Caledon Oxbridge Q&A for 2014-03-09

15:01 Tali Rosca Welcome to the QA. As usual, this is a somewhat free-for-all, where we will answer questions and topics as they come up.
15:01 Red Quixote :)
15:01 Tali Rosca Each dean has his or her area of expertise, as you can see here:, so we may pitch in with answers at different times.
15:01 Tali Rosca I see it is mostly the usual suspects tonight, so who has a question?
15:01 Erin Aerallo I have a question about new residents
15:01 Tali Rosca Yes?
15:02 Erin Aerallo My concern is the rate of retention of new residenst
15:03 Larkylouz Hi Meora.
15:03 Erin Aerallo and I wonder A ) are Linden lab handling the problem in a good way
15:03 Meora (menchor) hi Larky
15:03 Erin Aerallo or B) If not how can they handle better
15:04 Wordsmith Jarvinen Well, Oxbridge was once a community gateway when LL adopted those as a method.
15:04 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) c) Is there are relevant statistics about the matter.
15:04 Tali Rosca Obviously, everybody will be quick to scream no, they are not handling it well. But it is worth noting that LL has in fact done a lot of various experiments, and have A/B testing on the retention.
15:04 Erin Aerallo I was heping a new resident today and they arrived at white tiger island a little upset and confused
15:04 Tali Rosca And the last time any results were published on that, the statistics showed that it was, by and large, completely irrelevant what you did to newcomers; it didn't change the retention one way or another.
15:04 Martini Discovolante when we were a gateway i atteneded weekly meetings will LL and the other gateway owners
15:04 Ravelli Ormstein why upset and confused? it that question is allowed
15:05 Ravelli Ormstein *if
15:05 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Griefers have been visiting Social Islands, I suppose
15:05 Tali Rosca Whether that just shows that LL never came up with the right idea to test is then a question.
15:05 Erin Aerallo apparently they were told some things that scared them and given some thinsg that worried them
15:05 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Like what?
15:06 Martini Discovolante during that time, before the gateways were disenfranchised, the retention plans changed 3 times, at least as far as the gateways were concerened.
15:06 Martini Discovolante that was three regimes ago.
15:06 Martini Discovolante 4 if you count the return of Phil.
15:06 Tali Rosca But it does seem that there is an underlying principle of people either "getting" SL, or not, and *that* is what determines retention; not the initial minutes.
15:07 Erin Aerallo i just wonder if LL are using the resources and the good will of exerienced residenst who want to help
15:07 Martini Discovolante they really cannot.
15:07 Erin Aerallo because if they can have mentors who can guide them it makes a big diference
15:07 Tali Rosca Yes. Statistics showed that it made people *less* likely to stay.
15:08 Erin Aerallo mentors made them less likely to stay ?
15:08 Tali Rosca It runs counter to expectations, but it is hard to argue hard numbers.
15:08 Martini Discovolante the mentoring program was disbanded, most likely because of teh possible misconception that those were employees. that they were
15:08 Martini Discovolante pardon the lag.
15:09 Erin Aerallo well they should perhaps have volunteer badges
15:09 Erin Aerallo and NC explaining who they are
15:09 Tali Rosca I *suspect* that people are more likely to stay if they find their own niche and interest, rather than having somebody tell them what "the right way to be in SL" is.
15:09 Larkylouz Yet COU values and trains their tutors?
15:09 Wordsmith Jarvinen There are multiple issues of having materials to initiate people -- basic skills. Having people to help. And having those who can respond and handle griefing or misbehavior quickly.
15:09 Tali Rosca And that seems to be the current principle LL is working under: Throw people into the actual world as quickly as possible, to let them get immersed.
15:10 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Many newcomers I have met were looking for something more structured like MMORPG queslines. They were unlikely to stay.
15:10 Martini Discovolante indeed.
15:10 Tali Rosca I think there is a difference between the "pure" newcomer experience, and people who come to learn here at Oxbridge.
15:10 Erin Aerallo SL has hidden depths and good things that new residents will only learn of they stay a whil eor are told about them
15:10 Meora (menchor) when someone asks you how to level up there already is a problem
15:11 Tali Rosca We're not doing much for the random Brazilian who zooms by, but if people *return* here to learn how to use SL, they have a good resource.
15:11 Tali Rosca (I'd like to believe).
15:11 Erin Aerallo and are the new residents being guided to this place and similar places ?
15:11 Tali Rosca Not by LL.
15:11 Mr. Snow (tehckisnow) I first found Oxbridge about 4 or 5 days ago, and I've found it to be an invaluable resource. I have learned SO MUCH, and have been so pleased with what is available here
15:11 Tali Rosca (Not anymore)
15:11 Martini Discovolante it is rather random.
15:12 Martini Discovolante we ARE In the Destinations guide., or were last time i looked
15:12 Erin Aerallo there are a few helping groups and sims
15:12 Erin Aerallo but some are not in the guide
15:12 Wordsmith Jarvinen Well, as of this week we are on page 1 of the destination guide again.
15:12 Martini Discovolante yay us!
15:13 Wordsmith Jarvinen More recently, we'd receded to page 5 or 6.
15:13 Erin Aerallo Im not usre if white tiger island is, and IO dont think helping haven is
15:13 Martini Discovolante the yin and yang, the ins and outs of sl.
15:13 Martini Discovolante WT was.
15:14 Tali Rosca But fundamentally, nobody has the answer; not even LL.
15:14 Erin Aerallo ty Mr Elfbiter
15:14 Tali Rosca LL has more *statistical* material than us, though.
15:14 Martini Discovolante my viewer shows us a sith again.. i suppose it might be randomized
15:15 Tali Rosca And they are *still* casting about for the right way to introduce people to the world.
15:15 Martini Discovolante at sixth*
15:15 Martini Discovolante deal is, some are simply not suited to it.
15:15 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) If the newcomers do not find what they are looking for, there is not much we can do.
15:15 Erin Aerallo its so frustrating to think that new residents come, get no help and leave
15:15 Martini Discovolante it is not going to float their boat, no matter how big the sails are
15:15 Erin Aerallo and some need the help more than others
15:15 Tali Rosca Again, the steady retention rate no matter how people are introduced to SL, seems to indicate that indeed, it just clicks for some, and not for others.
15:16 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Some newcomers are also not that willing to be helped, in my experience.
15:16 Martini Discovolante bingo.
15:16 Larkylouz White Tiger Island seems to be in transition. At the least, the LMs need to be updated
15:16 Tali Rosca I must say, though, that it has been a while since I last saw any statistics from LL.
15:17 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) If everything certain kind of newcomers can do is spout abuse, I think SL is better off without them.
15:17 Tali Rosca So I don't know the current score.
15:17 Ravelli Ormstein i think most importantly a new resident has to meet others, who are in a similar situation, or willing to answer questions. a new resident often just needs a leading hand for some time... if they don't find one, they leave. and if they make friends, they will stay.
15:17 Erin Aerallo white tiger island is renamed New Resident ISland
15:17 Martini Discovolante i do not think they publish metrics anymore
15:18 Tali Rosca They don't publish any regular metrics, no, but every now and then somebody mentions something about how things work.
15:18 Larkylouz Last time I went to WTI, I was met by a realtor type who just wanted to seel me land and was quite vague about the help sim.
15:18 Erin Aerallo also, I think for new residents to "get" Sl they need to stay mor than a day
15:18 Ravelli Ormstein LL tried to make it easier for new residents (remember the Basic Mode which failed)
15:18 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Question is, how easily LL can see a difference between a newcomer and people creating throwaway alts? Aside from spying on them or something like that.
15:18 Tali Rosca They do. But that decision may not be influenced much by what they actually see the first day.
15:18 Erin Aerallo well you maybe arrived at bad time there when no mentors around
15:19 Larkylouz That, Ms. Aerallo, is omething only they can choose to do.
15:19 Larkylouz *something
15:19 Sauce Sorrowman shudders at the memory of that basic mode.
15:19 Tali Rosca I suspect some see the potential and see past the first day, and stay.
15:19 Sauce Sorrowman the worst was that you had to relog to disable it
15:19 Erin Aerallo but they can be encouraged to stay
15:19 Wordsmith Jarvinen That was also during the sidebar phase of the viewer.
15:20 Erin Aerallo well surely they can record number of IP addresses
15:20 Martini Discovolante yeh. people love that.
15:20 Tali Rosca The question is whether somebody can encourage them by pointing them in the right direction, or if they are statistically likely to point them in a *wrong* direction.
15:20 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Users need not to log in from the same IP address every time.
15:20 Erin Aerallo to know how many residents there are
15:21 Erin Aerallo I just know there is so much thats good in Sl but i didnt know it the first day
15:22 Ravelli Ormstein what made you staying in SL yourself?
15:22 Tali Rosca But if you are interested in 4 out of 10 things in SL, statistics dictate that a random person will point you to something which doesn't interest you.
15:22 Erin Aerallo learning to build
15:22 Erin Aerallo disciovering greats music and dance
15:22 Wordsmith Jarvinen In any case, LL has not had a consistent philosophy of integrating new residents into the world. Oxbridge has survived through several paradigm changes despite that.
15:22 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Note that there are also newcomers who think they _have to_ learn to use everything....
15:23 Erin Aerallo when my brother died in RL i got great help and support from Sl friends
15:23 Tali Rosca My belief is that Oxbridge are for the people who have an inkling of what they want, and seek out information about it.
15:23 Tali Rosca Not for convincing people that X is interesting in SL.
15:23 Sauce Sorrowman I landed here first day as a community gateway.
15:23 Tali Rosca But I am speaking for myself here; not necessarily for the faculty.
15:23 Sauce Sorrowman replaced my skin with tartan and flew up and got stuck on a rooftop.
15:23 Ravelli Ormstein sorry to hear that, Miss Aerallo
15:23 Sauce Sorrowman newcomers are unpredictable.
15:24 Erin Aerallo i believe that we have to show them the possibilties of what they can do and find here
15:24 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Ditto
15:24 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) At the same time, we must not overwhelm with an impression that they have to go everywhere.
15:24 Erin Aerallo and not juist the obvious things
15:25 Ravelli Ormstein i guess our new residents just like that we spend so much time to answer their questions ;-)
15:25 Erin Aerallo thats true i always say the one thing you need when coming to Sl is patience
15:25 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) also remembers "you are now my boyfriend/girlfriend" newcomers...
15:26 Tali Rosca SL is a never-ending quest for learning more and new things.
15:26 Wordsmith Jarvinen They also seem to like that they are not made fun of, not gunned down, and not driven over by vehicles.
15:26 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Yup
15:26 Ravelli Ormstein true
15:26 Tali Rosca Those who do not see it as such are unlikely to stay for long.
15:26 Erin Aerallo yes
15:26 Tali Rosca And yes, we can certainly provide a quiet haven and some learning resources for those who have decided that this is what they want.
15:26 Wordsmith Jarvinen For some, SL becomes an opportunity to learn the social skills they haven't learned in RL.
15:28 Erin Aerallo they need to be shown the basics of Sl then shown the wider possibilties without feeling they have to do it all at once
15:28 Martini Discovolante i tell people they can chant, shop and dance, or they can build worlds.... both are valid here.
15:28 Martini Discovolante chat*
15:28 Erin Aerallo true
15:28 Tali Rosca Chanting is valid too.
15:28 Martini Discovolante but not as common ;-)
15:28 Wordsmith Jarvinen (floating yoga)
15:29 Erin Aerallo to me one of the greatest "selling points" of Sl is thet the residents built it
15:29 Meora (menchor) people come to SL expecting certain things or some have no idea what they are getting into but are curious
15:29 Larkylouz Of course, there are those who are quite bored by the atmosphere here and seem to wish they had landed in party central. We may need to install a Disco in the underwater area where we send griefers.
15:29 Tali Rosca That usually blows people's mind; when you point out that *everything*, including their shape and clothes, were made by other residents.
15:30 Erin Aerallo I know it blew my mind and still does
15:31 Tali Rosca People are quite likely to want to share what they are interested in themselves.
15:31 Wordsmith Jarvinen At least in some places. Not all places are noted for their kindness.
15:31 Erin Aerallo that why i think those who give griefing objects are so very evil
15:32 Erin Aerallo they spil that spirit of generosity and kindness
15:32 Erin Aerallo spoil *
15:32 Meora (menchor) we don't have nearly as many griefers as there were in 2007-08
15:32 Erin Aerallo we dont ? well that good
15:32 Meora (menchor) I used to run into one at least once a week
15:33 Tali Rosca Definitely not.
15:33 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Some griefers have been very annoyed by the fact they cannot really cause damage to avatars in Oxbridge :-)
15:33 Erin Aerallo that leads me on to my next question if i am allowed another ?
15:33 Tali Rosca nods. "Let us move on."
15:34 Wordsmith Jarvinen Well, perhaps we should see if anyone else has one.
15:34 Ravelli Ormstein yes, Tali
15:34 Wordsmith Jarvinen Apart from that, yes.
15:34 Tali Rosca (It is a good discussion, though, and one where nobody has the "right answer").
15:34 Erin Aerallo waits for another to ask question
15:34 Tali Rosca Not LL; not Oxbridge.
15:35 Wordsmith Jarvinen And 42 is too general an answer.
15:35 Erin Aerallo lols
15:35 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) :-)
15:35 Red Quixote looks for his towel
15:36 Erin Aerallo ok if nobody else has question
15:37 Wordsmith Jarvinen And yes, Miss Aerallo, hearing no other pressing questions continue with another.
15:37 Erin Aerallo my question is, do we understand the motivation of griefers. Why is it they do what they do ?
15:38 Red Quixote philosophy
15:38 Ravelli Ormstein they are looking for attention, and they do it because they can.
15:38 Erin Aerallo can we understand the phsycholgy
15:38 Red Quixote not empirical
15:38 Tali Rosca That is probably a very wide question, subject to amateur psychoanalysis.
15:38 Meora (menchor) about 14-18 male think they are being funny annoying people
15:38 Gronk Seriman The reasons are no different in RL.
15:38 Wordsmith Jarvinen Or, they find creating difficult or insufficient adrenaline producing.
15:38 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) I do not think there is single answer and certainly multiple reasons and motivations.
15:39 Red Quixote my question about sour cream was better :P.. .at least it has an answer
15:39 Wordsmith Jarvinen But getting a reaction seems to be a big part of it and simply handling the matter w/o a lot of reaction seems to discourage such matters.
15:39 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) But lots of them do seem to grave attention. It does seem to be the best way not to give them any.
15:40 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Aside from AR and bans.
15:40 Gronk Seriman The only difference is online, you have a perceived cloak of anonymity.
15:40 Tali Rosca A key aspect is their ability to make you play their game.
15:40 Martini Discovolante anonymity has a lot to do with it.. and we are very nearly sadistic as we are loathe to give them any payoff whatsoever.
15:40 Erin Aerallo in my opinion the best way to "fight" a griefer is to do so psychogically, thats if you have the chance to talk to them
15:40 Larkylouz I recently read an article indicating that they show characteristics common to sociopaths and mental illness. Unfortunately, I can't find it right now.
15:41 Martini Discovolante do not engage them.
15:41 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) If you talk to them, you give them what they want; attention.
15:41 Meora (menchor) many currently are hit and run
15:41 Erin Aerallo i dont agree
15:41 Erin Aerallo it depends on how you taljk to them
15:41 Larkylouz Yes. Many people who cravae attention are just as satisfied to receive negative attention as they are positive.
15:42 Erin Aerallo if for example you ask themn why they crave attention so much
15:42 Martini Discovolante well that is certainly your prerogative, Miss.
15:42 Tali Rosca If they are set on causing havoc, anything you say which in any way challenges them is merely a victory for them.
15:42 Red Quixote 'reasoning' with a griefer,.. is like playing chess with a pigeon
15:42 Martini Discovolante or on a pidgeon :P
15:42 Red Quixote we don't use the 'd'
15:42 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) I'd rather not get into another virtual shouting match. I have better things to do than tolerate griefers' "justifications" for their behavior
15:42 Erin Aerallo if you start to dig into their problems in public chat and uncover them
15:43 Wordsmith Jarvinen is offline.
15:43 Martini Discovolante Sorry i Waltered you ! :P
15:43 Erin Aerallo they get very uncomfortable
15:43 Tali Rosca That may make you feel clever, but it does nothing to curb them.
15:43 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) And people are especialy adept in inventing motivations for their actions on the spot.
15:43 Wordsmith Jarvinen is online.
15:43 Eilidh McCullough is offline.
15:43 Erin Aerallo i have made griefers go away by dong it
15:43 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) and griefers are likely to try to deceive you anyway, inventing sob stories how nobody understand them.
15:43 Tali Rosca It merely gives them the next jumping-off point.
15:43 Erin Aerallo i have made griefers go away by dong it
15:44 Ravelli Ormstein that will not work with a griefer, Miss Aerallo. perhaps with a friend who has problems.
15:44 Martini Discovolante how many times have i heard "ewhy do you hate me?" and been orbited 30 saeconds later/
15:44 Erin Aerallo it has worked for me , but true it may not work with every griefer
15:44 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Exactly
15:43 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) and griefers are likely to try to deceive you anyway, inventing sob stories how nobody understand them.
15:43 Tali Rosca It merely gives them the next jumping-off point.
15:43 Erin Aerallo i have made griefers go away by dong it
15:44 Ravelli Ormstein that will not work with a griefer, Miss Aerallo. perhaps with a friend who has problems.
15:44 Martini Discovolante how many times have i heard "ewhy do you hate me?" and been orbited 30 saeconds later/
15:44 Erin Aerallo it has worked for me , but true it may not work with every griefer
15:44 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Exactly
15:44 Sauce Sorrowman orbiting someone is still fairly trivial
15:45 Tali Rosca One of the more amusing anecdotes I have is from back in another sandbox, where a newbie arrived with weapons and opened fire. I merely sat down and worked on, and after a while he calmed down and became curious about why I was not affected.
15:45 Martini Discovolante you may engage them all you want Miss.. you may even find it entertaining, byt here our primary goal is to have a safe and calm environment for ppeople to learnin.
15:45 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Maybe if you can embarrass them by not freaking out. But there's no way to know whether that would work with any particular griefer.
15:45 Red Quixote I have to agree with Tali,.. most griefers are jeuvenile,. if you want an insight into their psychology, I suggest you search 'SL griefers' on youtube,.. you will get their perspective,.. .and realize how futile it is to try to 'deal with them psychologically'...
15:45 Erin Aerallo oh is orbiting not possible now ?
15:45 Erin Aerallo thy dont lke their true problems exposed
15:46 Erin Aerallo you have to be adept in how youj handle them
15:46 Martini Discovolante most do not believe they have problems, thye think everyone else does.
15:46 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Many griefers are intent to become someone's problem.
15:46 Red Quixote I could not disagree more miss Aerallo
15:46 Ravelli Ormstein perhaps we have to make a difference here, between a "griefer" and "a new residents testing and playing without knowing that there are rules"
15:47 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Go ahead adn try to talk with that guy who bombarded Oxbridge with self-replicating cubes for couple of weeks, usingmultiple atls.
15:47 Ravelli Ormstein type B you can calm down, type A not
15:47 Martini Discovolante nods...or someone just being a booger.
15:47 Tali Rosca There is certainly a difference between those.
15:47 Erin Aerallo but going back to LL breaking the ability to orbit, yet why do they allo sim crashers ?
15:47 Erin Aerallo allow *
15:47 Object Hello, Avatar!
15:47 Tali Rosca I think we will have to agree to disagree on this matter, and move on.
15:47 Red Quixote aye
15:48 Erin Aerallo or worse graphics crashers
15:48 Red Quixote a question without an answer
15:48 Tali Rosca They don't "allow" sim crashers. Somebody comes up with ways to provoke the system.
15:48 Erin Aerallo that cause problems in your PC
15:48 Tali Rosca That's like asking why Microsoft allows virus on your machine.
15:48 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) There are newcomers idiots who do fix their behavior once they have been told it is inappropaite. But those are not griefers. They are just used to MMROPG environment of continuous PVP combat.
15:48 Red Quixote indeed
15:49 Erin Aerallo but what i mean is they allow the sail of these tools in SL shops
15:49 Martini Discovolante dunno.
15:49 Meora (menchor) there have always been ways to use the scripts to create something abusive
15:49 Erin Aerallo i can go an buy a HUD now that will cause you graphics problems
15:49 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Anything can be abused.
15:49 Martini Discovolante then AR teh maker.
15:49 Gronk Seriman LL does care. A little. But they just collect the rent.
15:50 Red Quixote I agree file an AR
15:50 Erin Aerallo of course i have no wish to do that
15:50 Meora (menchor) and have your friends file an AR
15:50 Tali Rosca As long as somebody are willing to buy them, a new alt will spring up selling them.
15:50 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) LL needs barrage of ARs to get teir attention.
15:50 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) They apparently get lots of minor ones.
15:50 Erin Aerallo they should ban the sail of them
15:50 Erin Aerallo sale *
15:51 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) They would have to check every new sale item every time it is pu ton sale.
15:51 Tali Rosca That said, LL is drawing some criticism in general about their enforcement of various rules; ToS-breaking items or IP infringements.
15:51 Meora (menchor) and when they do the person creates an alt changes the name a little and is back in business
15:51 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) YEs
15:51 Erin Aerallo but if identified by IP they couldnt just set up new account
15:51 Tali Rosca It is no secret that I am not impressed by the way they handle the Marketplace.
15:52 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Ever heard of dynamic IPs?
15:52 Meora (menchor) and they spoof their IP
15:52 Erin Aerallo is it that easy to do ?
15:52 Ravelli Ormstein dynamic IPs are common in Europe, in the US they mainly have static IPs so far i know
15:52 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Or whatever the correct term was.
15:52 Meora (menchor) reasonably
15:52 Tali Rosca IP banning is highly problematic. It can be spoofed, and you lock wrong people who go through a provider which makes them share a visible IP.
15:53 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) YEs
15:53 Erin Aerallo it seems then for my questions there are no easy answers
15:53 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) There was also the furor about supposed alt-revealing tools supposedly checking IPs.
15:53 Erin Aerallo but alot of good information
15:53 Tali Rosca And it doesn't take much to set up a Marketplace listing from a net café, for example.
15:53 Meora (menchor) Red Zone
15:53 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) YEs
15:53 Erin Aerallo and interesting viewpoints
15:54 Erin Aerallo ty very much everyone
15:55 Erin Aerallo perhaps one day we will solve them all, I hope so
15:55 Tali Rosca If there were easy answers, LL would have implemented the solution.
15:55 Tali Rosca Whatever one may think of their priorities, they are not amateurs in the market.
15:55 Erin Aerallo no indeed
15:55 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Not to mention various RL law enforcement organizations...
15:56 Erin Aerallo i understand there a new CEO
15:56 Tali Rosca We are running out of time, so any last questions?
15:56 Meora (menchor) Is there any word on the airships?
15:57 Tali Rosca I have not heard any. But it is a little outside Oxbridge's "jurisdiction", so we only get the same second-hand information as everybody else.
15:58 Ravelli Ormstein makes a note on that to ask someone for information
15:58 Tali Rosca As for the customary "state of SL", we're out of time for that, but I'll just throw out one title:
15:58 Tali Rosca "SL Go"
15:58 Sauce Sorrowman "Rip off"
15:58 Martini Discovolante i am always reticient to ask Jorge about them.. i know he is quite invested in them running, adn has not forgotten.
15:59 Martini Discovolante pfffft
15:59 Martini Discovolante the pfft was for SLgo
15:59 Tali Rosca Let us call the QA adjourned, and rant about SL Go outside.
15:59 Erin Aerallo lols
15:59 Ravelli Ormstein in this case... pfffft @ SL Go
15:59 Wordsmith Jarvinen Thank you all for attending.
15:59 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) :-)
15:59 Martini Discovolante it is no skin off my tail
16:00 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Well, bedtime for me, again.
16:00 Erin Aerallo ty everybody was very inetersting
16:00 Red Quixote oh my,. that was a quick hour
16:00 Martini Discovolante i use Lumiya on occasion.
16:00 Gronk Seriman Thank you, Deans!
16:00 Martini Discovolante thanks for comign everyone!
16:00 Ravelli Ormstein many thanks to everyone for coming again. hope to see you next time again
16:00 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Be seeing you
16:00 Tali Rosca The whole "what is our place, and what could and should be done for newbies" is an interesting, ever-relevant topic.
16:00 Ravelli Ormstein good night Elf
16:00 Red Quixote g'nite Elf