Caledon Oxbridge Q&A for 2014-07-06

15:00 Tali Rosca Welcome to another week's QA with the Deans. This is a free-form questions-and-answers session, where we - the deans of Oxbridge - will try to answer questions about Oxbridge, Caledon and SL in general. -Or crowdsource an answer from the audience.
15:00 Tali Rosca We each have an area of expertise, as listed here:
15:00 Tali Rosca So with the introduction done, who has the first question?
15:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hearing no immediate clamor, Red would you like to say something about your class change?
15:01 Red Quixote I'll try
15:02 Red Quixote it is with little or no fanfare that the very last Intro to Sculpties class was taught this past week,.. but a new class will rise in it's place
15:03 Wordsmith Jarvinen (soon to be on the schedule, like later today)
15:03 Red Quixote it will be called Animation Office Hour, and I will assist students and scholars with their animation related projects
15:03 Red Quixote and maybe come up with an extra offering or two :)
15:00 Tali Rosca So with the introduction done, who has the first question?
15:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hearing no immediate clamor, Red would you like to say something about your class change?
15:01 Red Quixote I'll try
15:02 Red Quixote it is with little or no fanfare that the very last Intro to Sculpties class was taught this past week,.. but a new class will rise in it's place
15:03 Wordsmith Jarvinen (soon to be on the schedule, like later today)
15:03 Red Quixote it will be called Animation Office Hour, and I will assist students and scholars with their animation related projects
15:03 Red Quixote and maybe come up with an extra offering or two :)
15:04 Carl Metropolitan That sounds like a good class.
15:04 Carl Metropolitan I have a question: Do we have an Oxbridge notecard or posters on helping new users transition from the mesh starter avatars to avatars they can dress and change?
15:04 Red Quixote that would be the pervue of an avatar appearance class
15:05 Tali Rosca No, to my knowledge we still don't have an "official" response to the new mesh avatars.
15:05 Ravelli Ormstein sadly no
15:05 Wordsmith Jarvinen I believe that Miss Kidd is working on an avatar appearance class.
15:05 Tali Rosca Though I believe several people have prepared their own note cards.
15:05 Tali Rosca Perhaps one of those could be adapted and adopted as the "official" explanation.
15:05 Larkylouz I could write a rough draft if someone wants to make a sign from it or something. Instruction on choosing a Classic avatar.
15:05 Martini Discovolante i for one tell folks to select a CLASSIC avatar, if they care to modify their appearance
15:06 Larkylouz Ah, sounds like folks have already written
15:06 Ravelli Ormstein Larky, that would be great. because i want to add something about it to the tutorial too
15:06 Carl Metropolitan Okay. I was going to suggest maybe a four poster sequence on the opposite wall of the Avatar hall (like we have for buying L$ on the Land & L$ hall)
15:06 Martini Discovolante or to select a whole av from the avatar tab.
15:06 Tali Rosca That's a good point. Remember that the "Classic" is still an option in the tabs.
15:06 Larkylouz That is pretty far in from the beginning, is my observation.
15:07 Martini Discovolante explaining the difference between mesh and Classic is just overwhelming, nd will not add substantially to theier beginning experience.
15:08 Tali Rosca You very quickly get very deep into rather obscure SL quirks.
15:08 Larkylouz No - they just need to know how to loose that fugly look.
15:08 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) "MEsh avatars are kind of new and not really modifiable yet. If you want to experiment, try the classic versions"
15:08 Martini Discovolante they jsut want a pretty frock ;-)
15:08 Wordsmith Jarvinen To one that can be modified to adapt to their wishes.
15:08 Tali Rosca "Choose Classic; then you can play with the sliders and the library inventory" seems like the easiest answer which gets people going.
15:08 Emily (madeline.blackbart) perhaps a simple poster with a picture of how to do it would suffice without detailing it...or in the poster suggesting taking a class to understand more
15:09 Martini Discovolante it has ot be Easy-Do.
15:09 Carl Metropolitan Okay.
15:09 Ravelli Ormstein in the survey some people complain about clothing, and that they miss information in the tutorial
15:09 Carl Metropolitan I've been updating the "Post Graduate Studies" posters. I've finished two of the four.
15:10 Larkylouz Is it possible to have them choose either a male or female classic avatar from the sign?
15:10 Emily (madeline.blackbart) that would be good
15:10 Martini Discovolante perhaps add to the class schedule ~ "LL Mesh Avatars ~ a three Hour Lecture on Why we Can't Have nice Things"
15:10 Tali Rosca I can definitely understand that. By now, the SL clothing/avatar system is an insane zig-zag run between legacy quirks.
15:10 Ravelli Ormstein so i'm considering to change it a lil bit and add some few additional posters. some of the existing ones are overwhelming, too much text, so i split them a lil bit
15:10 Larkylouz Ravelli, women in particular waant to know about clothing first thing.
15:10 Larkylouz LOL Martini
15:10 Emily (madeline.blackbart) yeah that was the frist thing I wanted to do after joining is change my outfit
15:11 Emily (madeline.blackbart) so for some it'll be important
15:11 Wordsmith Jarvinen The real reason of participating in SL -- clothing choices at a fraction of the RL cost.
15:11 Tali Rosca A bad side effect of the new mesh avatars seems to be that people are less aware that they can mix and match their own look.
15:11 Tali Rosca Believing they have to find a place to buy a whole new avatar.
15:12 Tali Rosca -Which, as those avatars go, is pretty much true.
15:12 Steadman Kondor they can take off their shirts pants or hair... like the default
15:12 Martini Discovolante yus. it is a bit of a mess.
15:12 Steadman Kondor it's just that they might not find replacements that fit
15:12 Carl Metropolitan Yes, then they have the horrid skins :)
15:13 Tali Rosca Yes, they will have trouble finding a sensible replacement.
15:13 Steadman Kondor clearasil anyone?
15:13 Red Quixote how about a cracker?
15:13 Tali Rosca But in any case, that's "state of the art" now; we'll have to guide people through it.
15:13 Ravelli Ormstein yup
15:14 Martini Discovolante luckily the mesh ones have (mesh) after the name in inv.
15:15 Tali Rosca Any other questions/topics?
15:15 Ravelli Ormstein Aloha Vicereine!
15:15 LeAnn Artis Are any of you wearing a mesh av/are you planning to?
15:15 Emily (madeline.blackbart) I wear a mesh body
15:15 Ravelli Ormstein not me
15:15 Camden McAndrews Hmm... no mesh at all
15:15 Satanico Marquis Me, I'll have a mesh avatar
15:15 Martini Discovolante when i am a kitty, i am all mesh.
15:15 Kamilah Hauptmann Ahoy. :)
15:16 Crystal Edelmann No mesh for me either
15:16 Steadman Kondor i may when i can create my own... but i wear mesh clothes often
15:16 Tali Rosca I don't really have the option of a mesh body which suits my look.
15:16 Red Quixote ahoy Kami
15:16 Wordsmith Jarvinen Welcome, Vicerine.
15:16 Martini Discovolante welcoem Vicerienne!
15:16 Emily (madeline.blackbart) some of the newer mesh bodies have built in alphas
15:16 Satanico Marquis I have made my own mesh avi ...
15:16 Emily (madeline.blackbart) so you can wear any mesh outfit with them
15:16 Tali Rosca For me. it's more a matter of the skin.
15:17 Emily (madeline.blackbart) the new ones can take skin appliers as well...
15:17 Emily (madeline.blackbart) I think a lot you can make your own
15:17 Steadman Kondor built in alphas is much needed. ebben linden spent 30 min of his VWPBE talk this year shirtless to me
15:17 Carl Metropolitan I know there are designers working on full mesh skins that are supposed to be compatible with all the slink stuff that's so popular these days and with standard sizes.
15:17 Wordsmith Jarvinen Nods ... feline skin needs to be a bit loose and a bit tough..
15:17 Emily (madeline.blackbart) yeah I don't understand why they didn't take the time to add them to the avatars for the starters
15:18 Emily (madeline.blackbart) would have been less confusing
15:18 Tali Rosca The concept of "alpha masks" is pretty confusing in itself.
15:18 Martini Discovolante i wish they would just paint on some underdrawers.
15:18 Emily (madeline.blackbart) true but less so then...nothing fits your avatar ever unless you use an avatar under it
15:18 Emily (madeline.blackbart) that's just completely bizarre really
15:19 Camden McAndrews Fitted Mesh ought to eliminate the need for alphas, except for modesty. It's not quite there yet.
15:19 Emily (madeline.blackbart) it would n't for a mesh body....
15:19 Emily (madeline.blackbart) the clothing worn over it would have to fit that body and be rigged to match it
15:19 Tali Rosca It would, if the mesh body was fitted with the same parameters.
15:19 Emily (madeline.blackbart) or it would poke through without built in alphas
15:20 Tali Rosca The problem is that there is no standard for that rigging, and LL missed the opportunity badly when introducing the new mesh avatars.
15:20 Emily (madeline.blackbart) very ture
15:20 Larkylouz The LL mesh avis do have issues that regular mesh avatars do not, right?
15:20 Emily (madeline.blackbart) *true even
15:21 Emily (madeline.blackbart) yes if youmean the "classic" avatar
15:21 Emily (madeline.blackbart) no if you mean other mesh avatars
15:21 Tali Rosca Not really. Mesh avatars are mesh avatars. The problem is, if you, say, set your slider to 50%, how thick should your waist be "by standard" in fitted mesh?
15:21 LeAnn Artis Will SL2 have those issues "corrected", as in, will there be standard sizes, standard rigging? Or do we know yet?
15:21 Emily (madeline.blackbart) no one knows yet
15:22 Tali Rosca Without such a standard, fitted mesh do not match each other (including fitted mesh avatars).
15:22 Emily (madeline.blackbart) it's not even in alpha
15:22 Martini Discovolante nooooobody knows
15:22 Emily (madeline.blackbart) that's a mystery
15:22 Tali Rosca I strongly suspect, but that it a wild guess purely by me, that there will be no built-in standard avatar.
15:23 Emily (madeline.blackbart) how would people create outfits for the avatar then withno built in standred? Wouldn't that lead to a fairly broken market?
15:23 Carl Metropolitan I don't think LL even knows yet.
15:23 Emily (madeline.blackbart) worse then SL's
15:23 Tali Rosca It simply doesn't make sense to have (and use processing power) on an avatar which everybody then turns invisible so they can use something else.
15:23 Camden McAndrews They'll need to have some starter folks for new users, though. Those are likely to become a standard.
15:23 Tali Rosca They will probably have standard *examples*. But creating a mesh avatar would *replace* those completely; not be worn on top.
15:24 Emily (madeline.blackbart) they'd have to come up with some kind of standred for fitting clothing to them though
15:24 Camden McAndrews Yes, that's what I'd expect the next generation to be.
15:24 Emily (madeline.blackbart) unless all the clothing was made for each brand
15:24 Martini Discovolante ugh.
15:24 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Welcome to the RL clothes size conundrums...
15:24 Tali Rosca This makes it doubly bad that LL dropped the ball on standardizing now.
15:24 Emily (madeline.blackbart) and what of texture only artists who now are making clothing on shirt layers?
15:25 Emily (madeline.blackbart) I geuss they'd need to learn to model?
15:25 Carl Metropolitan I think that creators of clothing need to organize and meet with the Lindens like the education community has done.
15:25 Martini Discovolante or get the templates form the originator.
15:25 Tali Rosca I have been advocating adopting the MakeHuman mesh as a defacto standard. It's a very well laid out mesh.
15:25 Camden McAndrews That kind of worked for The Sims 2. There was a library standard body shapes that everyone used, so clothes worked. But all those li'l people were the same height and had the same waist.
15:25 Emily (madeline.blackbart) yeah they really...really....really need to do that carl
15:25 Martini Discovolante that is what i do with my Dinkie Kitty avatar.
15:26 Camden McAndrews That "library" in The Sim 2 was the work of one fan. Well done, so univerally accepted.
15:27 Emily (madeline.blackbart) the sims 2 uses one kind of human model though
15:27 Tali Rosca , for those who do not know it.
15:27 Emily (madeline.blackbart) something like that would be good
15:27 Camden McAndrews Madeline, yes. "Sims" are very restricted, albeit with some morphs much better than SL avatars.
15:28 Ravelli Ormstein Make Human is around for an entire decade, thats good
15:28 Emily (madeline.blackbart) really a better morph set and model would satisify most players
15:28 Emily (madeline.blackbart) I think most of the issue with the avatar now is based on it's poor modelling and rigging
15:28 Wordsmith Jarvinen Thinks ... make proto-simian, make proto-saurian, make -proto-feline....
15:28 Camden McAndrews Oh neat! I hadn't heard about Make Human before. Will it export a .dae file?
15:29 Emily (madeline.blackbart) since most people have human or human like avatars
15:29 Tali Rosca Yes; it can export Collada. It even has an "Export to SL", but it was made "flying blind", without actually testing against SL, so it doesn't really work.
15:30 Tali Rosca The programmers of the exporter just got some information about how the avatar skeleton was set up, and tried to export to that.
15:30 Gronk Seriman cheers! Makehumanfinally made to the V1's!
15:31 Tali Rosca They are even at 1.0.1!
15:32 Red Quixote so,.. you could theoretically upload said generated avatar into Blender, and correct any severe bogeys with the rig
15:32 Tali Rosca nods. "I've done that."
15:32 Steadman Kondor seems like we have reached the av limit with this Q&A
15:32 Camden McAndrews I see 19 in the region at the moment.
15:33 Steadman Kondor 1 just dropped after i spoke
15:33 Martini Discovolante it has been over 18-21 since we started.
15:33 Red Quixote and how did it turn out Tali?
15:33 Ravelli Ormstein its pending around the 20 since a while
15:33 Satanico Marquis took me 10 minutes to come in, earlier
15:33 Carl Metropolitan This post by Ebbe on the forum may be relevant to the question of mesh bodies.
15:33 Carl Metropolitan
15:33 Tali Rosca Fairly well, though there are still issues with making nice bends at the shoulders. But that's more a matter of doing a good skinning than with MakeHuman.
15:34 Tali Rosca I just copied weights over from the default avatar.
15:34 Red Quixote you can tweak such things with a bit of weight painting
15:34 Tali Rosca The MakeHuman topology is very well laid out. It has been refined literally over years.
15:34 Camden McAndrews I read Ebbe's note to be a reponse to "we'll use bones instead of scripts to move objects."
15:34 Ravelli Ormstein so, skeletons even for animated objects
15:35 Camden McAndrews That's how I read it, Ravelli.
15:35 Carl Metropolitan I think I will help out the sim crowding problem and leave early. I'm not feeling that great in RL. See you all later.
15:35 Wordsmith Jarvinen That's in accord with a comment by Nyx Linden during mesh development.
15:35 Martini Discovolante feel better, Carl!
15:35 Emily (madeline.blackbart) feel better carl
15:35 Wordsmith Jarvinen tc Carl.
15:35 Tali Rosca Which jibes well with my thought of not having a set standard avatar. Everything is rigged to an uploaded custom skeleton.
15:35 Red Quixote that is somewhat logical, if it is the only avenue to create a hierarchical linkset
15:36 Emily (madeline.blackbart) I dunno I just worry about how complex it'll be to dress that kind of avatar set...outside of a make human type deal
15:36 Wordsmith Jarvinen There was also a comment a that time about generalized skeletons.
15:37 Tali Rosca Obviously, the community *will have* to standardize on a humanoid shape to market to.
15:37 Tali Rosca But having custom skeleton means that you can make, say, four-legged creatures fully rigged.
15:37 Emily (madeline.blackbart) since most people use human avatars
15:37 Emily (madeline.blackbart) I'd think a really good looking standred model given to start for everyone would be more effectient
15:37 Emily (madeline.blackbart) let people skin that make it extremely customizable like the make human
15:38 Emily (madeline.blackbart) that kinda thing maybe have a few built in simple outfits artists can texture as well
15:38 Tali Rosca That doesn't preclude that the underlying technology is an arbitrary skeleton and mesh.
15:38 Emily (madeline.blackbart) but still allow for custom bones on top of that perhaps
15:38 Tali Rosca There is no point in having a hard-coded special case for one type of objects.
15:39 Wordsmith Jarvinen Nyx Linden (2010-12-06): "Topic 1: Will we have the ability to deform meshes
with the body sliders not connected to bones? i.e.: butt, breast, hip, muscle.".
"Answer: No! Sorry, morphs are expensive. skeletal animation is where it's at!"
15:39 Tali Rosca Even if the *market* has a defacto standard.
15:39 Emily (madeline.blackbart) but at least setting a standred model everyone could get access to would be good
15:39 Wordsmith Jarvinen Nyx Linden (2010-12-06): Topic 2: "Will we have the ability to create custom
skeletons for animation, or add custom bones to the SL skeleton i.e.: fingers,
toes & tails?" "Answer: not yet! We'd *like* to look at more complex
skeletons, maybe even custom skeletons, but it won't be for the initial
release." Nothing has yet happened on custom skeletons.
15:39 Emily (madeline.blackbart) like in a library
15:39 Emily (madeline.blackbart) maybe not defualt added.
15:39 Emily (madeline.blackbart) and provide the .dae on the webpage?
15:40 Tali Rosca That's 2010-12-06. I assume that was about the *current* mesh implementation?
15:40 Red Quixote that would seem likely
15:40 Wordsmith Jarvinen Those were Nyx's comments during initial mesh implementation.
15:40 Tali Rosca In any case, we're just speculating wildly.
15:41 Camden McAndrews I'd guess it was about the earliest implementation of mesh.
15:41 Wordsmith Jarvinen Right. That was original skeleton, not fitted mesh.
15:41 Tali Rosca Let us give this topic a rest, at least for a while, and see if there are any other questions which pertains to a nearer future.
15:41 Wordsmith Jarvinen But the statement about bones not morphs is still revealing.
15:44 Tali Rosca If not, we can continue speculating wildly :-)
15:44 Red Quixote lol
15:44 Steadman Kondor :)
15:44 Steadman Kondor Very quickly then -
15:45 Camden McAndrews One of the great things about Oxbridge is that folks can speculate wildly and keep it positive. :)
15:45 Steadman Kondor I had offered some land and primmage in village to the faculty for consideration, as mentioned last week
15:45 Steadman Kondor for a 2nd temp lecture hall
15:45 Steadman Kondor that can accommodate more than 20 avs
15:45 Larkylouz We filled up in the pbhoto salon last night, and now for the Q&A
15:45 Tali Rosca I am running some statistics to see how often we actually hit the limit.
15:45 Steadman Kondor A response was received - that it wasnt needed as there are other university lots and primmage
15:46 Camden McAndrews I think the Deans session has been hitting 20 fairly consistently.
15:46 Steadman Kondor Yes - so the current status I believe - is measurement to justify the organisational efforts needed for changes
15:46 Meora (menchor) Has anyone looked at getting the educational discount on Oxbridge and going back to a full sim?
15:47 Ravelli Ormstein coughs
15:47 Steadman Kondor mr metropolitan raised that at the VWBPE earlier this year.
15:47 Red Quixote how about moving the high capacity lectures/events to the room with greater capacity?
15:47 Martini Discovolante we are not an official educational facility-- those are for RL organizations
15:47 Steadman Kondor during the talk with Ebbe LInden
15:47 Steadman Kondor For me the benefits of a full sim lecture hall is considerable - bigger classes, bigger exposure for our sponsor
15:47 Steadman Kondor *sponsors
15:47 Wordsmith Jarvinen There was some hit of a minor possibility, I believe.
15:47 Ravelli Ormstein well, i looked at the general costs of changing back to full region: it would cost an upgrade fee of 625 or 675 USD --- just to upgrade...
15:48 Martini Discovolante and 3x the money.
15:48 Martini Discovolante monthly
15:48 Meora (menchor) educational discounted rate is $150
15:48 Tali Rosca Frankly, Ebbe Linden has "hinted at" pretty much everything, and we have yet to see any organizational or legal changes from LL.
15:48 Gronk Seriman Wow!
15:48 Red Quixote that is a steep increase
15:49 Tali Rosca So I am not holding my breath.
15:49 Camden McAndrews It would be less expensive to just add on a new full region with a nice auditorium.
15:49 Martini Discovolante it was brough tup during our meetign with Ebbe Linden, adn no response has been received
15:49 Tali Rosca We'll just have to work with the known quantities we have.
15:49 Ravelli Ormstein *625 USD is correct
15:49 Martini Discovolante and we do have space in the Village that will suffice for whatever classes run consistently over.
15:50 Steadman Kondor nods
15:50 Steadman Kondor at no extra cost
15:50 Martini Discovolante but consistency is the byword
15:50 Martini Discovolante so class X will always be there.
15:50 Larkylouz Forgive me for asking a question without technical knowledge backup, but would it work to make a temporary (as in only rezzed when needed) classroom abouve the sandbox?
15:50 Steadman Kondor yes i agree, which is why careful consideration is needed before rejigging the current set up
15:51 Steadman Kondor the sandbox is under-utilised, i've been told...
15:51 Meora (menchor) and you could use a holodeck t orez it
15:51 Steadman Kondor just rezzing a one-off classroom is not that much effort..
15:52 Tali Rosca It has been fairly quiet up there lately.
15:52 Steadman Kondor it's more the communication to the participants
15:52 Steadman Kondor and the need for consistency of venue
15:52 Martini Discovolante it is there, and it comes out of the primmage belonging to the Commonwealth of Caledon.
15:53 Red Quixote I would like to raise a concern that occurred to me, that is,.. potential need for 'defense' in this hypothetical classroom
15:53 Steadman Kondor if a class is redirected to a different temp venue, i suppose a big sign could be put on the normal lecture venue - with a landmark
15:53 Tali Rosca We will, once again, have to underscore that Oxbridge University is merely a renter in Caledon, though we *do* get some favors from the Guv'nor.
15:53 Larkylouz It seems easy enough to put a sign up in the LH when we move.
15:53 Red Quixote off campus, we have no special abilities in teh village
15:54 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) I agree; no powers to eject griefers outside Oxbridge
15:54 Larkylouz It seems a benefit to all if we can allow Oxbridge to grow and serve more people.
15:54 Ravelli Ormstein we would have to set the parcel to the correct group
15:55 Red Quixote as long as we could keep the peace, so to speak in our classes
15:55 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) We have had trouble enough due to the fact that the library is outside faculty control. And some griefer seem to know that.
15:55 Larkylouz Perhaps we could hold the meetings on Des' RL airships. ;^)
15:55 Tali Rosca Pragmatically, unless those people served translate into income for Des, he cannot afford to give us land for free.
15:56 Camden McAndrews If a parcel in another region is set to the Caledon Oxbridge University group, you will have all the privileges there that you do here.
15:56 Steadman Kondor In any case, i'm glad the faculty is actively considering this - and if there are instructors here who see their classes hitting the av limit often, please keep track and continue to keep this matter active
15:56 Meora (menchor) we did yesterday at Photo Salon
15:56 Martini Discovolante when and if a space in the vVillage is deemed necessary, it will be properly set up for privileges.
15:56 Tali Rosca Steadman privately owns (and pays for) a parcel in the Village, which is why we can use that freely.
15:57 Larkylouz Ah. I see the difference.
15:57 Tali Rosca Consider that a pretty significant donation to Caledon Oxbridge University.
15:58 Steadman Kondor there are other deans who selfless give a lot more of time and effort and resources supporting the many parts that form the uni !
15:58 Larkylouz I'll say! and of course, he does NOTHING else to benefit Oxbridge, ever. Not our Steadman.
15:58 Wordsmith Jarvinen BTW, if a professor should have need to bump a person who is "away", that is appropriate.
15:58 Steadman Kondor just a small token
15:58 Ravelli Ormstein in 2009 we had a class room in the village too, it was an amphitheater
15:58 Martini Discovolante we have the land as part of oxbridge already,a dn that is what should be used.
15:58 Martini Discovolante that land belonged ot oxbridge, or NCI then, Ravelli.
15:58 Ravelli Ormstein yes
15:59 Tali Rosca We're about out of time.
15:59 Tali Rosca There's one other topic I'd like to ask:
15:59 Tali Rosca (Out of general curiosity about the Caledon community).
15:59 Tali Rosca Does Caledon have a presence at RFL?
16:00 Red Quixote huge
16:00 Wordsmith Jarvinen Yes.
16:00 Martini Discovolante they do have , i believe,
16:00 Steadman Kondor yes, miss beth ghostraven is leading..
16:00 Martini Discovolante i am not sure who is doing it this year.
16:00 Red Quixote the CP are also involved
16:00 Jules Doghouse rfl?
16:00 Tali Rosca Relay for Life.
16:00 Jules Doghouse ah
16:00 Martini Discovolante Relay for LIfe, a fundraising effort of an RL org.
16:01 Tali Rosca The cancer research fundraising.
16:01 Tali Rosca It's traditionally one of the big SL event.s
16:01 Jules Doghouse wvg
16:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen It is a huge Caledon effort every year. One that people get knighted for leading.
16:01 Jules Doghouse makes sense
16:02 Wordsmith Jarvinen I do have a note from Geoffrey Xenobuilder about the campsite.
16:02 Tali Rosca I just thought I'd bring it up as a reminded now that we had people gathered here; it seemed appropriate to mention, as a Caledonian event.
16:02 Tali Rosca But with that, I'll say we're adjourned for today.
16:03 Ravelli Ormstein yup
16:03 Gronk Seriman Thank you, Deans!
16:03 Martini Discovolante i would liek to mention that Oxbridge itself does not directly participate in RFL.
16:03 Jules Doghouse seconds that emoticon :)
16:03 Larkylouz Thank you Deans, community