Caledon Oxbridge Q&A for 2013-04-07
19:00 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | This is Deans' Question & Answer. An open forum, just beginning. |
19:01 | lorra (notshure2) | yes thank you good dean |
19:01 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Gretter - This is Deans' Question & Answer. An open forum, just beginning |
19:02 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Gretter - Esta é a pergunta Reitor e respostas. Um fórum aberto, apenas começando |
19:02 | Marion Questi | Welcome everyone. |
19:02 | lorra (notshure2) | thank you |
19:02 | Marion Questi | This is an "open mic" Q&A which we hold at this time every week. We, the Deans of Oxbridge, assemble to answer questions from the attendees about Oxbridge, it's mission and operation, or about SL in general. |
19:02 | Marion Questi | It appears that tonight you only get two Deans....but we shall soldier on as best we can...:) |
19:03 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | The benches seat one person each. |
19:03 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Os bancos acomodar uma pessoa cada. |
19:03 | lorra (notshure2) | /me smiles |
19:03 | dav2j | IMHo, the best deans. |
19:03 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | We all have our areas of expertise. |
19:03 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Todos temos as nossas áreas de especialização. |
19:03 | lorra (notshure2) | /me nods |
19:03 | GRETTERX66 | oi |
19:03 | Marion Questi | Let me apologize in advance...for some reason I'm experiencing horrid lag this evening... |
19:03 | GRETTERX66 Resident (from italian) | or |
19:04 | Marion Questi | Who would like to ask the first question? |
19:04 | lorra (notshure2) | yes sir |
19:04 | dav2j | 1st question, why do the benches sometimes appear to reach out and grab me, like a shark? |
19:04 | Jennifer Wight (jenniferwight) | because they see food? |
19:04 | lorra (notshure2) | lol |
19:04 | Marion Questi | The benches are sculpties...and sometimes they look odd before they are fully rezzed. |
19:04 | dav2j | The third Dean is now present. We have a quorum. |
19:04 | Larkylouz | /me giggles |
19:05 | lorra (notshure2) | /me looks around |
19:05 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Gretter left click on an empty bench or right click and select 'sit' |
19:05 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Gretter à esquerda, clique em um banco vazio ou botão direito e selecione 'sentar' |
19:05 | Martini Discovolante | sorry i am late |
19:05 | Martini Discovolante | i was at a cultural event |
19:05 | lorra (notshure2) | yes |
19:05 | Larkylouz | Eu posso ajudá-lo a ir para um lugar onde as pessoas falam Português. Gostaria que? |
19:05 | Martini Discovolante | that happened to be held in a bar. |
19:05 | Larkylouz Resident (from portuguese) | I can help you go to a place where people speak Portuguese. Would you? |
19:05 | Marion Questi | Now we have the most authoritative dean with us. You can rest assured of getting all your questions answered. |
19:05 | lorra (notshure2) | lol |
19:05 | Martini Discovolante | /me looks around for Ravelli. |
19:06 | Martini Discovolante | but if that means 'bossy', rest assured. |
19:06 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Ravelli is the Dean of Information. |
19:06 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Ravelli é o decano da Informação. |
19:06 | Marion Questi | Miss Lorra, did you have a question? |
19:06 | lorra (notshure2) | ohhh um |
19:06 | notshure2 Resident (from german) | ohhh to |
19:06 | lorra (notshure2) | yes sir |
19:07 | lorra (notshure2) | i have been takeing things apart unlinking |
19:07 | Very old leather fireside chair w 3 fireside, 4 normal sits | whispers: (⇞PgUp or ⇟ PgDn ) change your pose. Touch for menu. |
19:07 | lorra (notshure2) | but now i can not link them how sir dpo you do that |
19:08 | Marion Questi | If you had the permissions to unlink ought to be able to relink them... |
19:08 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Selecting objects to be linked and typing cntrl-L |
19:08 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Seleção de objetos para ser ligado e digitando cntrl-L |
19:08 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | The last one selected become the root object. |
19:08 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | O último selecionado se tornar o objeto de raiz. |
19:08 | Jennifer Wight (jenniferwight) | And one selects multiple objects by holding down shift? |
19:09 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | And, there is a distance limit. |
19:09 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | E, existe um limite de distância. |
19:09 | Martini Discovolante | it is a very good idea to make a copy first.. if it is not something you made yourself |
19:09 | Martini Discovolante | before unlinking |
19:09 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Yes. shift LMB |
19:09 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Sim. mudar LMB |
19:09 | lorra (notshure2) | i see thank youyes sir |
19:09 | Marion Questi | Be careful when you unlink some scripted object the original order of linking is important... |
19:09 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | LMB = left mouse button. |
19:09 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | LMB = botão esquerdo do mouse. |
19:09 | lorra (notshure2) | yes sir i found out |
19:10 | lorra (notshure2) | thank you |
19:10 | Marion Questi | Next question? |
19:11 | lorra (notshure2) | yes sir how come when i had land my nabers could bild all around me |
19:11 | lorra (notshure2) | and i could not get in my house |
19:12 | Marion Questi | I take it you were building on Linden Land? |
19:12 | lorra (notshure2) | on my land o bought |
19:12 | lorra (notshure2) | yes from a lindon |
19:12 | Marion Questi | Linden land has few "zoning" controls... |
19:13 | lorra (notshure2) | now i have a lindon home |
19:13 | lorra (notshure2) | i love it |
19:13 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Technically, their buildings should not overlap onto your land. |
19:13 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Tecnicamente, os edifícios não devem sobrepor-se em sua terra. |
19:13 | Marion Questi | People can do pretty much what ever they like...and the neighbors must put up with it. |
19:13 | lorra (notshure2) | no sir next to and up agensd |
19:13 | lorra (notshure2) | /me nods |
19:14 | Jennifer Wight (jenniferwight) | (but neighbours can build right up to the property line, yes? possibly land-locking a property?) |
19:14 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | That is one of the hazards of mainland property. |
19:14 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Esse é um dos perigos de propriedade continente. |
19:14 | Marion Questi | In private estates, like Caledon, we usually have commonwealth land between parcels...and a building code is in the covenant. |
19:14 | lorra (notshure2) | yes sir |
19:14 | Martini Discovolante | if you "SET HOME TO HERE on your land , you will always be able to get in :) |
19:14 | lorra (notshure2) | well i love my lindon home |
19:14 | GRETTERX66 | oiiiiiiii |
19:15 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | You can teleport in, but may be limited to that (depending on what access settings they use) |
19:15 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Você pode se teletransportar, mas pode ser limitada a isso (o que, dependendo das configurações de acesso que utilizam) |
19:15 | Larkylouz | Senhor Gretter! |
19:15 | lorra (notshure2) | i dumped the land |
19:15 | Larkylouz | |
19:15 | Larkylouz | Inside Me = Ajuda SL Brasil; |
19:15 | Larkylouz Resident (from portuguese) | Inside Help Me = SL Brazil; |
19:16 | lorra (notshure2) | lindon lab |
19:17 | GRETTERX66 | oiii |
19:17 | Marion Questi | Have we answered your question, Miss Lorra? |
19:17 | lorra (notshure2) | yes sir |
19:17 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Gretter, if you click on the linke Larkylouz gave in chat, it will help you get a a place speaking Portuguese. |
19:18 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Gretter, se você clicar no Larkylouz linke deu no bate-papo, ele vai ajudá-lo a lugar aa falar Português. |
19:18 | Marion Questi | Next question, then? |
19:19 | lorra (notshure2) | /me thinks martini is an imposter |
19:20 | Martini Discovolante | i most certainly am! |
19:20 | lorra (notshure2) | /me she is shure matini is a duck |
19:20 | Marion Questi | She is in fact a carbon based unit, masquerading in SL as a pixel based avatar... |
19:20 | Martini Discovolante | now your problem is to figure out who i really am :) |
19:20 | lorra (notshure2) | you are me |
19:20 | lorra (notshure2) | we are all us |
19:20 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Martini is many things. A true shapeshifter. |
19:20 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Martini é muitas coisas. Um Metamorfo verdade. |
19:20 | Martini Discovolante | and i am we and we are all together! cookoo ka chooo! |
19:20 | lorra (notshure2) | /me nods |
19:21 | Marion Questi | /me chortles... |
19:21 | Gronk Seriman | So who is the walrus? |
19:21 | Martini Discovolante | kacookoocachoo! |
19:21 | lorra (notshure2) | we are |
19:21 | Martini Discovolante | Paul ws hte walrus. |
19:21 | Carl Metropolitan | The walrus was ringo |
19:21 | Gronk Seriman | Ah. |
19:21 | lorra (notshure2) | lol |
19:21 | Niki Listern | raises hand |
19:22 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Miss Niki? |
19:22 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Senhorita Niki? |
19:22 | Marion Questi | Welcome Mr Metropolitan! I didn't see you come in. |
19:22 | Marion Questi | Yes Miss Listern? |
19:22 | Niki Listern | I had a newbie say I love you? |
19:22 | Carl Metropolitan | I snuck in late. Had RL business stuff to finish up. |
19:22 | Niki Listern | what do I do |
19:22 | lorra (notshure2) | awwwww |
19:22 | Jennifer Wight (jenniferwight) | Niki, was the newbie rich? |
19:22 | lorra (notshure2) | lol |
19:23 | Martini Discovolante | you may thank him/her for the compliment, and explian that you do not indulge in SL relationships. |
19:23 | Niki Listern | no he was from Egypt |
19:23 | lorra (notshure2) | me nods |
19:23 | Carl Metropolitan | Tell him that you appreciate his/her sentiment, but you are not interested in SL relationships/are already involved with ____ . |
19:23 | lorra (notshure2) | /me nods |
19:23 | Martini Discovolante | and that your true love is a Dwarf overlord in WoW |
19:23 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | More polite them some. |
19:23 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Mais educado-lhes algumas. |
19:23 | lorra (notshure2) | lol |
19:24 | GRETTERX66 | oque e iso |
19:24 | GRETTERX66 Resident (from spanish) | ouch and iso |
19:24 | Gronk Seriman | Mary him, have children, and live in a very, very fine house. With tow cats in the yard. |
19:24 | Gronk Seriman | Two |
19:24 | lorra (notshure2) | /me nods |
19:24 | dav2j | Marry |
19:24 | lorra (notshure2) | may i ask? |
19:24 | Marion Questi | Like used to be so hard... |
19:24 | Niki Listern | I have a partner |
19:25 | Carl Metropolitan | Great answer. |
19:25 | Marion Questi | Please go ahead Miss Lorra. |
19:25 | lorra (notshure2) | thank you |
19:25 | Carl Metropolitan | If he or she gets cruder after that, use your friend "Mute" |
19:25 | lorra (notshure2) | is time faster in sl? |
19:26 | GRETTERX66 | portugeis |
19:26 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | The daylight cycle is faster. 3 hours day, 1 hour night, then repeat. |
19:26 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | O ciclo de luz do dia é mais rápido. 3 horas dia, uma noite, horas depois repita. |
19:26 | lorra (notshure2) | yes thank you |
19:26 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Night always has a full mone. |
19:26 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Noite sempre tem um mone completo. |
19:26 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | moon |
19:26 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | "lua",[["substantivo","lua","mês","satélite"],["verbo","devanear","vaguear","andar na lua","passar o tempo a sonhar"]] |
19:26 | Carl Metropolitan | That cycle only applies in world. LL will bill you based on the RL calendar. |
19:27 | lorra (notshure2) | /me think what she realy want to know is where to get some snow crash |
19:27 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | And the clock in your viewer runs at the normal rate. |
19:27 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | E o relógio no seu visualizador corre à taxa normal. |
19:27 | GRETTERX66 | lorro oque |
19:27 | GRETTERX66 Resident (from spanish) | ouch lorro |
19:27 | Carl Metropolitan | I recommend Half Price Books |
19:27 | lorra (notshure2) | yes thank you |
19:27 | Martini Discovolante | what you wnat is the antidote to sSnowCrash |
19:27 | Jennifer Wight (jenniferwight) | Are there any potential issues in running more than one viewer program on the same computer? |
19:27 | Carl Metropolitan | Two. 1) more client side lag |
19:28 | Jennifer Wight (jenniferwight) | For example, Viewer2 + Beta + Firestorm + Phoenix. Not at the same time. |
19:28 | Carl Metropolitan | Oh. I thought you meant at the same time. |
19:28 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Over heating your computer, perhaps. |
19:28 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Superaquecimento do computador, talvez. |
19:28 | Larkylouz | Good question, Jennifer. |
19:28 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Oh. Not at the same time. |
19:28 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Oh. Não ao mesmo tempo. |
19:28 | Carl Metropolitan | There is no problem if you are running them at different times. |
19:28 | Jennifer Wight (jenniferwight) | I mean, more in having more than one installed. |
19:28 | Carl Metropolitan | None. |
19:28 | Carl Metropolitan | I do it myself. |
19:28 | Jennifer Wight (jenniferwight) | So there would be no conflict in terms of the use of cache and so forth? |
19:29 | Larkylouz | You won't be able to get rid of the pixel virii? |
19:29 | Carl Metropolitan | I've never experienced any |
19:29 | Larkylouz | I discovered that the chat logs are saved different places, of course. |
19:29 | Martini Discovolante | you can have several installed. |
19:29 | lorra (notshure2) | /me nods |
19:29 | Martini Discovolante | i even keep some versions of the SL viewer at hand |
19:30 | Jennifer Wight (jenniferwight) | Larky, I think you can change the chat log directory to be the same in each viewer |
19:30 | Carl Metropolitan | You can even run two SL clients at the same time. |
19:30 | Jennifer Wight (jenniferwight) | so they all add to the same log? |
19:30 | Carl Metropolitan | No. They will each keep their own logs normally. |
19:30 | Larkylouz | No - tw sets of logs. |
19:30 | Jennifer Wight (jenniferwight) | !! |
19:30 | Larkylouz | two different locations unless you go in and dink with it. |
19:30 | Larkylouz | Dink is a technical term. |
19:30 | Jennifer Wight (jenniferwight) | I may have dinked |
19:30 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Aye. |
19:30 | Martini Discovolante | i will brb. |
19:30 | lorra (notshure2) | /me smiles |
19:31 | lorra (notshure2) | yes mam |
19:31 | Marion Questi | Let us move along...:) |
19:31 | Marion Questi | Next question? |
19:31 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | In some cases Dink is followed by crrzzzz and smoke if not done correctly. |
19:31 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Em alguns casos Dink é seguido por crrzzzz e fumaça se não for feito corretamente. |
19:31 | lorra (notshure2) | /me nods |
19:31 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | But, that's more hardware dinking. |
19:31 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Mas, isso é dinking mais hardware. |
19:32 | Larkylouz | Can you speak to the new viewers coming out and the impending SSB (server-side baking) that I hear is coming? Please |
19:32 | Larkylouz Resident | Você pode falar para os novos espectadores saindo e iminente SSB (do lado do servidor fermento) que eu ouço é que vem? Por favor |
19:32 | Larkylouz Resident (from portuguese) | You can talk to new viewers coming and imminent SSB (server-side starter) I hear is coming? Please |
19:32 | Gronk Seriman | Dink is a good thing. Wank is a bad thing. |
19:32 | Larkylouz | LOL |
19:32 | Carl Metropolitan | Not me. |
19:32 | lorra (notshure2) | yes thats a good one |
19:32 | Jennifer Wight (jenniferwight) | I think one does (verb) with the (noun). |
19:33 | lorra (notshure2) | bakeing thing |
19:33 | Jennifer Wight (jenniferwight) | I'm unable to verify |
19:33 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Here's a bit on SSB - very recent post. |
19:33 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Aqui está um pouco em SSB - post muito recente. |
19:33 | Marion Questi | I'm not sure that you will notice much difference with SSB, except perhaps the absence of glitches... |
19:33 | lorra (notshure2) | nods |
19:33 | Carl Metropolitan | Maybe people will consistantly see my mesh suit now. |
19:33 | Marion Questi | The most impactful recent change is the new chat hub... |
19:33 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | And needing to have a viewer that supports it, when in place. |
19:33 | Larkylouz | Will that finally do away with Phoenix? |
19:33 | Larkylouz Resident | Será que, finalmente, acabar com Phoenix? |
19:34 | Jennifer Wight (jenniferwight) | Question - is SSB more or less taxing on a user's computer? |
19:34 | Marion Questi | Has everyone upgraded to V3.5? |
19:34 | Jennifer Wight (jenniferwight) | (Yes, phoenix is NOT being updated to SSB) |
19:34 | lorra (notshure2) | yes |
19:34 | Carl Metropolitan | But Firestorm is. |
19:34 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Should be less taxing, in that the baking is done on the server. |
19:34 | Jennifer Wight (jenniferwight) | Smashing! |
19:34 | Larkylouz | Thank you for the link to the blogs/wiki, Dean J |
19:34 | Larkylouz Resident | Obrigado pelo link para o blog / wiki, Dean J |
19:34 | Carl Metropolitan | I've got a question. Does the regular Linden Lab client still crash every five minutes? |
19:35 | Marion Questi | The Linden viewer is quit stable. |
19:35 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | I've not been having that problem with it. |
19:35 | Josain Zsun | Not on my iMac |
19:35 | Marion Questi | *quite |
19:35 | Carl Metropolitan | I quit using it last year and wanted to try it again. |
19:35 | Larkylouz | No, just a bit of a learning curve with the new chat hub. |
19:35 | Larkylouz Resident | Não, apenas um pouco de uma curva de aprendizado com o hub novo chat. |
19:36 | Friends of Caledon Oxbridge Donation Medallion | notshure2 Resident gave a generous donation to Friends of Caledon Oxbridge to help support classes, tutorials, & tier at Caledon's Oxbridge |
19:36 | Josain Zsun | I've been using 3.4.5, ßeta & Dev versions without the previous problems related to Nvidia cards. |
19:37 | Carl Metropolitan | Thank you notshure2 |
19:37 | lorra (notshure2) | /me nods |
19:37 | Carl Metropolitan | I think that was my issue. An nvidia card. |
19:37 | Marion Questi | I found the chat hub easy to get used to. I can't say it's a great improvement.... |
19:37 | lorra (notshure2) | its lorra hun |
19:37 | lorra (notshure2) | yw |
19:37 | GRETTERX66 | protuger basiul |
19:37 | Larkylouz | My NVDIA caused a crash the other night, but it isn't frequent. |
19:37 | Larkylouz Resident | Meu NVDIA causou um acidente na noite passada, mas não é freqüente. |
19:38 | Jennifer Wight (jenniferwight) | Are we expecting the system requirements for Viewer2 to change in wake of SSB? |
19:39 | Carl Metropolitan | Sorry. My client sometime sometimes displays the account name rather than the avatar name until everything has loaded. |
19:39 | Jennifer Wight (jenniferwight) | (or Viewer3) |
19:39 | suuh (suelenkrasnhak) | kkkkk falem portuguees???? |
19:39 | lorra (notshure2) | /me smiles |
19:40 | Larkylouz Resident | Estamos usando byecause tradutores havia um homem Português aqui. Até onde eu sei, não há falantes nativos aqui no momento. |
19:40 | Larkylouz Resident (from portuguese) | We are using byecause Portuguese translators had a man here. As far as I know, there are no native speakers here at the moment. |
19:40 | lorra (notshure2) | i come in from vermont where are you from all? |
19:40 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | SSB moves the avatar baking from the viewer to the system -- should actually require less from the client. |
19:40 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | SSB move o fermento avatar do espectador para o sistema - deve realmente exigem menos do cliente. |
19:40 | Josain Zsun | I keep Lag & Statistics up all the time. Only problems I notice are momentary freezes in laggy or time dilation drops. |
19:41 | lorra (notshure2) | /me nods |
19:41 | Marion Questi | I doubt that we will see any changes in system requirements. |
19:41 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Gretter, I believe, speaks Portuguese. |
19:41 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Gretter, creio eu, fala Português. |
19:41 | Gronk Seriman | I thought he spoke "OI" |
19:42 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | That's parts of head-slap dialect. |
19:42 | Larkylouz | Oi is 'hi' in Portuguese |
19:42 | Larkylouz Resident | A Oi é 'oi' em Português |
19:42 | lorra (notshure2) | yes sir |
19:42 | Marion Questi | Have we missed anyone's question? |
19:42 | Marion Questi | Or are we ready for a new one? |
19:43 | Marion Questi | Anyone? |
19:43 | lorra (notshure2) | not me sir |
19:44 | lorra (notshure2) | yes i do have one |
19:44 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | ;) |
19:44 | Marion Questi | Fire away! |
19:44 | lorra (notshure2) | when some one in another contry byes l s |
19:44 | lorra (notshure2) | do they pay more do to exchange |
19:45 | Marion Questi | Are you referring to the Linden Exchange rate? |
19:45 | lorra (notshure2) | no doller to that places |
19:45 | lorra (notshure2) | um paying power |
19:46 | Jennifer Wight (jenniferwight) | double exchange rate issue - interesting question. |
19:46 | lorra (notshure2) | to dollers |
19:46 | Very old leather fireside chair w 3 fireside, 4 normal sits | whispers: (⇞PgUp or ⇟ PgDn ) change your pose. Touch for menu. |
19:46 | lorra (notshure2) | to usa dollers |
19:46 | Carl Metropolitan | I think the Lindex only works USD to L$ |
19:46 | lorra (notshure2) | i see thats what i thought |
19:46 | Carl Metropolitan | So any exchange rate issues would be on the side of your credit card. |
19:47 | lorra (notshure2) | lucy me |
19:47 | Carl Metropolitan | When it exchanges the local currency to the USD |
19:47 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | In which case a credit card company would do the exchange. |
19:47 | lorra (notshure2) | lucky me |
19:47 | lorra (notshure2) | in the usa |
19:48 | Larkylouz | /me raises her hand |
19:48 | Larkylouz Resident | / Me levanta a mão |
19:48 | Marion Questi | Yes, Miss Louz? |
19:49 | Larkylouz | Just a comment: Someone who is multi-lingual told me the other day that the translators' translations to Portuguese are not good at all. Unfortunately, they did not have a better suggestion. |
19:49 | Larkylouz Resident | Apenas um comentário: Alguém que é multi-lingual me disse outro dia que as traduções dos tradutores para Português não são bons em tudo. Infelizmente, eles não têm uma sugestão melhor. |
19:49 | Larkylouz | It does, however, work well with Russian. |
19:49 | Larkylouz Resident | É, no entanto, funcionam bem com o russo. |
19:50 | Carl Metropolitan | Sadly the only Portuguese language help area closed |
19:50 | Jennifer Wight (jenniferwight) | comically bad, or tragically bad? (re poor portuguese translation) |
19:50 | Marion Questi | There are a number of translators available. Perhaps one or another of them works better in Portuguese. |
19:50 | Larkylouz | Ajuda SL Brasil? I was just there the other day! |
19:50 | Larkylouz Resident | Ajuda SL Brasil? Eu estava lá no outro dia! |
19:51 | Marion Questi | Inside Me has closed? |
19:51 | Larkylouz | This person did not think the others were any better. I have found that learning the slang and abbreviations helps a little bit. Refining the way I ask questions has also helped some. |
19:51 | Larkylouz Resident | Esta pessoa não acho que os outros eram melhores. Descobri que aprender a gírias e abreviações ajuda um pouco. Refinando a forma como eu fazer perguntas também ajudou um pouco. |
19:51 | Carl Metropolitan | Oh. That may be new. |
19:51 | Carl Metropolitan | Last time I looked was a number of months ago. |
19:52 | Martini Discovolante | oh a few months ago they were redoing hte sim, it was closed to the public |
19:52 | Carl Metropolitan | Glad to be wrong about that. |
19:52 | lorra (notshure2) | /me smiles |
19:52 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | So am I. Too many new Portuguese speakers. |
19:52 | Larkylouz | It has been there a while and they have volunteers on-site, as well. I did get a different LM as the one in the COU kit does not go directly to where the orientation is. Same with Virtual Spain. |
19:52 | Marion Questi | I use the Q-translator, and it seems to do a reasonably good job. I find it helps to keep your sentences complete but simple. |
19:53 | Marion Questi | You can find it on the Marketplace. |
19:53 | Larkylouz | Thank you, Dean Questi. I will look into that. |
19:53 | Marion Questi | We have 7 minutes left. |
19:53 | Marion Questi | Time for one or two more questions... |
19:53 | Marion Questi | Anyone? |
19:53 | lorra (notshure2) | /me nods |
19:54 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Go ahead, Miss Lorra. |
19:55 | lorra (notshure2) | well i dont know how to set pre set light |
19:55 | lorra (notshure2) | it looks hard |
19:55 | Martini Discovolante | the world light? |
19:55 | Martini Discovolante | the sun? |
19:55 | lorra (notshure2) | yes thank you |
19:55 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | For your viewer or for a sim? |
19:55 | Marion Questi | If you mean the sun......World > Sun |
19:55 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | World/sun for your viewer |
19:56 | lorra (notshure2) | no a preset thing more than that |
19:56 | Marion Questi | Ah...windlight... |
19:56 | Marion Questi | You mean the atmospheric effects? |
19:56 | lorra (notshure2) | yes thank you |
19:57 | Martini Discovolante | look at windlight as you would learnign to apint :) |
19:57 | Martini Discovolante | poaint |
19:57 | Marion Questi | World > Environment Editor > Sky Presets. |
19:57 | Martini Discovolante | oh hell... PAINT |
19:58 | lorra (notshure2) | yes that |
19:58 | Martini Discovolante | experiment, adn have fun, adn save your favorites |
19:58 | Marion Questi | There are many should feel free to experiment. You can't hurt anything. |
19:58 | lorra (notshure2) | yes thank you |
19:59 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | |
19:59 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | That link has some of the presets you can download and install. |
19:59 | lorra (notshure2) | thak you so much |
19:59 | Larkylouz | If you like to play with windlights, perhaps you would enjoy photography.? Oxbridge has several classes. |
20:00 | lorra (notshure2) | i do see my pics on my feed |
20:00 | Larkylouz | You can take pictures, too! |
20:00 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | And some more general windlight info |
20:00 | lorra (notshure2) | ohhh thank you so much |
20:01 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | Yes, some windlight settings are great for pictures |
20:01 | lorra (notshure2) | /me nods |
20:01 | Marion Questi | It is 8 o'clock and we are out of time. |
20:01 | Marion Questi | Thank you all for coming! |
20:01 | lorra (notshure2) | ohhh thank you all so much |
20:02 | Marion Questi | We're here every week, same time...same station. |
20:02 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | I'm fond of 'incongruent truths' as a windlight setting. |
20:02 | lorra (notshure2) | bat time? |
20:02 | Larkylouz | Thank you, Deans! |
20:02 | Martini Discovolante | thank you all for coming, and having such interesting questions :) |
20:02 | lorra (notshure2) | /me bows |
20:02 | Marion Questi | Nice see our old friend Mr Miles with us this evening. |
20:03 | Jayleden Miles | /me smiels |
20:03 | Jayleden Miles | /me smiles too |
20:03 | Martini Discovolante | and wearing his big Boy Boots! |
20:03 | Carl Metropolitan | Thank you all. |
20:03 | Jayleden Miles | Better to step on toes with! |
20:03 | lorra (notshure2) | what did you do to that nice duck |
20:04 | Wordsmith Jarvinen | ;) |