Caledon Oxbridge Q&A for 2014-10-12

15:01 Tali Rosca Welcome to the QA.
15:01 Larkylouz Does no one but me see the extra floor?
15:01 Tali Rosca As most of you know, this is a questions-and-answers session where we - the deans of Oxbridge - will answer questions with relevance to the mission and running of Oxbridge, which to some extent includes the general "state of the art" of Second Life.
15:01 lovejoy2199 It's the Great Pumpkin, Charley Brown
15:02 Tali Rosca We each handle a different area of responsibility, which you can see here:
15:02 Tali Rosca -And no, I don't see the extra floor.
15:02 Jules Doghouse there i saw it!
15:02 Jules Doghouse gone now
15:02 Tali Rosca I toggled it to force an update.
15:02 Beccha I did for a brief moment there
15:02 Tali Rosca Larky, do you still see it?
15:03 Jules Doghouse dang that was freaky
15:03 Larkylouz yes, I do. Like Samm's floor, but only part way back Kind of U shaped
15:03 Wordsmith Jarvinen This room does have an extra floor for building classes.
15:03 Tali Rosca But let us start the QA. who has a question?
15:03 Larkylouz I'll relog
15:04 Gronk Seriman SL seems to be extra-flakey tonight.
15:04 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) there's an elephant in the room!
15:04 Wordsmith Jarvinen Is that the crust choice?
15:04 Tali Rosca I am hearing some mutterings about that, but I've not had any problems myself yet.
15:04 Jules Doghouse whos asking the questions?
15:05 Jules Doghouse will there be a quiz at the end?
15:06 Beccha Welcome back, larky
15:06 Larkylouz :^) Hi Beccha. thanks
15:07 Wordsmith Jarvinen Is the floor normal to ye now?
15:07 Larkylouz Yes. And all the interesting boxes and such that I saw around the room are gone. Only the elephant remains. . .
15:08 Wordsmith Jarvinen That sounds ...... about right. ;)
15:08 Meora (menchor) I thought we were supposed to pretend not to see the elephant
15:08 Tali Rosca So, questions?
15:08 Gronk Seriman It has been a long time since I've seen Dean Ormstein. Is he on extended sabbatical?
15:08 Larkylouz has no tact. "You should know that by now!"
15:08 Larkylouz ;^)
15:09 Martini Discovolante it is very late for him .
15:09 Wordsmith Jarvinen As it is for Tali. A midnight meeting.
15:09 Gronk Seriman Ah. Thank you.
15:10 Tali Rosca He has been around during daylight :-)
15:10 Tali Rosca If there are no pressing topics, I'll mention that there is some talk about arranging a harvest festival.
15:12 Tali Rosca -I don't know anything in particular, and it is not under Caledon's domain, rather than Oxbridge, but I just thought I'd help spread the word a little.
15:12 Tali Rosca It *is* under Caledon's domain. Tripped up over the keys there.
15:13 Gronk Seriman I believe Stereo Nacht is the ringleader?
15:13 Wordsmith Jarvinen Do you know who the organizers are?
15:13 Martini Discovolante check ISC group notices for the announcement .
15:13 Wordsmith Jarvinen It sounds like it would be a nice event.
15:13 Tali Rosca nods. "Stereo Nacht is the anchor, and looking for help."
15:14 Tali Rosca "General organization: Stereo Nacht, Beth Ghostraven, Andrea Jones, Lenara Amell"
15:14 Tali Rosca (To quote from the announcement)
15:15 Gronk Seriman Sounds like it should be fun!
15:16 Larkylouz Ms Nacht was online last night asking for volunteers.
15:16 Tali Rosca It was a tradition a while back, but it has been some years since it was last held.
15:16 Wordsmith Jarvinen Fruit that bobs for you or bites back when you bob for it...... has a Caledonian ring to it.
15:17 Meora (menchor) Ha ha ha hahahaaa
15:19 Wordsmith Jarvinen Other questions or announcements?
15:20 Meora (menchor) whats the status on the new hall
15:21 Tali Rosca I honestly don't know. I haven't heard about it for a while.
15:21 Wordsmith Jarvinen Ravelli hasn't sent anything new to the collective deans about it.
15:22 Wordsmith Jarvinen Welcome Miss Harbour.
15:22 Sandie Harbour smiles
15:23 Tali Rosca It seems to be a slow day today.
15:24 Wordsmith Jarvinen I will use the slowness to remind everyone of the gazette.
15:25 Sandie Harbour May I ask a question?
15:25 Wordsmith Jarvinen Please do.
15:25 Tali Rosca Certainly
15:26 Sandie Harbour recently I have purchased a few outfits with appliers. but I am not sure what they do.
15:26 Sandie Harbour they attach to my hud
15:26 Sandie Harbour but nothing seems to happen when I click them
15:26 Martini Discovolante was ther a notecard with them?
15:27 Tali Rosca They control the textures of "extra" body parts.
15:27 Sandie Harbour I am looking
15:28 Tali Rosca If you are wearing mesh body parts, normal system clothes will not cover those.
15:28 Tali Rosca So the creators of such parts came up with a system where the textures can be applied to the body parts by script.
15:28 Tali Rosca So clothes creators can create "appliers" which uses their textures on the mesh body parts.
15:29 Tali Rosca There are a couple of standards for how the scripts communicate with which brand of body parts, but I think things are fairly cross-compatible. It's not really an area I know all that much about.
15:30 Sandie Harbour since my avi has not mesh body parts, these do not apply to me?
15:30 Tali Rosca nods. "They are only used to apply the texture to non-standard parts."
15:30 Tali Rosca LL avatar standard, that is.
15:31 Tali Rosca SLink, Lola's Tangos and such.
15:31 Josain Zsun Do those scripts then add to Draw Weight
15:32 Tali Rosca No more than the mesh parts already do.
15:33 Wordsmith Jarvinen So, really a workaround to the inconsistencies to layering and between mesh and standard "body".
15:33 Wordsmith Jarvinen Or parts thereof.
15:34 Tali Rosca And a way to apply textures to no-mod items.
15:35 Sandie Harbour thank-you
15:35 Meora (menchor) Is there supposed to be a second generation library mesh avatar?
15:35 Wordsmith Jarvinen Similarly for sizing for no-mod non-rigged items.
15:36 Tali Rosca If there is, nobody has heard about it.
15:36 Meora (menchor) Steadman mentioned it in the article on eht Ebbe speech
15:37 Tali Rosca Ebbe said some things about needing to research why the current mesh avatars are viewed unfavorably.
15:37 Wordsmith Jarvinen That could well be an SL2 feature; abandoning the need for back compatibility.
15:37 Gronk Seriman You may mean the new Mesh Avatars.
15:37 Tali Rosca But frankly, it was so much handwaving and "of course we care, and we may at some point do something about it".
15:38 Meora (menchor) having looked at the commercial mesh avatars "they aren't there yet"
15:38 Larkylouz They have to research when we can just tell them?
15:38 Wordsmith Jarvinen LL rather forgot that just about the first thing people try to do is customize their avatar.
15:40 Meora (menchor) if they wanted the staff to understtand SL they would have each new hire sspend a week here helping newbies
15:40 Tali Rosca Ebbe has repeatedly stated that residents are usually wrong about how to fix things in SL, so he probably do not feel they have any reliable information about what is wrong.
15:41 Gronk Seriman laugh/coughs.
15:41 Josain Zsun Even though many of them have been in SL longer than when he considered applying for the job.
15:42 Tali Rosca He has a point, in that most residents have little knowledge about the servers and infrastructure, and what is easy and what is hard to fix.
15:43 jh0n345 oi
15:43 Wordsmith Jarvinen And, many times don't have a united point of view.
15:44 Larkylouz Oi jhOn345
15:44 Larkylouz Bem-vindo e Oxbridge.
15:44 Larkylouz Resident Esta é uma reunião. Você está convidado a se juntar a nós. Ou sinta-se livre para me IM com perguntas.
15:45 jh0n345 oi
15:46 jh0n345 oi
15:46 Martini Discovolante hello miss samilol45
15:46 Martini Discovolante welcome.
15:46 jh0n345 oi saindie
15:47 Tali Rosca In any case, we know little about the long-term plans for SL. There are some good technical updated upcoming Real Soon Now.
15:47 Tali Rosca *updates
15:48 Tali Rosca But even mid-range, I don't know what the next big thing is.
15:49 Meora (menchor) It wouild make sense to try some things here to see if they make sense in SL 2.0
15:50 Gronk Seriman It's rare to see a company try to kill it's main product, and not succeed.
15:50 Wordsmith Jarvinen And yet, companies that continue to exist also evolve in what they offer.
15:51 Gronk Seriman That is true.
15:51 Wordsmith Jarvinen And ones that were not as nimble, even large one, become historical.
15:52 Meora (menchor) Atari anyone?
15:53 Tali Rosca LL has been here since 1999. So they are not *all* off the mark.
15:54 Tali Rosca (For reference, Google is from 1998)
15:55 Wordsmith Jarvinen Arie De Geus wrote a book on companies that have survived. "The Living Company"
15:57 Tali Rosca Any question for the last minutes?
15:57 Martini Discovolante anythign else?
15:57 Martini Discovolante three minute warning.
15:58 Wordsmith Jarvinen Last bar call?
15:58 Meora (menchor) Sometimes I wonder if those of us who are here every day notice the many changes in SL over time
15:59 Martini Discovolante i certainly have in 8 years.
15:59 Wordsmith Jarvinen You do when you've procrastinated on updating class material.
15:59 Meora (menchor) Ha ha ha hahahaaa
15:59 Martini Discovolante oh-- i was not going to mention that.
15:59 Gronk Seriman smiles
15:59 Wordsmith Jarvinen You can mention the elephant instead. ;)
16:00 Martini Discovolante elephant.
16:00 Martini Discovolante Ding.
16:00 Wordsmith Jarvinen Sim crossings ... however...
16:01 Tali Rosca I think most of us can tell tall tales about "back in the days."
16:01 Meora (menchor) when prims were prims and thats what you built with
16:01 Tali Rosca But let us save that for another time, and say this meeting is adjourned.
16:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen The had relocatable hair that moved with teleporting -- a lost capability.
16:01 Sandie Harbour prims ar not prims anymore?
16:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen Thank you all.
16:01 Gronk Seriman I can't waer my Ruth Halloween costume any more. Nobody new gets it.
16:02 Gronk Seriman Thankyou, Deans!
16:02 Sandie Harbour Thank-you
16:02 Meora (menchor) thank you
16:02 Meora (menchor) deans
16:02 Martini Discovolante bye all.
16:02 Larkylouz Oh, I don't know about that. My hair often gets displaced upon teleporting.
16:02 Martini Discovolante thank you for coming.