Caledon Oxbridge Q&A for 2014-06-29

15:01 Tali Rosca Greetings and felinecitations. This is the weekly "QA with the Deans", where we will try to answer questions about Oxbridge or SL in general, or at least guide a discussion about relevant topics.
15:01 Tali Rosca We seem to be a little short-handed with deans tonight, but we each have an area of expertise, as listed here:
15:02 Tali Rosca So, with the introduction done, who has the first question?
15:02 Wordsmith Jarvinen Do felinecitations come with a CATalog?
15:03 Meagan Ittup Asaigo (fictionalcharacter) Only if you are a cheatah
15:03 Tali Rosca That, and the infamous cat lag.
15:03 Larkylouz Only if we have significant donations to the kitty.
15:03 Noriko Engawa Puns. Purrfect.
15:03 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Only if the chat is particularly noir.
15:04 Gronk Seriman claws for something witty to say.
15:04 Larkylouz suggests we paws for Gronk to contribute.
15:04 Steadman Kondor greetings all, i hope i'm decent. i was working on a 'cherub' avatar shape last night...
15:04 Tali Rosca ...and this is what happens when we have had a slow week in SL.
15:05 Steadman Kondor god forbid i forget to change before i log in blind
15:05 Tali Rosca Should we say anything?
15:05 Meagan Ittup Asaigo (fictionalcharacter) Nic. Noir w/ tennies
15:05 Meora (menchor) just laugh quietly
15:05 Tali Rosca Joking apart, Steadman, you seem fairly normal, so don't worry.
15:05 Steadman Kondor phew
15:06 Tali Rosca So, no questions?
15:06 Wordsmith Jarvinen At least within a standard deviation of normal.
15:06 Tali Rosca People are still shell-shocked from last week?
15:06 Larkylouz I have one.
15:06 Tali Rosca Yes?
15:07 Larkylouz I got into a discussion with a young woman who was lurking andhad multiple 'blood clan' and other vampirish groups in her profile.
15:08 Meagan Ittup Asaigo (fictionalcharacter) Yes???
15:08 Larkylouz She said she was not a vampire, but was a 'blood doll', I think she cdalled it. She also said that vampires from blood clans do not prey on unwilling victims and do not recruit. I found the discussion interesting, but wondered if this information fits with what others have experienced? I don't know whether to believe she was standing on our lawn playing with gestures or not? Just curious, really.
15:08 Wordsmith Jarvinen I seem to remember something about a competition the blood clans were having.
15:09 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Blood dolls are sort of voluntary slaves of vampires
15:09 Larkylouz And trying ot find a balance between fair play and keeping newbs safe.
15:09 Tali Rosca Obviously, "do not prey on unwilling victims and do not recruit" rather contradicts observed behavior.
15:09 Carl Metropolitan As long as "vampires" or vampire RPG players don't harass or do bite invites here, I don't care if they come to Oxbridge.
15:09 Larkylouz Yes, I am not going to go into my hesitations with their lifestyle.
15:10 Carl Metropolitan It's behavior that usually gets them in trouble.
15:10 Meagan Ittup Asaigo (fictionalcharacter) As long as they are not actively soliciting ... But hanging out at the landing pad is kinda a red flag
15:10 Wordsmith Jarvinen Well, no clan tags to be worn here ... we don't need to know if they are a quart low (or even a litre).
15:10 Tali Rosca Some "clans" do tell its members not to do it. And I guess we never see them.
15:10 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Poblem, is, we don't know what kind of messages they send to newcomers in Ims.
15:10 Carl Metropolitan We don't know what kind of messages anyone sends to new people in IM.
15:10 Larkylouz She was down near the chat circle.
15:11 Larkylouz Exactly, Mr. Skysmith. But I have backed off from mind reading. I am not very good at it.
15:11 Steadman Kondor not sure if it's permissible but should the faculty consider some decoys
15:11 Steadman Kondor alts, to check on violations like this
15:11 Tali Rosca I have, on occasion, dropped by with an alt.
15:11 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) We would have to register new alts all the time for decoys...
15:12 Larkylouz I have logged on several times with what I hoped were vulnerable looking newbies. Never got a hit. Even from people I was pretty sure were lurking for no good reason.
15:12 Steadman Kondor even if we just put a bot, a new one can go for 4-5 months i suppose
15:12 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) If they are preying on the newcomers, that is
15:12 Steadman Kondor as long as they are the default
15:12 Tali Rosca Yes, I was about to say, I guess my alts are so old that they are not obvious targets :-)
15:12 Steadman Kondor if a bot is sitting there and getting some offensive IMs...
15:12 Carl Metropolitan I have quite a few recent newbie alts. If any of the deans want to borrow them, they may
15:12 Steadman Kondor ah good :) that's right for your experiments
15:13 Larkylouz I think it is one of Oxbridge's good qualities that I can tell people we dont' have many bots here. Only the one with his stinky cigars.
15:13 Tali Rosca It seems to me, though, that those who spam vampire bites do so fairly uncritically.
15:13 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) If recruiters can send messages that are only borderline against the rules, I don't think bots could figure them out at all.
15:14 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) I have begun to suspect that Bloodliners have a sort of gang initiation of getting banned from places like Oxbridge.
15:14 Meagan Ittup Asaigo (fictionalcharacter) I'm not sure whether it is either possible or desirable to protect visitors from the invitations they are bound to receive eventually in SL
15:15 Meagan Ittup Asaigo (fictionalcharacter) Completely protect, that is.
15:15 Tali Rosca I don't think it's enough of a problem, at least, to start to work out some complicated infrastructure for it.
15:15 Wordsmith Jarvinen It is, until they get their bearings.
15:15 Larkylouz I think it is positive to try to let them get through the orientation before they get a lot of 'interesting' invites.
15:15 Meagan Ittup Asaigo (fictionalcharacter) Agree.
15:15 Carl Metropolitan If it becomes a problem, then that's the time to worry about policies.
15:16 Larkylouz I have no issue with where they do or what they choose after they have a bit of information. I feel as strongly about that as I do about encouraging them not to spend a mint on a house their first day.
15:17 Tali Rosca I have little patience with people who invent edge cases to skirt, though.
15:17 Larkylouz Clarify a bit, Tali, please?
15:18 Tali Rosca "I was not *really* a vampire, and I am not recruiting; I was just telling them about it".
15:18 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Yeah, sure.....
15:18 Larkylouz yes, i agree. I didn't really believe her story about playing with gestures, as I didn't see her do it. But, I did want to see wha tothers had to say,a s I've not run into this before. Vampires are not high on my interest list.
15:19 Meora (menchor) although I could see it if some newbie had one of the vampire starters
15:20 Steadman Kondor good point...
15:20 Tali Rosca nods. "There are such cases, of course. Though even then, it should be fairly obvious whether they are telling *about* SL, or recruiting randomly."
15:20 Wordsmith Jarvinen So, we can reply, "I'm not really banning you, I'm just removing your access to the sim."
15:20 Carl Metropolitan How about some non-Oxbridge admin-related questions? We can answer lots of stuff.
15:20 Steadman Kondor so would a newbie vampire still be targetted by an olbie from a bloodline
15:20 Wordsmith Jarvinen Wouldn't be in their database.
15:21 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) They constantly are
15:22 Larkylouz Wordsmith, I assume it would not be appropriate to eject a vampire unless I actually catch them at inappropriate acts. Is that true or should I be more aggressive about it?
15:22 Tali Rosca Vampires are perfectly welcome here.
15:22 Tali Rosca Even roleplaying as a vampire would quite fit the Victorian theme.
15:22 Wordsmith Jarvinen If they are wearing an active tag and refuse to take it off you can.
15:23 Meagan Ittup Asaigo (fictionalcharacter) Vampires are probably more acceptable to the mainstream than are furries.
15:23 Tali Rosca It's the recruiting and the spamming we do not want.
15:23 Larkylouz Interesting insight, Ms. Asaigo.
15:24 Wordsmith Jarvinen Of if you get a message from somebody they IM'd with a recruit message you can remove them. Just being a vampire and behaving is acceptable.
15:25 Larkylouz I've never had anyone complain. That said, I do not want to beat this into the pavement. I think I have learned what I was after. Thank you, all.
15:25 Tali Rosca Any other topics?
15:25 Wordsmith Jarvinen Yes, no point in sucking it dry.
15:25 Phrynne I have a question
15:25 Tali Rosca Yes?
15:26 Larkylouz eeeuuuww, Wordsmith.
15:26 Gronk Seriman Yes I think we discussed that topic to the bleeding edge.
15:27 Phrynne Might it be possible to update the posters for Explore the Steamlands and Explore Caledon, and the notecards in them, that are just outside? They list a number of places that no longer exist -- Armada Breakaway closed last year, and we no longer have Caledon Sound or the Gaity Theatre or some of the other places mentioned.
15:27 Tali Rosca Good catch.
15:27 Carl Metropolitan I am working on that.
15:27 Phrynne People get discouraged when they try to go to places that don't exist now.
15:27 Carl Metropolitan I have updated the Places to Learn.
15:27 Carl Metropolitan And am working on that card next
15:28 Phrynne okay. thank you.
15:28 Carl Metropolitan I'm sorry I got delayed by lots of stuff recently
15:28 Carl Metropolitan I will try to finish that one tonight.
15:28 Tali Rosca Great work. Thanks.
15:29 Tali Rosca Other things?
15:29 lovejoy2199 Question: Does the R/R run? And if it does, can you put up a list of times.
15:29 Gronk Seriman raises a hand.
15:29 Tali Rosca R/R?
15:29 lovejoy2199 Railroad
15:30 Tali Rosca It runs, yes. I am not sure if it has a schedule, or if it simply arrives when it happens to pass by.
15:30 Steadman Kondor mr jayleden did send me a notecard of places to visit, a few weeks ago
15:30 Meora (menchor) the train arrives here at about :55 minutes
15:31 lovejoy2199 Once an hour?
15:32 Meora (menchor) yes
15:32 Tali Rosca Ms. Seriman, you had a question too?
15:32 Gronk Seriman Is there an attendance meter on the COU display at the Birthday Party? Any idea how well it is doing? It's a lovely display, by the way
15:32 Carl Metropolitan No meter.
15:32 Carl Metropolitan Thank you
15:33 Carl Metropolitan I assume it is getting average traffic for the event.
15:33 Gronk Seriman Ah. Thank you.
15:33 Josain Zsun I believe the parcel tracks traffic
15:33 Tali Rosca I'd think most people simply wander the sims.
15:33 Carl Metropolitan I spoke on "Remaking the SL New User Experience" yesterday and that was well attended.
15:33 Tali Rosca Often camming across the sim from parcels away.
15:34 Wordsmith Jarvinen Did that turn into another blog post yet?
15:34 Larkylouz Is there a transcript of your talk, Dean Metropolitan? I would like to read it.
15:35 Tali Rosca Carl, I saw some familiar names at your talk. (I had to bow out as my machine was overheating). Was it all "the usual suspects", or did you catch a new audience at that event?
15:35 Carl Metropolitan Some new people.
15:35 Tali Rosca SL11B seemed like a good opportunity for that.
15:35 Carl Metropolitan But a lot of people who were already involved in stuff like Oxbridge does.
15:35 Steadman Kondor it was in voice! very good to hear mr carl speak
15:35 Carl Metropolitan I was hoping that some Lindens might come under an alt or in person.
15:36 lovejoy2199 Sorry I missed it.
15:36 Carl Metropolitan I gave the speech from an outline. So unless someone recorded it, I don't have a copy.
15:36 Carl Metropolitan I'd been writing about nearly everything I covered in my blog for the past several months, so the content, but not the structure is there, at least.
15:37 Wordsmith Jarvinen It's an opportunity for those from LL to listen, even if incognito.
15:37 Tali Rosca Ebbe Linden has been making some noises about reviving the idea of community-driven gateways into SL, or SL2.
15:37 Steadman Kondor is there a tool to record from sl voice?
15:38 Carl Metropolitan No idea.
15:38 Tali Rosca On the principle that LL's "official" introduction becomes a non-scalable bottleneck.
15:38 Gronk Seriman A cassette recorder. Held near your computer speaker.
15:38 Steadman Kondor is old enough to know what a cassette recorder is...
15:39 Gronk Seriman smiles
15:39 Carl Metropolitan Yes he has. He also met on the 19th with the Help Education Quorum a new group who's members consist of the leaders of most surviving former Resident Help Network, Community Gateways and successor organizations.
15:39 Meagan Ittup Asaigo (fictionalcharacter) I'm curious what will happen to SL communities when SL2 arrives. Will a single community try to have feet in both worlds? Will the communities fission?
15:39 Tali Rosca So it would be advantageous if communities could advertise and draw people directly into "their" part of SL.
15:40 Carl Metropolitan Who knows if SL2 will even work? At this point it is all speculation.
15:40 Tali Rosca Meagan, nobody knows yet.
15:40 Steadman Kondor SL2 might well be a new upgrade of SL1 though
15:40 Steadman Kondor they just didn't want to be limited by that
15:40 Tali Rosca LL is well aware that the communities and existing avatar identities are major selling points.
15:40 Tali Rosca So I think they will do their utmost to preserve those somehow.
15:42 Tali Rosca Frankly, it's too early to worry about SL2.
15:43 Meagan Ittup Asaigo (fictionalcharacter) mutters "Have to worry about sumfin"
15:43 Tali Rosca It is at least 2 years from even *launching*. Planning that far ahead... well, if your RL income is depending on SL, you should do it.
15:43 Larkylouz Yes, I think there's an element of panic in some of concern about SL2 that is a bit premature.
15:43 Tali Rosca But in that case, you're constantly keeping on the edge anyway.
15:44 Josain Zsun If the Zombie Apocalypse doesn't get us first...
15:44 Meora (menchor) Ha ha ha hahahaaa
15:45 Meagan Ittup Asaigo (fictionalcharacter) notes that Zombies were the only good newbie mesh avatars.
15:46 Tali Rosca I still can't decide if the blaxploitation-pire is an embarrassment or entirely awesome.
15:47 Larkylouz blax? Sorry. I'm not following.
15:47 Meagan Ittup Asaigo (fictionalcharacter) It is popular, anyways.
15:47 Tali Rosca The 70ies jive vampire avatar.
15:49 Tali Rosca Other questions?
15:49 Meora (menchor) anyone looked at the new mesh shapes?
15:49 Steadman Kondor i'll send the n/c from mr jayleden to mr carl, about linden places to visit
15:50 Steadman Kondor i wasn't sure who was updating those posters initially..
15:50 Carl Metropolitan It is weird that the two black male avatars were both vampires.
15:51 Carl Metropolitan I did it the last several times, so I guess I'm stuck wtih the job :)
15:51 Tali Rosca The starter avatars have never been strong on ethnic diversity.
15:51 Steadman Kondor we need oxbridge interns ! :D
15:51 Steadman Kondor as we do gazette interns
15:51 Carl Metropolitan I called my blog review of the new starter avatars "Vampire is the New Black"
15:52 Wordsmith Jarvinen Oxbridge interns are called "tutors"
15:52 lovejoy2199 LOL
15:54 Tali Rosca Any last questions for the last five minutes?
15:55 Steadman Kondor very quickly. we are looking at a new class sponsorship period
15:55 Steadman Kondor from july to september. please contact me or click on one of the posters around us
15:56 Steadman Kondor present sponsors will be invited to renew, of course, but there is room for more :)
15:57 Carl Metropolitan How much is a three month sponsorship?
15:57 Steadman Kondor if you like, to support our classes, you are welcome to send the n/c to a friend who perhaps might have a business, who might be interested to sponsor us
15:57 Steadman Kondor it is 4000L
15:58 Tali Rosca Let us wind down for today, then.
15:58 Tali Rosca Thanks for coming. We'll be back next week, same cat-time, same cat-channel.
15:58 Meora (menchor) meow
15:58 Larkylouz Thank you, Deans. Thank you, everyone.
15:58 Friends of Caledon Oxbridge Donation Medallion FictionalCharacter Resident gave a generous donation to Friends of Caledon Oxbridge to help support classes, tutorials, & tier at Caledon's Oxbridge
15:58 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) Thank you
15:59 Phrynne thank you, Deans
15:59 Wordsmith Jarvinen We can wind down and, at 5p, Prof Wendyslippers can wind up.
15:59 Wordsmith Jarvinen Thank you all.
15:59 Gronk Seriman Thank you, Deans!
15:59 Larkylouz Glad to see everyone is ready to go to Cat for Oxbridge.
15:59 Tali Rosca Heh, indeed. One of Caledon's clockwork dolls.
15:59 Meagan Ittup Asaigo (fictionalcharacter) Thank you deans