Caledon Oxbridge Q&A for 2015-06-28

15:00 Carl Metropolitan Well, it is three pm SLT and there are as many deans on stage as there are people in the audience :)
15:00 Carl Metropolitan So this may be a short session!
15:00 Gronk Seriman I like these odds!
15:01 Lindal Kidd I HOPE everyone is at SL12B!
15:01 Carl Metropolitan I miscounted. The Deans outnumber the audience
15:01 Gronk Seriman Gah!
15:02 Carl Metropolitan Ah. There's Josain. We are at parity now :)
15:02 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Then, more than 30 minuts of Deans? :-)
15:02 Carl Metropolitan And Mel
15:02 Lindal Kidd reinforcements!
15:03 Carl Metropolitan Welcome to Q&A With the Deans.
15:03 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) is mentally rounding up bots for the audience.
15:03 Carl Metropolitan We will begin with short reports from the various deans on their areas and then take questions from the audience.
15:03 Carl Metropolitan Let's start with Phrynne and Larky, Co-Deans of Commons.
15:04 Phrynne pokes Larky's flower stem
15:04 Phrynne No actual report from me, just ongoing working with people in the plaza, answering questions and putting out fires.
15:05 Carl Metropolitan Okay. There may be a lot of that tonight :)
15:05 Carl Metropolitan Lindal, how are things going with your area?
15:06 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) oops, sorry. Was in IM
15:06 Carl Metropolitan I know you were working on some updated posters.
15:06 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) And ignoring seduction attempts...
15:06 Lindal Kidd I will be interested to see the traffic numbers! It seemed to me that we were getting more newcomers this week
15:06 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) grins
15:06 Carl Metropolitan No seductions during Q&A
15:06 Lindal Kidd I have not, as yet, got far with the new posters, but I am continuing to work on them
15:06 Phrynne thinks the benches in here aren't *that* comfortable.
15:06 Lindal Kidd I visited our SL12B exhibit
15:06 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) Me, too, Lindal. I had thought it very quiet in the evenings.
15:06 Lindal Kidd and it's great
15:07 Carl Metropolitan It is pretty much our VWBPE exhibit.
15:07 Lindal Kidd but I must say that there is a lot of VERY impressive competition
15:07 Carl Metropolitan I get to do a total redesign for next year.
15:07 Lindal Kidd this is the last day of SL12B events
15:07 Lindal Kidd but the sims remain open all next week
15:07 Lindal Kidd if anyone has not yet been, GO!!!
15:08 Lindal Kidd Nothing else of note to report, Chancellor!
15:08 Josain Zsun has a notecard of LMs if anyone would like one.
15:08 Wordsmith Jarvinen What sort of LMs?
15:08 Carl Metropolitan I have nothing to report either.
15:08 Lindal Kidd oh! One thing
15:09 Josain Zsun for SL12B
15:09 Carl Metropolitan And Wordsmith has visual aids, so let's go to him.
15:09 Lindal Kidd LL is discontinuing the Third Party Reseller program
15:09 Lindal Kidd as of 1 August
15:09 Lindal Kidd I updated my classes to reflect that
15:09 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) What's the third party reseller program, pls?
15:09 Lindal Kidd a collection of alternate places to buy $L, ShaRa
15:10 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) TY
15:10 Lindal Kidd some of them accepted payment methods that LL didn't
15:10 Lindal Kidd but LL now has added some payment methods
15:10 Lindal Kidd so they felt the program was no longer necessary
15:10 Carl Metropolitan Translation: they did not want any competition :)
15:10 Lindal Kidd that too :(
15:10 Carl Metropolitan It's good to be the Fed.
15:10 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) LOL
15:11 Carl Metropolitan Wordsmith?
15:11 Gronk Seriman ...and they don't want certain governments to consider Lindens currency.
15:11 Phrynne tries to interpret the math on the chart, which looks mathy
15:11 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) :^)
15:11 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) There were money laundering concerns before as well.'
15:11 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) Bloody Cosa Nostra -
15:12 Wordsmith Jarvinen Well, last week we had a person strongly complaining that a script wasn't working AND "that the poor lady teaching didn't know what to do".
15:12 Carl Metropolitan Yes, but wasn't he full of crap?
15:12 Wordsmith Jarvinen I check with Cymbal, and for the making of skirts she's been perfectly happy.
15:13 Wordsmith Jarvinen Well, there were when I went through the script a couple of minor things I corrected, an accuracy improvement I made (and gave to cymbal), but nothing that should have prevented reasonable results.
15:14 Carl Metropolitan Thank you for going the extra mile on that.
15:14 Wordsmith Jarvinen The current version checks with the Python script (number to number) that created the graph behind me.
15:15 Wordsmith Jarvinen The blue dots, which pack up in the center of the long sides are equal changes in angle. The red dots are the equal distance algorithm in the script. By all appearances, they are equal distance, at least to a reasonable approximation.
15:15 Carl Metropolitan So as we suspected, that guy last week was just looking for something to complain about?
15:16 Wordsmith Jarvinen For ellipses with a lower aspect ratio, as for skirts, the effect diminishes. This is 3:1.
15:16 Wordsmith Jarvinen As near as I can tell, yes.
15:16 Catherine Lamon (thedoctorsassociates) Raises hand.
15:16 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) What does 3:1 mean on that chart?
15:17 Wordsmith Jarvinen It means that the semi-major axis of the ellipse (in the x direction) is 3 times the length of the semi-minor axis.
15:17 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) OMG - why did I ask that damn question?????
15:17 Wordsmith Jarvinen The ellipse is 3 times as wide as it is high.
15:17 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) cracks up.
15:17 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) Yes, agree - lol
15:18 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) Better you than me, Ms. Ishtar. Better you than me.
15:18 Wordsmith Jarvinen Let me show you one that's 1.5x1
15:18 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) Shutting up now
15:18 Meora (menchor) 1.5:1 would seem more normal for a skirt
15:18 Lindal Kidd mutters darkly, "depends on one's hips"
15:19 Wordsmith Jarvinen That's closer to round, more like a skirt waist would be, and the blue and red dots are closer.
15:19 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) absolutely clear to me now
15:20 Wordsmith Jarvinen Anyway, just for the record, we do try to provide accurate information and useful tools in our classes.
15:20 Catherine Lamon (thedoctorsassociates) The avatar that made such a fuss? Has this person been causing other troubles?
15:21 Carl Metropolitan Larky, Phrynne? Do you all know the answer to that one?
15:21 Wordsmith Jarvinen Not that I know of, and we were both recently in a discussion in the College of Scripting Music Science without a fuss.
15:21 Phrynne I have seen him at Oxbridge once since then, and he did nothing. Literally.
15:21 Phrynne And then left.
15:21 Catherine Lamon (thedoctorsassociates) Nods her head, Thank You
15:22 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) Yes, same with me.
15:22 Wordsmith Jarvinen So, it was an unusually abrasive way to report a suspected bug.
15:22 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) agrees with Phrynne
15:22 Carl Metropolitan He was just looking for something to pin his rant on.
15:22 Carl Metropolitan Okay. Time for questions!
15:23 Phrynne finds a small pin ready to drop.
15:23 Josain Zsun Yadni's has closed
15:23 Carl Metropolitan I need a gesture that plays a sound of crickets
15:23 Lindal Kidd WHAT!?
15:23 Lindal Kidd say it isn't so
15:23 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) I read that last night! Wow!
15:23 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) Yadni'S - OMG how bad
15:23 Phrynne Yadni's?
15:23 Phrynne Really?
15:23 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) The freebie place
15:23 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) ?
15:23 Phrynne yes
15:23 Meora (menchor) Yadni's Junkyard
15:24 Carl Metropolitan That's sad, but not surprising.
15:24 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) I also heard that Bits&Bobs ios no longer here
15:24 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) More than a freebie place - an archive of SL history
15:24 Carl Metropolitan Most of the stuff he had was older and so many of the new freebies are no transfer.
15:24 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Hm. Well, it had not been updated for some time...
15:24 Carl Metropolitan The maps he had are all safe in the New Kadath SL Map Museum
15:24 Carl Metropolitan Which has a cool SL12B display, too.
15:25 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) yeah
15:25 Josain Zsun enjoyed that maps display
15:25 Lindal Kidd It is not the same sort of place as Yadni's, which featured building components, but AleyMart is a great place for free, non-clothing things
15:27 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) The closure of Bits and Bobs - is that common knowledge?
15:27 Phrynne noo...
15:27 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) I heard they left too
15:28 Carl Metropolitan It is hard for people who are animating in poser to compete with people who have basic motion capture rigs.
15:28 Lindal Kidd Bits and Bobs still has a presence on the Marketplace
15:28 Lindal Kidd
15:28 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) good to know
15:29 Carl Metropolitan A lot of people who are not active creating new content move to marketplace only.
15:29 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) Carl, could you pls explain to me: "basic motion capture rigs"
15:30 Carl Metropolitan Do you know what motion capture is?
15:30 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) actually - no
15:31 Carl Metropolitan Okay. Motion Capture is a way that special visual effects makers are able to convert motion of people into computer models.
15:31 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) k
15:31 Carl Metropolitan Usually they would attach some sort of targeting balls to the person, film them, and have the computer create a moving skeleton from that input
15:32 Carl Metropolitan You can get some very basic motion capture rigs for about 10,000USD now
15:32 Wordsmith Jarvinen Wear a special suit -- move -- and the motion is recorded. Andy Serkis (sp?) did that for Gollum, in Lord of the Rings, for example.
15:32 Lindal Kidd or even much less
15:32 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) OMG - lol - I have that with me, in coins ....
15:32 Carl Metropolitan Not good enough for high-end VFX, but great for gaming or creating SL animations
15:32 Gronk Seriman Ever seen those behind the scenes Hollywood promos where some actor is on a green stage with little white balls stuck all over them? That's one way they do it.
15:33 Carl Metropolitan So a lot of the higher end animations now used here were motion captured
15:33 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) yep - got the idea
15:33 Carl Metropolitan And that includes the sex animations, though I suspect those were simulated :)
15:33 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) hahaha
15:33 Lindal Kidd here is one that uses Kinect cameras
15:33 Meora (menchor) why porn is a big industry
15:33 Lindal Kidd
15:34 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) I guess I gotthe idea - thanks a lot for taking the time explaining that
15:34 Carl Metropolitan Wow
15:34 Carl Metropolitan It has gotten much cheaper
15:35 Carl Metropolitan But if you are an animator who made their stuff by moving models frame by frame in poser, you can see how it would be hard to compete.
15:35 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) indeed
15:35 Carl Metropolitan That software is only $345 / year that Lindal linked
15:36 Wordsmith Jarvinen Meanwhile, back on the alto plano, Inara Pey has a blog on Ebbe Altberg talking about SL & Sansar.
15:36 Carl Metropolitan Also, that's how a lot of mesh clothing makers work, too. They don't model everything in Blender or Maya (though some do); they use special software for modeling clothing for games.
15:36 Meora (menchor) you still have to have someone who can dance
15:36 Wordsmith Jarvinen Under employed dancers shouldn't be too hard to find.
15:37 Lindal Kidd Pardon me, everyone! I must excuse myself and tend to dinner. The natives are getting restless!
15:37 Aylaria (emberell) Good luck!
15:37 Carl Metropolitan Bye Lindal
15:37 Meora (menchor) from what is leaking out about Sansar is sounds like it may be good
15:38 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) thanks lindal
15:38 Lindal Kidd maybe if I brought a big dragon along...
15:38 Lindal Kidd waves and poofs!
15:38 Carl Metropolitan
15:38 Aylaria (emberell) giggles, "Thanks for being here today!"
15:38 Carl Metropolitan That's a program designed for making clothing for games (including SL)
15:39 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) Sansar?
15:39 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) Not sure what that is?
15:39 Carl Metropolitan New code name for SL2
15:39 Wordsmith Jarvinen Think SL2
15:39 Carl Metropolitan Not a good one as the first continent in SL was names Sansara
15:39 Carl Metropolitan People will get confused.
15:39 Carl Metropolitan But they had to get people to stop saying SL2 :)
15:39 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) Okay.
15:40 Catherine Lamon (thedoctorsassociates) The hosts at the SL 12 Birthday are pushing the new SL2
15:41 Carl Metropolitan The Lindens or the volunteer hosts?
15:42 Catherine Lamon (thedoctorsassociates) Volunteer as far as I can tell.
15:42 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Still in the planning stages, AFAIK, but there are lots of rumors around. Some very panicked.
15:43 Aylaria (emberell) Some of them even incredulous
15:43 Carl Metropolitan The problem with SL2 is that it will launch with minimal content compared to SL. So LL will really have to make some good deals for the content creators to redo their stuff for the new platform.
15:44 Gronk Seriman ...or set up easy porting.
15:44 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) wow
15:44 Carl Metropolitan if they can.
15:45 Carl Metropolitan Okay. Next question?
15:45 Meora (menchor) they are talking 1 inventory for multiple avatars
15:46 Josain Zsun I need multiple inventories for 1 AV.
15:46 Meora (menchor) there is a class for that
15:46 Meora (menchor) Ha ha ha hahahaaa
15:46 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) LOL
15:47 Gronk Seriman raises a hand
15:47 Carl Metropolitan Gronk?
15:47 Gronk Seriman I have recently re-discovered the tutorials up in the Sandbox building. I need to start using them. I was wondering if anybody is actively curating them any more? Or are they frozen in time when they were written?
15:47 [Second Life Items successfully shared.]
15:47 Phrynne I don't know of any active curating.
15:48 Aylaria (emberell) I found them more or less up to date, but it was a long time ago that I read them. They taught me a lot about building, but they're a little hard to follow
15:48 Carl Metropolitan They are frozen in time
15:48 Carl Metropolitan We did not created them
15:48 Meora (menchor) building hasn't changed all that much except a couple of things
15:48 Carl Metropolitan We just purchased them from the creators.
15:48 Phrynne Robin Sojourner Wood is still inworld -- she wrote many of them -- it might be possible to check with her about updates, if there are any.
15:49 Gronk Seriman Most of the info I saw seemed relatively timeless, but I was just wondering.
15:49 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) yes - should still work
15:51 Carl Metropolitan If there are updates available, let me know and I will have Oxbridge Mint buy them
15:51 Phrynne nods
15:51 Carl Metropolitan Is that a Commons or an Information thing? Who should I ask?
15:52 Gronk Seriman That building is ON campus , and the actual Sandbox is in the Village, correct?
15:52 Phrynne correct, Gronk
15:52 Wordsmith Jarvinen There are also tutorials up on the clothing / jewelry platform.
15:52 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) Where's that platform, pls?
15:52 Carl Metropolitan Right
15:53 Carl Metropolitan Teleporter to it is next to the entrance to the cathedral
15:53 Carl Metropolitan It is the sandbox teleporter
15:53 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) TY
15:53 Gronk Seriman I've noticed the roof of that building is phantom. is that to keep people from using up campus prim counts?
15:53 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) Caledon Oxbridge (67,132,1701)
15:53 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) That's the LM to the Athelier, which is the clothing/jewelry platform
15:54 Aylaria (emberell) That teleporter is oddly unmarked and out of the way. I only learned of it quite recently myself, by having someone else mention it to me
15:55 Phrynne It has an A on it
15:55 Wordsmith Jarvinen It has an "A" on it. (I don't think it's scarlet)
15:55 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) A on it helps - lol
15:55 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) <grin>
15:55 Gronk Seriman Fonzie would approve. Aaaaay!
15:55 Aylaria (emberell) Yeah, the first time i saw it, as a newbie, I thought it was decoration, and I couldn't do anything to it from far away. So I think I forgot about it...
15:55 Carl Metropolitan Any other questions this evening?
15:56 Carl Metropolitan Okay. Thanks to everyone for coming and bringing their questions!
15:56 Carl Metropolitan See you all around Oxbridge
15:56 Carl Metropolitan I can often be found in my tower office
15:56 Aylaria (emberell) Thank you so much, all of you, for taking the time to both keep us informed and to answer our questions
15:56 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) Thanks to you Deans
15:56 Carl Metropolitan I'm imprisoned there waiting for a handsome price to rescue me.
15:57 Aylaria (emberell) Is it cliche if I try to rexcue you from the tower?
15:57 Aylaria (emberell) OR do I count as the dragon guard?
15:57 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) LOL - bye , and good night folks
15:57 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) Thanks for coming, everyone.
15:57 Carl Metropolitan Goodnight everyone
15:57 Carl Metropolitan Thanks for coming!
15:57 Wordsmith Jarvinen Thanks for coming.
15:57 Gronk Seriman Thank you, Deans!