Caledon Oxbridge Q&A for 2014-09-14

14:59 Carl Metropolitan Welcome to Q&A With the Deans. We are here to answer questions about Oxbridge, Caledon, Second Life, and pretty much anything related to the above. Between those of us here today we have a lot of expertise in most areas of Second Life, so please don't feel you have to confine your questions to areas of Oxbridge administration.
14:59 Wordsmith Jarvinen You can see our various roles at
15:00 Wordsmith Jarvinen A somewhat thinned supply of deans this week. I don't see that Dean Kondor has placed a chair here and Tali is foraging in the other world.
15:02 Meora (menchor) the week to ask questions about scripts and funding
15:02 Meora (menchor) Ha ha ha hahahaaa
15:02 Carl Metropolitan And a fairly thin supply of questioners too.
15:02 Carl Metropolitan I think it may be people out enjoying the lack of heat across much of the US.
15:02 Wordsmith Jarvinen I spoke too soon about Dean Kondor. Steadman will be here.
15:03 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Relatively warm autumn hereabouts...
15:03 Martini Discovolante it was beautiful here today, perhaps everyone is playign outside today, enjoying the last of summer.
15:03 Steadman Kondor greetings all :) thank you dean wordsmith for the chair
15:03 Meora (menchor) this has been a hot end of summer
15:04 Larkylouz yes, supposed to be 90F here tomorrow
15:04 Carl Metropolitan Not in Texas. Only one day above 100 in the last few weeks.
15:04 Martini Discovolante wow, Carl! grab the mukluks!
15:05 Carl Metropolitan That is cool for here.
15:05 Wordsmith Jarvinen A warmer time on the left coast.
15:05 Carl Metropolitan Does anyone have any non-weather related questions?
15:05 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Equivalent to around 50 F here
15:06 Martini Discovolante :) i know-- i was in Dallas once when it snowed..... you should have see the furs fly! ;-)
15:06 Carl Metropolitan It is getting colder here over the past few years. Last winter is snowed twice!
15:07 Carl Metropolitan So any questions on SL, Caledon, Oxbridge, or stuff like that?
15:07 Wordsmith Jarvinen More southernly dips of the winter jet stream, bringing in colder polar air.
15:08 Meora (menchor) anyone know what the next Linden upgrade is going to be?
15:08 Martini Discovolante no, prolly not even them.
15:08 Carl Metropolitan Most of us have given up on seeing the Lindens upgraded :)
15:08 Wordsmith Jarvinen heh
15:08 Meora (menchor) fix group chat?
15:09 Raven Dee (makaylajade.somerset) will there be another safety presentation? i missed it
15:09 Martini Discovolante every saturday at noon, Miss Jade..
15:10 Meora (menchor) the week I attended that 2 griefers showed up
15:10 Carl Metropolitan Look here for what may be coming in the SL viewer:
15:10 Carl Metropolitan
15:10 Carl Metropolitan That is the page for the LL experimental and beta viewers.
15:11 Larkylouz Does Lindal hire thugs for her presentation??? ;^)
15:11 Meora (menchor) since they are still banned I don't think so
15:11 Wordsmith Jarvinen I don't believe she does, but safety classes seem to attract griefers now and again.
15:11 Carl Metropolitan No, but classes on how to avoid griefers tend to attract them.
15:12 Carl Metropolitan It's often quite useful as for demonstrations.
15:12 Meora (menchor) it made for a good class
15:12 Raven Dee (makaylajade.somerset) griefers?
15:12 Larkylouz I was joking, but that is a reasonable explanation.
15:12 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Griefers sometimes appear to "get pointers" And not onlyin Oxbridge.
15:12 Larkylouz troublemakers, Ms Raven Dee
15:12 Martini Discovolante and usually not actual griefers , just wannabee pests.
15:13 Meora (menchor) they had the sound jammer the hitler rezzer and the spammer
15:13 lovejoy2199 So, a course on how to deal with griefers might be nice.
15:13 Martini Discovolante what, no fart noises?
15:13 Raven Dee (makaylajade.somerset) can you bookmark webage sites in sl viewer?
15:13 Martini Discovolante that is on saturdays, at noon, mr lovejoy2199
15:14 Carl Metropolitan No idea. I didn't know you could ever do that.
15:14 lovejoy2199 I have been there. Maybe a avatar safety II course. Just griefers.
15:15 Martini Discovolante but you can start a bookmark folder in your browser for the book marks.
15:15 Raven Dee (makaylajade.somerset) yes. when i figure out how to open web browser in sl viewer :)
15:15 Raven Dee (makaylajade.somerset) can we do that?
15:16 Martini Discovolante and if i have a site i want to keep very jhandy, i paste the URL in my profile notes
15:16 Gronk Seriman I don't think you can bookmark webpages in the viewer. You can always bookmark the page in the web browser that pops up when you hit a link.
15:16 Meora (menchor) the viewer browser is sorta stripped down
15:16 Wordsmith Jarvinen I believe that opening a separate browser is under preferences.
15:17 Gronk Seriman It should be automatic. When I click on a link in SL, a question box pops up and asks me if I want to open up my web browser. I say yes.
15:17 Wordsmith Jarvinen Under setup. There's a web section that allows selecting the built-in browser or your default browser.
15:19 Raven Dee (makaylajade.somerset) ty
15:20 Meora (menchor) I find the internal browser dies on Caspervend redelivery
15:21 Raven Dee (makaylajade.somerset) its all still new to me. my questions are probably pretty basic. and not sure what to ask.
15:22 Wordsmith Jarvinen Pretty basic questions are part of the learning. They're fine with us.
15:22 Carl Metropolitan Ask anything.
15:22 Martini Discovolante you can also ask questions anytime in our scholars group.
15:22 Raven Dee (makaylajade.somerset) is there some sort of skill development?
15:22 Raven Dee (makaylajade.somerset) no clue what im referring to.
15:23 Wordsmith Jarvinen In the real sense, but not part of SL as such.
15:23 Raven Dee (makaylajade.somerset) oh i see that makes sense/
15:23 Wordsmith Jarvinen One gets more polished at movement and camera control.
15:23 Larkylouz And gradually learn all the little tips and tricks that make SL work easily
15:24 Carl Metropolitan This is not like most MMOs where you have artificial limits on what you can do placed their by the game system that you gradually "level up" out of. The limits here are only technical and your own knowledge and interst.
15:25 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Not to mention you do not have to kill NPCs for XP....
15:25 Martini Discovolante and time... it all takes time to learn.
15:25 Meora (menchor) although some newbies insist there must be a way to level up
15:25 Raven Dee (makaylajade.somerset) what are jobs?
15:26 Raven Dee (makaylajade.somerset) i might like to have one...
15:26 Wordsmith Jarvinen For the most part, they seem to consist of replacing an avatar-bot with an avatar.
15:26 Martini Discovolante most will cost you more to run your computer than you will make.
15:26 Meora (menchor) and when you remember its 250 $L to 1 US dollar
15:27 Wordsmith Jarvinen Most of the actual economy is artisan, which implies object creation skills, animation skills, and/or scripting skills.
15:27 Martini Discovolante untill you develop some skills, or experience
15:28 Raven Dee (makaylajade.somerset) im curious about the library here too... what kind of things can if find there?
15:28 Larkylouz Especially at first, you don't need a lot of money. There are many, many freebies about. Eventually, you may want a home or very nice clothing, but that isn't crucial in your first few weeks. I usually advise to learn your way around before you spend a lot of RL money
15:29 Wordsmith Jarvinen The library has "books" that link to web versions. The library system also holds book talks and readings.
15:29 Raven Dee (makaylajade.somerset) yes lots of great freebies so far :)
15:29 Carl Metropolitan Do you mean the Library at the center of the Oxbridge sim, or the Library in your Second Life Inventory?
15:30 Raven Dee (makaylajade.somerset) oxbridge. i keep seeing posters
15:30 Larkylouz the library here focuses on Victorian era literature, as we are a Steampunk community. There are libraries all over SL, I think.
15:30 Martini Discovolante touch ot click onthe posters, adn they will give you information
15:30 Wordsmith Jarvinen There's some basic info and links in our hope page.
15:30 Meora (menchor) there is one in Berlin that is focused on Berlin in the 1920's
15:31 Wordsmith Jarvinen There's also a library poster out the door and to the right.
15:31 Raven Dee (makaylajade.somerset) can we walk from region to region?
15:31 Carl Metropolitan The Library her is run by the Alexandrian Library Association and is not part of Oxbridge. We have no control over what goes in that building. We don't even pay rent on the land it is on.
15:31 Carl Metropolitan It's something of an anomoly here.
15:31 Carl Metropolitan Yes. You can walk from region to region as long as they are next to each other.
15:31 Wordsmith Jarvinen In Caledon, yes, or in other places where the sims are directly connected.
15:32 Carl Metropolitan If a region is isolated, you must teleport.
15:32 Carl Metropolitan You can walk/swim from the tip of winterfell in the north to the southern tip of Caledon in the south.
15:32 Carl Metropolitan But if you want to go from here to the Linden Lab mainland (for example), you have to teleport.
15:32 Meora (menchor) or fly if you own an aireship
15:32 Gronk Seriman Or wings
15:32 Steadman Kondor Ctrl-M to see the Map. the sims that are joined you can walk or fly or swim across
15:33 Carl Metropolitan Lots of great airships are available.
15:33 Carl Metropolitan One of the Oxbridge sponsors (The Iron Cloud) sells airplanes and airships.
15:33 Raven Dee (makaylajade.somerset) so only 20 sims at a time in caledon?
15:33 Meora (menchor) and you can get to Iron Clouyd on a CAT airship
15:34 Steadman Kondor Caledon can grow or shrink according to the economy and community...
15:34 Steadman Kondor like other estates
15:34 Carl Metropolitan I think Caledon is closer to 30 sims.
15:35 Wordsmith Jarvinen Caledon is likely still about 30-35 connected sims and connects to Winterfell.
15:35 Meora (menchor) Oxbridge has a limit of 20 avatars
15:35 Carl Metropolitan 36 sims now.
15:36 Carl Metropolitan Sims means "regions" (aka the 256 x 256 meter squares of land that SL is made up of); not individual people here (known in SL as "avatars")
15:37 Wordsmith Jarvinen Caledon also has a covenant that forbids ban lines and also security orbs at ground level, so you truly can walk about.
15:37 Martini Discovolante and between parcels, most places have Commonwealth land, so you never have to intrude.
15:39 Carl Metropolitan If a place looks like a private home, it probably is. Many people have signs by the doors of their homes so if there is any question, look for a "Private Residence" sign.
15:40 Larkylouz and if the door doesn't open when you touch it, you can assume it is private
15:40 Meora (menchor) or the door makes some snide remark that you are not welcome
15:41 Carl Metropolitan No. That's not true. I used to own a house here without a locked door and have seen many such places.
15:42 Larkylouz Really, Meora? Oh, I've not run into those. :^)
15:43 Martini Discovolante the illusion of privacy is important to soem folks... tho there really is no such thing.
15:43 Meora (menchor) you can program the locked door message to say about anything you want
15:44 Larkylouz Yes, and I err on the side of respecting privacy if I think that it is wanted.
15:44 Martini Discovolante the dorr i made that confoundedthe most people was simply phantom. all you had ot do was walk thru it.
15:44 Carl Metropolitan It is one of many things that LL's orientation does not do a good job of teaching--that parts of SL are private property
15:45 Raven Dee (makaylajade.somerset) so how do we create a notecard or our own?
15:45 Martini Discovolante open your inventory, there is a '+" at teh bottom.
15:46 Raven Dee (makaylajade.somerset) ahhh!
15:46 Martini Discovolante right click on it and select NEW > notecard.
15:46 Carl Metropolitan You can also right click on a folder to create a notecard (or new folder) in that folder.
15:46 Wordsmith Jarvinen Go to inventory, notecard folder, right click on the folder and select "new notecard".
15:46 Raven Dee (makaylajade.somerset) so this might be where i can save links and whatever "notes"
15:46 Wordsmith Jarvinen Although, you can create one in any folder.
15:47 Meora (menchor) you can also create a lnadmark if you want to come back to someplace
15:47 Raven Dee (makaylajade.somerset) this all very helpful\
15:47 Meora (menchor) landmark
15:47 Wordsmith Jarvinen Yes. SL provides some topical folder structure, but it isn't fussy about what you put where.
15:47 Raven Dee (makaylajade.somerset) i made a mess of my folders already
15:47 Raven Dee (makaylajade.somerset) :)
15:48 Larkylouz complaining about what a mess one's inventory is is a common and uniting hobby in SL
15:49 Meora (menchor) and the bigger the inventory the less chance its completely organized
15:50 Wordsmith Jarvinen Any other questions for the remaining minutes?
15:51 lovejoy2199 are questions about the Firestorm viewer ok?
15:52 Carl Metropolitan Yes. I use it and will try to answerthem as best I can
15:52 Martini Discovolante we can try-- but i do highly recommend the Firestorm group for correct answers.
15:52 Raven Dee (makaylajade.somerset) so far i like exploring caledon. thank you all.
15:53 Meora (menchor) if you like eploring there are pod tours of the mainland
15:53 lovejoy2199 I am looking to upgrade, but I heard from friends that the new one is very buggy.
15:53 lovejoy2199 And that I should wait.
15:53 Carl Metropolitan I am using the current one and have no problems
15:53 Meora (menchor) me too
15:53 Carl Metropolitan However, it is extremely dependent on your computer system
15:54 Carl Metropolitan Unless you have the same chipset, video card, processor, OS, etc. as your friend, your experiences will be different.
15:54 lovejoy2199 I have
15:55 Gronk Seriman The new 4,6,7 works just fine for me.
15:55 lovejoy2199 Ok
15:55 Carl Metropolitan any final questions?
15:57 Larkylouz I had to remove skype to get either the newest LLV or FS to work for me. there are significant conflicts
15:58 Gronk Seriman Ooo!
15:58 Wordsmith Jarvinen hmmm. I'm running both the latest LL viewer and Skype at the moment.
15:58 Carl Metropolitan I'm not having that problem either. I run both. And talk on Skype while in SL
15:59 lovejoy2199 Maybe a clean install?
15:59 Carl Metropolitan Have you upgraded to the new skype release?
15:59 Larkylouz I couldn't cut and paste from my treasured notecards, Wordsmith! As you say, each is different. And it turns out one can remove skype several times and it is still there. I am currently functioning with both.
15:59 Larkylouz Yes, brand new computer
16:00 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hard to say what's the cause there.
16:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen Something to keep an ear out for on the forums.
16:01 Carl Metropolitan I'm sorry. I have no idea.
16:01 Larkylouz yes, someone sent me to a FS web forum that helped me get it working
16:02 Wordsmith Jarvinen With that, we've run our time.
16:02 Wordsmith Jarvinen That you all for coming and participating.
16:02 Martini Discovolante thanks everyone
16:02 Gronk Seriman Thank you, Deans!
16:02 Larkylouz thank you deans and everyone
16:02 Meora (menchor) If you are running Firestorm join the support group and ask there
16:03 Larkylouz yes, thank you
16:03 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) BEdtime for me.
16:03 Red Quixote nite elf
16:03 Martini Discovolante brb.
16:03 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Be seeing you
16:03 Larkylouz Goodnight, Mr. Elfbiter
16:04 Steadman Kondor thank you all and gnite :)