Caledon Oxbridge Q&A for 2015-11-01

15:03 Carl Metropolitan This is Q&A with the Deans.
15:03 Carl Metropolitan We are here to answer all your questions about Caledon, Second Life, or Oxbridge, or anything else we can google quickly enough to make it look like we know what we are talking about!
15:04 Carl Metropolitan Let's start with short reports from each of the Deans, and go on to questions.
15:04 Carl Metropolitan Let's start with Larky (Auntie Esmerelda)
15:05 Carl Metropolitan Larky?
15:05 Auntie Esmerelda (larkylouz) Hi all. Well, Johann has been made a tutor. Carl created a COU apprentice Tutor tag, and I have 3 people in mind to get that ASAP. Other than that, it has been the usual.
15:06 Carl Metropolitan Okay. Coolness.
15:06 Auntie Esmerelda (larkylouz) Paperwork, Halloween and whapping miscreants with my cane. The young people these days!
15:06 Phrynne We have all survived Halloween. :)
15:06 Auntie Esmerelda (larkylouz) mumbles and grumbles and tests out her cane.
15:06 Carl Metropolitan Phrynne? Anything from you?
15:07 Phrynne No, just the usual.
15:08 Auntie Esmerelda (larkylouz) You've continued to work so hard on that Advent Calendar! And are making good strides!
15:08 Carl Metropolitan Okay. On to me then. I don't have anything special this week. I've been able to spend much more time in world though, so that's good news (for me at least)!
15:08 Carl Metropolitan I am still looking for a person to be Dean of Development (Fund-Raising)
15:08 Wordsmith Jarvinen Since we require person at Oxbridge to abide by rules and staff directives, you can't do the latter if you block staff, especially senior staff.
15:10 Garret Black (pantau) yes
15:11 Wordsmith Jarvinen A dean of development, part hand-shaker, part thespian, part bookkeeper.
15:12 Carl Metropolitan And sales-person!
15:12 Carl Metropolitan Don't forget that.
15:12 Carl Metropolitan Wordsmith, anything from Classes or IT?
15:13 Carl Metropolitan (Wordsmith also needs IT help; he's doing two dean's jobs right now)
15:13 Auntie Esmerelda (larkylouz) at least two
15:14 Wordsmith Jarvinen I've mostly this last week been working to make sure that my own versions of Oxbridge "engines" match what's up in SL and updating a git respository or two for backing up where others can get everything.
15:15 Carl Metropolitan I thought our "git repository" was the ban list :)
15:15 Auntie Esmerelda (larkylouz) snorts.
15:15 Gronk Seriman ...or the corner with the sharks.
15:17 Wordsmith Jarvinen No, I've one for the web pages and a separate one that contains several "projects" like the translator, ad panels and boards, instrumentation of freebies, and class statistics and instructor payroll (the last two are connected).
15:17 Wordsmith Jarvinen I've backed up before, but it needs to be brought up to date.
15:18 Wordsmith Jarvinen (and no, there's no hidden intent )
15:18 Carl Metropolitan Thank you Larky
15:19 Carl Metropolitan Lindal, anything from you area to report?
15:19 Auntie Esmerelda (larkylouz) I didn't do anything but TP there. Are you seeing the griefing in NC? Johann says it's all over the village. I TP'ed to what is supposedly the source?
15:20 Carl Metropolitan I saw the griefing in local chat.
15:20 Lindal Kidd I have been doing some work in the Hall of Money and Commerce to add your new posters, Carl
15:20 Carl Metropolitan Thank you.
15:20 Carl Metropolitan The ones about common scams.
15:20 Lindal Kidd but it has turned out to be more extensive than I thought
15:20 Lindal Kidd I need to move some of the kiosks, and some of those need updates, too
15:20 Lindal Kidd I can't move Ravelli's kiosks, so I have to remake them
15:21 Carl Metropolitan Let's get you move rights to his stuff
15:21 Lindal Kidd nah, I'll get it done. It's just slower than I thought
15:21 Carl Metropolitan There is no need to remake things.
15:21 Carl Metropolitan Okay.
15:21 Carl Metropolitan Do you need any source files for stuff to update? Please send me a email so I can send them to you for ones I have.
15:22 Carl Metropolitan I think most of Money & Commerce is my originals.
15:22 Lindal Kidd all OK for now, but I'll let you know
15:23 Carl Metropolitan Okay
15:23 Carl Metropolitan Let's move on to questions now.
15:24 Carl Metropolitan As I said earlier, we are here to answer any and all questions about anything related to Caledon, Oxbridge, or SL
15:24 Carl Metropolitan So hit us with them.
15:24 Lindal Kidd prepares to duck!
15:25 Jackson Drechsler What does the setting for no bumps/pushes/hits actually do? I've been bumped pushed and hit in regions with that settinng on
15:26 Carl Metropolitan I am not sure. Does anyone else here know?
15:26 Carl Metropolitan Welcome Samm!
15:26 Auntie Esmerelda (larkylouz) Hey Samm!
15:26 Samm Florian Hi folks!
15:26 Lindal Kidd there is a land setting for "no push"
15:26 Lindal Kidd is that what you mean, Johann?
15:26 Jackson Drechsler yes
15:26 Lindal Kidd that does not prevent ALL bumping, it only makes it less severe
15:26 Wordsmith Jarvinen It disables the ability to apply a scripted force to an avatar.
15:27 Gronk Seriman I think it has to do with scripted forces in weapons and objects. It doesn't apply to avatar to avatar collisions.
15:27 Samm Florian It don't have nuthin' t'do with folks runnin' into ya.
15:27 Samm Florian When I was new I thought it was a Oxbridge rule, that I was gonna get into trouble if I ran into somebuddy. :o
15:27 Jackson Drechsler ah, thanks I was curious
15:27 Lindal Kidd and you will too, you little scamp!
15:28 Samm Florian jes blames lag.
15:28 Lindal Kidd grins at Samm
15:28 Auntie Esmerelda (larkylouz) shakes her cane at that fearsome child, just for good measure!
15:28 Carl Metropolitan Okay. That makes sense
15:28 Lindal Kidd pardon me, RL is hollering
15:28 Wordsmith Jarvinen What disables the ability of avatars to run into people is removing them from the premises (if they don't obey instructions to stop).
15:28 Gronk Seriman If somebody keeps running into you, one of your easiest defenses is to sit down.
15:28 Wordsmith Jarvinen Better hollering than howling.
15:29 Carl Metropolitan Okay. Next question?
15:30 Gronk Seriman still misses Phantom mode.
15:32 Gronk Seriman How did the Fall Festival fare?
15:32 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Who is dealing with it now?
15:32 Auntie Esmerelda (larkylouz) Stereo Nacht?
15:33 Carl Metropolitan I was dunked a number of times. And found pumpkins. That's all I know.
15:33 Wordsmith Jarvinen From what I heard directly from Stereo, quite well.
15:33 Jorge Serapis Miss Stero, yes.
15:33 Jorge Serapis All the Festival events I went to were well attended, it seemed.
15:34 Carl Metropolitan I'm glad it went well.
15:35 Wordsmith Jarvinen And we had several Oxbridge donation coins out (which I need to collect).
15:35 Auntie Esmerelda (larkylouz) Will it work for me to go down and return them to you, Word? I'd be happy to.
15:36 Gronk Seriman That was the aspect I was most interested in.
15:36 Wordsmith Jarvinen Nah. Easy enough to do when we are finished. And thank you for offering, Auntie.
15:37 Samm Florian sneaks out; RL is callin'.
15:37 Wordsmith Jarvinen Likely that typist again.....
15:37 Carl Metropolitan Okay. Next question/questions?
15:38 Glorf Bulmer suspects some people have guessed why she is here.
15:38 Glorf Bulmer I have a prepared statement which I should like to read.
15:38 Glorf Bulmer Here or elsewhere.
15:39 Garret Black (pantau) May be yes, or may be no, depends ...
15:39 Carl Metropolitan Okay. Please read what you need to.
15:39 Wordsmith Jarvinen We've time here.
15:39 Glorf Bulmer Thank you.
15:40 Garret Black (pantau) sounds mysterious now ...
15:40 Glorf Bulmer I recently discovered that the Chancellor, Carl Metropolitan, is a supporter of a certain group.
15:40 Glorf Bulmer Now, Carl is entitled, like anyone else, to support whatever causes he likes. But he has been openly associating himself in his avatar identity, as Chancellor of Caledon Oxbridge University, with this particular cause.
15:40 Glorf Bulmer That affects the public perception of Oxbridge in the real world, as a gateway to SL and to Caledon. It influences the type of visitors who come - or don't come - to the sim, and the people that the Plaza staff need to interact with
15:41 Glorf Bulmer This affiliation affects us all, and we should decide for ourselves if we want it. Carl did not inform me of this link, either as a member of staff or as an Oxbridge Patron - and I should have been told, because I have the right to know what groups I'm affiliated with. And so do all of you.
15:41 Glorf Bulmer It does not help that the group Carl has chosen to pledge our support to... is the online hate group known as GamerGate.
15:41 Glorf Bulmer Some of you may have heard of this group, some of you might not. I would encourage everyone to find out about it by themselves. The information is out there, and you should inform yourselves and make up your own minds.
15:42 Glorf Bulmer But let me tell you what I know about it. Let's start here - - with an article in the New York Times about the death threats made against Anita Sarkeesian, a woman guilty of nothing except expressing an opinion GamerGate disagrees with.
15:42 Glorf Bulmer Or perhaps we should go here - - for similar threats made against Brianna Wu, a videogame developer who makes and promotes games GamerGate disapproves of.
15:42 Glorf Bulmer Closer to home, SL blogger Tateru Nino wrote an article critical of GamerGate, and here it is - - and, with it, an account of the resulting DDOS attack which took down her website.
15:42 Glorf Bulmer There are other examples. There are *many* other examples. I haven't even gone into the GamerGate tactic known as SWATting - filing false police reports to send armed SWAT teams to its critics' homes. Try Googling for this term - I think the results will appal you, as they did me.
15:42 Carl Metropolitan My RL identity and my SL identity are connected and have been for over six years. That my name is Carl Henderson in RL is even in my profile first life tab. I deny that that I have ever attempted to conceal any such connections.
15:43 Glorf Bulmer GamerGate supporters claim that their group is about "ethics" in journalism, that they support free speech. I judge people not by what they say, but by what they do. GamerGate *says* it is ethical, but its acts range from the anti-social to the openly criminal. It *says* it supports free speech, but it acts to suppress any opinions it dislikes, by fair means or foul - usually foul.
15:43 Glorf Bulmer This is the group that Carl supports - and this is the group he has linked Oxbridge to. We don't know how many people now think of Oxbridge as "that GamerGater place" - and probably stay well away, as a result.
15:43 Glorf Bulmer It's safe to say that I don't want it to be that. I hope the community of Oxbridge - the staff, the scholars, the people who make it what it is - will agree with me.
15:43 Glorf Bulmer I have said the following to the Deans and to Caledon's upper management in private, and I will say it now in public:-
15:43 Garret Black (pantau) Tough Stuff it seems
15:44 Glorf Bulmer Carl Metropolitan, in linking Oxbridge to a borderline criminal online hate group, has exceeded and abused his authority. He has betrayed the trust placed in him, and brought Oxbridge into disrepute. These actions would merit instant dismissal from any real-world institution, on the grounds of gross misconduct. I see no reason why the same should not hold here.
15:44 Jorge Serapis Carl has stated his position in ISC. He does not support the violent fringe element of Gamergate.
15:44 Carl Metropolitan Thank you for saying this in public.
15:44 Jorge Serapis He has also said he will split the two identities.
15:44 Glorf Bulmer The fact that I found out about it, Carl, shows that you didn;t conceal it. But you didn't actually tell us, either.
15:44 Carl Metropolitan I'm even skeptical about the existence of a violent fringe element of Gamergate.
15:44 Jorge Serapis As far as I'm concernd, it's a done deal.
15:44 Garret Black (pantau) What is ISC?
15:45 Auntie Esmerelda (larkylouz) Independent State of Caledon - the local chat group
15:45 Carl Metropolitan I normally avoid talking about RL politics in SL
15:45 Wordsmith Jarvinen By associated, do you claim that Carl has made statement re GamerGate in the name of Oxbridge or only that he has Oxbridge in his profile. In RL, this is an important distinction.
15:45 Glorf Bulmer The information is out there already. We have no idea how badly the image of Oxbridge has already been damaged.
15:45 Auntie Esmerelda (larkylouz) Did you say that you will split the two identiies, Carl?
15:45 Jorge Serapis I've also looked through most of Carl's tweets and postings, and I haven't found anything remotely close to threatening.
15:46 Glorf Bulmer I accept that Carl himself is not involved in the criminal element of GamerGate's activities.
15:46 Carl Metropolitan No. I think there is a misunderstanding. I am fully "out" as "Carl Metropoltian" in SL is "Carl Henderson" in RL
15:46 Auntie Esmerelda (larkylouz) I will say that I knew nothing of Gamergate prior to your mention of it.
15:46 Carl Metropolitan And have been for over six years
15:46 Garret Black (pantau) Neither did I -
15:46 Glorf Bulmer He's still an open apologist and supporter for the group, and its activities are well documented.
15:47 Jorge Serapis I have acopy of Mein Kampf, Glorf. Doesn't make me a Nazi.
15:47 Carl Metropolitan I've made no effort to conceal my support for Gamergate. I've blogged about it, tweeted about it, posted to comments sections of blogs about it (including New World Notes).
15:47 Garret Black (pantau) Here's my humble opinion -- Carl will separate the RL and SL stuff, and that's it
15:48 Glorf Bulmer Carl has chosen not to separate his RL and SL identities - which is his choice entirely. But it means they're inextricably involved, now.
15:48 Carl Metropolitan I also strongly disagree with you that Gamergate is about what you claim. We can have that discussion if you like. But consider this. What sort of coverage to you expect to see in the media for a group that says "the media is corrupt"
15:48 Garret Black (pantau) I'm sure he'll fix that soon
15:48 Glorf Bulmer Simply building a "Chinese wall" between the two will have no effect.
15:48 Gronk Seriman checks her timepiece. Wonders how many of Glorf's 15 Minutes of Fame are left.
15:48 Wordsmith Jarvinen Does the group itself have a formal position on activities? It is one thing to speak of the "group", which implies a position, and another to note that the group does not adequately control a number of individuals.
15:48 Carl Metropolitan Please let her talk
15:48 Glorf Bulmer Not many, Gronk.
15:49 Glorf Bulmer GamerGate, I know, is not a formal group. It's hard to say what its "official" position is.
15:49 Garret Black (pantau) bad timing for that
15:49 Carl Metropolitan Gamergate is not a group. It is a movement. There is no leader, there is no central committee. It is decentralized, and anyone who claims to be it's leader is lying.
15:49 Glorf Bulmer But it is impossible to dissociate it from the campaigns of harassment or of actual criminal activity.
15:50 Carl Metropolitan It is not a hate movement. It is not against women. It is not against most of the things that the media accuses it of.
15:50 Glorf Bulmer You can talk about what reputation GamerGate *should* have, but the one it's actually *got* is created by the harassment and the hate crimes committed in its name.
15:50 Garret Black (pantau) Carl. just fix it, and over with the "issue"
15:51 Glorf Bulmer What makes *you* the "real" GamerGate, Carl, and not the criminal element? From where I'm sitting, it looks the other way around.
15:51 Carl Metropolitan No, the reputation it has is created by people in the media lying about it. Which is not surprising as its a big group of people saying "the media is corrupt'
15:51 Carl Metropolitan Glorf, all my tweets, comments, and blogs about Gamergate are open to the public. You are welcome to read them.
15:52 Glorf Bulmer You are saying that all the allegations against this group are invented? That there haven't been bomb hoaxes, SWATtings, death threats, DDOS attacks?
15:52 Jorge Serapis I believe this association of Carl's got a collective yawn in ISC chat. I seriously doubt it will be as damaging as you imagine it to be.
15:52 Glorf Bulmer These things are well documented.
15:52 Glorf Bulmer I do not believe the blanket assertion "the media is corrupt" covers it.
15:53 Garret Black (pantau) I need to leave here - if there's any voting at the end, I'll vote for Carl
15:53 Glorf Bulmer The FBI has an open investigation into GamerGate. Are they also "corrupt"?
15:53 Glorf Bulmer Why should I believe you, Carl, and not the New York Times?
15:53 Auntie Esmerelda (larkylouz) I don't mean to disallow what you are saying, but the FBI is not at the top of my trusted organizations list
15:53 Carl Metropolitan There have been two confirmed bomb threats against Gamergate meetups. There have been numerous death threats and rape threats against supports of Gamergate (mostly female). SWATings have been attempted against supporters of Gamergate, too.
15:54 Carl Metropolitan Have you read any of that in the New York Times?
15:55 Glorf Bulmer I would advise everyone to read the coverage of the SXSW affair with an open mind.
15:56 Carl Metropolitan Glorf, please consider this, why do you think the media will report accurately on a movement that says "the media is corrupt"?
15:57 Jorge Serapis Carll has been a rather effective chancellor of Oxbridge. Can you deny this, Glorf?
15:57 Carl Metropolitan I've been okay.
15:57 Glorf Bulmer Because, generally speaking, the media actually *isn't* corrupt!
15:57 Carl Metropolitan I could be better.
15:57 Jorge Serapis Everyone needs goals.
15:58 Glorf Bulmer I'm not denying Carl's inworld effectiveness. It's the outworld link that's the problem here. But that does affect us inworld.
15:58 Glorf Bulmer It's a question of Oxbridge's reputation.
15:58 Jorge Serapis I think it does not, after reading the ISC chat with his announcement.
15:58 Jorge Serapis No one was worried.
15:59 Glorf Bulmer We're a portal to SL and Caledon, and this colours people's expectations. How much, I don't know. I can't read the minds of potential visitors.
15:59 Glorf Bulmer But I can't believe that it is *not* a problem.
15:59 Carl Metropolitan Everyone consider this, how often have you seen a news story on something that you had personal knowledge of. How often did the media make some sort of really basic mistake? Or slant things in a direction that was 180 degrees from the truth? Consider this: they are very likely no more accurate or eithical about Any. Other. Story. They. Carry.
15:59 Jorge Serapis So you're worried about possibly mind reading possible future SL residents?
16:00 Glorf Bulmer The media - which is not a monolithic entity - sometimes gets stuff wrong, true. But more often, it checks its facts and reports them accurately. Nobody's perfect.
16:00 Gronk Seriman I honestly don't see the connection at all. People who come to Oxbridge barely know how to walk. I doubt they know anything about the Chancellor's political views.
16:01 Glorf Bulmer Jorge, I am worried about Oxbridge being associated with a group that thinks it's OK to issue death threats over a disagreement about video games.
16:01 Carl Metropolitan Had you seen reporting about bomb threats against Gamergate supporters, death threats against them, threats of rape, doxxing of them?
16:02 Jorge Serapis Carl revealed this info in ISC chat ten days ago.
16:02 Wordsmith Jarvinen Going to run to Oxbridge, thanks for coming folks.
16:02 Jorge Serapis Frankly, the news has been a damp squib.
16:02 Glorf Bulmer I've seen such allegations made. And I will consider the sources!
16:02 Carl Metropolitan Good. Because I can assure you that the overwhelmingly vast majority of people involved with Gamergate condemn death threats, or anything close.
16:02 Glorf Bulmer What are you doing about them, then?
16:02 Jorge Serapis Do you condemn that, Carl?
16:02 Carl Metropolitan Sorry. "who is "them"" in this case
16:03 Carl Metropolitan What am I asked to condemn.
16:03 Glorf Bulmer If I had direct knowledge of anyone making death threats, bomb hoaxes, or any of the other stuff - whatever their political affiliation - I would be going to the police with that evidence.
16:04 IntelInsideTechnologies entered chat range (18.75 m).
16:04 Carl Metropolitan I condemn death threats, bomb threats, doxxing, rape threats, threats against people's families, attempt to "out" people and threaten their employment, SWATing.
16:04 Carl Metropolitan I think that you will find nearly everyone in Gamergate does too
16:04 Jorge Serapis Is that good enough for you, Glorf?
16:05 Glorf Bulmer I find that last extremely hard to believe. There is entirely *too much* evidence of wrongdoing for me to accept that point.
16:05 Glorf Bulmer Nothing has to be good enough for me, Jorge. I have no power or influence here.
16:06 Glorf Bulmer I'm not even a member of the staff group any more.
16:06 IntelInsideTechnologies I do not like this place
16:06 Carl Metropolitan Why don't you follow some gamergaters on twitter. Talk to us. See what we say and do.
16:06 Carl Metropolitan I think you will be surprised.
16:06 Carl Metropolitan Read my tweets, my blogs, my comments on the subjects.
16:06 Auntie Esmerelda (larkylouz) Mr. Intellinside, you may IM me with your complaints.
16:07 Glorf Bulmer I've seen and read, Carl. I'm not on Twitter myself, but I can read Twitter feeds like anyone else. And I have.
16:07 Carl Metropolitan Have you read mine?
16:07 Glorf Bulmer I have. I had to, because I couldn't believe, at first, that that was really you. I didn't *want* to believe it.
16:08 Carl Metropolitan Okay. What have I said on twitter, or my blog, or in comments that you specifically found hateful or objectionable?
16:09 Glorf Bulmer If you want a detailed dissection of your comments and blogs, I will have to go back and re-read them in detail. Frankly, I don't want to get bogged down in that right now.
16:09 Jorge Serapis *facepalms*
16:10 Gronk Seriman Gah!
16:10 Carl Metropolitan Have I done anything that you know of in SL or RL to make you think I hate or dislike some group of people?
16:10 Carl Metropolitan (other than the media :)
16:10 Carl Metropolitan Do I talk or act like a misogynist?
16:10 Carl Metropolitan Do I talk or act like a racist?
16:10 Glorf Bulmer Your dislike of the people you refer to as "SocJus" comes across fairly plainly.
16:10 Carl Metropolitan Do I talk or act like someone who hates gays or trans people?
16:11 Carl Metropolitan Yes. SOCJUS is a term for people who attempt to use social justice as a means of bullying others and asserting authoritarian control over people in general.
16:11 Carl Metropolitan I really don't like those people.
16:13 Carl Metropolitan I now prefer SOCJUS or "Social Justice Bully" to "Social Justice Warrior" because there are people working hard for Social Justice (and I often disagree with their politics, but not their commitment) who are not bullies or wannabe tyrants.
16:13 Second Life Items successfully shared.
16:13 Glorf Bulmer And I really don't like people who use death threats to shut up people who disagree with them. Now, I know you aren't doing that yourself, but - whether you like it or not - you are on the same side as people who *are*, and no amount of protests will change that.
16:13 Glorf Bulmer And I really don't like people who use death threats to shut up people who disagree with them. Now, I know you aren't doing that yourself, but - whether you like it or not - you are on the same side as people who *are*, and no amount of protests will change that.
16:14 Carl Metropolitan Can you give me a specific example of a death threat from someone claiming to be with Gamergate? A name. A time. A target?
16:16 Glorf Bulmer Given your assertions that your opponents are "corrupt", I obviously can't give you any links you can trust.
16:16 Carl Metropolitan Do those links give specific examples. Names? Dates? Threats? Targets?
16:16 Glorf Bulmer It's easy enough to Google this stuff - and by no means all of the reports come from the mainstream media.
16:16 Phrynne's Broom The object 'Phrynne's Broom' has removed agent 1853bda4-d41d-489c-9382-9d0da84de293 from the estate ban list. [Caledon Oxbridge (249,121,27)]
16:16 Phrynne's Broom The object 'Phrynne's Broom' has added agent 1853bda4-d41d-489c-9382-9d0da84de293 to the estate ban list. [Caledon Oxbridge (249,121,27)]
16:17 Carl Metropolitan Has anyone over the past year ever been indicted for any of this supposed conspiracy of domestic terrorism?
16:17 Auntie Esmerelda (larkylouz) Excuse me. I just got this message from Des, via Word: [16:14] Wordsmith Jarvinen: If it's still going and hasn't come up, Des's statement was he won't come in with a hammer but would like the discussion to be less confrontational.
16:17 Glorf Bulmer I would encourage you, as I've encouraged everyone here, to do your own research. And not to rely on any *one* set of sources.
16:17 Carl Metropolitan That's too bad. I'm not about to tell Glorf she can't talk because it makes Desmond uncomfortable.
16:18 Wordsmith Jarvinen That was simply Des's statement of his "wish" the other night on ISC.
16:18 Jorge Serapis My research has shown that it is a few who have made loud death threats and they have been handled by the FBI.
16:18 Jorge Serapis Are you know going to say I'm wrong, too?
16:18 Glorf Bulmer I've talked to Des myself. I understand he's not happy - I'm sorry to be dropping any grief on him.
16:20 Glorf Bulmer Jorge, you will reach whatever conclusions you reach, and you will decide however seems right to you. I believe you're a man of good intentions, and I trust you to act accordingly.
16:20 Glorf Bulmer I'm not going to berate you for not sharing my opinion... but, I'm sorry, I can't agree with you.
16:20 Carl Metropolitan My twitter feed, my blog, and my email are listed in my First Life tab
16:21 Carl Metropolitan Anyone who cares to is welcome to look at anything I've written.
16:21 Glorf Bulmer I'm aware of all of them. I'm not going to dissect any of it in detail.
16:21 Carl Metropolitan I just added my Wikipedia userpage, if people want to see that.
16:21 Glorf Bulmer I'm sure the general feeling is that I've been talking far too long already.
16:22 Carl Metropolitan No. You are welcome to talk as long as you want to. If people want to leave that's cool.
16:22 Carl Metropolitan I'm okay with staying here as long as you need to feel like you have been heard.
16:23 Auntie Esmerelda (larkylouz) You are entitled to your opinion, and I am glad this is out in the open now. I'm thank you for your courage in pursuing what so clearly disturbs you, and I'm glad Carl is open to hearing what you have to say.
16:24 Glorf Bulmer Well, thank you, at least, for allowing me to say my piece.
16:24 Gronk Seriman ...but Glorf, you are running out of ammo. You need to have proof of Carl's misdeeds, or you are almost done.
16:24 Carl Metropolitan I'm sorry that there was ever any misunderstanding about my willingness to discuss this in public.
16:24 Carl Metropolitan Glorf doesn't have to have "ammo" to say what she thinks
16:25 Carl Metropolitan This is what these weekly events are for.
16:25 Glorf Bulmer I stand by what I've said. I'm not accusing Carl himself of misdeeds - I know that GamerGate is not a homogeneous group.
16:26 Gronk Seriman Then why are you harassing Carl?
16:26 Carl Metropolitan She's not. She's asking questions here in a forum designed for that.
16:26 Gronk Seriman Ah!
16:26 Gronk Seriman smiles
16:26 Carl Metropolitan I'm willing to stand by anything I've said or written in relation to this matter. And do so in public.
16:27 Glorf Bulmer I don't think Carl should be linking GamerGate to Oxbridge... I don't think, frankly, he should be linking *anything* to Oxbridge without the informed consent of the people who work here.
16:27 Carl Metropolitan Your complaint seems to be that I should not link my RL identity to my SL identity then?
16:28 Carl Metropolitan That I've "doxxed" myself?
16:28 Glorf Bulmer Even if it was something innocuous - and you will have gathered that I do not believe GamerGate is innocuous.
16:28 Glorf Bulmer I think if you're labelling yourself as "Chancellor of Caledon Oxbridge University" and supporting a particular cause, you should be quite sure the University is on board with that cause.
16:29 Carl Metropolitan No. I disagree. My SL life is part of my RL. I can't separate them like that.
16:30 Carl Metropolitan Even my RL linkedin profile lists Oxbridge
16:30 Carl Metropolitan
16:31 Glorf Bulmer Carl, I'm sure you know the importance of making it clear when you are speaking as a private individual and when you are speaking as an officer of a group.
16:31 Glorf Bulmer (And yes, I've read your LinkedIn profile, too.)
16:32 Carl Metropolitan I don't think I've ever said anything to imply that Caledon Oxbridge is a supporter of Gamergate.
16:32 Wordsmith Jarvinen To be an officer, does not immediately imply that one is speaking for a group or board, although it is best to make that explicit if speaking in the context in which the group operates.
16:32 Carl Metropolitan Oh good. Did you see how I'm much fatter in RL :)
16:33 Glorf Bulmer is not a seven foot blonde in RL either.
16:34 Carl Metropolitan Next thing you will be expecting me to believe you are not a hybrid cat human in RL, too!
16:34 Glorf Bulmer If only.
16:36 Glorf Bulmer Well. It seems I've said my piece, and we are not going to come to any meeting of minds here, since neither of us trusts the other's sources.
16:36 Carl Metropolitan Wordsmith, I'm kind of damned if I do, damned if I don't on that. If I speak about Gamergate in SL (context in which Oxbridge operates) I am accused of using my position to somehow "whitewash" the "evil of Gamergate". If I keep quiet about Gamergate in SL (as I had been doing), I'm accused to "hiding my associations".
16:36 Carl Metropolitan I am not--by the way--saying that Glorf said either of these things. I'm speaking in general.
16:37 Wordsmith Jarvinen Carl, I think you have made it clear here, that you are not speaking for Oxbridge itself.
16:37 Auntie Esmerelda (larkylouz) glorf, I'm sorry if my earlier statement sounded too politically expedient. I didn't mean it that way. I really do respect your courage in holding to this. I know it wasn't easy.
16:38 Wordsmith Jarvinen And the outside world is outside of the domain of interest (or authority) of Oxbridge.
16:38 Carl Metropolitan It is hard to be the only person in the room standing up to say something.
16:38 Glorf Bulmer I have to disagree, there, I'm afraid. The outside world is where we get our visitors from.
16:39 Gronk Seriman Glorf, you dragged RL into SL. And that's not Kosher. At all.
16:39 Carl Metropolitan No. She did not.
16:40 Carl Metropolitan I have deliberately not chosen to keep my RL and SL seperate.
16:40 Carl Metropolitan I can not criticize her for that.
16:40 Carl Metropolitan My RL name has been in my first life tab as part of my RL email for ages.
16:41 Gronk Seriman I'm talking about ME! I was not aware of Carl's RL thoughts until tonight. This is not cool.
16:42 Carl Metropolitan Oh.
16:42 Glorf Bulmer If it hadn't been me, it might well have been someone else. The information is out there.
16:42 Gronk Seriman I happen to agree that the SJW are destroying everything they touch. But SL used to be a refuge.
16:43 Gronk Seriman Glorf brought it here.
16:43 Glorf Bulmer Ironically, if Carl actually *was* part of the criminal element of GamerGate, the problem likely would never have arisen.
16:43 Glorf Bulmer is old enough to remember when justice was supposed to be worth fighting for.
16:44 Carl Metropolitan Yes, because I would not exist, just like the "criminal element" of Gamegate.
16:44 Jackson Drechsler Just one thing, though. The fact that my religious denominations supports gay weddings does not make my SL or RL planetarium either for or agqainst
16:45 Auntie Esmerelda (larkylouz) I will also say that this whole discussion, which has been going on between Glorf and the Deans for a couple of weeks now, has been very distressing to me, personally. I am a feminist; what I saw about GamerGate was very disturbing to me. I also have worked with Carl for some time now, and have never been offended by his inworld actions. I also trust and respect Glorf and I know she's doing what she believes in and probably has done far more research than I have. Today, I have seen a side of Carl that makes me respect him much more; you have some good people skills there, Carl, so give yourself credit.
16:45 Carl Metropolitan Thank you.
16:45 Auntie Esmerelda (larkylouz) And thank you, Glorf.
16:46 Glorf Bulmer wonders whether she ought to be thanked.
16:46 Wordsmith Jarvinen One can call that integrity or congruence.
16:47 Carl Metropolitan If all "feminist" meant to most people, was believing that men and women should have identical and equal legal rights, I'd happy call myself a "feminist". But kind of like "gamergate" the term has been loaded down with a lot of crap by the media and nuts.
16:47 Glorf Bulmer I'm not happy about having had to do any of this. But I felt it was right to bring my concerns and my opinions into the open.
16:47 Carl Metropolitan I respect that and welcome it.
16:48 Carl Metropolitan I respect and admire that Glorf said what she believes to my face, and in front of an audience that had a number of people who disagreed with her.
16:48 Auntie Esmerelda (larkylouz) I may not agree with all either one of you, Glorf or Carl, believe, but I do know now that you are both people of integrity and courage. That's good enough for me.
16:49 Carl Metropolitan So I do say thank you to Glorf
16:49 Wordsmith Jarvinen Well, thank you for caring.
16:52 Carl Metropolitan Does any one else have anything to say?
16:52 Carl Metropolitan If not, it's probably time to wrap this Q&A up.
16:52 Gronk Seriman is No doubt.
16:52 Glorf Bulmer Well, I've said my piece. Thank you all for listening. It's late where I am, and I have RL troubles of my own, so I won't take up any more of your time.
16:52 Carl Metropolitan I'm sorry to hear that.
16:52 Auntie Esmerelda (larkylouz) Take care, Glorf
16:53 Carl Metropolitan Bye Glorf.
16:53 Carl Metropolitan Time for the ritual deletion of chairs :)
16:53 Wordsmith Jarvinen Thank you all for coming and participating.