Caledon Oxbridge Q&A for 2015-01-18

15:01 Carl Metropolitan Let's get started.
15:01 Lyn Navarita TY
15:01 Carl Metropolitan Welcome to Q&A with the Deans.
15:01 Carl Metropolitan We are here to answer any questions you may have about Oxbridge, Caledon, or Second Life in general
15:01 Carl Metropolitan This also serves as sort of a public staff meeting for Oxbridge
15:01 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) (If we know the answers)
15:02 Carl Metropolitan But don't let that make you feel like you can't raise non-Oxbridge questions. We welcome them.
15:02 Carl Metropolitan So
15:02 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) Hello Jayle
15:03 Carl Metropolitan Things are proceeding as scheduled for our fundraising auction in
15:03 Carl Metropolitan As you can see Tali is nearly done with the plaque for the Patrons
15:03 Jayleden Miles waves to David
15:04 Wordsmith Jarvinen Watches a wave pass over himself.
15:04 Carl Metropolitan The Patron program has been successful for the first month. We had one person commit then vanish from SL, but we expected some turnover, so we will be contacting the next person on the "Standby Patron" list to see if they want to replace them.
15:04 Jayleden Miles Nice work, Tali.
15:04 Larkylouz The back window is flashing silver. Most annoying. Any idea how to shut it off?
15:05 Wordsmith Jarvinen Turn of advanced lighting for the time being.
15:05 Larkylouz that's better.
15:05 Larkylouz okay, thanks
15:05 Carl Metropolitan David is making good progress on our standards and rules documents for tutors and students. He's done a great first draft and is incorporating comments
15:06 Carl Metropolitan Jayleden has been contacting people for donations to the Auction and has prepared a venue for the Auction / Dance
15:06 Heli (helvitia) I have a question, please. Is there a handy listing somewhere of the shops that give high quality gifts to the new residents? Someone gave me such a list when I first started, but now most of them seem to have gone away. It would be a nice thing to give to the newbies.
15:06 Carl Metropolitan We are still waiting on Desmond to get back to do the final scheduling of that.
15:06 Carl Metropolitan He's out sick
15:07 Carl Metropolitan Wordsmith has finished with expanding the number of slots we have for class sponsors, and as soon as we are done with the Auction, we will start actively selling those once more.
15:07 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) I wonder if Dean Kidd might be able to answer Ms Heli's question best.
15:07 Carl Metropolitan I've been replacing the furniture in the Cathedral with lower prim mesh versions, slowly
15:07 Carl Metropolitan Lindal will know that. She does the Smart Shoppers class each week.
15:08 Carl Metropolitan I need to shut up and let people ask questions
15:08 Heli (helvitia) Thank you for the note, Phrynne!
15:08 Carl Metropolitan Other people are doing other things though that I've not mentioned :)
15:08 Phrynne I have sent Heli the most recent version of that notecard.
15:08 Phrynne Lindal and I are continuing work to update the faculty kit notecards
15:09 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) I am presently reviewing some other Tutor related documents that Lin sent me, as well
15:09 Carl Metropolitan That is a model of the new mesh Hall of Caledon I'm working (slowly) on.
15:09 Carl Metropolitan Currently fighting Blender/SL physics uploads
15:09 Jayleden Miles Looks good.
15:09 Wordsmith Jarvinen David, Phrynne did raise a question as to policy re the sandbox and how that differs, being in a moderate region.
15:10 Carl Metropolitan Good point. I had forgotten that Oxbridge Village changed from G to M
15:10 Carl Metropolitan It used to be G like Oxbridge.
15:10 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) It is a real challenge since the users of the sandbox often come from Oxbridge
15:10 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) The problem is that younger residents cannot go there.
15:11 Wordsmith Jarvinen Other than 16-17 year olds cannot do that transition.
15:11 Jayleden Miles Desmond will not change the rating of Village. Might need to put out a sign directing younger users to a G rated sandbox.
15:11 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) Martini gave one 17 year old a special dispensation to build alongside one of our buildings.
15:11 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) That's a good Idea, Jayle
15:12 Samm Florian nods.
15:12 Larkylouz There are spaces that small building projects could be accomplished on a one to one basis
15:12 Phrynne There are several sandboxes listed on the list of G-rated regions, also.
15:12 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) My list of sandboxes is probably out of date...
15:12 Samm Florian Those information notecards, like th'one Heli was lookin' for…are they available in Oxbridge? If not, a notecard vendor might be a good idea mebbe.
15:12 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) And I have recently been exploring some of the G rated islands and will give a list to Phrynne and LIn when I am finished
15:13 Carl Metropolitan Excellent!
15:13 Phrynne The information notecards will be part of the faculty kit that we are working on.
15:13 Phrynne I can give the new one on G-rated regions to anyone who wants it.
15:13 Wordsmith Jarvinen Although, mid terms, we could consider a notecard vendor.
15:13 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) I'll get a preliminary list to you in the next day or so, Phrynne.
15:13 Samm Florian Any reason some can't be available in a self-serve way?
15:14 Carl Metropolitan It should be
15:14 Samm Florian I was thinkin' over where that desk is might make sense.
15:14 Carl Metropolitan We probably need a notecard vendor like NCI uses
15:14 Wordsmith Jarvinen Samm, I reckon it's just a matter of scripting a vendor so someone can select what they'd like to see.
15:14 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) We probably need a "how to get stuff out of our vendors " sign for the brand new people.
15:15 Jayleden Miles There is a community board down by the Ground level lecture hall. Would be a good spot. It's already used for that with other locations.
15:15 Larkylouz That, David, and how to find a notecard once you've received it.
15:15 Josain Zsun Ans what to do with a notecard or object when you receive it.
15:15 Josain Zsun And
15:16 Wordsmith Jarvinen We could do a notecard on that! :P
15:16 Larkylouz I hesitate to give them to very new people, for just that reason.
15:16 Phrynne lol
15:16 Jayleden Miles laughs
15:16 Jujue lol
15:16 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) We are loading tasks on new peeps before they go through the tutorial
15:16 Samm Florian You can have it use llRegionSay t'talk to th'person directly, tell 'em what t'do.
15:16 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) sadistic teaching at its finest
15:16 Larkylouz is picturing an armload of textbooks for each scholar, by the time we are finished.
15:16 Phrynne is picturing having to reshelve them when they're dropped across campus
15:16 Larkylouz LOL
15:17 Samm Florian Or ya could always make a website. Folks usually understand how those work. :P
15:17 Josain Zsun They only know how to Run, not read
15:17 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) is picturing a version of RTFM error message in a vendor.
15:17 Jayleden Miles Eh well if they are wanting G rated sandboxes to build or open things, they're behind being overly new, anyway.
15:17 Carl Metropolitan Best to duplicate the content in world when possible because there are a lot of people who can't run SL and a web browser at the same time.
15:17 Jayleden Miles beyond*
15:17 Samm Florian Good point.
15:19 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) grins. "More stuff for Lindal to work on, that'l teach her to miss a meeting"
15:19 Jayleden Miles Keeps her entertained.
15:19 Phrynne no, she'll hand it to me :0
15:19 Samm Florian goes afk fer dinner.
15:19 Jayleden Miles We won't tell her I said that
15:19 Phrynne :)
15:19 Wordsmith Jarvinen Speaking of which, I've started reconstituting the former Gazette, now The Oxbridge Guardian, named after the Winged Lions that were once on the buildings.
15:19 Larkylouz Phyrnne is doing a LOT of work on editing and creating and researching materials!
15:19 Larkylouz Yes, it looks very nice, wordsmith.
15:20 Carl Metropolitan We need winged lions back.
15:20 Jayleden Miles Ok. It keeps Phrynne entertained. We won't tell Phrynne I said that either.
15:20 Carl Metropolitan I wonder if there are low prim mesh verisons out there.
15:20 Wordsmith Jarvinen Or if we can make them.
15:20 Phrynne throws a snowball at Jayle
15:20 Jayleden Miles grins at Phrynne.
15:21 Larkylouz looks for her mittens
15:21 Lyn Navarita They're be Griffins here?
15:21 Wordsmith Jarvinen What's up now isn't a finished configuration by any means.
15:21 Jayleden Miles I've seen low primmed mesh lions, but no wings.
15:21 Wordsmith Jarvinen Nope. Need the wings.
15:21 Carl Metropolitan I'm looking for replacement furniture for the Cathedral, I will check for winged lions while I'm at it.
15:22 Carl Metropolitan Will you accept gryphons?
15:22 Wordsmith Jarvinen And if the can carry avatars upside down in their jaws, all the better.
15:22 Phrynne as long as they're not delivering them like storks
15:22 Wordsmith Jarvinen Gryphons could work.
15:22 Larkylouz Running avatars! If you're going to do avatars, they must be running! Should be an interesting animation.
15:22 Phrynne no winged bunnies?
15:22 Carl Metropolitan We now have new mesh (purchased) gazebo, trees, and fountain in the cathedral, saving us about 20 prims total
15:23 Carl Metropolitan And new shelves on the other side saving us 7 prims.
15:23 Carl Metropolitan All mesh which rezzes faster and has better detail
15:23 Wordsmith Jarvinen The ad panels outside the lecture hall now have 15 frames but a LI of 6.
15:23 Carl Metropolitan I know. They look great.
15:24 Jayleden Miles They do. Thank you for placing them.
15:24 Larkylouz Say! Is this lecture hall available for busy classes or trivia, as well? Is it a permanent build, in that it is here all the time?
15:24 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) I wonder if we need both animated desks in the Cathedral?
15:25 Jayleden Miles do we actually need desk?
15:25 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) One near the landing circle is probably a good thing.
15:25 Larkylouz It is nice to have one; I use it sometimes when I'm busy, but still partly present. Not that I couldn't live without it.
15:26 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) New arrivals can see us there... I use it occasionally too
15:26 Jayleden Miles nods.
15:26 Larkylouz I have also had a few suspicious avatars using the tables to run some sort of scheme - having other avatars come in and meet with them. Never did figure out what they were doing.
15:26 Larkylouz but that's not common, by any means
15:26 Jayleden Miles Probably just a neutral place to chat.
15:27 Larkylouz Many times, probably so, Jayle
15:27 Carl Metropolitan This is permanent
15:27 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) The garden table and chairs is used for that too.,
15:27 Larkylouz ty
15:27 Carl Metropolitan Trivia doesn't seem to need it so far.
15:27 Carl Metropolitan I'm getting rid of the desks
15:28 Carl Metropolitan Replacing them with some couches and chairs
15:28 Carl Metropolitan So there is a place for people to sit, but nothing that looks "official"
15:28 Phrynne Re the sandbox, what's the policy on people rezzing skyboxes over it for meetings, cuddles, etc.?
15:28 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) can use his wearable desk instead
15:28 Phrynne (sorry, lag)
15:29 Phrynne or is that not an Oxbridge matter?
15:29 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) I will tell you *my* policy... even cuddles are not appropriate for the sandbox
15:29 Jayleden Miles It's probably fine, as long as they are just existing there for a short time, but not squatting.
15:29 Carl Metropolitan Well, we probably should not allow it, but then a Lady or a Gentleman does not peek into other people's skyboxes.
15:29 Wordsmith Jarvinen Except they are now in a moderate region, David.
15:30 Phrynne If the skyboxes are over a public sandbox, they're not exactly private, Chancellor
15:30 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) We did have a couple who rezzed a huge pyramid over the sandbox to try out their inventory of couples animations
15:30 Jayleden Miles As long as the cuddles are cuddles and not public sex, shouldn't be an issue.
15:30 Wordsmith Jarvinen Little in SL is exactly private.
15:30 Carl Metropolitan If they are out of visual range of the sandbox, and are temporary, I'm not going to worry about it.
15:30 Meora (menchor) what's the return time on the sandbox?
15:30 Wordsmith Jarvinen The other problem is that we have few on the staff with land authority there.
15:31 Carl Metropolitan If they are in visual range and hanky-panky is going on, they should be encouraged to leave.
15:31 Jayleden Miles Even still, probably shouldn't be camming into a skybox even in the sandbox.
15:31 Wordsmith Jarvinen 3 hours auto-return.
15:31 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) Word, the autoreturn only works if the object is not sat on.
15:32 Wordsmith Jarvinen That can include the sky-box, even if they have something inside they sit on.
15:32 Jayleden Miles Even still, as long as people aren't squatting there, doesn't seem to be a big deal.
15:32 Carl Metropolitan If someone is sitting on the skybox for over three hours that's worth looking into
15:32 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) Martini did have to return a skybox with a couple engaging in much more than cuddles
15:32 Wordsmith Jarvinen And timing doesn't start when you stand up
15:33 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) There have been some small groups of squatters. including people having a sex bed in the sandbox...
15:33 Wordsmith Jarvinen That's why we have you, David, assuming you also are an EM in village.
15:33 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) I do not know if I am ... I think so... and will verify that today
15:34 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) Who wants to help be by getting booted?
15:34 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) help me*
15:34 Jayleden Miles We're in Village, just check Region controls. If you see the EM list you are an EM, if not, you are not.
15:34 Carl Metropolitan Oh. We need to look at getting a few people on the Caledon Library officers list so they can boot people misbehaving or camped out on the library land.
15:34 Meora (menchor) I dare you, David
15:34 Wordsmith Jarvinen You don't have to actually boot, just see if you have the choice.
15:34 Carl Metropolitan Only EMs can do that now.
15:34 Phrynne If this is over the chat circle, professors can eject.
15:34 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) I have been patroll ing the library
15:35 Wordsmith Jarvinen I'm a member of the library group and the commonwealth group but don't carry sufficient powers to do much.
15:35 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) I hope JJ will allow perhaps our assistant deans that privilege in the library
15:35 Jayleden Miles Would love just to change the library land to COUG land.
15:36 Jayleden Miles If we did, then our volunteers could use it more.
15:36 Wordsmith Jarvinen Having the library there fits the theme... and helps with the tier.
15:36 Carl Metropolitan Does anyone know JJ?
15:37 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) Jay, you have to remember the history and special relationship of the library to Caledon... It might be hard to convince the powers that be
15:37 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Griefers have also exploited the fact that Library area is separate..
15:37 Jayleden Miles Not suggesting we lose the Library, just change the parcel ownership.
15:37 Carl Metropolitan No. That can't happen. We are stuck with it.
15:37 Jayleden Miles If explained to JJ, why the land needs to be COUG grown owned, I doubt JJ would object.
15:37 Marley Harley (marleyharley) thinks what can be misbehavior in reading books
15:38 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) Let's ask JJ and Des to allow Asst Deans to have land powers
15:38 Wordsmith Jarvinen The bit that I haven't figured out is that Des himself has a small parcel just in front of the Rosegarden. It's not group deeded.
15:38 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Another spot grieers have used
15:38 Jayleden Miles It was just something done when the transitioning was happening and Desmond never undid it.
15:39 Wordsmith Jarvinen So only David or one of the other EMs have land powers there.
15:39 Jayleden Miles David as an EM, can sell the Desmond parcel to the COUG group.
15:39 Wordsmith Jarvinen And even if the griefers don't target that, self-breeding boxes end up in their.
15:39 Jayleden Miles Or - just join the Desmond parcel to the other parcel.
15:39 Carl Metropolitan Let me look as the parcel on the rose garden
15:39 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) For now... two AD's at least have my RL contact info so I can be reached in an emergency
15:39 Carl Metropolitan That's probably just an error
15:40 Jayleden Miles If needed I can talk David through how to join parcels.
15:40 Wordsmith Jarvinen Nods. It's just west of the Rosegarden proper.
15:40 Carl Metropolitan But ownership of the library will not be changing.
15:40 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) I won't do that with Des's parcel without his ok. But I am not scared to ask him
15:41 Jayleden Miles David, just let him know I can talk you through it, he doesn't need to, and he'll be fine with it.
15:42 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) I will let him know what we want to do... and I will wait another couple of days, till he is over the worst of his flu
15:42 Carl Metropolitan I'm an EM in Oxbridge. If it needs to be done let me do it.
15:42 Jayleden Miles Ah, good.
15:42 Carl Metropolitan Okay... Next questions? Comments?
15:42 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) Complaints?
15:43 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) Do you any guidelines or recommendations for autoreturns time on a private parcel?
15:43 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Queries?
15:43 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) *Do you have
15:43 Wordsmith Jarvinen Tutor problems? (as in problems had by tutors)
15:44 Carl Metropolitan On your own land? It depends if you have guests who will be using it for stuff.
15:44 Carl Metropolitan Normally, I'd set autoreturn to very short time--like 1 minute--on my own land.
15:44 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) yes, on my parcel. For random avatars
15:44 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) On my private parcel, Ololo, I use a no rez policy. LL uses a 20 minute auto return on their rez zones
15:44 Tali Rosca I don't think there are many specific guidelines. Most griefing attacks do not care much whether it's a minute or an hour. It auto-spawns as fast as it can anyway.
15:45 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) no rez I think is rude
15:45 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) ok
15:45 Tali Rosca I take the other approach and have a very long autoreturn; 10 hours or so.
15:45 Jayleden Miles Depends on the purpose of your parcel.
15:45 Wordsmith Jarvinen I will comment that, if a CAT files over your parcel (or homestead sim), don't have it too short a time.
15:45 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) I have 1 hour, now
15:45 Tali Rosca Long enough that people can do things in the area, but not long enough that it'll be there when they come back next day.
15:46 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) k
15:46 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) I should say that my parcel is on the mainland
15:46 Meora (menchor) or don't have a return and check if its a large parcel
15:46 Carl Metropolitan Then don't allow anyone else to rez
15:46 Carl Metropolitan If on mainland.
15:46 Tali Rosca If people want to have a nice afternoon's picnic on the Burroughs islands, they are welcome for a couple of hours :-)
15:46 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) My Caledon parcel has more liberal policy
15:47 sweetvictoryx who what policy?
15:47 Jayleden Miles nods. Location and purpose are important factors to consider. Can always change the time, too, if the time selected isn't working.
15:48 Wordsmith Jarvinen I believe David means his personal policy for return time, sweetvictoryx.
15:48 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Actually, there were reputedly some newcomers who gave conflicting information about their RL age. As in being 16 once and older later. And we have no way to check that.
15:48 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) Ms Victory, we are discussing the autoreturn policy that Mr Petya asked about
15:48 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) I want people enjoy SL, and rezzing things is important, but don't want to encourage abusers
15:49 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) but I see that opinions differs :)
15:49 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) Here in Caledon you have less issue with abusers ... that justifies a liberal policy
15:49 Tali Rosca For griefing, it doesn't matter how long, practically. What you then consider "abuse" is much up to how you want your parcel to be used.
15:49 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) The mainland is not so safe.
15:49 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) oki. Thanks
15:50 Meora (menchor) On mainland we always have set it to 0 with rez turned on and on the rare occasion someone trys squatting we have just sent things back
15:50 Tali Rosca Caledon is a single estate, so if somebody starts *really* causing trouble, they get estate banned.
15:50 Carl Metropolitan That's quite rare though
15:50 Carl Metropolitan It takes a lot to get Desmond that POed :)
15:50 Carl Metropolitan I can only think of a handful of people who have managed the feat.
15:52 Princessa (beauty.haramori) question
15:52 Carl Metropolitan Go!
15:53 Princessa (beauty.haramori) so I was working on a poofer script up in the atlier and was told I was griefing. I don't even know what that is really but I though we were allowed to work up there. Has that changed?
15:53 Princessa (beauty.haramori) *thought we were allowed
15:53 Carl Metropolitan was there a class going on?
15:54 Carl Metropolitan Or were any other people trying to use the Atlier at the time?
15:54 Carl Metropolitan If so, then a poofer script can be very annoying.
15:54 Princessa (beauty.haramori) there is no class in the Atlier and there was no class going on below. there were maybe about 6 people on the whole sim
15:54 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) Did the script have the effect of bothering others nearby?
15:54 Princessa (beauty.haramori) up in the air?
15:54 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) anywhere on the sim
15:55 Princessa (beauty.haramori) no I didn't set it to move any great distance.
15:55 Jayleden Miles Probably just a misunderstanding of what you were doing.
15:56 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) I would suggest that testing a script which has widespread effects... testing it... might better be done in a less crowded area? I can give you a LM to a nearly unused sandbox if you wish
15:56 Wordsmith Jarvinen If there were others doing jewelry or clothing up there, that would be it's primary purpose, it isn't designated as a general sandbox. On the other hand, if no one is there at the time, I would find it hard to consider it to be griefing.
15:56 Carl Metropolitan I would not worry about it much then.
15:56 Princessa (beauty.haramori) the Atlier is never crowded. i'm usually there alone and isn't it a sandbox?
15:57 Wordsmith Jarvinen It's a sandbox primarily created for working on jewelry and clothing.
15:57 Princessa (beauty.haramori) I'm making clothin and items like that
15:57 Tali Rosca It is a sandbox insofar as being a place to work. It's generally intended for precision work, though.
15:58 Princessa (beauty.haramori) Yes, I know. it was origianlly my idea brought up at a Dean's meeting years ago
15:58 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) any script that could potentially have widespread effects is a problem for the tester.
15:58 Princessa (beauty.haramori) becuase working in the sandbox making clothes was a problem
15:59 Marley Harley (marleyharley) sneaks out as quiet possible
15:59 Princessa (beauty.haramori) they actually followed me when I went up...before I started on the script. They waited around and then same something to me about it.
16:00 Princessa (beauty.haramori) *said something
16:00 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) then it's them that have a problem
16:00 Carl Metropolitan I think that's our hour this afternoon.
16:00 Princessa (beauty.haramori) yes, I agree.
16:00 Carl Metropolitan Thank you all for coming.
16:00 Wordsmith Jarvinen If you're getting harassed, IM one of the land officers.
16:01 Princessa (beauty.haramori) Hmm? this person use to teach I don't know How THAT works out.
16:01 Princessa (beauty.haramori) I don't see their name anymore,
16:01 David Cooper-Pentewyn (deebeecooper) Then the problem may have been solved.
16:02 Princessa (beauty.haramori) I just wanted to know if there is some rule that I'm not following becuase I didn't know.
16:02 Carl Metropolitan IM Wordsmith with their name and discuss it with him then.
16:02 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) BEdtime for me, I'm afraid.
16:02 Princessa (beauty.haramori) will do thanks
16:02 Jayleden Miles In short, no, you are not doing anything wrong.
16:02 Wordsmith Jarvinen And there have been multiple staff that left because of RL stress or health issues, which can affect what irritates them.
16:02 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Be seeing you
16:03 Jayleden Miles Poofer textures don't always rezz properly either. So they might not see what you see with them.
16:04 Princessa (beauty.haramori) true. Thank you Dean Miles