Caledon Oxbridge Q&A for 2014-03-16

15:01 Tali Rosca Greetings, and welcome to this week's QA. As most of you know, this is a somewhat freeform QA session where the deans try to answer questions about Oxbridge and Caledon in general.
15:01 Tali Rosca Each dean has an area of responsibility, as you can see here:
15:02 Tali Rosca So let us set to it tonight.
15:02 Tali Rosca Who has the first question?
15:03 Tali Rosca ...if any.
15:04 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) In SL, from the Marketplace :-)
15:05 Tali Rosca Hm. Any topics worth bringing up in general, then?
15:05 Mr. Snow (tehckisnow) What is the future of Oxbridge? Where is it heading?
15:06 Tali Rosca In the general sense, no big changes are planned.
15:06 Tali Rosca Our bread-and-butter are the tutorial and the classes.
15:07 Wordsmith Jarvinen Which are updated as times demand.
15:07 Tali Rosca We *hope* to become a bit more of a clearinghouse for events, like the building contest earlier this year, but, well, it largely depends on whether there even *are* such events.
15:09 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Any news about the airship network?
15:09 Red Quixote occasional bits of chatter in the COUG IM would suggest that the milling crowds would like more events in the form of dances and other social events
15:10 Wordsmith Jarvinen Those are more likely to be events of Caledon in general ... at least the dances.
15:10 Tali Rosca The question is, though, whether the *faculty* should be the primary drivers for such, or merely help with PR and coordination.
15:10 Red Quixote aye,. .just relating things I seen mentioned in chat by the scholars
15:11 Larkylouz Perhaps a bit more publicity of aetherchronicles? Often there are 3 or 4 events announced on ISC within minutes of each other. Or encourage ISC folks to crosspost on COUG? Although some folks may be leery of opening up to newbs.
15:11 Tali Rosca But yes, I would like to see some "Oxbridge slant" to any such events.
15:11 Red Quixote that was the general impression I got as well
15:11 Larkylouz Tell them they have to carry a clothing box on their right hand for entrance? ;^p
15:11 Meora (menchor) Ha ha ha hahahaaa
15:12 Red Quixote not necessarily ISC affiliated
15:12 Tali Rosca Actually, the sign of an oldbie would be to wear the box *on the head*.
15:12 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) :-)
15:12 Larkylouz See? An intrinsic form of class identification!
15:12 Tali Rosca Having the hand as the default attachment spot is some new-fangled pandering :-P
15:12 Mr. Snow (tehckisnow) A real blockhead, eh?
15:13 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Well, that would mean coming in using Minecraft avatar :-)
15:13 Tali Rosca Joking apart, Oxbridge has no influence on the general ISC schedule.
15:14 Wordsmith Jarvinen It may also be a matter of those on COUG not being aware of the plethora of events in Caledon.
15:15 Tali Rosca But the point is taken that a lot of the events which *are* going on in Caledon may not reach people who are *only* in COUG.
15:15 Red Quixote aye
15:15 Wordsmith Jarvinen The is one problematic point on each side.
15:15 Tali Rosca I am not sure if we want general social announcements in COUG, though.
15:16 Wordsmith Jarvinen Most of the Caledon events are on moderate sims. Oxbridge, on the other hand, is a homestead sim.
15:16 Red Quixote perhaps a weekly or bi-weekly 'dance' ?.. of course,. that would take orgainization... and a DJ....
15:16 Red Quixote I am by no means volunteering :P
15:16 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) I think Patty Poppy used to have something like that...
15:16 Red Quixote aye,.. the Alley cat dance
15:17 Tali Rosca -I am hearing fairly reliable rumors about Carl taking up the trivia quiz again.
15:17 Red Quixote maybe we could impress upon her to announce that dance in COUG?
15:17 Wordsmith Jarvinen And Lucian Brentano, who is part of Oxbridge, DJ's the Big Brass Balls, aka BBB
15:17 Gronk Seriman Patty Poppy produced perfectly peachy parties.
15:17 Red Quixote trivia is a great idea... and of course there is primtionary
15:17 Tali Rosca You have just been itching for a chance to use that sentence, haven't you?
15:17 Steadman Kondor the trivia quizes were fun ...
15:18 Gronk Seriman Perhaps.
15:18 55s ETC greetings are we using voice/audio /
15:18 Larkylouz LOL Gronk
15:18 Red Quixote ;D Gronk
15:18 Tali Rosca The trivia quiz seems like something with a good "Oxbridge slant" to a social event.
15:18 Chat Range Scanner ...Wordsmith Jarvinen left chat range
15:18 Red Quixote aye
15:18 Tali Rosca And no, ETC; we're purely in text.
15:18 Larkylouz And sounds like something accessible to a new person.
15:18 55s ETC k
15:18 Chat Range Scanner Wordsmith Jarvinen entered chat range []
15:19 Red Quixote I would have to agree
15:19 Tali Rosca (Carl has asked me to do some scripting for that trivia quiz, so it is *quite* reliable rumors).
15:20 Red Quixote good to know :)
15:21 Chat Range Scanner ...Wordsmith Jarvinen left chat range
15:21 Steadman Kondor mr woodget runs his tea dances quite regularly too doesn't he? perhaps a social calendar similar to the class list is useful for visitors to know of events going on
15:22 Tali Rosca Potentially, we could have an inworld texture version of the week's Aether calendar.
15:22 Tali Rosca Though it would take a little work to get running easily.
15:23 Tali Rosca But it may be worth considering.
15:23 Gronk Seriman Is it possible to post a website on a prim? Simply post the Aether calendar on a signboard?
15:23 Tali Rosca It is, but I don't think most newbies would ever see that (or oldbies, for that matter).
15:23 Wordsmith Jarvinen It is.
15:24 Tali Rosca HTML-on-a-prim is not something which ever really caught on as a default to show easily.
15:24 Larkylouz I believe there is at least an iformational sign out there.
15:25 Steadman Kondor i would be happy to coordinate some sort of textured prim with social listings
15:25 Tali Rosca That would be great.
15:25 Steadman Kondor something that i could update fairly quickly and regularly...
15:26 Wordsmith Jarvinen Yes, that would be great.
15:27 Larkylouz Would it be difficult to have it dispense a notecard, too? If not updated weekly, then with the URL of Aether Chrononauts?
15:27 Steadman Kondor did we decide where it would be placed? in the hall here, and boards outside?
15:27 Larkylouz That would make it easy to pass out to folks in the orientation.
15:27 Tali Rosca nods. "A notecard would make sense, too."
15:27 Steadman Kondor a n/c is a good idea, and do-able
15:29 Tali Rosca Let us see if we can get that running. I don't know exactly where it would be placed yet, but we'll figure that out.
15:30 Red Quixote that would more than likely suffice
15:31 Larkylouz Thanks, folks.
15:31 Tali Rosca So, that was a fairly long train of thought from the initial question.
15:31 Tali Rosca Anybody wants to start the next?
15:32 55s ETC (55aaa.danick) i have a save as cache ///etc question that may be a little involved....
15:32 Red Quixote welll the question was " where is Oxbridge going".. and I don't think we're 'going' anywhere,.. we like it here ;P
15:32 55s ETC (55aaa.danick) oh ok
15:33 55s ETC (55aaa.danick) oh
15:33 Red Quixote sorry didn't mean to interrupt 55,. go ahead
15:33 Gronk Seriman We are currently headed West. And the Deans are headed East.
15:33 Tali Rosca ETC, if the question is specific support for a problem you have, we generally leave that out of the QA, unless it is something which is likely to affect a lot of people.
15:33 Wordsmith Jarvinen Drifty Deans?
15:33 55s ETC (55aaa.danick) i might be headed underground...hahahha
15:33 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) ...only way is up, baby...
15:33 55s ETC (55aaa.danick) ok ill try this
15:33 Steadman Kondor east and west meet on the other side of the divide? :P
15:33 55s ETC (55aaa.danick) I wonder:
for every account/alt should i segergate my cache

and back up files or can i use
the same cache and backup for each account

provided i dont vary the configurations.
I plan to leave my cache save as to default

whereas my bk up files to a main save as file
away from my ssd drive to my 2and hard drive.
hope this all makes scence.
15:34 Tali Rosca I am a little unsure why you would even want a backup.
15:34 55s ETC (55aaa.danick) the option is ther
15:34 55s ETC (55aaa.danick) my ssd is rather small
15:35 Tali Rosca The servers are the authoritative repository of *anything* in SL, so you can't really use a backup for anything.
15:35 55s ETC (55aaa.danick) ok
15:35 Tali Rosca (Except, possibly for the specific configuration files for the client setup, such as color).
15:35 Wordsmith Jarvinen Well, perhaps to save downloading textures that are cached.
15:35 Tali Rosca But those are hardly high-value files.
15:35 55s ETC (55aaa.danick) bk up prefferances
15:36 55s ETC (55aaa.danick) im more concerned about my cache files
15:36 Tali Rosca Your cache files are, by definition, temporary files which can just be thrown away and automatically be regenerated.
15:36 55s ETC (55aaa.danick) ok
15:37 Tali Rosca In fact, restoring them from a backup could quite likely *confuse* the system as to which files are the latest, and what should be downloaded.
15:37 55s ETC (55aaa.danick) right ok
15:37 Wordsmith Jarvinen There cache is there to save re-downloading if something is used repetively.
15:38 Tali Rosca It sounds, though, as if you have a client where that is a specific option?
15:38 Wordsmith Jarvinen Much the same idea as browser caching.
15:39 55s ETC (55aaa.danick) i dont use my alt very often ...but i dont want to confuse the isssue by segregating my cache files to each one
15:40 55s ETC (55aaa.danick) sry if i sound to confusing
15:40 James MacCloude (mac6572) I have had trouble with downloading the new firestorm viewer my antimalware finds something on the site so if any of you are using firestorm please watch it when downloading
15:40 Wordsmith Jarvinen There might be a limited advantage if an alt hung around in different places, but not really significant.
15:40 55s ETC (55aaa.danick) ok
15:41 Tali Rosca The various SL clients have been known to trigger malware warnings now and then; they are very complicated programs which access a lot of resources, so sometimes, they trip an alarm in some of those scanners.
15:42 Tali Rosca I'd say it is very unlikely that one of the "big" clients contain any such active malware, Emerald history none-withstanding.
15:43 Tali Rosca Even the LL client has tripped such alarms at times.
15:44 Tali Rosca That said, the client is code running with full access to everything on your machine, so do not run it if you do not trust the developer.
15:44 55s ETC (55aaa.danick) a roumer that vox voice is about to update their software....
15:44 Wordsmith Jarvinen I do recall seeing something to that effect.
15:45 James MacCloude (mac6572) ok
15:45 55s ETC (55aaa.danick) thats maybe overdue....
15:45 Tali Rosca Wouldn't a voice update effectively be "just an update" like any other client update?
15:46 Tali Rosca Most clients do update regularly with new features.
15:47 James MacCloude (mac6572) I have been told the new one has some bugs in it though so it maybe a good idea to stick with the one I have
15:47 55s ETC (55aaa.danick) im not sure thats one area i never hear about
15:47 James MacCloude (mac6572) wb Elfbiter
15:47 Tali Rosca The voice component is a bit of a stand-alone program, but it is still bundled and distributed with the client updates.
15:47 Wordsmith Jarvinen It's essentially a separate program run by the viewer.
15:48 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Any chance that the antivirus would react to old Emerald features?
15:48 55s ETC (55aaa.danick) right if a newer version is put in place i thk wed have no choice in the matter
15:48 James MacCloude (mac6572) not sure
15:48 Tali Rosca Unlikely. The Emerald poisoning was not of a type which was caught by such scanners anyway.
15:48 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Just speculating.
15:49 55s ETC (55aaa.danick) thk you ..i have to scoot along....
15:51 Tali Rosca We're closing in on the hour, so any last topic?
15:51 Gronk Seriman So far, I am enjoying the latest Firestorm 64-bit release.
15:52 Tali Rosca It's nice to see Firestorm catch up. Hopefully, they have cleaned the code base enough that they can keep up the pace.
15:52 Tali Rosca The more viewers share the latest features, the better. That allows creators to start targeting such features.
15:53 James MacCloude (mac6572) the maleware it sites I have run into before though
15:53 Wordsmith Jarvinen Often what runs into isn't the software but that the webpage has been hacked.
15:54 James MacCloude (mac6572) ah that may be it
15:54 Tali Rosca It is possible that a distribution site has been compromised, yes.
15:54 Wordsmith Jarvinen That gets into a database and can take a while to clear even after the problem is fixed.
15:54 Gronk Seriman James, was it the software download the antivirus didn't like, or the website itself?
15:55 James MacCloude (mac6572) the download it detected something on itI think
15:55 Tali Rosca Still, most malware scanners use a "heurestic" mode to detect general patterns which look suspicious, and as I said, the SL client has enough code which reads and writes from and to disk and contacts several web sites that it can very easily look suspicious.
15:56 Tali Rosca I am not saying Firestorm is *not* infected, so don't take this as a "just run it, there will be no problems", but it *is* quite likely to be a false positive.
15:56 James MacCloude (mac6572) ok
15:57 Tali Rosca But if in doubt, stick to, say, the LL client until things get sorted out.
15:57 Meora (menchor) or ask in the firestorm help chat
15:58 Tali Rosca is personally a fan of the Kokua viewer, which matches the LL closely, with some of the niceties you're used to from other viewers.
15:58 James MacCloude (mac6572) good idea
15:59 Tali Rosca The Firestorm support group is generally quite active.
15:59 Larkylouz And knowlagable, from what I've seen
16:00 Wordsmith Jarvinen One might hope. ;)
16:00 Tali Rosca I think that is it for tonight.
16:00 Wordsmith Jarvinen Thank you all.
16:00 Larkylouz Thank you, Deans, all.
16:00 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Bedtime for me.
16:00 Gronk Seriman Thank you, Deans!
16:00 James MacCloude (mac6572) ok thank you Tali Wordsmith thank you both
16:00 Meora (menchor) ty
16:00 Larkylouz Good night, Mr. Skysmith
16:00 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Be seeing you
16:01 Red Quixote good job Deans
16:01 James MacCloude (mac6572) see you elf