Caledon Oxbridge Q&A for 2015-05-31

15:04 Wordsmith Jarvinen Well, Tis time to start, whether Carl and the starter gun are here or not.
15:04 Wordsmith Jarvinen Welcome to the Weekly Oxbridge Deans' show ... er ... Q&A.
15:05 Gronk Seriman smiles
15:05 Wordsmith Jarvinen In which we share with you some of the nefarious schemes we are up to and you can ask questions of us.
15:06 Wordsmith Jarvinen Our answers may or may not be related.
15:06 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) There may also be some punning involved :-)
15:07 Phrynne and some may be belated
15:07 Wordsmith Jarvinen (Decides it's hare to get a barrel to give a status report and shift's attention to commons on his left).
15:07 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) decides to be-early
15:07 Wordsmith Jarvinen Well, there's grounds for that from Commons.
15:08 Phrynne isn't sure if Commons is being asked for the report or the coffee.
15:08 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) Well, I've been continuing to work mostly on the ban lists. We're making progress, but it is slow. Kudos to Phrynne for getting through all the parcel bans and to Word for building us a database.
15:09 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) I consider myself one to put out fires, but i'm told I missed the fire-breathing fish who visited.
15:09 Phrynne I've updated the bans on the parcels and taken off those who were only naughty as opposed to those who were devious and dangerous.
15:09 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) passes the baton to Phrynne
15:09 Phrynne juggles the baton with the coffee cups
15:09 Wordsmith Jarvinen We are unbanning those who were naughty but nice?
15:09 Phrynne More or less.
15:10 Phrynne The rationale is that those who had minor mishaps are off the list.
15:11 Phrynne but those who were griefing or attempting to hurt others are still banned.
15:11 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) We have instituted a 'cootie' range that goes from 1 to 1000, depending onhow much of a trial any one person was.
15:11 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) ducks and runs for cover
15:11 Phrynne tosses the baton back to BadAss
15:11 Wordsmith Jarvinen To note, we have multiple Oxbridge parcels scattered about plus the estate ban list.
15:11 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) LOL
15:12 Phrynne A lot of the work has been sorting out who is on the estate ban list as opposed to the parcel list.
15:12 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) Seriously, it is taking so long because we have multiple sources to check for information and to collate and condense
15:12 Phrynne It can get complicated.
15:12 Wordsmith Jarvinen The parcels to some extent had "unique" ban lists?
15:12 Phrynne All parcels' ban lists were differetn.
15:12 Phrynne *different.
15:12 Phrynne Those with the most bans are of course the entry, but also the Lecture Hall and Hall of Caledon.
15:12 Phrynne But there are several other smaller parcels that had separate lists.
15:13 Phrynne And all of them have been looked at and worked on.
15:13 Phrynne hands BadAss the coffee
15:14 Phrynne That, and talking to people at Oxbridge, and putting out fires.
15:14 Gronk Seriman Why are there so many Parcels? Is there a need to break up the Campus so finely?
15:15 Wordsmith Jarvinen Some had special purposes which may or may not hold true now.
15:15 Jayleden Miles There is no need for it -just how it was planned in the past for different things. Like when we had the dorms.
15:15 Wordsmith Jarvinen Café Vox is on a parcel that allows voice, while the main parcel does not.
15:16 Gronk Seriman Ah! OK.
15:16 Jayleden Miles Used to have townhouses to the South of the sim as well..not there now.
15:16 Wordsmith Jarvinen The Rosegarden is a COUG (rather than COU) owned parcel so those who can't leave a G-area can have a home spot there.
15:16 Phrynne The Library is its own parcel, as is the Lecture Hall and the Hall of Caledon
15:17 Wordsmith Jarvinen The library is it's own separate world.
15:17 Wordsmith Jarvinen The lecture hall has a longer auto-return AND allows use of voice.
15:18 Wordsmith Jarvinen The Hall of Caledon allows direct TP to there for the quest. (The main parcel has a defined "landing spot")
15:18 Gronk Seriman I see the mechanics now. But consolidation may be in order.
15:19 Wordsmith Jarvinen There are several other parcels of less know motivations..
15:19 Wordsmith Jarvinen There's a parcel for lighting the torch in the tutorial. One for the trainstation. One for the freebie gazebo.
15:20 Gronk Seriman geez!
15:20 Aylaria (emberell) There was another parcel, but it's been lost in the post for ages
15:20 Wordsmith Jarvinen Oh, and one that is/was the horse carriage entry.
15:20 Jayleden Miles One has to be very careful when combining parcels and if one doesn't know what one is doing it can return things.
15:20 Phrynne The train station and the gazebo have freebies that should not be returned to their owners, so they are separate.
15:21 Gronk Seriman The Untouchable Freebie Gazebo. That wil remain to the end of SL, probably.
15:21 Wordsmith Jarvinen Although, when I checked, the gazebo has auto-return on.
15:21 Wordsmith Jarvinen So, if that once applied, it's not clear that it does now.
15:21 Jayleden Miles It does. It's group set. We used to make the placer of the freebie be in the group.
15:22 Phrynne ahh
15:22 Wordsmith Jarvinen Thanks, Jayle. So a lot of separate lists.
15:22 Jayleden Miles There used to be review process for the freebies...mostly it was to check if the person was a griefer or not.
15:23 Phrynne gets her exercise walking around to check the parcels.
15:23 Wordsmith Jarvinen Run a live scan, send a request to the Caledon Justice Dept, ....
15:23 Jayleden Miles Well back then we had issues with Woodbury
15:24 Wordsmith Jarvinen The upshot, is that as of last night, there is a list of 674 banned or formerly banned avatars.
15:25 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) and that is growing, although many of the names are just there in case they come back at some distant and unlikely time.
15:25 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) Many are not on the ban lists or are due to be removed
15:25 Phrynne A lot of it is historical -- some of the notecards go back 7 years to accounts that are no longer active
15:26 Jayleden Miles I think all the permabans are still active accounts.
15:26 Wordsmith Jarvinen And an interim, feasible method to update that.
15:27 Wordsmith Jarvinen Just got an IM from Carl, apologizing for not being able to make it -- not the best of weeks.
15:27 Jayleden Miles poor guy
15:27 Aylaria (emberell) Ahr, I understand that. Do send him our regards, though, won't you?
15:28 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) says "Ditto"
15:28 Phrynne yes, please.
15:28 Wordsmith Jarvinen Ahh. He's already offline.
15:28 Wordsmith Jarvinen But not flooding.
15:28 Phrynne oh, good.
15:28 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) The flooding isn't affectinghim?
15:29 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) that's good.
15:29 Aylaria (emberell) Oh good, I'm glad!
15:29 Wordsmith Jarvinen Only possibly as to mood.
15:29 Jayleden Miles It's how he is. He needs time.
15:31 Wordsmith Jarvinen So, currently, Larky or Phrynne give me a simple but formatted text file (similar to that used by some bibliographic reference managers) and I run it through an offworld script to update the ban data.
15:31 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hopes are, in the not too distant future to have a web interface more like what's up behind us.
15:32 Gronk Seriman Ah! The Ban Mangler. I mean...Manager.
15:32 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) :-) :-)
15:32 Wordsmith Jarvinen Select an avatar name on the left, edit the form on the right.
15:32 Wordsmith Jarvinen Considers changing the name.... :P
15:33 Wordsmith Jarvinen That also let's those here see the limited extent of the data we're concerned about.
15:34 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) that's excellent progress, Wordsmith. Folks, you have no idea how much thought and work he's put into this. I am surrounded by very hard workers here.
15:34 Jayleden Miles Hopefully you're planning to give Wrath and Kamilah access.
15:34 Gronk Seriman No doubt!
15:34 Wordsmith Jarvinen Badass, you want to comment on that?
15:35 Aylaria (emberell) Yes, thank you so much for going through and setting that up! I even have a little understanding of code, and I know that can't have been easy, nor at all quick to manage. Thank you so much for taking the time to give us another invaluable tool!
15:35 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) Yes, we have several people on a tentative list, and Wrath and Kamilah are definitely a part of that.
15:37 Wordsmith Jarvinen Before we move over to Jayle, questions on any aspect of all of this?
15:38 Aylaria (emberell) I have a mostly tangential question. Is there a limit on how large a ban list can be, in SL? A point at which it becomes unworkable, or just can't be added to any longer?
15:38 Jayleden Miles 500 on the estate level.
15:38 Phrynne Each parcel has 300 slots
15:38 Wordsmith Jarvinen Yes, the list implementation by LL has limits.
15:38 Aylaria (emberell) Ah, okay. That's what I was curious about, thanks!
15:38 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) do the lists have to match
15:38 Jayleden Miles No
15:39 Phrynne no
15:39 Gronk Seriman So there IS a readon to manage the lists. OK.
15:39 Gronk Seriman *reason
15:39 Wordsmith Jarvinen They can both overlap and be dissimilar.
15:39 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) Absolutely a reason. Hopefully, they will be much more manageable when we are finished.
15:40 Wordsmith Jarvinen It's also worth noting, I belive, that Phrynne, Larky, and staff are doing some of the minor bans for set periods.
15:41 Wordsmith Jarvinen 3 days, a week, 2 weeks, a month .... and there are some permabans.
15:41 Wordsmith Jarvinen So the form I have up has a "date to unban"
15:42 Wordsmith Jarvinen Which in some cases will be "when pigs fly"
15:42 Jayleden Miles But in sl they can fly
15:42 Aylaria (emberell) Hehe
15:43 Wordsmith Jarvinen (grumbles)
15:43 Jayleden Miles giggles
15:43 Wordsmith Jarvinen I'll have to change that record.
15:43 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) (Finland it is the cows that (won't) fly :-) )
15:44 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) Heavy mon, Heavy!
15:44 Phrynne Also, if by accident someone is unbanned who caused a great deal of trouble, it's no problem to reban them.
15:44 Phrynne There are a great number of similar names in SL, which can make things a bit complex.
15:45 Gronk Seriman wonders how many unfortunate Gronks there are.
15:46 Phrynne checks about 50
15:46 Phrynne (an estimate)
15:46 Wordsmith Jarvinen Wonders about the fortunate one.
15:47 Gronk Seriman It's the only thing about yourself you can't change. And still regret it.
15:47 Wordsmith Jarvinen Anyway, much of my week had gone to getting this to where we have data in a mutually readable format that can be updated (at least the info) by others without their having to know a lot of technical detals.
15:48 Wordsmith Jarvinen I have replotted them, but free avatar touches keep coming in at between 40-80+ per day.
15:49 Gronk Seriman Nice!
15:49 Jayleden Miles Seems consistent with the numbers Marion reported for the sim.
15:50 Wordsmith Jarvinen And, I need to get the extended class schedule so it's in workable (while waiting on true two-week data), so that I can tract Josain's current 8am Sat and Sun classes.
15:51 Wordsmith Jarvinen Jayle, anything more from the development front?
15:51 Gronk Seriman Per day?! that's fantastic! Something to hold under LL's noses.
15:52 Wordsmith Jarvinen And these aren't even the latest "models".
15:52 Jayleden Miles Aylaria is hard at work on the story plot for the Fall event.
15:52 Jayleden Miles Aeval is working on some of the builds.
15:53 Jayleden Miles And I'm working on my FEMA training in RL so I've not done much!
15:53 Jayleden Miles Josain spoke to some Machinima people for me and I've been talking to them about that but probably won't happen.
15:54 Jayleden Miles I think that is it.
15:54 Wordsmith Jarvinen Thanks.
15:55 Wordsmith Jarvinen Any relatively quick, free questions? (42)
15:55 Gronk Seriman Public transportation news? CATS? Buggies?
15:56 Wordsmith Jarvinen Nothing new.
15:56 Gronk Seriman Figured such.
15:57 Jayleden Miles Buggies are in the hands of Desmond so don't expect much on that front. grins.
15:57 Jayleden Miles Something about a 'job' and 'kids' but I think he's really an exotic dancer.
15:57 Wordsmith Jarvinen I may be able to help on the CAT scripting, but we've had to get past some other needs first.
15:57 Gronk Seriman grins
15:59 Gronk Seriman And since we don't have surrounding water any more, I guess the subs are fight out.
15:59 Gronk Seriman *right out
15:59 Phrynne It is possible to sail around Oxbridge, and many other places within Caledon, but not around the circumference of the country.
15:59 Wordsmith Jarvinen They might make it through against the shoreline.
16:00 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) ??? what subs
16:00 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Well, no reproducing sub packs outside Oxbridge any more...
16:00 Phrynne There have been some submarines for transport under SSC, as well as ferryboats elsewhere.
16:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen We had subs that started in SSC, went down the W side of Oxbridge and docked at the CAT landing in Village (at a lower level).
16:01 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) ah explains the build onthat
16:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen Spiffy looking things. Occasionally one would come through the lecture hall.
16:02 Aylaria (emberell) Too bad they couldn't teach worth a darn
16:02 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Just on more
16:02 Gronk Seriman Ha! Yes!
16:02 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) I do not seem to have the texture about reproducing subs any more...
16:04 Wordsmith Jarvinen SL changed something that seem to break some of the communication, leading the sub-rezzer to believe that the sub had been deleted and to rez another one. It let to quite a collection a few time.
16:04 Meora (menchor) did that with the airships too
16:05 Wordsmith Jarvinen The hour is up. Time to adjourn. Thank you all for coming and participating.
16:05 Curious Q (curiousaboutsl) raises his hand "I have a question"
16:05 Wordsmith Jarvinen Yes?
16:05 Curious Q (curiousaboutsl) 21x2=?
16:05 Phrynne 42
16:05 Curious Q (curiousaboutsl) ok thanks
16:05 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Bedtime for me.
16:05 Phrynne also 2x3x7
16:06 Gronk Seriman Thank you, Deans!
16:06 Aylaria (emberell) Thanks so much for taking the time to keep us informed, and to answer our questions!
16:06 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Be seeing you.
16:06 Wordsmith Jarvinen YW.
16:06 Phrynne sleep well
16:07 Oxbridge Donation Coin R1 (Alternate Lecture Hall) Gronk Seriman gave a generous donation to help support classes and tutorials at Caledon Oxbridge Gateway.
16:07 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) thanks for coming, all
16:07 Curious Q (curiousaboutsl) ok who would like to join us in hunting?
16:08 Phrynne thanks but o
16:08 Phrynne no.
16:08 Phrynne I'm working on my inventory so it will be ready for the Silk Road Hunt tomorrow.
16:08 Gronk Seriman I'm sorry if I was the heckler tonight.
16:09 Jayleden Miles Always enjoy a good heckling.
16:09 Wordsmith Jarvinen hmmm Silk road........ thinks of the original .... and the spice Routes ....
16:09 Gronk Seriman The mood struck me.
16:09 Wordsmith Jarvinen Gronk you were fine.
16:10 Gronk Seriman smiles