Caledon Oxbridge Q&A for 2013-05-19

19:01 Marion Questi And now we are let us begin!
19:01 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) nods
19:01 Marion Questi Welcome everyone!
19:01 Martini Discovolante apologies for m y tardiness
19:01 Marion Questi This is an "open mic" Q&A which we hold at this time every week. We, the Deans of Oxbridge, assemble to answer questions from the attendees about Oxbridge, it's mission and operation, or about SL in general.
19:01 Marion Questi On the Oxbridge website you can find a list of all the Deans with summaries of their respective areas of responsibility, :
19:02 Wordsmith Jarvinen Well, almost all. ;)
19:02 Marion Questi We usually get 3 or 4 attending.
19:02 Marion Questi No not quite all...:)
19:02 Marion Questi Who would like to toss out the first question?
19:02 Very old leather fireside chair DINKIE whispers
(?PgUp or ? PgDn ) change your pose. Touch for menu.
19:03 Wordsmith Jarvinen For those of you here last week, please not that we now have or own domain.
19:03 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) nods
19:03 Larkylouz raises hand.
19:03 Wordsmith Jarvinen And, as of this evening, there's a campus map on the website.
19:03 Marion Questi Progress!
19:03 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) nods
19:04 Wordsmith Jarvinen (It may still get fine-tuned a bit)
19:04 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) thank you
19:04 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) all
19:05 swesthead i apologize if i don't follow any set procedures - I've only joined yesterday and have no idea how to do things like, raise hands, etc.
19:05 Wordsmith Jarvinen Not to worry, no set procedures.
19:06 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) just have fun and be nice
19:06 Martini Discovolante just say so, M. swesthead
19:06 Martini Discovolante we are not formal here
19:07 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) welcome
19:07 swesthead brilliant! I only heard about SL while reading a book on librarianship (This Book is Overdue!), am starting my MSc in September and am very interested in digital librarianship
19:07 Wordsmith Jarvinen Ahh. You should definately contact JJ Drinkwater.
19:07 swesthead That is who the author interviewed!
19:08 Wordsmith Jarvinen We also have a poster on the Alexandrian library system outside the door to the right as you exit.
19:08 Marion Questi Sir JJ runs the Caledon Library system
19:08 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) did you read snow crash?
19:09 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) i did lol
19:09 swesthead no
19:09 Marion Questi smiles.. "Yes."
19:09 Martini Discovolante i have
19:09 Martini Discovolante it is our Bagavad Gita
19:09 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) well i would hun
19:09 Wordsmith Jarvinen I'll also give you a recent event notice for the library system.
19:09 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) and i will be your friend
19:09 swesthead thank you
19:10 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) if you want
19:10 swesthead thank you!
19:10 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) its fine hun we all need them
19:10 Wordsmith Jarvinen You're most welcome.
19:11 Marion Questi Before we take the next question...
19:11 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) smiles
19:11 Marion Questi I have an announcement.
19:11 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) yes dean
19:11 Marion Questi Miss Tali Rosca, who is sitting at the back of the room, has been gracious enough to accept an appointment as Dean.
19:12 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) claps
19:12 Gronk Seriman Yay!
19:12 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) claps
19:12 Quinesence Wonderful
19:12 Larkylouz Congratulations, Miss Rosca!
19:12 Marion Questi She ought to be sitting on stage with us.
19:12 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) claps
19:12 Martini Discovolante another chair! another chair!
19:12 Wordsmith Jarvinen There's room ;)
19:12 Martini Discovolante yaaaaay!
19:12 Marion Questi Please join us Dean Rosca.
19:12 MikeVa Waco YAY Miss Tali
19:12 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) claps
19:13 Gronk Seriman So now it's a Four Dean Night!
19:13 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) claps
19:13 Marion Questi grins.
19:13 Martini Discovolante Dean Tali adds another shining facet to our capabilities here!
19:13 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) nods
19:13 MikeVa Waco Another dean with an "i" at the end of one of her names. I'm beginning to see a pattern here... LOL
19:13 Marion Questi Dean Rosca will be taking over many of my responsibilities
19:14 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) nods
19:14 Martini Discovolante we are vowely
19:14 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) lol
19:14 MikeVa Waco rofl
19:14 Marion Questi And after some transition period will be my successor.
19:14 Marion Questi Dean of Engines.
19:14 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) ohhh well then
19:15 Marion Questi So...who has a question for us?
19:15 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) i do please
19:16 Larkylouz We are losing you to RL, Dean Questi? I am sorry to hear that, even as I welcome Dean Rosca1
19:16 Larkylouz *Rosca!
19:16 Martini Discovolante Dean Rosca has lent her quiet reserve and subtext of knowledge-to-the-point-of-art to Oxbridge for as long as i can remember. i welcome her wth open paws
19:17 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) i would like to ask
19:17 Martini Discovolante Dean Q will not get off that easily!
19:17 Marion Questi No I am not leaving entirely...I will adopt a more appropriate Janitor..or something but I will still be around for a while...:)
19:17 Tali Rosca The idea is to have him around for quite a while still.
19:17 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) how long have vampires been in sl?
19:17 Larkylouz but, but, but the title of janitor is filled, sir!
19:18 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) since the start?
19:19 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) i am not
19:19 Marion Questi I have no idea when the vampire appeared.
19:19 Wordsmith Jarvinen Well, before my start in SL, and long enough for new resident centers to have long posted against recruiting.
19:19 Marion Questi There were here when I arrived.
19:19 Tali Rosca There are vampires, and then there's the Bloodlines game.
19:19 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) i am not one and do not undrestnd why
19:19 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) but that is something else
19:20 Marion Questi I don't understand the fascination with vampires...but I'm sure others don't understand the fascination with Steampunk.
19:20 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) i do lol
19:20 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) i am one to
19:20 Michael Ethan Landau (michaelethanlandau) Which simulation has the most areas where voice can be used?
19:21 Wordsmith Jarvinen Many seem to be into the role-playing. They also keep offworld databases of those "bitten". And some of the lines have great similarity to multi-level marketing.
19:21 Tali Rosca Vampires are classical, mythological creatures. From a storytelling perspective, they are typical example of straddling borderlines (between life and death). Those are always interesting.
19:21 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) nods
19:21 Tali Rosca The Bloodlines game is a pyramid game which has little to do with roleplaying and storytelling.
19:21 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) thank you deans
19:21 Martini Discovolante and yet, Second Life has made them tedious.
19:22 Marion Questi To Mr Landau's question...If I'm not mistaken, most of Caledon is voice enabled, is it not? We restrict it here in Oxbridge for various reasons.
19:22 Larkylouz HA! Anyone who used to like YA literature, finds them tedious in RL as well!
19:22 Martini Discovolante many many places are voice enabled.
19:23 Martini Discovolante you can tell if a place is by the info bar above your window
19:23 Larkylouz Perhaps Virtual Ability would have an answer to that question, Michael?
19:23 Wordsmith Jarvinen As is Café Vox here at Oxbridge.
19:23 Wordsmith Jarvinen
19:24 Martini Discovolante yes.. we do provide a voice enabled area here foe folks
19:24 Martini Discovolante for*
19:24 swesthead how does one learn actions in SL - like raising hands, etc. - and is there a tutorial for other functions in SL available?
19:24 Wordsmith Jarvinen And this lecture room is voice enabled.
19:24 Wordsmith Jarvinen Those are animations.
19:25 Wordsmith Jarvinen And animations can be included into gestures which can be chat triggered.
19:25 Marion Questi The simple way is what we call "emoting" For example type this in your chat window: "/me raises her hand."
19:25 swesthead raises her hand
19:26 Marion Questi But omit the quotes.
19:26 Marion Questi There you go@
19:26 swesthead oh, i see...
19:26 Wordsmith Jarvinen I believe Prof Charisma covers some of that in her role-playing class
19:26 Tali Rosca M. Charisma's "Introduction to Role Playing" class includes tips on how to act "in character", yes.
19:26 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) nods
19:26 Marion Questi Next question?
19:27 swesthead how does one find classes and the like?
19:27 Wordsmith Jarvinen The schedule here is posted inside and just outside this room.
19:27 Friends of Caledon Oxbridge Donation Medallion notshure2 Resident gave a generous donation to Friends of Caledon Oxbridge to help support classes, tutorials, & tier at Caledon's Oxbridge
19:27 Wordsmith Jarvinen It's now also on the web.
19:27 Tali Rosca That is, in fact, one area I'd like to take a look at.
19:27 Wordsmith Jarvinen
19:28 Marion Questi You can find us in the Events listing in your search window.
19:28 swesthead thank you
19:28 Wordsmith Jarvinen If you touch one of the inworld schedules it will give you a notecard versions.
19:29 Wordsmith Jarvinen And yes, classes at other places as well as ours get posted in the SL events calendar.
19:30 Marion Questi Next question? Anyone?
19:31 Larkylouz I have a question about needing a bald bit before I add hair.
19:31 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) looks around
19:31 Larkylouz It doesn't seem to matter; also,T once showed me that all the bald bits are kept in my avi's insides forever. I would like to understand the ins and outs.
19:32 Wordsmith Jarvinen nods. A nonhair system hair.
19:32 Larkylouz System hair differs from prim or mesh hhair how?
19:32 Tali Rosca By being amazingly ugly.
19:32 Larkylouz That part I'd figured out, Dean Rosca!
19:33 Wordsmith Jarvinen It is basically painted on hair.
19:33 Tali Rosca System hair is part of your shape, like, say, your nose.
19:33 Tali Rosca So you have sliders which can adjust it.
19:33 Marion Questi You need the bald bit to supress the system mesh hair.....But I've never been sure why...:)
19:33 Wordsmith Jarvinen If the prim or mesh hair shows scalp and the underlying system hair has a clashing color, it detracts from the look.
19:34 Martini Discovolante so you are bald!
19:34 Larkylouz oooooh. And perhaps all the bits hidden inside keep my system hair from showing?
19:34 swesthead i apologize, but i must go! thank you for your help this evening!
19:34 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) waves
19:34 Wordsmith Jarvinen That you for coming.
19:34 Larkylouz Visit us again, Miss Westhead.
19:34 Tali Rosca Essentially, you do always have system hair. It's just minimized so it doesn't poke through.
19:34 swesthead i shall try!
19:35 Martini Discovolante and you can also have hair on the Tattoo layer;... to create a very nice hairline for a variety of styles
19:35 Martini Discovolante you CAN have that hair i should have said
19:35 Larkylouz Thank you. I think I understand more, now. Oh, that I would like to see more of, Dean D.
19:35 Tali Rosca The avatar system has some curious traces of how it once worked.
19:35 Martini Discovolante you can usually get that free from reputable hair salons,
19:36 Tali Rosca Like the "skin" layer on top of the system skin.
19:36 Martini Discovolante Tutys has a very nice one, tho not free
19:36 Martini Discovolante some skins have it as a feature as well.
19:37 Larkylouz Thank you, Deans.
19:38 Tali Rosca Actually, I have one, apropos having a new domain name for the site. It seems Oxbridge and various other Caledonian-related names are taken at Google App Engine. Does anybody know who has those?
19:38 Wordsmith Jarvinen Another question?
19:40 Wordsmith Jarvinen No, although it would not surprise me if Desmond had grabbed them.
19:40 Wordsmith Jarvinen He has been know to take preventative action to protect the Caledon "brand"
19:40 Martini Discovolante he may have, but in Caledon's 6+ years,, many have procured names as a "favour"
19:40 Martini Discovolante adn yes... Des is very protective
19:41 Tali Rosca nods. "I know Des protects the name (for good reason). I just noticed that they were, indeed, unavailable, but apparently not in use".
19:41 Martini Discovolante you will find he is egisterd in nearly--- if not all--- of the alternative virtual worlds as well.
19:41 Wordsmith Jarvinen In our case, Dean Metropolitan happened to have had the domain name in his robe pockets for several years.
19:43 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) just money?
19:43 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) why did the ibm sand box close
19:43 Tali Rosca IBM by and larged pulled out of SL.
19:43 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) i read that
19:44 Tali Rosca They were fairly active some years back, as part of testing the technology.
19:44 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) thank you
19:44 Marion Questi I think they operate their own grid now. More secure that way.
19:44 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) thank you dean
19:45 Tali Rosca They just didn't find the killer use as a company, and so pulled out. I don't think they are even doing much on their own grid.
19:45 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) i liked it there
19:45 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) pouts
19:45 Marion Questi You are welcome to use our sandbox.
19:45 Wordsmith Jarvinen SL is a transient place.
19:45 Tali Rosca If they are, they are pretty quiet about it, at least.
19:45 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) thank you
19:46 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) deans
19:46 Wordsmith Jarvinen The cost of maintaining something in SL eventually outweighs the cost of creating it.
19:46 Niki Listern raises hand
19:46 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) nods
19:47 Wordsmith Jarvinen Miss Niki?
19:47 Niki Listern yes I was wondering if someone has signs out what do I do
19:47 Marion Questi Pardon?
19:48 Wordsmith Jarvinen Signs?
19:48 Martini Discovolante like "what now?"
19:48 Niki Listern some thing inappropriate
19:48 Wordsmith Jarvinen In Caledon?
19:48 Martini Discovolante i htik our tutorial prepaes folks for whatever they want to pursue in SL
19:49 Niki Listern yes in Caledon
19:49 Martini Discovolante and frankly speaking.... we do our best to guide whoever to whatever.
19:49 Wordsmith Jarvinen In Caledon there is a covenant.
19:49 Marion Questi The Caledon covenant prohibits any sort of Walking Billboard.
19:49 Niki Listern or maybe they were banners
19:49 Martini Discovolante Caledon is all M-rated.
19:49 Martini Discovolante or mostly
19:49 Larkylouz Griefer prims?
19:49 Niki Listern yes
19:50 Wordsmith Jarvinen If it abusive in any sense, then it would be in violation of the covenant.
19:50 Marion Questi If you get griefers here, put out a call on ISC or COU for a dean or a EM.
19:50 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) dont shoot report
19:51 Marion Questi There is nearly always someone online who can help.
19:51 Niki Listern it was attacking me and others around me
19:51 Wordsmith Jarvinen For greater Caledon ISC
19:51 Martini Discovolante oh-- Niki-- check the COU roster for folks online
19:51 Martini Discovolante first.
19:51 Niki Listern okay thank you
19:51 Niki Listern what if I have trouble contacting others
19:51 Martini Discovolante and you amy always IM me.. it goes to my GMail, and i will be in ASAP
19:52 Wordsmith Jarvinen Now, admittedly there are some rather voracious haggis and such of Denver Hax.
19:52 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) whispers they can track the bullets
19:52 Martini Discovolante they are no ion OXB
19:52 Martini Discovolante not in*
19:52 Wordsmith Jarvinen And the air kraken in Middlesea .....
19:52 Niki Listern I had that problem trying to reach COU Roster
19:53 Martini Discovolante (pardon-- i was enjoying a flagon of wine during Game of Thrones)
19:53 Marion Questi chuckles to himself.
19:53 Martini Discovolante Dragons Are Real!
19:53 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) smiles
19:53 Tali Rosca Problem as in nobody was there, or technically unable to communicate?
19:54 Marion Questi And so are Air Kraken!
19:54 MikeVa Waco and zombies
19:54 Marion Questi Folks, we have only a few minutes left in our hour. Any questions we can answer?
19:54 Wordsmith Jarvinen I get email notices of IM's to me and also any messages to the deans dropped in the box here.
19:54 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) i shot them thats ok
19:54 Martini Discovolante but Niki... go to the faculty roster: view info
19:55 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) grrr zombies
19:55 Niki Listern okay
19:55 Martini Discovolante Members and click on STATUS you will see who is online
19:56 Martini Discovolante you will know who you are most familiar with :)
19:56 Niki Listern thank you all
19:56 Wordsmith Jarvinen Or just ask for help in the faculty group.
19:56 Martini Discovolante and if you do not see someone you know can help, enquire of teh Faculty Group
19:56 Wordsmith Jarvinen In can be rather awe inspiring to see a dozen faculty and EM's arriving.
19:57 Martini Discovolante yes.. and sometimes counter productive
19:57 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) lol
19:57 Larkylouz Where is the faculty roster you speak of? The COU faculty group?
19:57 Martini Discovolante we like to deal with things subtly here
19:57 Niki Listern thank you :)
19:57 Martini Discovolante the more fuss the more payoff for the folks making the disturbance
19:57 Marion Questi Caledon Oxbridge Universtiy is the faculty group. Caledon Oxbridge University Group is the scholars.
19:58 Niki Listern I should go now I have tasks to do in RL
19:58 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) waves
19:58 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) nice to see you
19:58 Martini Discovolante thank you for the clarification Dean Q!!!!! i would give a months tier if we could change group names!
19:58 Martini Discovolante night Niki! kiss the baby for us!
19:59 Larkylouz Currently, the COU faculty group only lists me. The COU question group lists lots of folks, of course, including several deans.
19:59 Larkylouz is still puzzled
20:00 Wordsmith Jarvinen hmmm. There are lots more in the faculty group.
20:00 Cloud (cloud1995) Is anyone know the Caledon Quest,clue 3 at where?
20:00 Tali Rosca You, but with empty space for names (including a scroll bar)? -I saw that glitch earlier today.
20:00 Martini Discovolante ?? i am looking at COU now
20:00 Martini Discovolante go to ROLES
20:00 Larkylouz No, Dean Rosca, no scroll bar.
20:01 Martini Discovolante choose COU, and then GET INFO
20:01 Larkylouz In the Conversations window? I think I'm looking in the wrong place.
20:01 Martini Discovolante you nee dot be looing in MY Groups
20:01 Larkylouz ooooh
20:01 Martini Discovolante need To*
20:01 Martini Discovolante yus.
20:01 Martini Discovolante then you can sort in many ways
20:02 Marion Questi Mr Cloud, I believe the 3rd waypoint is in Kittiwickshire.
20:02 Cloud (cloud1995) Is anyone here know the Calendon quest,clue 3 at where?I can't find it elsewhereTT
20:02 Larkylouz OKay, I see it, and understand what you're saying now. thank you, Dean Martini
20:02 Martini Discovolante not everything is at ground level, MrCloud
20:02 Marion Questi Did you teleport to Caledon Kittiwickshire?
20:03 Cloud (cloud1995) Yes,I fly and search too,but also can't find it T.T
20:03 Cloud (cloud1995) yes,I have teleport since I find the clue 2
20:03 Marion Questi Did you find the Linden tree?
20:03 Cloud (cloud1995) Linden tree 2?
20:04 Tali Rosca That Linden tree seems to really throw people, from the chatter I hear.
20:04 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) wants one of thouse
20:04 Marion Questi The clue asks you to find the Linden tree, yes?
20:04 Cloud (cloud1995) yes
20:04 Larkylouz That's where I got stymied!
20:04 Marion Questi And did you?
20:04 Cloud (cloud1995) it say go to east to linden tree and go south
20:05 Marion Questi Correct.
20:05 Cloud (cloud1995) I have do it,but just can't find
20:05 MikeVa Waco That's probably because there's no big sign on it that says: LINDEN TREE
20:05 Cloud (cloud1995) Oh,maybe I go and find the other linden tree against,thks u all
20:06 Marion Questi Mr Cloud, if you move your mouse over an object in SL, a little info tab will pop up and tell you the name of the object.
20:06 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) me smiles
20:06 Marion Questi And we are in overtime!
20:06 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) nods
20:06 Marion Questi Sorry everyone...we are adjourned.
20:06 Larkylouz Thank you for an informative evening, Deans.
20:06 Wordsmith Jarvinen Thank you all for coming.
20:06 Dr. Lorra (notshure2) thank you deans and all
20:07 Gronk Seriman Thank you, Deans! Congratulations, Miss Rosca!
20:07 MikeVa Waco Yes, Thank you again Deans for your time and all that you do...
20:07 Tali Rosca Thanks.
20:08 Martini Discovolante thankees!