28 lovejoy2199 "whiskey in the jar"
15:28 Gronk Seriman Patty Poppy pitches practically perfect parties.
15:29 Wordsmith Jarvinen Right across the border from Oxbridge; well-within staggering distance (you'll understand more on that after drinking her green beer).
15:30 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Still hosting the Writers' Meeting
15:30 Wordsmith Jarvinen Thursday, 11 am?
15:30 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Yup
15:31 Wordsmith Jarvinen Other questions and announcements?
15:31 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) Still offering to do a profile pic for new people in my studio in kittiwickshire
15:31 GaiaTheGoddess oh when?
15:32 Kara2016 smiles brightly.
15:32 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) IM me, but please remember i am on Uk time... it is late for me now
15:32 GaiaTheGoddess oh ok
15:33 Gronk Seriman Any progress on the Orientation translations?
15:34 Wordsmith Jarvinen But can be found inworld early in the SL morning and Late into the SL night (timewise; your sun angle may vary).
15:34 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) late Friday and Saturday are early morning for me, usually a good time
15:35 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) late Friday and Saturday US time are early morning for me, usually a good time
15:35 Agatha Macbeth hears an echo
15:36 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) echo... echo... echo
15:36 RainyDayRecess :D
15:36 Wordsmith Jarvinen I just IMed Jorge Serapis about the Orientation translations.
15:37 Phrynne I talked with Lindal last week; she said she hopes to get back to updating the remaining bits of the tutorial soon.
15:37 Wordsmith Jarvinen The translations are on hold at the moment. Jorge has lately been waylaid by a virus.
15:38 Gronk Seriman Ooo.
15:38 Carl Metropolitan I hope it is nothing to serious.
15:39 Wordsmith Jarvinen It's not forgotten, however.
15:39 Wordsmith Jarvinen Other questions, announcements, desires?
15:39 Gronk Seriman I like the working example up behind me. Loks very promising!
15:40 Wordsmith Jarvinen Definitely
15:41 Fire Broono In the LL viewer, what is the default setting for Avatar Complexity?
15:42 Wordsmith Jarvinen Oh. Curie, who has spent a fair bit of time at Oxbridge, is having a grand opening for her photographic exhibit on 25 March. She both does SL photography and is a photo-journalist in RL. The greater site is also an art gallery (and one of our sponsors).
15:42 RainyDayRecess Advanced>Performance tools>Show avatar complexity
15:42 Carl Metropolitan I think on Firestorm is it 350,000
15:43 Fire Broono 350,000 is max in FS.
15:43 Gronk Seriman It;s a fuzzy number. the higher you set your graphics, the higher the number goes by default.
15:43 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) and an option of no max
15:43 Fire Broono Was wondering what the LL standard default number is.
15:44 Fire Broono Hmm ok. So depends on graphics settings.
15:44 Wordsmith Jarvinen I think mine came in at about 80,000 and I have it up to about 165,000.
15:44 Fire Broono nods
15:44 Wordsmith Jarvinen Still end up individually rendering a few people at parties.
15:45 Fire Broono Busy places are like that.
15:46 Carl Metropolitan Out of Caledon it is worse, as people tend to wear more complicated mesh attachments and bodies than are in style here.
15:46 Wordsmith Jarvinen Yep. But interesting to watch the transformation from jelly doll into someone in a full gown.
15:46 Fire Broono Yis.
15:47 Kara2016 giggles.
15:47 Wordsmith Jarvinen Or jelly doll into radiant smile. ;)
15:47 Fire Broono
15:48 Holly Gaavin (hollydeni) you guys watched me grow up
15:48 Wordsmith Jarvinen Anything else?
15:48 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) I am not convinced of the usefulness of the complexity concept... as a lot of people ignore it
15:48 Fire Broono I agree.
15:48 Gronk Seriman I want an actual jellydoll avatar. Just to prank people.
15:48 Holly Gaavin (hollydeni) lol
15:48 Fire Broono Prolly find one on MP.
15:49 Agatha Macbeth I've seen gummi bears
15:49 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) the old rendering values that LL set as 'good' were very low
15:49 Fire Broono Very.
15:49 Wordsmith Jarvinen It also can end up reducing someone to just there nametag. I've seen that happen with those in dragon form.
15:50 Gronk Seriman I do think it helps to clue people in when they are wearing almost abusive avatars. There are ways to look good and not crash a sim.
15:50 Fire Broono Like me.
15:50 Gronk Seriman smiles
15:50 Fire Broono Jus sayin'
15:50 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) also true... I have a jacket that cust FPS by 10+ and crashes sims
15:51 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) cuts*
15:51 Fire Broono Dayum, really?
15:51 Phrynne And there are some older pieces of jewelry with hundreds of microprims as gems. Get a few of those together at a dance and it can be lag city.
15:51 Gronk Seriman Honestly. Some things are just poorly and wastefully made.
15:52 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) true
15:52 Garret Black (pantau) yes
15:52 Carl Metropolitan Or jewelry with hundreds of micro-prims with a script in each one of them :)
15:52 Kara2016 ouch.
15:52 Fire Broono Those are still around?
15:52 Carl Metropolitan Lots of crowded places limit scripts per avatar, too
15:52 RainyDayRecess Yeah, ... I just bought one ;(
15:52 Phrynne What would a script like that do? Make the micriprims rotate?
15:53 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) still remembers a hairdo with a script per strand of hair
15:53 RainyDayRecess Sizing
15:53 RainyDayRecess right?
15:53 Carl Metropolitan Yes
15:53 Fire Broono old resizers had to be in each prim
15:53 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) tosses her head to make her hair move
15:53 Carl Metropolitan That is no longer the case.
15:53 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) plaza....
15:53 Fire Broono Yis.
15:53 RainyDayRecess :D
15:53 Wordsmith Jarvinen A bit hairy to move.
15:54 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) hair today, gone tomorrow
15:54 Agatha Macbeth >.<
15:54 Carl Metropolitan When trying to help people with script limit problems in the past (i.e., too many scripts on their avatar), it is usually shoes or jewelry. Most often watches for some reason.
15:54 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) lag hair day
15:54 Fire Broono Maybe we need a smart dresser class or something.
15:55 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) are you offering, Fire?
15:55 Wordsmith Jarvinen Tasha? (grins)
15:55 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) giggles... err... no
15:55 Fire Broono I'm not around enough, nor do I know enough about it.
15:55 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Excuses, excuses :-)
15:56 Fire Broono Yis, I'm jus the janitor.
15:56 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) is just the cook
15:56 Fire Broono They must pay you better.
15:56 RainyDayRecess 'Just?'
15:56 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) and a cook in need of sleep
15:56 Wordsmith Jarvinen Sound about time to adjourn
15:56 Fire Broono Yis.
15:56 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) wise move
15:56 RainyDayRecess Thank you Deans! :D
15:57 Wordsmith Jarvinen So ... Adjourned.
15:57 Phrynne Thank you for coming
15:57 Wordsmith Jarvinen Go sleep Tasha and Elf.
15:57 Holly Gaavin (hollydeni) claps for the Deans
15:57 Wordsmith Jarvinen Thank you all for coming.
15:57 Gronk Seriman Thank you, Deans!
15:57 Tasha (natashafetishqueen) waves
15:57 Carl Metropolitan Goodnight
15:57 RainyDayRecess Night Tasha
15:57 Red Quixote later people :)
15:57 RainyDayRecess Take care Red
15:57 Eva Gaelle (jucastt) good night everyone
15:57 RainyDayRecess 'Night Eva ;)
15:58 Eva Gaelle (jucastt) thanks my dear
15:58 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Past bedtime for me.
15:58 Eva Gaelle (jucastt) are you busy right now?
15:58 RainyDayRecess Only slightly
15:58 RainyDayRecess Just IM'ing still
15:58 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Be seeing you
15:58 Eva Gaelle (jucastt) oh i understand
15:58 RainyDayRecess 'Night Elfbiter
15:58 RainyDayRecess :D