Caledon Oxbridge General Q&A for 2021-06-20

14:54 lovejoy2199 Before we get started, Carl: Does Caledon have its own exhibit at SL18B, like last year, or is yours the only one there?
14:54 badgerofzen Hullo.
14:55 Carl Metropolitan Oxbridge has an exhibit. I don't think Caledon has one.
14:55 lovejoy2199 Okay.
14:55 Carl Metropolitan I'm not sure. Did anyone here hear about one? See an announcement?
14:55 lovejoy2199 39 regions. I am just getting started.
14:56 lovejoy2199 Wondering. Because I haven't run across it yet.
14:56 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) hi Chych.
14:57 Strandwind Hello folks.
14:57 Carl Metropolitan I was not aware there was a Caledon exhibit last year.
14:57 Cychwynn Good evening all.
14:57 lovejoy2199 I remember taking you to it.
14:57 Soup Jonson Hello all.
14:58 Carl Metropolitan Oh. I am sorry I don't remember.
14:58 lovejoy2199 Remember? The Airship.
14:58 Carl Metropolitan I'm asking in ISC.
14:59 Carl Metropolitan I don't. But I just got up after a nap, so I'm a bit out of it.
15:00 lovejoy2199 *smile*
15:00 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Hi Larky
15:00 DJ Under is online.
15:00 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Tom, Strandwind
15:01 Carl Metropolitan No one there knows either.
15:01 TomSTomson waves.
15:01 lovejoy2199 Okay.
15:01 Carl Metropolitan It is 3 PM, SL Time, and it is time to start.
15:01 Carl Metropolitan Welcome to this Sunday's Oxbridge General Q&A. Andrea and I are here to answer any of your questions about Second Life, Caledon, Oxbridge, Steampunk, Linden Lab, Virtual Worlds, and anything vaguely related to any of the above. I'm also good at trivia questions.
15:02 Carl Metropolitan If we don't know the answer, we can Google it. In other words, we know where to look, or at least can probably put you in touch with someone who does know the answer.
15:02 Carl Metropolitan Before we start with the questions, Andrea do you have any announcements?
15:02 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Hi Agatha.
15:02 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) We will be having our bi weekly fundraiser today at 4 PM The theme is Halloween in June. So grab your favorite outfit or avatar and join us for 2 hours of music and dancing. Your hearse to the event. Caledon Oxbridge Village (126,205,3905) There is a display you can visit on the second level.
15:02 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) About it.
15:02 Soup Jonson Look at me I am in costume!
15:02 Cychwynn Halloween dance!! would not miss it for the world!!
15:03 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) There you are soup. Did not see you.
15:03 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Back to you Carl.
15:04 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) wb Agatha.
15:04 Carl Metropolitan I just learned from ISC chat that there is another Caledon-related exhibit at SL18B. Lady Aeval-Leigh did one for her two sims.
15:04 Carl Metropolitan If anyone wants a notecard on it, just ask.
15:05 lovejoy2199 Please.
15:05 Cychwynn Yes I would like it also
15:05 Gronk Seriman Me too, Please.
15:05 lovejoy2199 Thank you.
15:06 Carl Metropolitan Anyone else?
15:06 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Please Carl.
15:07 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Thank you.
15:07 Sandy Burgess Easiest would be to put it in the group... then you don't have to give it out to each of us...
15:07 Sandy Burgess grins
15:07 Gronk Seriman Thank you!
15:07 Larky (larkylouz) I can post it if you like, Carl.
15:07 Carl Metropolitan That's not a bad idea.
15:08 Carl Metropolitan Okay. Now on to questions. Or other questions.
15:09 TomSTomson raises hand.
15:09 Carl Metropolitan I hope everyone got all the Oxbridge and classes and teachers questions they wanted answered at last week's Q&A with the Deans. I tried to ask Wordsmith all I could think of.
15:09 Carl Metropolitan Tom?
15:10 TomSTomson I'm planning on making a short film, but I can't find whether filming is permitted in Caledon. Is it?
15:10 Soup Jonson Thuds
15:12 Carl Metropolitan Photography and Machinima are permitted under these limits:
15:12 Carl Metropolitan For Caledon, you would need to check the Covenant, which is available in on the Oxbridge sim. Go to "Region Details" then "Covenant" in that window.
15:12 Carl Metropolitan There may be specific rules
15:13 TomSTomson I read through the Oxbridge Covenant, and couldn't find anything that addresses machinima.
15:14 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) There has been machinima filmed in Caledon by residents.
15:14 TomSTomson Is that different than the covenant in the Land pop up?
15:14 Carl Metropolitan Then it is permitted under the rules of the policy I posed the link to. You still have to get permission to film specific avatars "For machinima, you must have the consent of all Residents whose avatars or Second Life names are featured or recognizable in the machinima. This includes avatars who are featured in a shot, avatars whose names are legible, and avatars whose appearance is sufficiently distinctive that they are recognizable by members of the Second Life community. Consent is not required if an avatar is not recognizable and is merely part of a crowd scene or shown in a fleeting background. Consent is not required for any snapshots."
15:15 TomSTomson I will, of course, have the consent of my actors, but what about the location?
15:15 Carl Metropolitan I'd read the entire wiki page.
15:16 Gronk Seriman Wow. The Lawyers got to this topic looooong before we did.
15:17 TomSTomson The relevant portion of that wiki seems to be this "If it does not or doesn't address machinima, then you need special permission from the land owner to capture machinima."
15:17 Carl Metropolitan Yes. Much rear end covering in that policy
15:17 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Permission of the landholder. That is Desmond Shang for Caledon. No. I'm wrong!
15:17 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Or regents
15:18 TomSTomson So, I need Desmond Shang's permission? or the regents? Who are they?
15:18 Carl Metropolitan The policy defines "Land Owner" as: (h) "Land owner" means the Resident who is identified as the land owner in the "General" tab under "About Land." This is not the estate owner identified in the "Covenant" tab under "About Land."
15:18 Agatha Macbeth goes cross eyed.
15:18 Carl Metropolitan This got a lot more complicated since the last time I looked at it.
15:18 Carl Metropolitan Yeah.
15:19 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) best to ask Desmond.
15:19 TomSTomson Ok. Now, the sim is Caledon II, and it seems to be cut up into a lot of parcels.
15:19 Carl Metropolitan If you are filming on Commonwealth land (i.e., land not held by any renter), it sounds like you would need to.
15:20 Agatha Macbeth wonders if Caledon needs a DA
15:20 Carl Metropolitan The LL policy indicates you need to get permission from the various landowners. I'm sorry if that is overly complicated.
15:21 TomSTomson If things are in the shot that are not on the parcel, I would need to talk to the owner of that other parcel?
15:21 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) It seems that resident has priority over the landlord in those cases.
15:21 Frigid Cryotank I'm getting a headache from this. What a maze.
15:22 TomSTomson I don't care how complicated it is, I'm just looking for a path forward.
15:22 Carl Metropolitan Tom. Please read the web page with the policy I linked. All I can give you is my impression based on a quick scan.
15:22 Carl Metropolitan
15:23 TomSTomson May I ask that you movers and shakers try to get the Oxbridge Covenant clarified?
15:23 Strandwind Keeps fingers crossed for Tom.
15:24 Carl Metropolitan You would have to ask Desmond Shang
15:24 Carl Metropolitan He is the owner of the Caledon estate. All of it.
15:24 Carl Metropolitan There is no other mover or shaker that can change the Covenant here.
15:24 TomSTomson I was hoping someone who actually knew Desmond Shang would help present the case.
15:25 Gronk Seriman Or, as the Head Renter in Oxbridge, probably the Chancellor.
15:25 TomSTomson I'm not filming in Oxbridge.
15:25 Gronk Seriman Ah. My bad.
15:25 Larky (larkylouz) I'd lean towards asking Desmond rather than Wordsmith.
15:26 Carl Metropolitan Just send him an email with your question.
15:26 Carl Metropolitan Explain the background and what the policy says.
15:27 Carl Metropolitan And what the covenant does or does not say.
15:27 Gronk Seriman Desmond is quite friendly and approachable, from all I've heard over the years.
15:27 Carl Metropolitan Yes. He is.
15:27 TomSTomson All right, Thank you.
15:27 Sandy Burgess He is.
15:28 Carl Metropolitan I wish I could have given you a less legalistic answer.
15:28 Carl Metropolitan Next questions?
15:28 TomSTomson I wish you could have given me a definitive one.
15:30 Gronk Seriman It honestly sounds like one of those situations where it's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission. But it's not my tush on the line.
15:31 Carl Metropolitan Lets move on to more questions.
15:31 TomSTomson shakes my head. "Take down notices are very real, Gronk"
15:32 Gronk Seriman I know.
15:33 Carl Metropolitan Does anyone have other questions?
15:34 Strandwind Today I have no questions, thank you.
15:34 Carl Metropolitan If no one has any other questions, I guess we will close early today.
15:35 Cychwynn Thank you for your time and answers Carl.
15:35 Soup Jonson Dance time!
15:35 Gronk Seriman Why do hot dogs and bun packages never come in the same quantity?
15:35 Carl Metropolitan Thank you all for coming.
15:35 Strandwind Thank to you all, have a good time and take care!
15:35 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Don't forget the dance. donations are welcome for the university, but not required
15:35 Oxbridge Donation Coin R1 (Alternate Lecture Hall) badgerofzen gave a generous donation to help support classes and tutorials at Caledon Oxbridge Gateway.
15:35 Carl Metropolitan Have a good week.
15:35 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) ty Badger.
15:35 Cychwynn Night all.
15:35 badgerofzen :)
15:35 Gronk Seriman Thank you Carl, Andrea!
15:36 Carl Metropolitan I'm going to go do the transcript.
15:36 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Night Cych.
15:36 Agatha Macbeth Thanks
15:36 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) We will be having our bi weekly fundraiser today at 4 PM The theme is Halloween in June. So grab your favorite outfit or avatar and join us for 2 hours of music and dancing. Your hearse to the event. Caledon Oxbridge Village (126,205,3905) There is a display you can visit on the second level.