Caledon Oxbridge Q&A for 2013-11-10

15:00 Marion Questi Then this is all of us...
15:00 Tali Rosca ...and the clock shows 3. So...
15:00 Gronk Seriman So it will be a Three Dean Night.
15:00 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) MArtini has RL fever.
15:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen It shall be that.
15:01 Tali Rosca Welcome to this week's installment of the Amazing World of Questions and Answers.
15:01 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) SHe had to cancel the class
15:01 Tali Rosca This is where the deans of Oxbridge gather to attempt to answer questions about Oxbridge, Caledon and SL in general.
15:01 Tali Rosca Each have their specialty and area of responsibility, which you can see here:
15:01 Tali Rosca With the official introduction thus done, let us set to it! Who has the first question?qna
15:02 Trya Destiny my questions are of a technical nature
15:03 Tali Rosca Well, it doesn't sound like people are clamoring for political clarifications, so let us hear.
15:03 Wordsmith Jarvinen Then you have a qbits chance at an answer.
15:03 Tali Rosca Perhaps we can help on the spot, or perhaps we can point you to the right people.
15:04 Trya Destiny my screen constantly flickers and I crash all the time, any thoughts on how i might resolve these issues?
15:04 Tali Rosca Only in SL?
15:04 Trya Destiny yes
15:04 Marion Questi Are you on an older machine?
15:05 Trya Destiny no, I'm on a laptop just over 6 months old
15:05 Tali Rosca That would be pretty scattershot attempts, given how much can be wrong there. Updating graphics drivers, changing client, adjusting graphics settings.
15:05 Tali Rosca The whole debug dance.
15:06 Tali Rosca It's not a common, "Oh, the SL client does that; you just have to do..."
15:06 Marion Questi Do you run other graphic intensive software, another game perhaps?
15:06 Wordsmith Jarvinen And, some laptops have switchable graphics .... meaning if the don't find a known game they will switch down to Intel graphics.
15:06 Trya Destiny I'd say SL is the largest game I run
15:07 Marion Questi So the SL client is probably taxing your graphics processor more than anything else...
15:07 Tali Rosca Which client are you using?
15:07 Trya Destiny forgive me... client??
15:08 Tali Rosca Viewer. The Linden viewer or one of the third party viewers?
15:08 Trya Destiny ah, the linden viewer
15:10 Tali Rosca I think the QA may not be the forum for a detailed technical debug of a single machine, so let us talk about it after.
15:10 Tali Rosca Otherwise, we bore people to tears with graphics card and driver versions.
15:10 Tali Rosca And a lot of trial-and-error.
15:10 Trya Destiny ok
15:10 Trya Destiny no worries, i understand
15:11 Tali Rosca That sort of problems are very hard to help with remotely, so don't get your hopes *too* high that anybody has the killer solution.
15:12 Tali Rosca As a related comment there, I know that the viewers are a little outdated when it comes to graphics card definitions.
15:13 Tali Rosca I know of one case where somebody had to manually edit those configuration to convince SL that his computer was new enough to run SL:
15:13 Tali Rosca -His machine was *too new* for SL to recognize it.
15:14 Wordsmith Jarvinen Do you know how to determine your graphics card/chip?
15:14 Trya Destiny yep
15:15 Wordsmith Jarvinen Often there are discussions in the forums that can be chip related.
15:15 Wordsmith Jarvinen Forums specific to SL.
15:15 Trya Destiny I will check those out as well. thanks
15:15 Tali Rosca But let us move on to any other questions, and catch up on that one over coffee outside after.
15:15 Larkylurker (larkylouz) I have a related question. Is there a trick to searching forums to find *current* information?
15:15 Wordsmith Jarvinen Another thing to check is help/about SL, and see if you have a lot of dropped packets.
15:16 Tali Rosca ...or whatever avatars do when they hang out outside a conference/class room.
15:16 Trya Destiny lol
15:17 Tali Rosca I must admit my forum-fu is weak. It's not generally where I hang out.
15:18 Wordsmith Jarvinen If found via Google, one can limit the date.
15:18 Tali Rosca One trick which works on many sites is to sic Google on it, using the site:... search parameter.
15:18 Wordsmith Jarvinen sync
15:18 Tali Rosca Then, as Wordsmith says, you can use the options Google gives you.
15:19 Larkylurker (larkylouz) I'll have to read up a bit on Google, as that is my tool of choice. Thank you
15:19 Tali Rosca ...but I can't rattle those off off the top of my head.
15:20 Larkylurker (larkylouz) Oh, I know how to find them. No worries.
15:20 Wordsmith Jarvinen As an aside, you "class in session" sign works for me, Dean Questi.
15:20 Gronk Seriman Tyra, have you tried the obvious...dradded the dot down a notch on your Graphics Preferences page?
15:20 Gronk Seriman *dragged
15:20 Marion Questi Oh good. Thank you for trying it. I have forgotten who asked for it...
15:21 Trya Destiny I sure did
15:21 Tali Rosca There was some talk about that sign at the last QA.
15:21 Gronk Seriman The sign was to notify wandering new people that class really was in session.
15:22 Tali Rosca ...if the rows of people sitting and listening to a teacher wasn't enough of a tip-off.
15:22 Marion Questi I hope it sends the right mix of warning vs invitation.
15:22 Wordsmith Jarvinen Some don't seem to pick up on such ..... social cues.
15:22 James MacCloude (mac6572) I always keep my radar on
15:22 Gronk Seriman It's just one more clue for the clueless.
15:23 Tali Rosca "Oxbridge Investigations. We clue the clueless".
15:23 Larkylurker (larkylouz) I expect some people wander in here looking for social outlets, and don't have the manners or sophistication with the viewer to ask. Or they do ask, and it disrupts the class.
15:23 Larkylurker (larkylouz) LOL, Dean Tali.
15:23 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) *hs lost his cluebat*
15:23 Holland Haggwood Some new people simply don't understand SL
15:24 Tali Rosca I think it's fair to say that *most* don't. How they deal with that differs, though.
15:24 Marion Questi But it remains our job to help such folks.
15:25 Holland Haggwood True, I was once new and clueless, but, I was careful to look, listen, and learn.
15:25 Wordsmith Jarvinen Perhaps rather than a construction background ... one with a stern looking Victorian teacher or librarian.
15:25 Larkylurker (larkylouz) I caught a bit of a discussion (on ISC?) about people in Caledon 'torturing' newcomers. It was quite disturbing.
15:26 Tali Rosca It's important to note, though, that Oxbridge is here to help those seeking help.
15:26 Tali Rosca Not to try to teach manners.
15:28 Marion Questi I think I've lost the thread of the conversation...:) Is there a question before us?
15:28 Tali Rosca Either Wordsmith is in a loop, or he is writing a novel.
15:29 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hopefully, Miss Larky, such comments were some transient bit of conversation. If anyone picks up on that becoming a persistent them, do bring it to our attention. We could likely get the Guvnah to remind citizens that there state depends on newcomers.
15:29 Tali Rosca Novel.
15:29 Wordsmith Jarvinen Short story.
15:29 Wordsmith Jarvinen Just to buck NaNoWriMo.
15:30 Holland Haggwood I do have one question. If a no copy item is returned, what happens? Is it deleted?
15:30 Tali Rosca If it is returned, it is, well, returned.
15:30 Marion Questi Return means returned to it's owner...
15:30 Tali Rosca It is typically thrown to the owner's Lost and Found.
15:31 Tali Rosca In some rare cases, it fails to show up in the Lost and Found folder. It is really there, but your client just do not get the message that there's something new there.
15:32 Tali Rosca It's one of the cases where the old cure-all of "delete your cache and relog" will work.
15:32 Holland Haggwood That's what I thought . . . been looking for a lost item that I forgot to set to correct group. Have looked in my inventory everywhere.
15:33 Holland Haggwood I guess I'll have to try clearing cache . . . ugh . . . lol
15:34 Tali Rosca It a return fails for some reason (server connection, for example), the item is returned back to the sim.
15:35 Holland Haggwood And I'll try area search . . . :)
15:35 Tali Rosca If your object was returned along with other objects, it may be in your inventory as a "coalesced object", with a name randomly chosen from *any* of the objects returned.
15:35 Tali Rosca So that can hide it as well.
15:35 Wordsmith Jarvinen The inventory icon general indicates that the item is a "coalesce"
15:36 Holland Haggwood No that was it. Put it out, returned later and it was gone . . . slapped side of head . . lol
15:36 Wordsmith Jarvinen I've been there too many times.... oops ... wrong group.
15:39 Marion Questi Who has another question for us?
15:39 Gronk Seriman If no further questions, I would like to thank and congratulate Dean Rosca for fixing that trap at the railroad tunnel on the east side of the Village.
15:40 Tali Rosca Though I think we broke what could have been a famous amusement installation in Caledon.
15:40 Gronk Seriman Ha!
15:40 Larkylurker (larkylouz) I fear to beat a dead horse; is there anything significantly new happening with all the TOS ownership issues?
15:40 Tali Rosca The sim physics was *totally* out of whack there
15:40 Larkylurker (larkylouz) LOL.
15:41 Tali Rosca As for the ToS, the United Content Creators are working on the next letter to LL, after they got an answer to the previous.
15:41 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Train seems to be fixed as well.
15:41 Larkylurker (larkylouz) I think you should have just put an ogre down there and left it as is. And rewrite the ejection script so that's where folks get sent. The ocean is really quite a bit too tame.
15:41 Tali Rosca This letter is intended to more specifically talk about the pain points in the ToS, and suggest alternatives.
15:42 James MacCloude (mac6572) yes when the train was wandering around caledon I thought the threee stooges where driving it
15:42 Larkylurker (larkylouz) So some dialog is happening, both ways? That's encouraging.
15:42 Tali Rosca It's a nice word for it.
15:43 Larkylurker (larkylouz) heee
15:43 Tali Rosca But LL *did* answer with a letter saying that they had heard the concerns and would take another look.
15:43 Tali Rosca Personally, I find it highly doubtful we'll hear anything more from LL until they either change the ToS, or, well, don't, and we find out by seeing nothing happening.
15:44 Tali Rosca And pretty much as expected (and likely banked on by LL), it seems the issue is losing some steam.
15:44 Tali Rosca People can only be righteously indignant for so long.
15:45 Larkylurker (larkylouz) Are the designers flocking elsewhere? that is my concern!
15:45 Meora (menchor) not being able to use some texture sources legally is a big hassle
15:46 Tali Rosca There has been no exodus. It is my impression that more people than usual has taken a serious, long look at alternate platforms.
15:46 Tali Rosca And the few designers who *do* have a dual presence in different worlds have gotten some mention.
15:46 Tali Rosca They are there, and people have noticed that it is possible.
15:47 Tali Rosca But the "everyday merchants" are, ironically, not the ones primarily impacted
15:48 Tali Rosca They live by releasing new wares often, earning the microtransactions on those.
15:48 James MacCloude (mac6572) well one man was righteously indignant for a long time when in New Orleans he witnessed a slave family being sold to different plantations and said he would end that practice
15:48 Tali Rosca They do not have a single idea which they need to market and control.
15:49 Meora (menchor) LL seems clueless, Imagine that
15:49 Tali Rosca Writes, for example, are all kinds of screwed, as LL claims rights over their textx.
15:50 Tali Rosca *Writers.
15:50 Tali Rosca But you'll probably not see a big, immediately visible impact from them leaving SL.
15:50 James MacCloude (mac6572) hey I'm one
15:52 Tali Rosca The ToS is undermining SL as an experimental platform for larger projects, more than undermining SL as a place to sell this month's fashion.
15:53 Tali Rosca So no, we've not seen an exodus of designers.
15:53 Tali Rosca I think that was it for this week's dead horse.
15:54 Larkylurker (larkylouz) Thank you, Dean.
15:55 Meora (menchor) are there more problems with things failing in the last 3 or 4 weeks rezzing uploading etc.?
15:55 Holland Haggwood Yes, thank you. Bye for now.
15:56 Gronk Seriman I think so, Meora.
15:56 Tali Rosca I have not noticed any particular problems, nor it is my impression that I have head more complaints than usual, but I'm not exactly running reliable statistics on it.
15:56 Meora (menchor) its all going to be what happens to you, but its just seemed more often
15:57 Meora (menchor) it looks like its the asset server
15:57 Wordsmith Jarvinen There are always cycles when things seem a bit less reliable.
15:58 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Sometimes it's not all accounts that are affected, it seems.
15:58 Tali Rosca The inventory uses sharded servers, so some people can have problems while it's running fine for others.
15:58 Wordsmith Jarvinen At least some of the postmortems show up here.
15:59 Tali Rosca Any last-minute comments or questions?
15:59 Gronk Seriman Some days I can change outfits in the blink of an eye. Tonight, it took forever for my outfit to load.
16:00 Meora (menchor) yes!
16:00 James MacCloude (mac6572) i've noticed it too
16:00 Tali Rosca Let us call it adjourned for tonight, then.
16:00 Larkylurker (larkylouz) I'm finding things in Lost and Found that I would swear I picked up when I left.
16:00 Larkylurker (larkylouz) Thank you, Deans.
16:00 Meora (menchor) thank you
16:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen They were doing asset server maintenance.
16:01 Gronk Seriman Thank you, Deans!
16:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen Thank you all for coming.
16:01 Marion Questi Thank you all for coming!
16:01 James MacCloude (mac6572) yes thank you
16:01 Tali Rosca We'll be back next week.
16:01 Tali Rosca Possibly with reinforcement.