Caledon Oxbridge Q&A for 2015-04-19

15:05 Carl Metropolitan Welcome to Q&A with the Deans
15:05 Carl Metropolitan To start with I have a few announcements.
15:06 Carl Metropolitan As many of you know David Cooper has had some RL issues that have prevented him from doing much as Dean of Commons, and that Larkey has for the most part been taking over most of his duties. I am sad to announce that David has decided he needs to take a complete break from SL to concentrate on getting better and has resigned as Dean.
15:07 Carl Metropolitan I am very sorry to see him go. I hope he's able to recover soon and rejoin us in Caledon and Oxbridge.
15:08 Gronk Seriman Awwww. I pray the best for mim.
15:08 Phrynne /me 's whiskers droop
15:08 Carl Metropolitan In the meantime, Larky is Acting Dean of Commons. Which is little change from the current situation. I'm going to talk to her and the other Deans about how to fill David's shoes.
15:10 Carl Metropolitan Now that I have the bad news out of the way, let me ask our deans for reports from their areas, and for the report from Wordsmith's area, too (Wordsmith is out today).
15:10 Carl Metropolitan Lindal, lets start with yours.
15:10 Lindal Kidd thank you
15:10 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) I have something from Word. After Lindal.
15:11 Lindal Kidd Miss Aeval Luna has undertaken to translate some of our key notecards into other languages
15:11 Lindal Kidd she's been using machine translation, and we all know how THAT can work out sometimes
15:11 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) /me shudders
15:11 Lindal Kidd we have proofreaders to check the French and Spanish versions
15:12 Carl Metropolitan Good to hear.
15:12 Lindal Kidd but we need people fluent in Russian, Italian, Portuguese, and German as well
15:12 Carl Metropolitan Have you considered sending out a request on the ISC and COUG groups for those languages?
15:12 Lindal Kidd anyone who can help with that should contact Assistant Dean Phrynne
15:12 Lindal Kidd I will do so
15:12 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) I thought I had given Phrynne a list. I know at least of a Portuguese and a German speaker.
15:12 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) I have a list of people willing to translate.
15:13 Lindal Kidd yay!
15:13 Lindal Kidd also regarding languages, Phrynne sent out a notecard today, regarding the removal of the G rated Spanish help area at Universidad San Martin
15:14 Carl Metropolitan I saw that. Does that leave us with no Spanish help areas? Or just not G-rated ones?
15:14 Jasmin Jolbey just non g rated
15:14 Lindal Kidd the only Spanish place we have left to send people is Virtual Spain, in Joywind Korea, rated M
15:14 Carl Metropolitan Okay
15:15 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) Have you looked into Groups? They'd have to be vetted for activity and reliability and such, but there are culture and language related groups out there
15:15 Lindal Kidd I wonder if the Virtual Spain owners could be persuaded to move to a G rated sim?
15:15 Carl Metropolitan Anything else to report? I know that Phrynne is working on learning how to update the PSP files for the tutorial posters that Ravelli mades.
15:15 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) not from the language I've seen there
15:16 Lindal Kidd I have often referred people to groups when there is no help area in their language
15:16 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) okay - just checking
15:16 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) thanks
15:16 Lindal Kidd but it's hard to get across the whole concept of "groups"!
15:17 Lindal Kidd I have been going through a packet of notecards that Larky gave me.
15:17 Lindal Kidd we'll take any pieces that are still current and not in our Faculty Kit notes and include them
15:17 Carl Metropolitan Sounds good. Is that everything?
15:17 Lindal Kidd that is all!
15:18 Carl Metropolitan THank you.
15:18 Carl Metropolitan Larky, You have stuff to report both from Wordsmith and from Commons today, don't you?
15:18 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) From Wordsmith's perspective, he asked me to report that he has been working on a translator app to replace the ones that died recently.
15:19 Lindal Kidd some of the TPV devs are working to get the translator working in the viewer again, I hear.
15:19 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) I don't understand the technical programming stuff well enough to summarize it, but he is making steady progress. I have a notecard I can give to anyone who wants it in IM. It is technical and fairly up to date. I believe he has made progress since then.
15:20 Carl Metropolitan He sounded like he was when I spoke to him briefly last night.
15:20 Second Life Items successfully shared.
15:21 Carl Metropolitan Do you have anything you need to announce for Commons?
15:22 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) In Tutor news, I hope to develop a class for tutor training that addresses skills for working with people who don't speak English. That was scheduled for this week, but has been postponed until the 29th or the 1st. There is an announcement in the COU group with details, and I would be happy to pass the info to anyone else who is interested.
15:22 Lindal Kidd that should be a most useful class!
15:23 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) the timing seemed right
15:23 Carl Metropolitan Thank you
15:24 Carl Metropolitan Jayleden, anything new from Development?
15:24 Jayleden Miles Nothing new. I'm coming into the final few weeks of the semester so I am wrapping up my classes. So might not be in as much.
15:24 Second Life Items successfully shared.
15:24 Carl Metropolitan Understand completely
15:25 Carl Metropolitan I've made a minor update to the Cathedral. I've dragged out the Founders Seals for Oxbridge, Nova Civis Caledon (our predecessor) and Oxbridge village to display next to a container with the Oxbridge Rose for this year and the two coins Kamilah honored us with
15:26 Carl Metropolitan I've updated the Caledon seal on the front entrance to show a seal for each year we've been here
15:26 Carl Metropolitan And moved the Eight Wonders of Caledon to the display case
15:26 Carl Metropolitan I pulled down the 4th anniversary token because we are coming up on three years past that :)
15:28 Carl Metropolitan Okay. Let's move on to questions and comments and suggestions?
15:30 Carl Metropolitan I guess we can all go early if there are not any.
15:30 Lindal Kidd oh
15:31 Lindal Kidd I wanted to say "thank you" for the fix that got ejected avatars out of the sim corner!
15:31 Carl Metropolitan How was that fixed?
15:31 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) WSJ has a HUD that does it.
15:32 Jayleden Miles Is that the hud that Larky and Phrynne have?
15:32 Phrynne It sends sleeping avatars 'home' with a message about why they were sent.
15:32 Phrynne yes
15:32 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) Phrynne and I have copies. I don't know if he has passed it on to others or not.
15:32 Phrynne I think we were the guinea pigs for testing it
15:32 Phrynne but they must be sleeping avatars.
15:32 Phrynne it doesn't work if an avatar is not 'away'
15:32 Carl Metropolitan Thank you.
15:33 Carl Metropolitan Does anyone else have any questions for us? Suggestions? Comments?
15:33 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) and they must be on COU property. Someone got ejected for sleeping yesterday evening, somehow moved a couple of meters over the border into Cymru and was still there late last night
15:33 Lindal Kidd /me chuckles
15:34 Jayleden Miles I doubt Cymru would mind.
15:34 BadAss Fae (larkylouz) he's gonna wake up with one heck of a hangover. He was still quaffing his beer at that hour.
15:34 Jayleden Miles grins
15:35 Carl Metropolitan Thank you all for coming. Feel free to drop David a notecard or email wishing him the best.
15:35 Lindal Kidd A minor update...the notecards in the Safety and the G Rated Sandbox vendors have been updated
15:35 Carl Metropolitan Thank you.
15:36 Carl Metropolitan Bye everyone
15:36 Jayleden Miles Thank you all for being here