Angels, while you slept…


Close your eyes and imagine, dear Readers, that while you were asleep one ordinary night last week, angels wiped down every window of your house, outside and in. Then they polished every tile on your roof till they shone. They even dusted off the exterior walls…

You did not notice this at all? You wake up in the morning, scoff down your breakfast and bolt out of the house for work, for school. And when you return, you sigh, happy to be home and to kick off your shoes and heels. Then you power up the aetheric gateway to Second Life… But did you know that pigeons and doves cooed as they flew over your home? Or that tourists, as they walked down your street, ooohed and aaahed to see your house, the most enchanting one as far as their eyes can see… Details of the change so fine and minute that a professional photographer would notice what the familiar eye is blind to.

This house has always attracted attention, you say, not knowing that angels have done their work so stealthily and without fanfare. You pull my leg, you say. “Surely I would know if my beloved house was upgraded like that!”

Dear Readers, angels have indeed quietly and without fanfare, a few months ago, replaced a few of the halls and buildings in Caledon Oxbridge University.

The Colleges of Avatar Motion, Communication, Finding, Avatar Customisation and Money & Commerce have been replaced with the blessings of the original builder, the Governor of the Independent State of Caledon, Desmond Shang. While the builder, our Dean Ravelli Ormstein, has retained the skyline, prim buildings are now converted to mesh. Land impact values are not necessarily reduced, but he has added subtle refinement of details with advanced graphics settings. However, if you pay attention you will notice his added architectural features like buttresses on the side of the colleges. In addition, with help from our Chancellor Martini Discovolante, new embellishments of stained glass windows have been installed, wittily referencing some of our favourite and familiar default avatars.

New stained glass windows for the Colleges of Money & Commerce, Movement and Communication

New stained glass windows for the Colleges of Money & Commerce, Movement and Communication

The next work of the angels, you will notice for sure! The angels have been meticulously planning a change that will dazzle your eyes. One of the most used and loved halls in the campus will be given not so much a makeover as a magical overhaul.

Stay tuned for more delicious previews and details in our feature interview next edition.