Caledon Oxbridge Q&A for 2016-04-10

15:02 Wordsmith Jarvinen Welcome to the Oxbridge Deans' Q&A, where we can report to our community and take on questions.
15:02 Brace Coral I was only moving ya to get my HUGS in ;)
15:03 Badass Fae (larkylouz) wonders how high Carl's fever is.
15:03 Badass Fae (larkylouz) ;^)
15:03 Wordsmith Jarvinen Phrynne can't make it today, but says she's been working on notecards (having to do with ejects and bans -- both adding and removing) and on landscaping as the season advances.
15:04 Badass Fae (larkylouz) She's done such a grand job with the landscaping. It's really fun to search out each new detail every day.
15:04 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) If Carls fever is high enough. Now is a good time to ask for a raise
15:04 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) :-O
15:04 Brace Coral oooo!
15:04 Carl Metropolitan No fever. Just screwed up sinuses.
15:04 Brace Coral dag nabbit
15:04 Brace Coral lol
15:04 Badass Fae (larkylouz) OOOOh, Can I be more of a volunteer?
15:04 Julius Ceaser (cesar.ozsvar) no rises
15:04 Wordsmith Jarvinen Brace, let's have you mention your adventures for the week.
15:04 Brace Coral ok cool!
15:05 Brace Coral Well this past week was the premiere of the Monthly COU FUNdraiser Salsa Party Event!
15:05 Wordsmith Jarvinen (Larky, you can always volunteer for more. :P )
15:05 Brace Coral I know that's a mouthful, but suffice it to say, I think it was an awesome success :)
15:05 Badass Fae (larkylouz) Somehow, I knew that was coming...
15:06 Badass Fae (larkylouz) Wooot, Woooot
15:06 Brace Coral FUN was had by all and LOTS of FUNDS were raised.. to the tune of...
15:06 Wordsmith Jarvinen Well, it raised 6412 $L.
15:06 Brace Coral approximately... for the one hour...
15:06 Brace Coral yeah THAT!
15:06 Brace Coral except you missed one donation, lemme check
15:07 Badass Fae (larkylouz) Awesome!
15:07 Brace Coral nope! thats it just over 6K!
15:07 Carl Metropolitan And we also raised a lot at Stereo's garden party, too, last week.
15:07 Brace Coral I swear I didn't roll innit onna mattress before tallying it all up
15:08 Brace Coral YUP I helped with that teeensy bit too ;)
15:08 Brace Coral that's it mostly, unless I'm forgetting stuff
15:08 Wordsmith Jarvinen Well, you could have, as long as you weren't wearing body adhesive when you did.
15:08 Brace Coral LMAO
15:08 Julius Ceaser (cesar.ozsvar) jjajaj
15:09 Brace Coral So keep eyes peeled on the first Wednesday of every month :)
15:09 Wordsmith Jarvinen (which might help with holding credit cards in place)
15:09 Carl Metropolitan Thanks to Andrea for providing the venue for both events.
15:09 Brace Coral you can even start saving up now! it's lots of fun & you can even attend the event broke as a churchmouse
15:09 Brace Coral I'm sooo in love with that location, Andrea!
15:09 Brace Coral .•*♥¨`• Applause•¨`♥*•.
15:10 Batista Corleone (batistacorleone) Is that fund raisng for the Relay For Life activity?
15:10 Brace Coral lotsa compliments and kudos from the Coral Crazies who attended
15:10 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) The fundraisers were for the COU.
15:11 LCS_f_V2 Removing weapons
15:11 Brace Coral scoots closer to Carlos...justbecauseshecan
15:11 Wordsmith Jarvinen No, to keep Oxbridge in place -- 74k $L per 13 weeks.
15:11 Batista Corleone (batistacorleone) ok - thanks
15:11 Brace Coral Yup I strictly raise money for COU - to help keep it up and runnin
15:11 Wordsmith Jarvinen And a small stipend to the instructors. (250 $L / class)
15:12 Carl Metropolitan Oxbridge is not supported directly by the Caledon estate. We pay tier for this homestead like any of the other duchies.
15:12 Batista Corleone (batistacorleone) fai enough
15:12 Brace Coral nods
15:13 Wordsmith Jarvinen Speaking of which, I paid the tier on 6 April for the next quarter (13 weeks).
15:13 Carl Metropolitan Technically the Chancellor could call himself a Duke of Caledon :)
15:13 Brace Coral sweet!
15:13 Batista Corleone (batistacorleone) LOL
15:13 Brace Coral Yer Grace
15:13 Carl Metropolitan But there are lots of Dukes and Duchesses, and only one Chancellor.
15:13 Brace Coral hehehe
15:13 Brace Coral true that
15:14 Brace Coral excellent Word! that's all from my neck of the woods
15:14 Carl Metropolitan But seriously, that's why the money is always needed.
15:14 Carl Metropolitan Tier never sleeps.
15:14 Brace Coral unless yall got more memory jogs, questions, comments :)
15:14 Brace Coral yeh
15:14 Carl Metropolitan And Desmond has two children in college and can't afford a free ride for Oxbridge.
15:15 Brace Coral mmHMM!
15:15 Brace Coral so DONATE often and HARD
15:15 Wordsmith Jarvinen And I concur on the setting -- terracotta setting with contrasting blue doors. An anteroom with cushions and tea, a patterned floor.
15:15 Brace Coral contact me if you wanna set up something special re: donations to Oxbridge/Fundraising :)
15:15 Oxbridge Donation Coin R1 (Alternate Lecture Hall) Heart Scorn (heartscorn1110) gave a generous donation to help support classes and tutorials at Caledon Oxbridge Gateway.
15:16 Brace Coral sooo gorgeous
15:16 Wordsmith Jarvinen And Brace adds free sparklers and stuff.
15:16 Brace Coral and the Dance Floor mascot
15:16 Brace Coral lol
15:17 Brace Coral she was cheering us all on :D
15:17 Heart Scorn (heartscorn1110) she called me fat when i went there :(
15:17 Carl Metropolitan I think we are looking for one or two new patrons, aren't we Brace?
15:17 Batista Corleone (batistacorleone) THis place gained some humor since Brace is here - ;o)
15:17 Brace Coral lool Hearts :)
15:17 Brace Coral oh my YES Carl
15:17 engacia !
15:18 Wordsmith Jarvinen It has: The unrepressable Brace Coral.
15:18 Carl Metropolitan We should probably announce that in ISC.
15:18 Brace Coral make a poster
15:18 Brace Coral get a tattoo
15:18 Brace Coral adds it to her List Of Cool Ish To Do
15:18 Batista Corleone (batistacorleone) a radio program, or even a TV show ...
15:18 Batista Corleone (batistacorleone) ;o)
15:18 Jen O'Connell (jenniferoconnell) Get a poster on your back.
15:19 Batista Corleone (batistacorleone) hahaha
15:19 Heart Scorn (heartscorn1110) wear a poster cape?
15:19 Brace Coral yeah!!!
15:19 Brace Coral I could so do that
15:19 Batista Corleone (batistacorleone) Make a class, for students to make it there
15:19 Batista Corleone (batistacorleone) POSTER CAPE CLASS
15:19 Brace Coral that would be a fun class actually
15:20 Carl Metropolitan I wish we could have a class in using the new mesh bodies. Those seem very popular now.
15:20 Brace Coral something I could manage to build!
15:20 Wordsmith Jarvinen We can schedule in special classes, Brace, if you'd like to teach a variety.
15:20 Brace Coral was thinking of my Living Statues class...
15:21 Brace Coral I'll redo it/update for the new attaches we got going on now
15:21 Wordsmith Jarvinen I have had a request for an applier class.
15:21 Brace Coral Carl I MIGHT have someone who could that
15:22 Brace Coral is that like how to use Matrieya etc bodies/clothes type thing?
15:22 Carl Metropolitan Oh good.
15:22 Carl Metropolitan Yes.
15:22 Brace Coral that might include appliers too
15:22 Carl Metropolitan Appliers go on them
15:22 Wordsmith Jarvinen Indeed, as well as not losing your head.
15:22 Jen O'Connell (jenniferoconnell) Or your mind.
15:22 Brace Coral thats about the extent of MY knowledge lol
15:22 Jen O'Connell (jenniferoconnell) Losing your wardrobe is bad enough.
15:24 Wordsmith Jarvinen Questions on things?
15:24 engacia yes!
15:24 Brace Coral Everyone's being so polite, not commenting on my tag
15:24 Brace Coral LMAO
15:24 Wordsmith Jarvinen Well, it's so YOU.
15:24 Brace Coral grins :D
15:24 Wordsmith Jarvinen Diva of Development.
15:25 Brace Coral yeah!
15:25 Heart Scorn (heartscorn1110) diva of sparkles
15:25 Carl Metropolitan I know a bit about the women's stuff from friend who shop. Enough to know the main brands: Maitreya, Slink, Bellaza, and TMP
15:25 Brace Coral go for it engacia :)
15:25 Carl Metropolitan From what people have told me Maitreya is the most popular.
15:25 engacia ty...i have two ?s ...the easiest one i look grey?
15:26 Brace Coral zooms in
15:26 Brace Coral OMGAW!
15:26 Badass Fae (larkylouz) is rude enough to LOVE Brace's tag.
15:26 Brace Coral ❇.¸¸.✯ Ғаiɳʈѕ Ɗгаɱаʈiᴄаllƴ ✯´¯`❇
15:26 Brace Coral ( º O º )
15:26 engacia !!
15:26 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Not in this end
15:26 Brace Coral you look AMAZING!
15:26 engacia !!!
15:26 Wordsmith Jarvinen Beige, purple, not grey.
15:26 Brace Coral lotsa colors
15:26 Wordsmith Jarvinen Orange, pink (flowers).
15:26 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) hiya samm
15:26 Brace Coral WINKS at Larkyyy ;)
15:26 Badass Fae (larkylouz) If you look grey to yourself, it may be a lag/connection issue on your end.
15:26 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Skin texture has yet to load in your end?
15:26 Samm Florian waves.
15:27 Brace Coral Hola Samm!
15:27 engacia ty 2nd ? re my profile > web tab > shows i have 4 messages in my inbox but i dont know how to access them
15:27 Brace Coral ooo! I can answer that one!
15:27 Brace Coral <---expert on my dot second life dot com
15:28 Brace Coral rubs her hands together "ok..."
15:28 Brace Coral go to
15:28 Brace Coral log in using your SL login - its same system as SL website
15:29 Brace Coral you'll then see your LEGACY name there on upper left corner of page
15:29 Brace Coral Theres links to click below it! including...
15:29 Brace Coral Inbox!
15:29 Brace Coral click on that one :)
15:30 Brace Coral then click on Messages tab - it defaults to Notifications tab
15:30 Brace Coral read em!
15:30 Brace Coral Thank You!
15:30 Mel (clonmel) or you can just read them in your viewer profile
15:30 Badass Fae (larkylouz) Also, you can open the web version of your profile, and click on the envelope icon.
15:30 Brace Coral that works too, but I find sometimes it doesn't let me
15:30 Brace Coral sniffles
15:31 engacia O! it was the 'notification' tab that i didnt know to click on! THANK YOU!!
15:31 Brace Coral I might have to do a class on <---it's amazing! you got pics feed and everything
15:31 Brace Coral you can follow ppl too like on social media
15:32 Brace Coral your feed is that link /yourlegacynamehere
15:32 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) I had to add the profile button to firestorm to see it.
15:32 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Doesn't com ewith it
15:32 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) unless you add it
15:32 Brace Coral if you have a last name the format is like so:
15:32 Brace Coral Welcome, lovejoy :)
15:32 Badass Fae (larkylouz) Andrea, Avatar > Profile works, too
15:32 Brace Coral Looking good!
15:32 lovejoy2199 Ty Brace
15:33 Brace Coral You can see from that link what shenanigans I been up to ;)
15:33 Brace Coral feel free to follow me, give my pics some LOVE
15:34 Brace Coral GREAT Q engacia :)
15:34 Wordsmith Jarvinen Andrea, with Samm here, you had a suggestion, I believe?
15:34 Samm Florian Uh oh.
15:34 Samm Florian grins.
15:34 engacia :)!
15:34 Carl Metropolitan Oh wow. LL hid a social network in SL. I didn't realize :)
15:34 Jen O'Connell (jenniferoconnell) It won't hurt, Samm.
15:34 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) I think we need to test that word.
15:34 Jen O'Connell (jenniferoconnell) Probably.
15:35 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) before mentioning it
15:35 Brace Coral yup, they didn't tell ANYone. the one nice thing they set up
15:35 Wordsmith Jarvinen And don't seem to send notifications when something is posted to it.
15:35 Jen O'Connell (jenniferoconnell) When they figure out how to put it behind a pay wall, just wait.
15:35 Brace Coral mmHMM
15:35 Brace Coral for now I use to save paying the 10L/per picture
15:36 Samm Florian Wait, did I miss th'suggestion?
15:36 Brace Coral and you can DL any and all pics to your HD from there too
15:36 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) No, I holler at you later
15:36 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) about it
15:36 Samm Florian Oh ok
15:37 Wordsmith Jarvinen It had to do with putting one of your viewers down below, that could look up here. There's questions, however, regarding age limits and moderate to general viewing.
15:37 engacia 'dl'?
15:37 Brace Coral Download, sorry
15:37 engacia o! ty
15:37 Brace Coral ;)
15:38 Brace Coral used to twitter abbreviations these days
15:38 Samm Florian Oh ok.
15:38 Carl Metropolitan "DL" can also stand for "the down low", but that would not make any sense in context.
15:39 Brace Coral I was DLing my pics on the DL?
15:39 Brace Coral LMAO
15:39 engacia la bas :)
15:39 Samm Florian If anybuddy's hankerin' to teach a class, btw, I've gotta list of some ideas here: More ideas welcome; I'm tryin' t'get back on th'ball in keepin' it updated.
15:39 Brace Coral oooo!
15:40 Wordsmith Jarvinen Ravelli reset the bench scripts in the main lecture hall, BTW. They now seem to unseat people again, before turning the floor over.
15:40 Carl Metropolitan Can I add an idea? "Using Mesh Bodies"
15:40 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) still has not found anyone who could teach a vehicle class..
15:40 Samm Florian Teachin' don't hafta mean "evry week til th'end of time" neither. One-time lectures, once a month, anythin' like that would be cool.
15:41 Samm Florian Using Mesh Bodies t'do what?
15:41 Brace Coral I had a car dealership, Elf however...
15:41 Carl Metropolitan How to use mesh bodies basically
15:41 Carl Metropolitan They are popular now, and they are complicated.
15:41 Brace Coral prolly dont want me teachin HOW I made those cars
15:41 Brace Coral LMAO
15:41 Carl Metropolitan and they are nothing like the crap LL used to give out with the starter avatars.
15:42 engacia i would take that applier class ...i have a bunch of free ... ummm ... appliers, i think they are in my closet and i dont know how, and am scared to, use them.
15:42 Samm Florian Somebuddy suggested a "mesh applier" class. Mebbe that's part of it? I know nuthin' 'bout mesh bodies
15:42 Wordsmith Jarvinen More like customizing and maintaining mesh bodies, Samm.
15:42 Brace Coral Welcome, Ruby :)
15:42 Ruby (ruby804a) Hi, am I intruding?
15:42 Carl Metropolitan First thing, Engacia, to use appliers you have to have a Mesh Body to apply them to.
15:42 Brace Coral grab a seat!
15:42 Wordsmith Jarvinen Adding racing stripes, gang tattoos,
15:42 Badass Fae (larkylouz) We definitely could use a class like that. I've been getting more questions.
15:42 Carl Metropolitan Which is why that could be part of my suggested class
15:43 Ruby (ruby804a) I've been using mesh bodies for like, three years, if you need any help with them.
15:43 Jen O'Connell (jenniferoconnell) SHow-off.
15:43 engacia i might even have one of those (mesh bodies) for all i know, carl
15:43 Ruby (ruby804a) :I
15:43 Brace Coral you could do a basics class?
15:43 Samm Florian Ruby, if you'd like t'have a mesh body "open house", that could count too.
15:43 Brace Coral nods
15:43 Badass Fae (larkylouz) Also, I suspect, if you wish to write a class, but not teach it, that would be a good step towards adding classes.
15:43 Jen O'Connell (jenniferoconnell) I meant that for Ruby.
15:43 Carl Metropolitan No you are welcome here, Ruby. However, if you go to the G-rated Oxbridge proper (rather than this M-rated classroom over Oxbridge Village), we would request you change into something less sexual.
15:44 Jen O'Connell (jenniferoconnell) covers her face and shuts up
15:44 Julius Ceaser (cesar.ozsvar) oh no
15:44 Ruby (ruby804a) To be honest though, I don't even know what this place is. Where exactly am I? Is this some kind of-Oh
15:44 Julius Ceaser (cesar.ozsvar) jajja
15:44 Ruby (ruby804a) Okay, then, I'll be on my way.
15:44 Ruby (ruby804a) Goodbye~
15:44 Brace Coral Q&A event :)
15:44 engacia glances at ruby....
15:44 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) A announcement. Please see the NC on our new resident Mr Blake Palmer and his cinema in the isc chat. Also their will be a 80's dance at the Dock house this tues night starting art 6 pm.
15:45 Carl Metropolitan I did not mean to offend her. I just didn't want her to get upset if she want to Oxbridge wearing that and people told her to leave.
15:45 Brace Coral yer ok Carl
15:45 Brace Coral what is isc chat, and do I have it?
15:45 Wordsmith Jarvinen Independent State of Caledon.
15:45 Brace Coral oh!
15:45 Brace Coral I don't have it
15:45 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) sorry chat group[
15:46 Wordsmith Jarvinen Well, that's easy to fix.
15:46 Brace Coral np :)
15:46 Brace Coral I'm still getting myself sorted
15:46 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) BRace for ludicrous humor at times in ISC chat...
15:46 Brace Coral Thank You!
15:46 engacia do i have isc?
15:46 Samm Florian I reckon she's good at Bracin'…
15:46 Brace Coral Bracing comes naturally :)
15:46 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) :-)
15:46 Brace Coral also Carling, but that's for another day
15:46 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) i snet you a invite engacia
15:47 Brace Coral weeee!!!!!
15:47 engacia ty!
15:47 Brace Coral trash compactor!
15:47 engacia eep! wots happenin?!
15:47 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) someone triggered the floor
15:47 Carl Metropolitan I am putting it back
15:47 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) it rotates
15:47 Brace Coral very fancy
15:47 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) /ma had a reason to sit back and up :)
15:47 Wordsmith Jarvinen Floor turn over
15:47 Brace Coral awww yer wings Samm :D
15:47 Carl Metropolitan Ravelli cleverly designed the lecture halls so that you can change the floor.
15:48 Samm Florian Didn't know that worked up here.
15:48 engacia jewsus, murphy.
15:48 Jen O'Connell (jenniferoconnell) Remind me to thank him.
15:48 Samm Florian turns. Oh yeah there's th'control panel.
15:48 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) I suspected _someone would trigger it now...
15:48 Wordsmith Jarvinen It does since the recent update.
15:48 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) yeah but it didn't work p[roperly here
15:48 Samm Florian New t'me. :)
15:48 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) should have unseated us and flipped the benches
15:48 Brace Coral Word, Poppy Courtois-Oh might be interested in teaching a class, should she contact you on details?
15:48 Wordsmith Jarvinen Ravelli said he needed to do an update up here.
15:49 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) ah
15:49 Brace Coral I would have caught (most of) yall!
15:49 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Yeah, he kind of warned me..
15:49 Carl Metropolitan Brace, ISC is "Independent State of Caledon" group. You are already in that.
15:49 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) *warned
15:49 Wordsmith Jarvinen Yes, Brace.
15:49 Brace Coral yeah I just got invited :)
15:49 Heart Scorn (heartscorn1110) it spooked me something feirce
15:49 Brace Coral ok will do
15:49 Carl Metropolitan If you need permissions letting you send a notice, let me know. I think you have that.
15:49 Wordsmith Jarvinen Particular class?
15:49 Brace Coral checks
15:50 Brace Coral due to my memory issues, Word I froggot ( as Toady says ) and she just told me yesterday
15:50 Wordsmith Jarvinen Just have her contact me, we'll go from there.
15:50 Brace Coral ty :)
15:50 Wordsmith Jarvinen Anyone else need an ISC invite?
15:51 Badass Fae (larkylouz) I talked to Ruby in IM. Not sure I talked her into feeling better, but I tried.
15:51 engacia glances at the time and sighs, 'twenty more minutes until i continue my chat with my blackberry and salmonberry bushes.' she groans.
15:51 Brace Coral ty Larky
15:51 Brace Coral fish growin on treez??
15:51 Brace Coral perks up
15:52 Shanti (shanti.suntzu) I need an ISC invite too
15:52 Brace Coral yayyy Shanti!
15:52 Brace Coral !!W0ot WoOt!!
15:53 engacia wonders at brace's comment about fish growing on trees and reads back trying to figure where that came from until it finally dawns on her 'o!' she laughs.
15:53 Carl Metropolitan I will do that, Shanti, but be forewarned, it's a very chatty group.
15:53 Brace Coral LMAO
15:53 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Brace for sanity rolls...
15:54 Brace Coral tosses engacia wink!
15:54 engacia :))
15:54 Brace Coral just let me know when you're uhhh harvesting :)
15:54 Jen O'Connell (jenniferoconnell) laughs. "You can't-a fool me, I'ma know there's no such thing as-a sanity rolls ... no, wait ...
15:54 Shanti (shanti.suntzu) Thanks for the invite, Carl!
15:54 engacia no harvest this year if i get my way with them, brace.
15:55 Carl Metropolitan Sanity Rolls are a game mechanic developed for the original Call of Cthulha pen-and-paper Role Playing Game. They reflect the chance of losing mental stability upon encountering the Great Old Ones or their non-human minions.
15:55 Wordsmith Jarvinen Caledon chat is an endearing, social, and not infrequently goofy place.
15:55 Brace Coral I cant do notices on ISC, but is it ok to do them for Oxbridge events I'm doing?
15:56 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) wonders how many got the CoC reference
15:56 Carl Metropolitan Don't worry about the Great Old Ones at Oxbridge; it is protected by several elder signs.
15:56 Brace Coral phewsss
15:57 Brace Coral so no cyclopean whatsises appearing suddenly and whatsnot?
15:57 Samm Florian lets her mind wander off t'set the table…
15:57 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Unless as students...
15:58 Brace Coral ok coming up goose eggs on ppl I thot could do mesh bodies class
15:58 Brace Coral sighs...
15:59 Jen O'Connell (jenniferoconnell) You could approach some of the people at the Omega Appliers group, Brace.
15:59 Carl Metropolitan Brace I don't have powers to give you notice rights in ISC
15:59 Carl Metropolitan I need to ask Desmond.
15:59 Brace Coral GASPS!
15:59 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Evrybody else adverts in the ISC Ms Coral so it should not be a plroblem
15:59 Brace Coral ok but only if its ok for me to announce stuff
15:59 Brace Coral ok :)
15:59 Carl Metropolitan If it is related to Events in Caledon or Oxbridge Fundraising, it should be no problem.
16:00 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Sometimes people even respond with something
16:00 Carl Metropolitan Non-steamlands events or general advertising would be frowned upon
16:00 Brace Coral yeh I got my own Events Group for my uhh private/public stuff I do
16:00 Brace Coral coughs
16:00 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) O.O
16:01 Samm Florian OK, I gotta go. G'night evryone!
16:01 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Night samm
16:01 Brace Coral TC Samm HUGGS :)
16:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen Night, Samm.
16:01 Samm Florian waves and scoots.
16:01 Oxbridge Donation Coin R1 (Alternate Lecture Hall) Shanti (shanti.suntzu) gave a generous donation to help support classes and tutorials at Caledon Oxbridge Gateway.
16:01 Brace Coral lool at Dreas face :D
16:01 Brace Coral hehehe
16:02 Wordsmith Jarvinen Anything else that's short?
16:02 Wordsmith Jarvinen (as a question, not an avatar)
16:02 Brace Coral musical chairs!
16:02 Wordsmith Jarvinen Well, hello Brace. ;)
16:02 Brace Coral hi there :)
16:03 Brace Coral I guess we're done?
16:03 Brace Coral I could give out cookies!
16:03 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hearning nothing, we are adjourned.
16:03 Wordsmith Jarvinen Thank you all for coming.
16:03 Badass Fae (larkylouz) Thanks everyone.
16:03 Brace Coral .•*♥¨`• Applause•¨`♥*•.
16:03 engacia :) ty very much!
16:03 Rowan Entilles (rowan900) good night Elf
16:03 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Bedtime for me, then
16:03 Heart Scorn (heartscorn1110) thanks for another amazing session guys
16:03 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Be seeing you
16:03 Brace Coral TC Elf :)
16:04 Shanti (shanti.suntzu) ty! Good info!
16:04 Brace Coral parachutes ready for base jumping?