Caledon Oxbridge Q&A for 2013-03-17

19:01 Marion Questi friends, it is 7 o'clock. Let us begin.
19:01 Marion Questi This is an "open mic" Q&A which we hold at this time every week. We, the Deans of Oxbridge, assemble to answer questions from the attendees about Oxbridge, it's mission and operation, or about SL in general.
19:01 Marion Questi Who would like to toss out the first question?
19:02 Martini Discovolante evening , all!
19:02 Marion Questi Welcome Dean Discovolante
19:02 Niki Listern Evening
19:02 Wordsmith Jarvinen Good eve, Dean D.
19:02 cassandra (cassandra181036) good evening
19:03 Larkylouz Good evening, Dean D.
19:03 Wordsmith Jarvinen Oooh. A spirit of spring.
19:03 cassandra (cassandra181036) I have a question
19:03 Wordsmith Jarvinen Yes?
19:03 Marion Questi Yes, Miss Cassandra
19:04 cassandra (cassandra181036) On the by the library on the teleport services, it says there is a residence hall
19:05 Wordsmith Jarvinen Once there was.
19:05 Marion Questi And that TP no longer works?
19:05 cassandra (cassandra181036) No it doesn't work
19:05 cassandra (cassandra181036) So there is not a residence hall anymore?
19:05 Marion Questi Alas...the residence halls are no more.
19:06 cassandra (cassandra181036) that is too bad
19:06 Wordsmith Jarvinen No, not since Oxbridge was reduced to a homestead sim.
19:06 cassandra (cassandra181036) but there are places to rent here, but they are expensive
19:06 Marion Questi In the beginng, Oxbridge was a Full sim, and we had lots of prims....and we had the capability for residence space for people under 30 days old to rez things.
19:07 Marion Questi But we were forced to economize and the sim became a Homestead....fewer prims....
19:07 Marion Questi So the residence halls had to go.
19:07 cassandra (cassandra181036) there are places to rent but they are expensive
19:08 Wordsmith Jarvinen Fewer prims and a maximum of 20 avatars on the sim at a time.
19:08 Marion Questi If you just want a place to rez may use our sandbox.
19:08 Wordsmith Jarvinen They are proportional to the monthly cost that must be paid for each sim to Linden Labs each month.
19:09 Marion Questi If you want something more permanent you will have to look at getting your own place.
19:09 cassandra (cassandra181036) they are kind of expensive for new people - maybe someday
19:09 Marion Questi Have you priced land in Caledon?
19:10 cassandra (cassandra181036) yes - a little out of my budget since i am new
19:10 Larkylouz Also, there are boarding houses in some places. New Toulouse comes to mind.
19:10 cassandra (cassandra181036) Oh, thanks
19:11 Wordsmith Jarvinen Private region types, outlines what is paid per month to Linden Lab for different types of sims.
19:11 Wordsmith Jarvinen $295 for a full sim; $125 for a homestead.
19:11 Wordsmith Jarvinen These are U.S $, not $L.
19:12 cassandra (cassandra181036) not in my budget right now, but thank you
19:12 Marion Questi Land prices vary by how many prims the parcel supports. So a small parcel shouldn't cost too much....but I know what you mean Miss Cassandra. I was homeless for the first 8 months or so in SL.
19:13 cassandra (cassandra181036) does anyone do tutorials on starting your own business
19:13 Wordsmith Jarvinen Renting parcels of land is based on proportial costs.
19:13 cassandra (cassandra181036) yes, I have taken that class, it was very good
19:14 Martini Discovolante /me looks ot her right. "ohoh."
19:15 Larkylouz /me wonders how many keyboards are suffering from too much green beer tonight...
19:15 Martini Discovolante WB Dean Q!
19:15 Martini Discovolante not i.
19:15 Martini Discovolante i do not drink on St Pat's Day till Ireland is one counrty
19:15 Marion Questi The Guv has a little parcel in Penzance going for$ L 475 / week.
19:15 Martini Discovolante hte other 364, however.....
19:15 Larkylouz Good for you, Dean D!
19:16 Wordsmith Jarvinen The closest we have no is "smart shoppers", so the consumer side of business.
19:17 cassandra (cassandra181036) regarding the help with starting your own business
19:18 Wordsmith Jarvinen We don't have an offering on that at the moment.
19:18 Wordsmith Jarvinen NCI or Builder's Brewery might.
19:19 Martini Discovolante but the smart consumer class will tell you what people are looking for
19:19 Wordsmith Jarvinen I did note it down on my list of desirable additions.
19:19 Lyn Navarita or Happy Hippo
19:19 cassandra (cassandra181036) thanks you again
19:19 Lyn Navarita Another avatar learning site.
19:20 Wordsmith Jarvinen nods... also some management software if I recall correctly.
19:21 Wordsmith Jarvinen The SL events calendar (under education) would be a good starting point. That's via logging into the SL website.
19:21 Marion Questi Sorry, with my mishap I lost the thread....Do you have a question?
19:22 Wordsmith Jarvinen (was on classes for running a business)
19:22 Marion Questi Who has another question?
19:23 dav2j Well, what did I miss?
19:23 Wordsmith Jarvinen
19:23 Martini Discovolante nothing.
19:23 dav2j /me couldn't have parked myself in anticipation.
19:23 Wordsmith Jarvinen That's a link to the events calendar.
19:23 Marion Questi The floor is open the questions Mr Dav2.
19:23 Marion Questi *for questions....:)
19:24 dav2j Excuse me, that was a question. Also, may I ask for a class of transportation?
19:24 dav2j *on
19:25 Martini Discovolante everyone else in the metaverse manages to get places without having to park for several hoursin advance.what was a question?
19:25 Marion Questi What do you mean by transportation?
19:25 Marion Questi Do you mean vehicle scripting?
19:25 dav2j Could be.
19:25 Larkylouz /me giggles
19:26 Martini Discovolante the tutorial will tell you how to teleport
19:26 Wordsmith Jarvinen Built in are walking, running, flying, and teleporting.
19:26 dav2j Yes.
19:26 Martini Discovolante as well as the walking , running and flying
19:26 dav2j Ship and planed.
19:26 dav2j *planes.
19:26 Evil Sociopath Beware (cymbal.constantine) title white "Cold Hard Reality Fairy"
19:27 Marion Questi Over in the Hall of Caledon are maps of the Caledon Airship routes and the Railroad stations.
19:27 Martini Discovolante other means of transport are entirely up to those able to build them and with the means to install them.
19:27 Larkylouz Some things are best learned by getting out and trying them
19:27 Wordsmith Jarvinen Those (when they run) are boarded by sitting.
19:27 Martini Discovolante there is no general air or sea transport in SL
19:27 Wordsmith Jarvinen You do have to be within range.
19:27 Evil Sociopath Beware (cymbal.constantine) /me raises her hand
19:28 Wordsmith Jarvinen Yes Miss cymbal?
19:28 Larkylouz Can you speak to the resolution or not, thereof, of the problems with the CATlately?
19:28 Evil Sociopath Beware (cymbal.constantine) What is the return time in Caledon sims for airships
19:28 Larkylouz *CAT lately
19:28 Evil Sociopath Beware (cymbal.constantine) And can you speak more to rezzing and flying them here
19:28 Martini Discovolante htey run by themselves, we have nothign to do with them really
19:28 Evil Sociopath Beware (cymbal.constantine) I mean if you fly your own
19:28 Wordsmith Jarvinen The CATs have a system of communicating with their rezzer.
19:28 Marion Questi It varies by the line. At each station there is a display that will tell you when the next ship is due.
19:29 Marion Questi Perhaps I misunderstood the you mean parcel return?
19:29 Wordsmith Jarvinen When the rezzer doesn't hear from its CAT it assumes it is gone and rezzes another one.
19:29 Evil Sociopath Beware (cymbal.constantine) Yes.. If you fly your own airship or rez your own airship
19:29 Wordsmith Jarvinen LL somehow manges to keep breaking that communication path.
19:30 Larkylouz The CATs have been multiplying like bunnehs lately, according to folks on the ISC chat. I guess there is some sort of scripting issue, perhaps related to the LL doings-in-the-backround.
19:30 Wordsmith Jarvinen Exactly, Miss Larky.
19:30 Marion Questi On Caledon Commonwealth land (ie public land) I think the return is several hours. Private parcels can be set by the owners.
19:31 Wordsmith Jarvinen For some reason, the rezzer becomes unable to receive message from the CATs.
19:31 Evil Sociopath Beware (cymbal.constantine) Thank you Dean Questi
19:31 Larkylouz Yes, TY
19:31 Evil Sociopath Beware (cymbal.constantine) I assume one should be polite and not rez a 2000 prim airship
19:31 Marion Questi :)
19:31 Wordsmith Jarvinen There is another problem with flying your own airships, and that is prim availablity.
19:31 Marion Questi Physical vehicles are limited to 31 I recall...:)
19:31 Evil Sociopath Beware (cymbal.constantine) Hah .. you are a true psychic Mr. Wordsmith
19:32 Wordsmith Jarvinen Yes, You might cause prims to be returned on land you cross.
19:32 Evil Sociopath Beware (cymbal.constantine) That's really bad.. has that happened before?
19:32 Martini Discovolante actually , Commonwealth should be 30 minutes, but is sometimes unending, if parcels have been moved.. if you pause over private land you vehicle if dismounted, may be returned immediately or never.. depending on the owner
19:32 Wordsmith Jarvinen When, Not quite Dean Q.
19:32 Wordsmith Jarvinen A vehicle must have it's physical cost 32 or less when not physical.
19:33 Wordsmith Jarvinen physics cost.
19:33 Evil Sociopath Beware (cymbal.constantine) Wow.. dangerous
19:33 Wordsmith Jarvinen When it turns physical, there is a size dependent penalty cost. So it can suddenly count as several hundered prims.
19:33 Larkylouz In terms of how they affect Oxbridge and its users, is the limitation on vehicles because of prim limits? Is that why avatar vehicles are okay?
19:33 Evil Sociopath Beware (cymbal.constantine) Yes
19:34 Martini Discovolante it is mostly because of the Mayhem factor
19:34 Wordsmith Jarvinen Well, any land has limited available prims.
19:34 Evil Sociopath Beware (cymbal.constantine) Thats right.. it is mutually assured destruction to go over
19:34 Larkylouz /me has had delusions of mayhem, every time she sees an avi vehicle.
19:34 Wordsmith Jarvinen But here, newbies tend to see vehicles as something to run over people with.
19:34 Martini Discovolante tho, within reason we may allow horses and bicycles, adn discreet takeoffs and momentary landings.
19:35 Larkylouz NO!
19:35 Larkylouz /me is shocked and appalled.
19:35 Wordsmith Jarvinen We can't do much about avatars that are vehicles.
19:35 Evil Sociopath Beware (cymbal.constantine) Wow.. thank you.. its scary frankly I am suprised there hasn't been a mass prim return here
19:35 Larkylouz ;^)
19:35 Evil Sociopath Beware (cymbal.constantine) Don't want to consider it.. I'll have nightmares
19:36 Martini Discovolante if they ARE a vehicle, well then... nothing at all we can do except greet them and ask them to move off the walkway if they re very large
19:36 Larkylouz I really love the ones who TP in and *then* become a vehicle.
19:36 Martini Discovolante or inform them about weapons :)
19:36 Marion Questi Many newcomers scarcely know how to walk...they are not to be trusted with vehicles...
19:36 Wordsmith Jarvinen On the vehicle cost WHEN PHYSICAL: penalized_cost = base_physics_cost * ( 1 + 0.04 * A )
19:37 Martini Discovolante you see "lamborghini, you must REZZ Lamborghini!
19:37 Wordsmith Jarvinen A is the average surface area of the bounding box. (xy + xz + yz) / 3
19:38 Marion Questi Any more questions on this point, or shall we move along?
19:38 Niki Listern I have one
19:38 Larkylouz TY, Deans and Miss Cymbal.
19:38 Marion Questi Yes, Miss Listern?
19:38 Wordsmith Jarvinen Yes, Miss Niki?
19:38 Martini Discovolante :) go on, Miss niki!
19:39 Niki Listern Earlier somone asked me whats the difference of Deans,Tutors and professors?
19:39 Martini Discovolante muahahahahahaha--power.
19:39 Larkylouz LOL
19:40 cassandra (cassandra181036) yes, that is kinda funny
19:40 Niki Listern lol
19:40 Wordsmith Jarvinen Partly. Professors also get a nominal stipend for classes they teach.
19:40 Marion Questi There are 5 Deans. We serve at the pleasure of the Chancellor. Dean Discovolante is the Chancellor...:)
19:41 Marion Questi We are the admins of the sim....
19:41 Martini Discovolante i joke.. simply put, Tutors have knowledge, patience and no priviledges that affect others
19:41 Marion Questi Professors teach classes.
19:41 Marion Questi Tutors help the newcomers through the tutorial.
19:41 cassandra (cassandra181036) How do we find tutors
19:41 Wordsmith Jarvinen By the tutor tag above them.
19:42 Wordsmith Jarvinen Or, in the scholars chat group by asking.
19:42 Marion Questi Do you see the tag Miss Listern and Miss Louz wear?
19:42 cassandra (cassandra181036) no, I hadn't notices
19:43 Marion Questi Yes, in the absence of a tutor, you should ask your questions in COUG chat.
19:43 cassandra (cassandra181036) noticed
19:43 Wordsmith Jarvinen You do need to have "display group names" set in preferances.
19:43 Martini Discovolante we have two types of professors, Legacy and active. the active ones teach , the legacy ones may or may not teach, and soem Tutors become profs and gain further responsibilities here
19:44 Wordsmith Jarvinen (make that display group titles)
19:45 Martini Discovolante if you need assistance, you can ask in Group chat, and in Group info you may also see in Roles who is a tutor/prof, etc,adn IM thenm directly if they are online
19:46 Marion Questi Next question?
19:47 dav2j Oh, I remember. I wanted to sincerely apologize for asking about Minecraft, a week or so ago. I know hardly anything about Minecraft, even less that the paltry stuff i know about SL. I did not mean to insult, as I have been told I inadvertently did. Minecraft is chunky, like Lego Blocks, but I'm told it also has a texture package.
19:48 dav2j That was not a question, was it? Does anybody mind??
19:48 Wordsmith Jarvinen Not so much an insult as just out of our venue.
19:48 dav2j kk ty
19:48 Wordsmith Jarvinen And there are some in Caledon who are also minecraft players.
19:49 Lyn Navarita Minescraft is the most popular game among preteens and is being taught in many schools. It is a logical 3DLE stepping stone to a high rez virtual environment like Second Life.
19:49 Marion Questi Thank you Miss Navarita.
19:49 dav2j ty Ms. Navarita.
19:50 Larkylouz Why is it taught in school? Do they do development like folks here do?
19:50 Martini Discovolante and whack-a-doo popular!
19:50 Marion Questi I understandthat the Guv actually runs a private Minecraft server for the use of Caledon Residents...but I've never tried it. I really know nothing about Minecraft.
19:50 Lyn Navarita It is even playable on mobile devices.
19:50 Wordsmith Jarvinen Nods.
19:52 Martini Discovolante i tried it, it was not my cup of pixels
19:52 Larkylouz /me has finally figured out that Minesweeper is not the same as Minecraft, and can move on to understanding why it might appeal.
19:52 Lyn Navarita There are some incredible builds reflecting real world builds and landscapes. When those youth enter a hirez virtual environment they will be very adept creatores and builders from day one.
19:52 Niki Listern Thank you for answering my question by the way
19:53 Larkylouz TY.
19:53 Wordsmith Jarvinen Always great to have some additional expertise here.
19:54 Wordsmith Jarvinen Another question?
19:54 Marion Questi We have a few minutes left in our hour. Time for another question or two...
19:54 Evil Sociopath Beware (cymbal.constantine) It would be nice to have group therapy sessions .. *slaps her hand over her mouth and looks around
19:55 dav2j How can I get the World Map to give out numbers, like in Impudence?
19:55 fadojado Wait, no need to cover your mouth.
19:55 Marion Questi What sort of numbers do you mean?
19:55 Wordsmith Jarvinen It shoes number of avatars on the sim (usually)
19:55 fadojado There might be something in what cymbal said....
19:55 dav2j Occupancy. You know I am terrified of going over the avatar limit.
19:56 Marion Questi You needn't worry about that.
19:56 Larkylouz It will warn in Nearby Chat if that is an issue
19:56 Wordsmith Jarvinen Well, if a sim is full, it will deny you entry.
19:56 Marion Questi If a sim is full, you wont be allowed in.
19:56 Martini Discovolante usually-- if you are in 20m of it.
19:56 Evil Sociopath Beware (cymbal.constantine) Or you could be the one person who is denying that other one person from entry.. and its horrid karma
19:56 Marion Questi We watch our occupancy closely because we don't want to block newcomers.
19:56 Martini Discovolante deal is.. do not park you self here if you are not here for a class.
19:57 Larkylouz /me giggles
19:57 dav2j and not waiting for one, either...
19:57 Lyn Navarita The World Map tends to lag reality in head count and shouldn't be trusted for current occupancy.
19:57 Wordsmith Jarvinen Or are not around to move off sim when notified we are full.
19:57 dav2j You shudov seen the Tartan Prof. Charisma was sporting earlier.
19:57 Marion Questi Our monitors here will announce in Chat if you need to move along...:)
19:58 Wordsmith Jarvinen (except in the classroom)
19:58 dav2j Any chance for a script to auto-bump myself?
19:58 Wordsmith Jarvinen park in here and we may practice our goal kicks.
19:59 dav2j and the goal being?
19:59 Martini Discovolante this is not a hangout. if you have nothing to do-- go elsewhere to not do it
19:59 Wordsmith Jarvinen Through the portal to elsewhere.
19:59 Lyn Navarita Set Awaytimeout to less than Never, in Preferences.
19:59 dav2j I've been thru 8 avies so far, not boasting, and not wanting to make a world record.
19:59 Larkylouz Dav2, if you wish to park, there are plenty of nearly empty sims to go to. And they often have sea gull cries, waves crashing, or other relaxing sounds.
19:59 dav2j ty, Ms. Navarita.
20:00 Martini Discovolante youare violating the Terms of Service then, Dav2-xx
20:00 Evil Sociopath Beware (cymbal.constantine) Yeah and Man eating ants!
20:00 Martini Discovolante i bleieve 5 avatars per account are allowed
20:00 Lyn Navarita mmm...Chocloate covered ants
20:00 Larkylouz /me cracks up, and remembers the ants exuding pink hearts.
20:01 fadojado Dav2, I came late to the meeting so I am hesitant to interject...
20:01 cassandra (cassandra181036) again, I am finding this kinda funny
20:01 fadojado But I don't understand why you appear to be petitioning to park your av in the sim, if you are afk.
20:01 fadojado thus making it difficult for others, who are present to remain as the av limit is reached.
20:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen Dav2 is rather unique with this particular bent, Miss Cassandra.
20:01 dav2j Because I miss all the exciting answers in the 1st 15 minutes.
20:02 Lyn Navarita Then be on time
20:02 Martini Discovolante then BE ON TIME
20:02 Marion Questi It is 8 o'clock. Our time is at an end.
20:02 Marion Questi Thank you all for coming.
20:02 Marion Questi Thank you for your questions.
20:02 fadojado Well, excuuuse me.
20:03 Larkylouz Thank you Deans.
20:03 Wordsmith Jarvinen tc Miss fado.
20:03 cassandra (cassandra181036) thank you
20:03 dav2j Well, it was Second, not Primary Life. Give me a break.
20:04 Wordsmith Jarvinen Thank you all for coming.
20:04 fadojado Have a good evening Deans.
20:04 MikeVa Waco Thank you Deans - for your time and patience...
20:04 cassandra (cassandra181036) ms martini
20:04 Larkylouz Dav2, we all have lives and manage to live within the TOS
20:04 fadojado and thank you. ^^
20:04 Evil Sociopath Beware (cymbal.constantine) Thank you Deans!
20:04 Larkylouz Good night all.
20:04 Martini Discovolante hi Cassandra!
20:05 fadojado Good night Larky
20:05 Evil Sociopath Beware (cymbal.constantine) Great answers Dean