Caledon Oxbridge Q&A for 2016-08-21

15:03 Wordsmith Jarvinen Well, appear time to start. Welcome everyone.
15:04 Carl Metropolitan Welcome everyone!
15:05 Carl Metropolitan Wordsmith should probably run things today as I have a headful of snot and a headache to boot.
15:05 Aggers (agatha.macbeth) Euch
15:05 Carl Metropolitan Yes
15:05 Wordsmith Jarvinen Another weekly chance to here what been going on behind the scenes at Oxbridge and to ask questions on Oxbridge, SL, and beyond.
15:05 Phrynne passes Carl an embroidered handkerchief
15:05 Wordsmith Jarvinen Phrynne, anything of the domain of Commons?
15:06 Rowan Entilles (rowan900) .
15:06 Carl Metropolitan looks at it and hands it back opting for something disposable without hours of work in it.
15:07 Wordsmith Jarvinen Welcome, Elfbiter.
15:07 Phrynne I have been continuing to work on the Advent Calendar -- at this point, working on finishing what I'm building for it. And I'm continuing to work with Jorge Serapis on the translation project. My part of that is to prepare the textures by removing the English text, and then to proofread them after Jorge has done the translation.
15:08 Carl Metropolitan He's doing a great job, too.
15:08 Phrynne It can be a little ticklish at times, since the background on all of the signs is a mottled parchment, not a solid color, so I work to make sure it all matches.
15:08 Phrynne And yes, he's doing a superb job.
15:08 Wordsmith Jarvinen He is.
15:08 RainyDayRecess Yay
15:09 Carl Metropolitan You do have the original parchment TGA, right?
15:09 Carl Metropolitan It should be on the Google drive shared with all the deans in my folder.
15:09 Phrynne The original parchment doesn't have the shading around the edges that is on all of the signs.
15:09 Carl Metropolitan Ah
15:09 Carl Metropolitan Let me look.
15:09 Wordsmith Jarvinen By the way, I was playing this week with resynthesize in GIMP. Given a sample of a texture, it can synthesize a larger one.
15:10 Jorge Serapis There are also additional graphics on the base template that need to be negotiated around.
15:10 Phrynne I created a new one by copying parts of about 20 of the signs and making sure it all matched.
15:10 Carl Metropolitan I am considering a new sign for the commons area "Attention Escorts! Newbies Are Broke. You Are Wasting Your Time Here."
15:10 Aggers (agatha.macbeth) 0.0
15:10 Phrynne Yes -- there are two sizes of medallion in the new textures that Lindal is making.
15:10 Phrynne So I have backgrounds in each size.
15:10 Wordsmith Jarvinen Yay.... Welcome Lindal.
15:11 Lindal Kidd did I miss much?
15:11 Phrynne hands Carl a farmer's-sized clean handkerchief.
15:11 Carl Metropolitan Just some discussion on the ongoing sign projects
15:12 Wordsmith Jarvinen A little bit on background textures for the translations.
15:12 Carl Metropolitan And on the condition of my sinuses
15:12 Wordsmith Jarvinen Any seasonal changes to Oxbridge, Phrynne?
15:12 Phrynne Not yet...
15:12 Phrynne but I am looking at them.
15:12 Lindal Kidd slips Carl some Benadryl
15:13 Phrynne I haven't had time to go check out the various places with greenery but I will again, to see if there is anything suitable.
15:13 Wordsmith Jarvinen Carl, anything new on your side?
15:13 Phrynne Fortunately, most of the trees have huds and can change color fairly easily.
15:13 Carl Metropolitan Not really.
15:14 Wordsmith Jarvinen Lindal?
15:14 Lindal Kidd I have just about finished updating the posters for the College of Communications
15:15 Carl Metropolitan Great!
15:15 Lindal Kidd I need to make a couple of new ones, dealing with media
15:15 Lindal Kidd we had a persistent little griefer today, but Tasha and Phrynne dealt with him
15:16 Lindal Kidd I've also been adding updates to my classes, concerning the new Avatar Complexity features
15:16 Wordsmith Jarvinen I saw the ban card on that.
15:16 Lindal Kidd that has a bearing on shopping choices
15:16 Lindal Kidd but also on graphics crasher defense
15:16 Carl Metropolitan Any vampires recently? Or have they mostly been scared off.
15:17 Lindal Kidd once bitten, twice shy!
15:17 Phrynne No new ones. A few still visit, but not persistently
15:17 Lindal Kidd oh, there seems to have been an upswing in a type of griefing
15:17 Aggers (agatha.macbeth) Keep a stake handy
15:17 Lindal Kidd fiends who gift victims with stolen $L to get them banned by LL
15:18 Wordsmith Jarvinen Nothing active. One comment that I heard, but nothing beyond the pale.
15:18 Phrynne oh, that's horrid, Lindal
15:18 Lindal Kidd it is!
15:18 Lindal Kidd if you get a large gift from someone you don't know, like $L10,000
15:18 RainyDayRecess :(
15:18 Lindal Kidd don't spend it!
15:18 Lindal Kidd file a support case and ask LL to check it out
15:18 Aggers (agatha.macbeth) How can they tell it's stolen?
15:19 Phrynne Is there a way to return the money?
15:19 Lindal Kidd if it's Bad, LL will take it
15:19 Lindal Kidd it'll be paid to "Governor Linden"
15:19 Wordsmith Jarvinen They would have the transaction records between accounts.
15:19 Carl Metropolitan I'm sorry to see that scam is back. I thought LL had fixed the core issue.
15:19 Lindal Kidd Aggers, I've heard that LL can track every single $L.
15:19 Aggers (agatha.macbeth) Wow
15:20 Lindal Kidd I'm not sure how, though
15:20 Aggers (agatha.macbeth) Strange they're not so hot on IP theft...
15:20 Jorge Serapis Prooly the same way bitcoins can be verified.
15:21 Rowan Entilles (rowan900) all possible transactions are probably within the System
15:21 Rowan Entilles (rowan900) logged in, and able to be accounted
15:21 Rowan Entilles (rowan900) upon examination
15:21 Lindal Kidd Anyway, that's it from me, Carl :)
15:22 Rowan Entilles (rowan900) .
15:22 Wordsmith Jarvinen Jorge, any update on the translations?
15:23 Jorge Serapis I'm up to 2.12 on the Spanish translations. I've given my Portugese (Brazilian born) friend (a fellow former PhD candidate) the first batch of translations to do for us.
15:23 Jorge Serapis Stereo has also received a batch of NCs from me to pursue the French translations.
15:24 Jorge Serapis Due to Lindal's creative blend of graphics and vectors, some of the new tutorial textures have needed... shall we say lateral thinking. ;-)
15:24 Lindal Kidd eep!
15:24 Wordsmith Jarvinen Ahhh.
15:24 Lindal Kidd what can I do to ease matters, Jorge?
15:24 Jorge Serapis I've susbtituted graphics with the Spanish wording instead of the English ones, for example.
15:25 Jorge Serapis Oh, it's quite alright, Lindal. I've been able to work with them.
15:25 Lindal Kidd OK
15:25 Jorge Serapis What I've been doing (and it may seem overkill) is give each block of text their own layers to futureproof editing them.
15:25 Lindal Kidd nods
15:25 Wordsmith Jarvinen Phrynne, btw, I did get a reply out to your font query.
15:26 Phrynne I haven't looked at email. Thanks!
15:26 Jorge Serapis The easier ones take me about 45 min to do... the more creative ones, about 90 min... so currently I've cloocked about 34 hours so far on them.
15:26 Lindal Kidd nods...that sounds about right, I am working at about the same speed...and I only have to worry about English!
15:26 Wordsmith Jarvinen Wow! That's an effort that I'm sure will be appreciated by many.
15:27 Jorge Serapis Phrynne suggested a new font to distinguish the French tutorials... one thing that cme out in an afterthought is the delicious uniqueness of some French letters nd punctuation
15:27 RainyDayRecess Thank you for your hard work Jorge :)
15:27 Jorge Serapis ... so that'd be something to consider.
15:27 Jorge Serapis Very welcome.
15:27 Phrynne Something with a little lighter weight, so the accent marks won't get lost.
15:27 Jorge Serapis Hopefully the way i've saved the layers.. the other languages should go by fairly quickly.
15:27 Wordsmith Jarvinen It looked like you were using something similar to Garamond or Caslon.
15:28 Jorge Serapis I've been sticking with lightfoot for the headers and Junicode Bold for the body.
15:28 Wordsmith Jarvinen Both "Old Style" fonts.
15:29 Jorge Serapis Both Word and Carl have copies sent as I finish them.. and as Phrynne said, she's been proof reading.. aka pointing out mistakes that have slipped by.
15:29 Phrynne It's certainly improving my Spanish!
15:29 Wordsmith Jarvinen There's a couple of Google fonts (free) that are based on Garamond and have a semi-bold weight.
15:29 Jorge Serapis So, end of story, hopefully in the next few weeks, two more languages will be in the pipeline.
15:30 Lindal Kidd whoo!
15:30 Jorge Serapis I don't know who will be handling the practical implementation in Oxbridge itself..
15:30 Carl Metropolitan There is a scripted multi-language kiosk over by the entrance.
15:31 Wordsmith Jarvinen Cormorant Garamond and Crimson Text.
15:31 Gronk Seriman giggles. He said "practical"!
15:31 Phrynne tosses Gronk a cookie
15:31 Lindal Kidd I designed a poster to put at the arrival area, in the Introduction sequence
15:32 Jorge Serapis I've asked Phrynne to pow wow with Word and Carl to decide on the two French fonts... one for the headers and footers, and a practical one for the text.
15:32 Phrynne And we have been emailing -- but I can either read email or be here...
15:32 Jorge Serapis Once they're chosen, do let me know and I'll install them.
15:32 Wordsmith Jarvinen Will do.
15:33 Jorge Serapis ....aand that's it from me.
15:33 Carl Metropolitan Junicode should have all the special characters needed for the French fonts. It was designed to support multiple languages. The Lightfoot will most likely have to be changed though.
15:33 Wordsmith Jarvinen The problem was the weight. Have to see if it has a semi-bold.
15:34 Wordsmith Jarvinen I can take a look at that too.
15:34 Carl Metropolitan Junicode weight?
15:34 Phrynne Does it have to be semi-bold?
15:35 Wordsmith Jarvinen regular, bold, and with some fonts semi-bold.
15:35 Phrynne Wouldn't a regular weight do?
15:35 Carl Metropolitan
15:35 Jorge Serapis Bold has the visual punch to it, but I'd be more than happy to do test textures.
15:36 Phrynne The posters are large -- any text will already have visual weight just from size
15:36 Wordsmith Jarvinen It loses some contrast against the mottled background, but for small letters, the bold can get obscured.
15:36 Jorge Serapis i've no problem adjusting the kerneling or the leading.
15:36 Lindal Kidd I discovered that Ravelli used fill only for his text, not stroke and fill
15:37 Lindal Kidd the latter makes bold too fat
15:37 Carl Metropolitan You can always drop a small white box behind very small text, too.
15:37 Wordsmith Jarvinen Nods. Anyway, there are options.
15:37 Jorge Serapis Thank you for that, Lindal. i'll keep that in mind.
15:38 Wordsmith Jarvinen I've often done that, even with a semi-transparent box to increase the text contrast.
15:39 Jorge Serapis As long as they have their own layers, those are workable.
15:39 Carl Metropolitan Semi-transparent is even better.
15:40 Wordsmith Jarvinen My own data effort for the week (more catch-up) was to scrape the data from the weekly emails on the ad panels and board touches (which give notecards) and get that into a spreadsheet sent to Brace and Carl.
15:41 Wordsmith Jarvinen Get Brace into collecting $L's from sponsors rather than just statistics.
15:41 Wordsmith Jarvinen But we have data in the same format (weekly totals) from the beginning of last November until now.
15:42 Gronk Seriman Wow!
15:42 Wordsmith Jarvinen Those are the boards in both lecture halls and the panels in front of the lecture hall downstairs.
15:43 Wordsmith Jarvinen We also have unprocessed data (as of yet) on the freebies that Phrynne has put out. (I get daily emails).
15:45 Wordsmith Jarvinen With that, open for questions.
15:45 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) announcements on upcoming events
15:45 Wordsmith Jarvinen Go ahead, Andrea.
15:46 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) There will be a dance event in Southend this coming Tues at 6PM. It will be at the blues juke joint. There ia a notice in the ISC group, Caledonian nights group and the sign/notecard giver on the roof of the Pub in the Oxbridge Village. and there is the wedding of Mr Paul Gaavin and Holly Deni coming up on the 5th of September at 2 PM Sl time. Everyone is invited and there is a notice in both the ISC and CN nights groups. I can provide NC on both events. Please IM me. Also Duchess Trilby is having a birthday bash for Mary Shelly the 30th at both 12 and 6 PM at the Moors. Also should be a notice in both the ISC and CN groups or I can send a NC or a poster that the Duchess made.
15:46 Carl Metropolitan Thank you Andrea
15:46 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Your welcome
15:46 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Oh and CN nights will be at Trilbys event that tues night
15:47 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) we won
15:47 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) t have a dance
15:47 Lindal Kidd makes a note to harangue her dressmaker for new frocks to wear at all the social events!
15:47 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Go see nyree rains store
15:48 Wordsmith Jarvinen Such an unsocial community. (hardly)
15:48 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) .lol
15:48 Gronk Seriman grins
15:48 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) I nmight do somnething this wensday night not sure yet
15:48 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) I need to check the calender
15:49 Carl Metropolitan My head is really killing me this afternoon. I'm going to pop off a bit learly and liey down
15:49 Wordsmith Jarvinen kk Keep us all posted.
15:49 Lindal Kidd oooh. So sorry, Carl
15:49 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) ok night carl i know how you feel
15:49 Aggers (agatha.macbeth) Get well soon
15:49 Gronk Seriman Rest well, Carl!
15:49 Carl Metropolitan Bye
15:49 Phrynne take care, Carl
15:49 Wordsmith Jarvinen kk Thanks for making it.
15:50 Wordsmith Jarvinen Other questions?
15:51 Gronk Seriman Any CATs updates?
15:52 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Let me slip this in. Is the Patron ranks back up to full strength?
15:53 Wordsmith Jarvinen Carl's the one who would know on patrons, but I suspect if he's feeling bad not a lot has happened.
15:55 Gronk Seriman I would think that would be Brace's domain by now.
15:55 Wordsmith Jarvinen I got through all the watchtower / watchedover / engine scripting on the CATS. With the instructor stipends and sponsor data handled (and I'm functional again), the eta and mapping is what remains.
15:56 Jorge Serapis Hay fever still, Word?
15:56 Wordsmith Jarvinen That's between Carl and Brace on handing that off, Gronk.
15:56 Gronk Seriman Is there any way we can help with that?
15:56 Gronk Seriman Ah. I see.
15:56 Lindal Kidd donate huge sums?
15:56 RainyDayRecess :D
15:57 Lindal Kidd oh, you meant CATs!
15:57 Wordsmith Jarvinen No, a bit of irritation from the CA fires, but I'm happily functioning again.
15:57 RainyDayRecess Riiiight, hope you're okay
15:57 Gronk Seriman Just think...the pollen is all burned up now!
15:57 RainyDayRecess :)
15:57 Wordsmith Jarvinen No problems in this area -- not a wildland / urban interface, but the air blows in from the fires.
15:58 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) remembers effects of huge amount of smoke coming from Russian forest fires...
15:59 Wordsmith Jarvinen It's one reason I decline to use Firestorm -- it just has different connotations to me. (still remembers driving past the Oakland hills glowing in the dark).
15:59 RainyDayRecess :(
15:59 Gronk Seriman ong
16:00 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Oh! and I took some pics of one of Denver Haxs roadsters in the village this morning.
16:00 Wordsmith Jarvinen Neat!
16:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen Other questions?
16:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen Then, time to adjourn.
16:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen Thank you all.
16:02 Gronk Seriman Thank you Deans and Chancellors!
16:02 RainyDayRecess Thank you Deans!!
16:02 Wordsmith Jarvinen Both for coming and for the many and diverse contributions to Oxbridge.
16:02 Aggers (agatha.macbeth) TY too
16:02 Oxbridge Donation Coin R1 (Alternate Lecture Hall) Gronk Seriman gave a generous donation to help support classes and tutorials at Caledon Oxbridge Gateway.
16:03 Oxbridge Donation Coin R1 (Alternate Lecture Hall) Lindal Kidd gave a generous donation to help support classes and tutorials at Caledon Oxbridge Gateway.
16:03 Gronk Seriman Sprry. I can't afford to make it burn! Somebody did!
16:03 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Ojay, bedtime for me.
16:03 Phrynne and late dinner for me
16:03 RainyDayRecess NIght Elfbiter :)
16:04 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Be seeing you
16:04 Aggers (agatha.macbeth) Stay blue girls
16:04 Gronk Seriman g'night, EB!
16:04 Rowan Entilles (rowan900) take care Elf