Caledon Oxbridge Q&A for 2017-02-05

14:49 Wordsmith Jarvinen Fidget!! You're back!
14:49 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) waggles Sunshne at everyone!
14:49 Badass Fae (larkylouz) Hey everyone.
14:49 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) Hello! Yes! I have a Sunday afternoon free!
14:49 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) Whoots!
14:49 Badass Fae (larkylouz) loves that greeting, Fidget!
14:49 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) I get to spend it at COU!
14:49 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) Larky! Whoot!
14:49 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) TY!
14:50 Phrynne hello Fidget!
14:50 Phrynne hi Larky!
14:50 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) Ratz. I stood up. That wasn't intended.
14:50 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) Darn paws!
14:50 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) Hello Phyrnne!
14:52 Oxbridge Donation Coin R1 (Alternate Lecture Hall) Fidget (fidgetswidgets) gave a generous donation to help support classes and tutorials at Caledon Oxbridge Gateway.
14:52 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) I'm set! Who has the cookies?
14:52 Wordsmith Jarvinen ty Fidget :)
14:53 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) My honor Mr. Jarvinen!
14:53 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) oops ...Vice Chancellor!
14:54 Badass Fae (larkylouz) has a thought that in SL, Chancellor in charge of Vice may be a tricky one to maneuver.
14:54 Wordsmith Jarvinen I'll answer to anything reasonable.
14:54 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) xnorts!
14:54 lovejoy2199 I agree
14:55 lovejoy2199 That is why I call him 'Provost'. Larky
14:55 Wordsmith Jarvinen Wonders if the Fae is implying multiple positions.
14:55 Badass Fae (larkylouz) HA!
14:55 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) Provost? {ponders trying to spell that with paws}
14:55 Badass Fae (larkylouz) That works, Mr. Lovejoy. :^)
14:55 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) I meant Dean Phyrnne too, I've had too many gummi worms, my manners got lost!
14:56 Orange Planer Just as long as they aren't the sugar-free variety.
14:56 Phrynne does not have cookies with gummi worms, sorry
14:56 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) holds up the sour-crystal coated gummi worms in question. "Lots of good stuff Orange!"
14:57 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) Ohhh! Nice blue color today Orange!
14:58 Orange Planer Heya.
15:01 From-the-Roots (fromtheroots) Hello everyone
15:01 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) grins and throws Sunshine at From's way!
15:02 Gary Calvert II (soonergary86) Hello, everyone.
15:03 Wordsmith Jarvinen Welcome all, to this week's Q&A
15:04 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) Bubbles! [wamps at one with a paw}
15:04 Wordsmith Jarvinen Phyrnne, you've been very obviously active around Oxbridge.
15:04 Phrynne Oh, you noticed!
15:04 Phrynne Spring has come
15:04 Phrynne and so have trees and plants, and more will show up in their time.
15:04 Phrynne I plan to change something or other every week, so look around
15:05 Gary Calvert II (soonergary86) It's nice to finally see the Oxbridge Dean. :)
15:05 Phrynne I also have two news items:
15:05 Phrynne Holly Gaavin is now a full tutor at Caledon Oxbridge.
15:05 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) cheers for Holly.
15:05 Gary Calvert II (soonergary86) Yay, Holly.
15:05 Wordsmith Jarvinen Bravo!
15:06 Gary Calvert II (soonergary86) I met Holly in the Photography class, I think.
15:06 Phrynne And Agatha Macbeth has kindly and generously offered to serve as Assistant Dean of Commons for the Advent Calendar. She will be organizing it this coming year.
15:06 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) cheers for Agatha!
15:06 Phrynne cheers for Holly and Agatha
15:06 Agatha Macbeth smiles
15:06 Orange Planer Yay Agatha!
15:06 Badass Fae (larkylouz) Thank you, Agatha!!!!
15:06 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) tosses a few gummi worms as well for celebration!
15:06 Gary Calvert II (soonergary86) Ty, Agatha.
15:06 Phrynne This doens't mean I'm dropping out of it entirely, but it will give me more time for other projects throughout the year.
15:07 Phrynne and I am very grateful for the help.
15:07 Orange Planer rumbles in a low pitch "delegate delegate delegate delegate"
15:07 Phrynne That's my report for today.
15:07 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) Yay for Dean Phrynne!
15:08 Gary Calvert II (soonergary86) Ty for the updates, Dean Phrynne.
15:08 Wordsmith Jarvinen kk Orange and I are moving forward on discussing new classes, including one on lag.
15:08 Oxbridge Donation Coin R1 (Alternate Lecture Hall) Kara2016 gave a generous donation to help support classes and tutorials at Caledon Oxbridge Gateway.
15:08 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) Go Orange!
15:08 Phrynne oh, cool!
15:08 Wordsmith Jarvinen ty Kara
15:08 Orange Planer I should have gotten him the class outlines on Tuesday, and I got hung up.
15:08 Orange Planer Literally
15:09 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) Was it another mobile unit Orange?
15:09 Orange Planer I had to use mental floss to get myself unhung.
15:09 Wordsmith Jarvinen We'll get there.
15:09 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) grins her Dinkie grin at the big Orange.
15:10 Wordsmith Jarvinen Next week I may or may not be here. I'm supposed to fly up from San Diego in the morning which should get me here, but should and airlines don't always mix.
15:11 Orange Planer Pleeeease say you are not affected by the travel ban that may or may not be enforced?
15:11 Orange Planer Or we may never hear from you again.
15:11 Wordsmith Jarvinen I'm not. In any case San Diego is still with California (look up Cal Exit).
15:12 Wordsmith Jarvinen *within California.
15:12 Orange Planer Ah. Didn't California secede?
15:12 Wordsmith Jarvinen Not quite yet.
15:12 Orange Planer Oh, ok.
15:13 Badass Fae (larkylouz) thinks about moving to California....
15:13 Kara2016 for gold?
15:13 RainyDayRecess :D
15:13 Kara2016 giggles.
15:13 Badass Fae (larkylouz) :^)
15:14 Wordsmith Jarvinen A while back it came to Oxbridge staff's attention that the way couch's are set up in the entry hall, that an avatar could play an animation on a second sitting avatar without consent.
15:14 Badass Fae (larkylouz) uh oh!
15:14 RainyDayRecess Oh, my
15:14 Kara2016 umm..scrips?
15:14 Badass Fae (larkylouz) Those couches have been more trouble....
15:14 Phrynne Scripts.
15:15 Orange Planer Do we need a pharmacist?
15:15 Phrynne Wrong kind, Orange, but thanks.
15:15 Wordsmith Jarvinen I've procured some new sit animations which are singles, can modify a copy of the couch, and have pretty much rescripted positioning and animation.
15:16 Kara2016 smiles.
15:16 Wordsmith Jarvinen Phynnes good at reminding me of such things.
15:16 Orange Planer Maybe if I get really large we can have Big Pharma-cist!
15:16 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) makes a paws-up for safe couches!
15:16 Phrynne sends birds to Word's office to lay eggs on his desk until he notices.
15:17 Wordsmith Jarvinen Next in line (after I'm back from travel) is the schedule switch over.
15:17 Wordsmith Jarvinen oh oh. The tribbles could eat them and when tribbles are fed ......
15:17 Phrynne They could eat the tribbles.
15:17 Badass Fae (larkylouz) :^)
15:17 Orange Planer More food for me?
15:17 Phrynne They are not small birds.
15:18 Wordsmith Jarvinen So planning on new classes and being able to have schedules with pages for different venues. Soon
15:19 Wordsmith Jarvinen Similar idea to the kiosks with different languages that Jorge Serapis has been working on.
15:19 Orange Planer Great idea.
15:20 Orange Planer I have a use for the script in another setting.
15:20 Orange Planer If he's willing to share.
15:20 Badass Fae (larkylouz) Sounds like great progress on multiple projects. What is the status of the language kiosks?
15:20 Wordsmith Jarvinen in general, I'm doing all the scripts as full perm
15:21 Phrynne I think at this point the language kiosks may be waiting for Lindal to continue updating some sections of the tutorial.
15:22 Phrynne I don't know if you ever noticed, but some of the posters aren't numbered sequentially, for instance; that is one of the things she has been doing to help bring it up to date.
15:22 Phrynne Along with updating information, of course.
15:22 Phrynne That's as much as I know at the moment.
15:23 Wordsmith Jarvinen Jorge was also delegating translations to French and Portuguese.
15:23 Orange Planer Do we have someone to do translations for italian and/or spanish?
15:23 Phrynne Yes -- Stereo Nacht has undertaken to translate the tutorial into French.
15:23 Phrynne I don't know the name of the person doing the Portuguese translation.
15:23 Phrynne Those are all the languages we have at the moment.
15:24 Phrynne Along with Jorge's Spanish translation.
15:24 Wordsmith Jarvinen So, still keeping the tutorial kiosks at one prim, adding faces for language selection.
15:26 Wordsmith Jarvinen I'm using the same idea for the schedule, keeping the display size the same but adding selection buttons below. I'm also hoping the keep things so that existing kiosks keep working for the main lecture hall page.
15:26 Wordsmith Jarvinen (I do know where kiosks are located however)
15:28 Wordsmith Jarvinen Anyway, the schedule's go from a web interface, to generating the images on the web, to sending information to the class trackers in the different venues.
15:28 Wordsmith Jarvinen Pretty much it for now. Open for questions and announcements.
15:30 Wordsmith Jarvinen Phrynne, have we been eating too much garlic? Everyone's way back there.
15:30 Phrynne I don't know.
15:30 Orange Planer Question: nobody has seen any of the classes I might teach. I think they should be reviewed to make sure they're covering what we need. Can we set up a test group?
15:30 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) wamps at a bubble that just floated past.
15:30 Phrynne did take a shower today
15:31 leafpelt21 *sniff sniff* ...
15:31 Phrynne Nothing wrong with garlic; keeps vampires away.
15:31 Wordsmith Jarvinen We can, Orange. I'm fairly free after next Sunday and can rope in Larky and others.
15:31 Phrynne nibbles on garlic pizza
15:32 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) mmmmmm! pizza! mmmmmm garlic! mmmmmm!
15:32 Gary Calvert II (soonergary86) What classes do you teach, Orange?
15:32 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) waggles Sunshine at RainyDay.
15:32 Orange Planer OK. That gives me a little time to begin doing a detailed review of them. I wrote them shortly after Viewer 2 came out.
15:32 RainyDayRecess :D
15:32 Orange Planer New resident classes on communications, movement, voice.
15:32 leafpelt21 ah someone has a bubble pipe!
15:32 Orange Planer And a class on all causes of lag, how to identify them.
15:32 Gary Calvert II (soonergary86) Oh, neat. :)
15:33 Orange Planer And how to diagnose which might be causing the issue.
15:33 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) Yay Orange!
15:33 Orange Planer That class can be modified for use by builders, or as is in regards to general lag issues.
15:33 Wordsmith Jarvinen Phishing awareness
15:34 Orange Planer The last time I gave it to a group of builders and scripters, it caused quite an uproar.
15:34 Orange Planer And, computer safety, in general.
15:34 Phrynne always a good thing
15:34 Orange Planer In real life I'm a systems/network administrator with 20 years experience.
15:34 Gary Calvert II (soonergary86) My recommendation to anyone with lag, is two steps. One, when playing SL, close everything except for SL. Two, Clear the cache, and that should alleviate most lag problems.
15:34 Phrynne Which cache? There are a few.
15:34 Orange Planer You should attend my class, Gary.
15:34 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) is excited for new classes to come to!
15:34 leafpelt21 im fairly new here how long has Caledon been teaching others?
15:35 Wordsmith Jarvinen I also started conning .... er convincing Orange that he might be able to do an inventory class.
15:35 Gary Calvert II (soonergary86) I will, Orange. I'm constantly looking for new things to learn about inside of SL.
15:36 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) They've been teaching things FOREVER Leafpelt!
15:36 leafpelt21 wow thats some major dedication
15:36 Gary Calvert II (soonergary86) I think, I saw somewhere where it was 2006.
15:37 Phrynne I think Oxbridge is coming up on its eighth anniversary, right, Word?
15:37 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) cheers for COU!
15:37 leafpelt21 iv attended a few classes so far and i am very happy with how openly the staff and other members accepted me!
15:37 Wordsmith Jarvinen It opened early in 2009 --- end of Jan I believe.
15:38 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) I adored the clock class -- it was my very first class. And I made it through it! It was awesome leafpelt!
15:38 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) shushes and looks for another bubble.
15:38 leafpelt21 i would like to attend more but
15:38 leafpelt21 i have to work around my rl job
15:39 Gary Calvert II (soonergary86) Yup, RL hampers game life. I'm gonna have to leave this early because of an RL commitment.
15:39 Wordsmith Jarvinen I also want to get some classes into some of the more empty hour slots in the schedule.
15:39 Gary Calvert II (soonergary86) That would be great.
15:39 leafpelt21 hope you have a good day then!
15:40 Gary Calvert II (soonergary86) Ty.
15:40 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) Safe Journeys!
15:40 Wordsmith Jarvinen Andrea, any announcement(s)?
15:42 Wordsmith Jarvinen Caissa, how's tutoring going? Anthing needed?
15:44 leafpelt21 is sad that the bubbles are gone
15:44 Caissa McCarey (lorelai.mccarey)'s going well
15:44 Wordsmith Jarvinen Well, if there's nothing more for today, I suppose we can just say 42 and adjourn.
15:44 RainyDayRecess ;)
15:44 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) 42!
15:44 Phrynne 42!
15:44 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) jinx!
15:45 Kara2016 42!
15:45 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) wamps a gummi worm in Dean Phrynne's direction.
15:45 Whimsy Tool whispers V1.01.01.(...) Ready (after some delay for charging by solar cells)
15:45 Whimsy Tool Whimsy HUD Targeting Off
15:45 THE purple WHATEVER k fortune telling device:: On the internet, nobody knows you're not a dog.
15:45 Kara2016 ?
15:45 Phrynne shoulder pet with opinions
15:45 Wordsmith Jarvinen There leafpelt
15:46 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) goes wild and does double flips at the bubbles.
15:46 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) Whoot!
15:46 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) Whoot!
15:46 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) Gotta love COU!
15:46 RainyDayRecess :D
15:46 leafpelt21 grins at the sight of al the bubbles!
15:46 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Tuesday night will be a spanish/morroccan themed dance in the old salsa fundraiser courtyard. A notice will come out later tonight.
15:46 Wordsmith Jarvinen How about a few roses?
15:47 leafpelt21 wow!
15:47 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) sneezes
15:47 RainyDayRecess Hahaha
15:47 RainyDayRecess Bless you
15:47 Wordsmith Jarvinen And, since it's Feb, some hearts
15:47 leafpelt21 wishes to join in with the bubbles!
15:47 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) waggles a ray at Rainy. "Thank you!"
15:47 Kara2016 That should be fantastic on valintines day.
15:47 RainyDayRecess :)
15:48 Badass Fae (larkylouz) Thank you, everyone.
15:48 leafpelt21 thats really cool!
15:48 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) 42!
15:48 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) Yay!
15:49 RainyDayRecess Thank you Deans :D
15:49 Wordsmith Jarvinen Journey well, folks
15:49 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) Brilliant!
15:49 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) See y'all the next time I have a Sunday free!
15:49 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) Y'all rock!
15:49 leafpelt21 celebrates with a bubble!
15:49 Fidget (fidgetswidgets) waggles Sunshine and poofs