Caledon Oxbridge General Q&A for 2020-02-23

14:33 lovejoy2199 I have a question for you Carl. Showing how little I know about SL. I have seen profiles with the AV in front of me, and yet it says it is 'offline' Why is that?
14:34 lovejoy2199 Just wondering if it is a 'bot'.
14:34 Carl Metropolitan No. It means that they have set themselves to show as not online except to selected people.
14:35 lovejoy2199 Oh. Ok, thank you.
14:35 Carl Metropolitan It is also possible to do that by accident. If someone is on your friends list and you click in the wrong place you can seem offline to them.
14:35 Carl Metropolitan By turning the "eye" icon off or on.
14:36 Carl Metropolitan Lovejoy, do you mind if I add your questions to the transcript as a "prolog" or something?
14:36 lovejoy2199 Sure. I didn't think it was a good one.
14:37 Carl Metropolitan If you don't know, a lot of other people will not.
14:40 YeonaV Do I withhold questions till 3pm?
14:40 Carl Metropolitan You don't have to. If you have one now you can ask me. If I can help, I will.
14:40 YeonaV I need to know the parameters of this session.
14:40 YeonaV What is the subject?
14:41 YeonaV I'm here to learn, but I'm not sure my questions are relevant.
14:41 Carl Metropolitan I'm here to answer any of your questions about Second Life, Caledon, Oxbridge, Steampunk, Linden Lab, Virtual Worlds, and anything vaguely related to any of the above.
14:41 Carl Metropolitan So anything pretty much
14:42 Carl Metropolitan As I say in the intro spiel, if I don't know the answer I can usually find it quickly or send you to someone who does know.
14:42 YeonaV Great! I want to make clothes for my Zoobie Baby and sell them in the marketplace. I don't want to learn the entirety of applicable software, just what I need.
14:42 YeonaV How do I do this?
14:43 Carl Metropolitan What is a Zoobie Baby first?
14:43 Carl Metropolitan It is a type of avatar?
14:43 Carl Metropolitan An animated mesh object?
14:43 Carl Metropolitan A pet?
14:43 YeonaV Yes. They've babies, pets, interactive furnishings, etc.
14:44 Carl Metropolitan Okay. Do you know if third party sellers currently offer clothing for Zoobie Babies?
14:45 YeonaV Yes, they do.
14:45 Carl Metropolitan I am trying to find out if what you want to do is even possible. For example, if all Zoobie Baby products are "no mod" then you likely can't.
14:45 Carl Metropolitan Okay. The first thing I would look for is whether the Zoobie Baby creator offers a developer kit (or dev kit).
14:46 YeonaV I can. But they would be originals made from sort of foundational thing sold in the Zooby store.
14:46 YeonaV That's it. Dev Kit.
14:46 Carl Metropolitan Get the Dev Kit
14:46 Carl Metropolitan That will tell you what you need to make stuff that fits.
14:46 YeonaV The what? Isn't there a learning curve?
14:47 YeonaV But I don't understand the software needed to do this.
14:47 YeonaV And I don't want to learn it. Just what I need to do the job.
14:47 Carl Metropolitan It depends on what the Dev Kit tells you about what you are making. If you are just (for example) creating a texture to go on to an existing mesh object, it can be relatively simple. You just need Photoshop or a free similar program (like GIMP).
14:48 Carl Metropolitan If you need to make fitted mesh for the Zoobie Baby, it is much more complex.
14:48 Carl Metropolitan You would need to learn a 3d modeling program and how to rig for the Zoobie Baby.
14:49 Carl Metropolitan Do you have a copy of the Dev Kit?
14:49 YeonaV Yes! I would just be making textures. What do I need to learn in GIMP to do this?
14:49 YeonaV Uh, no Dev Kit yet. But that's now on my list.
14:50 Carl Metropolitan You would need to learn how to work with layers. How to "paint" textures onto an AO map.
14:50 Carl Metropolitan Pretty much what you would need to do any sort of customization of full perm mesh for resale.
14:51 YeonaV "How to work with layers” How to "paint" textures onto an AO map." This is it? All I need for applying textures?
14:51 Carl Metropolitan If it is a mesh object, yes.
14:51 Carl Metropolitan And most stuff like that are mesh.
14:51 YeonaV Awesome!
14:51 Carl Metropolitan Here is a video on the subject:
14:51 Carl Metropolitan
14:52 Carl Metropolitan Keep in mind, that if you are wrong about it just being a matter of textures only, then the process gets much, much more complex.
14:52 Carl Metropolitan If it is more analogous to creating original mesh clothing and rigging it for an avatar, that's really difficult.
14:52 YeonaV I'm a smart girl… I can handle it… Just need direction, that's all. *blushes*
14:53 Carl Metropolitan Okay
14:53 YeonaV Besides, I'm not that ambitious. I just want to paint cutesy things on baby clothes, sell them, and dress up my adorable Zoobie Baby.
14:53 Carl Metropolitan Do you mind if I add your question to the transcript for other people to have access to?
14:53 YeonaV Thanks for the video. <3
14:54 YeonaV Not at all. Please do add it.
14:54 Carl Metropolitan Thank you
15:00 Carl Metropolitan Welcome to this Sunday's Oxbridge General Q&A. Andrea and I are here to answer any of your questions about Second Life, Caledon, Oxbridge, Steampunk, Linden Lab, Virtual Worlds, and anything vaguely related to any of the above. I'm also good at trivia questions.
15:00 Carl Metropolitan If we don't know the answer, we can Google it. In other words, we know where to look, or at least can probably put you in touch with someone who does know the answer.
15:01 Carl Metropolitan Today, I was here early and had two people ask me interesting questions; I got their permission to add their questions to the transcript for everyone to read.
15:01 Carl Metropolitan Before we start with the questions, Andrea do you have any announcements that you would like to promulgate? I know there is a Fundraiser coming up soon.
15:01 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) The COU "Heroes, Villains and sidekicks" themed fund- will be this coming 29th starting at 7- ending around 9 PM Second Life time. We will be dancing to the tunes provided by DJ Cynthia Farshore in the newly rebuilt club Jor-El. So grab your favorite hero, villain, or sidekick outfit, and join us for a great night of music and dancing. Anti-heroes are welcome as well. All funds collected will go to the operation fund for the Caledon Oxbridge University. Rent and teacher stipends are paid from this fund, the Deans work for free.
15:01 Cychwynn Man that is totally my theme, but way to late for me to join!
15:02 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) This is where we try and make up for any shortfalls in the budget.
15:02 Carl Metropolitan Also hosts of "General Q&A" work for free, too!
15:02 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) So drop bye. no donation needed
15:02 Carl Metropolitan Why would it be too late for you to join, Cychwynn?
15:02 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) But every linden counts.
15:02 Carl Metropolitan It is six days from now.
15:02 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Yes we do Carl.
15:02 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) There are notices in the COU group.
15:03 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Where you can get the LM.
15:02 Cychwynn EU timezone so its around 3-4 AM for me.
15:02 Carl Metropolitan Hello Kara
15:03 Carl Metropolitan
15:03 Carl Metropolitan Ah… That is "too late" as in too late in the night.
15:03 Cychwynn yes
15:03 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Any help getting the info out there helps.
15:03 Oxbridge Donation Coin R1 (Alternate Lecture Hall) Kara2016 gave a generous donation to help support classes and tutorials at Caledon Oxbridge Gateway.
15:03 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) A early edition might be possible
15:03 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) I would need to check
15:03 Carl Metropolitan Hello Caissa
15:03 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) 1:03 AM here at the moment
15:03 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) With Cynthia, she donates her time Djing.
15:04 Carl Metropolitan Welcome Hannah.
15:04 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) back to you Carl.
15:04 Cychwynn Well whatever happens, it sounds like an awesome event.
15:04 Carl Metropolitan I am sure it will be. I can think of at least one person here who likely had a good Supergirl costume right now.
15:05 Carl Metropolitan Okay. Let's start with the questions.
15:06 Carl Metropolitan It would be awfully anti-climactic if after all the people coming and all the introduction stuff, we had zero questions.
15:06 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) I heard Sansar was sold.
15:06 Carl Metropolitan I have not heard that.
15:06 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Or is in the process of being sold
15:07 Carl Metropolitan Okay.
15:07 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Heard that today.
15:07 RossMetzger I heard it was for sale, haven't heard that it was sold.
15:07 Carl Metropolitan I just found the source of that.
15:07 Carl Metropolitan
15:07 Carl Metropolitan That's a normally very reliable SL news source.
15:07 Carl Metropolitan And it sources back to an LL official announcement.
15:07 Carl Metropolitan So Sansar is up for sale.
15:08 Carl Metropolitan Good news from the transcript there.
15:08 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) wonders if there are any buyers?
15:08 Carl Metropolitan Ebbe:
15:08 Carl Metropolitan “Sadly we have decided we as Linden Lab couldn’t continue to sponsor the project financially so we’re looking for a plan B for Sansar to continue.
“I can’t say much but we’re having interesting conversations with several parties to help that project move forward… but no deal is done yet, so people will have to be patient to see what happens with it.
“But yes it’s true that Linden Lab going forward will focus entirely on Second Life and Tilia. But I’m still busy making sure Sansar finds a great home.”
15:08 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) And Sansar was his idea so he probably is not that happy about that.
15:09 Carl Metropolitan Also, according to the story, several old SL "heavy hitters" are returning as part of LL's refocus on SL. Who knows.
15:09 Soup Jonson I heard a couple of folks have been laid off as a result of the Sansar failure.
15:09 Carl Metropolitan Yes. I would be surprised to see Ebbe stay on past this year.
15:09 Soup Jonson Including a long time employee that went all the way back to SL launch.
15:09 Carl Metropolitan There have been two rounds of layoffs at LL that were Sansar related
15:10 Cychwynn Aww sad.
15:10 Carl Metropolitan One in November and one early this month.
15:10 Carl Metropolitan Around forty people in total from what I've read.
15:10 Soup Jonson Sad when jobs are lost.
15:11 RossMetzger Unless they were strictly VR experts, they should have retained them to work on SL
15:11 Soup Jonson I'll gladly stick to playing SL
15:11 Cychwynn Same
15:11 Larky (larkylouz) what is Tilia?
15:11 Carl Metropolitan Who knows. Part of the rationale behind the layoffs might have been to free up salary space for the "heavy hitters" Ebbe remarked are returning (and their teams).
15:11 Carl Metropolitan Tilia is the payment service that handles the L$
15:12 Carl Metropolitan It was spun off into a separate company last year.
15:12 Larky (larkylouz) Oh, that's right. I've heard of that. Thanks.
15:12 Carl Metropolitan Probably with the idea it would be handling both SL and Sansar.
15:12 Carl Metropolitan But even if it is not, it still makes sense from a limitation of liability standpoint.
15:12 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) I hope "heavy hitters" do not have "bright innovations" of the "basic accounts" kind.
15:13 Carl Metropolitan What sort of basic account innovations do you mean, Elfbiter?
15:13 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Remember the limited "basic accounts" years ago?
15:14 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Made for safety of newcomers. And the first thing newcomers asked how to get rid of them?
15:14 Carl Metropolitan No. I am afraid I do not.
15:15 Carl Metropolitan I will have to look this up. Maybe it happened in the year or so I was away from SL due to RL business issues.
15:15 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Otherwise they could not receive notecards, landmarks or anything else.
15:15 Carl Metropolitan Hello Aurora
15:16 AuroraNoire Sorry I’m stuck. One sec.
15:16 YeonaV So I was wondering… Are there any language learning sites? I can't seem to find any. Other than for English or Japanese or Korean speakers. Any other Asian languages? European languages available to learn as a group in world?
15:16 Carl Metropolitan I am not surprised to see Sansar for sale, though.
15:17 Carl Metropolitan I know there are other help areas for non-English speakers.
15:17 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) French area is closed at least...
15:17 YeonaV Exactly, but I want to learn another language.
15:17 Carl Metropolitan I hate to put Phrynne on the spot, but she keeps a list for helpers as part of her job as Dean of Commons.
15:17 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) I don’t have an updated faculty kit. Does anyone have the notecard on other learning areas?
15:17 Kara Zor - El (superpantera) Well I'm Spanish I could help you if you need it.
15:17 Carl Metropolitan Do you have a copy of that list handy, Phrynne?
15:18 Hannah Bluemood Utherwurldly (hannah.bluemood) I'm trying to learn a language that SL viewers don't even format properly, and calls to add support have been rejected repeatedly over the years.
15:18 YeonaV Also, how do some of these folks in world communicate? There seems to be some kind of translator available. Where do I get one?
15:19 YeonaV Thanks, Zor, But I want options. And a group to practice in.
15:19 Carl Metropolitan There are translators available, but you should be careful when shopping for them.
15:19 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) There are several translators. Thought some still seem to sell the free non-working ones in the Marketplace.
15:19 lovejoy2199 I believe at SLB 15, the University of Arizona had a site for Spanish.
15:19 Carl Metropolitan Most of the old "free" translators operated off the old Google translator API
15:19 Carl Metropolitan That is no longer free, and those translators stopped working.
15:20 Larky (larkylouz) YeonaV, there are learning groups inworld. Have you looked in Search? Translators are available on the MP.
15:20 Phrynne There are several places with Spanish-language help, but they have moved around a lot.
15:20 YeonaV Thanks for the lead, Lovejoy. Any other languages?
15:20 Kara Zor - El (superpantera) Which language do you want?
15:20 Carl Metropolitan Bing also has a translator API, and it allows a low level of use free per month per one of their account holders.
15:21 Carl Metropolitan Or they did the last time I looked.
15:21 YeonaV To be honest, I bought a pricey one in world, but it didn't work according to the instructions, and I couldn't get a response from anyone attached to it. So I let it go...
15:21 YeonaV All the languages, Zor! :) I want options!
15:22 Carl Metropolitan That is why I was warning people about translators on MP.
15:22 Kara Zor - El (superpantera) Ah...
15:22 RossMetzger Aramaic?
15:22 Kara Zor - El (superpantera) Well there are other newcomer centers as well☻
15:22 Carl Metropolitan (I dropped YeonoV a “work-in-process” notecard on other language help areas from Phrynne that is not yet updated to the level to be freely distributed.)
15:22 YeonaV Thanks so much Carl, I got the message.
15:22 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) is not sure if he could teach Finnish :-)
15:22 Phrynne It may be useful for you to use Search and look for Help and the languages you want.
15:23 Phrynne There may well be other sites that are Adult, for instance; those are generally not listed in Oxbridge info.
15:23 Carl Metropolitan I know there is a good Brazilian (Portuguese) help area. They are in the freebie list
15:23 Kara Zor - El (superpantera) I have been in one of them and you're right they are good
15:23 Larky (larkylouz) Looking in Search, I've usually been able to find at least some social groups designed for speakers of any unusual-to-Oxbridge language I tried to look up. In my experiences, hanging out with native speakers is a great way to learn a language.
15:23 Phrynne The major Spanish-speaking help area seems to be staying put now; an earlier version moved every month for a while.
15:24 Gronk Seriman I have seen free translators at a few big events. I need to snag one next time I see one and see who makes it, and if it's distributable.
15:24 Carl Metropolitan Ajuda SL Brasil – the Brazilian help area.
15:24 Carl Metropolitan That was what I was thinking of.
15:24 Carl Metropolitan AJUDA BRASIL VOLUNTARIOS (128,29,25)
15:24 Phrynne There are also some regions that are designed as social places for people of specific languages, though they aren't designated as help regions.
15:25 Kara Zor - El (superpantera) I think everybody knows it, if someone need something in Spanish I'm available ☻
15:26 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Just a note of warning. We are going into Relay for Life season. Please be careful what you get from people in relation to RFL. Anything asking to access your Linden money account. Might be best to say NO until you get it checked.
15:26 Carl Metropolitan There is a long running project to translate the Oxbridge help posters into other languages. I think they were working on having a Spanish, French, and Portuguese translations. I don't know the status.
15:27 Kara Zor - El (superpantera) Yes that's right.
15:27 RossMetzger Is Caledon running their own RFL team this year, or are they still partnering with someone?
15:27 Carl Metropolitan I don't know? Andrea, do you know?
15:27 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Yes with the Tiny Steps
15:27 RossMetzger Ah
15:27 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Same as last year.
15:28 YeonaV I'm sorry, what does RFL stand for?
15:28 Cychwynn oki, I'll be dumb... what is RFL?
15:28 Carl Metropolitan The "Tiny Steps"?
15:28 Phrynne The translation status is this: We have part of the Spanish translation done -- but it stops part way through the Avatar Customization building because of lack of layered textures to work with. When I have those, I can finish that and then do the French. That is all we are doing at this point.
15:28 Carl Metropolitan RFL = Relay for Life
15:28 Carl Metropolitan A fundraiser for the American Cancer Society
15:28 RossMetzger Relay For Life, American cancer Society fundraiser
15:28 Kara Zor - El (superpantera) Thanks, I didn't know either ☻
15:28 Phrynne Jorge Serapis did an excellent job of translating and creating the texture changes as far as they've gone.
15:28 Cychwynn Ahh okay.
15:29 YeonaV " RFL = Relay for Life" Thanks! Got it!
15:29 Carl Metropolitan Phrynne, some of the posters in the Avatar Customization Hall are still my originals. Email me, I have all of the ones I created in the original Adobe Illustrator files
15:29 Carl Metropolitan Same for the Money & Commerce hall.
15:30 Phrynne That would be great, Carl. Thank you!
15:31 Carl Metropolitan I thought I uploaded those to the Google cloud account for Oxbridge, but I might have missed some.
15:31 messighuh How do I acquire a second head?
15:32 Larky (larkylouz) Grendel's sells monster avatars... ;^)
15:32 Carl Metropolitan Do you want to have a head that goes next to yours on your body, or do you want to have a mesh head that you can substitute for your current one?
15:32 Soup Jonson Hmm monster avatars.
15:32 Soup Jonson Nice.
15:33 messighuh I have nothing just started blender tools two weeks ago.
15:34 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Well, more like nonhuman avatars.
15:34 messighuh i'll look into Grendels... Thanks a bunch.
15:34 Carl Metropolitan Yes, if you are looking for a non-human avatar they are a good place to start
15:35 Carl Metropolitan Also you can go to SL marketplace and type in _____ Avatar and see what pops up.
15:35 Gronk Seriman ...with an impressive freebie basement, too.
15:35 Carl Metropolitan If you only want mesh, add "Mesh" to your search string.
15:36 Cychwynn 7PLUS on the MP also has some interesting out there avatars.
15:36 messighuh Many years it has taken.
15:36 RossMetzger I typed "Two heads" in MP search, don't see any avatars.
15:36 Soup Jonson My Elixir will one day change the world!
15:36 messighuh Thanks everyone.
15:36 Soup Jonson Sorry...
15:37 Kara Zor - El (superpantera) smiles
15:37 Carl Metropolitan Okay. Next question(s)?
15:37 YeonaV Oh! *raises hand, swats at air* Do you happen to have a list of in world university classes available? Or direct me where to find them?
15:38 Kara Zor - El (superpantera) There is a timetable where you can see the classes.
15:38 Caissa McCarey (lorelai.mccarey) There are schedules in the entry hall and right next to the lecture hall.
15:38 Phrynne There is no one timetable for *all* classes at *all* universities. We have them for Oxbridge only.
15:39 Larky (larkylouz) I can give you a list of some of the RL universities that have inworld campuses.
15:39 Carl Metropolitan Are you looking for classes from RL universities?
15:39 YeonaV RL universities is what I meant, thank you.
15:40 Carl Metropolitan There are not that many RL universities left with active presences in SL.
15:40 lovejoy2199 Nice Larky. I would like them also.
15:40 Carl Metropolitan If you have a specific university in mind, it would be easy to search.
15:40 Caissa McCarey (lorelai.mccarey) I'd like to have a look, too, Larky.
15:40 Carl Metropolitan And I am sure there are groups for that, too. I'm sorry; I just don't know the answer there.
15:40 Carl Metropolitan I'm not even sure where to start looking.
15:41 Soup Jonson Me too, Larky.
15:41 Larky (larkylouz) My materials haven't been updated lately, but I'll send them to those who asked.
15:41 lovejoy2199 Thank you.
15:42 Soup Jonson Ty Larky.
15:42 AuroraNoire Me as well please thyvm =)
15:42 Soup Jonson hands LArky a free coupon for Elixir.
15:42 Kara Zor - El (superpantera) hahaha Soup ☻
15:42 Carl Metropolitan Thank you Larky
15:42 Soup Jonson :)
15:43 AuroraNoire got an extra please?
15:43 Carl Metropolitan Okay. Next question?
15:44 Carl Metropolitan I don't see anyone typing.
15:44 Carl Metropolitan Last call for questions!
15:45 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) How can you?
15:45 Gronk Seriman I haven't looked lately. But does SL still keep a list of alternative approved SL Viewers?
15:45 Phrynne It's in Preferences, Andrea.
15:45 Carl Metropolitan Yes.
15:45 Carl Metropolitan On the SL wiki. Let me find it for you.
15:45 Carl Metropolitan
15:46 Gronk Seriman Thank you so much!
15:47 Carl Metropolitan Okay. Any other questions for this afternoon?
15:47 lovejoy2199 *Smile* @ Larky.
15:47 Oxbridge Donation Coin R1 (Alternate Lecture Hall) RossMetzger gave a generous donation to help support classes and tutorials at Caledon Oxbridge Gateway.
15:47 Carl Metropolitan Thank you for your donation Ross
15:48 RossMetzger yw
15:48 AuroraNoire Thank you for teaching class today! =)
15:48 Oxbridge Donation Coin R1 (Alternate Lecture Hall) Caissa McCarey (lorelai.mccarey) gave a generous donation to help support classes and tutorials at Caledon Oxbridge Gateway.
15:48 Carl Metropolitan Since we seem to have no further questions, I will call this class adjourned!
15:48 Soup Jonson Carl you did a fair job, ty sir!
15:48 Cychwynn :)
15:48 Carl Metropolitan You are welcome Aurora
15:48 Larky (larkylouz) Okay, if you didn't get a box from me and want one, holler.
15:48 Carl Metropolitan Thank youf Caissa for that donation.
15:48 Oxbridge Donation Coin R1 (Alternate Lecture Hall) Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) gave a generous donation to help support classes and tutorials at Caledon Oxbridge Gateway.
15:48 YeonaV Thanks for this! I gotta go. Where's the donation box?
15:48 Oxbridge Donation Coin R1 (Alternate Lecture Hall) Larky (larkylouz) gave a generous donation to help support classes and tutorials at Caledon Oxbridge Gateway.
15:48 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Burn baby burn
15:49 Carl Metropolitan Thank you, too Andrea!
15:49 Carl Metropolitan And Larky!
15:49 Caissa McCarey (lorelai.mccarey) It's the spinning, glowing coin
15:49 Cychwynn its the spinning coin Yeona :)
15:49 Larky (larkylouz) Thanks Carl, Andrea, all
15:49 RossMetzger The coin to your right, Yeona
15:49 Cychwynn lol
15:49 Carl Metropolitan Everyone loves it when the coin burns and spins fast :)
15:49 Oxbridge Donation Coin R1 (Alternate Lecture Hall) YeonaV gave a generous donation to help support classes and tutorials at Caledon Oxbridge Gateway.
15:49 Carl Metropolitan Thank you, too, YeonaV
15:49 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) :-)
15:49 Oxbridge Donation Coin R1 (Alternate Lecture Hall) Kara2016 gave a generous donation to help support classes and tutorials at Caledon Oxbridge Gateway.
15:50 YeonaV No problem. Thank you!
15:50 Carl Metropolitan Thank you too, Kara
15:50 Carl Metropolitan Taking in the set now...
15:50 RossMetzger Thanks, Andrea and Carl
15:50 Kara Zor - El (superpantera) Bye
15:50 Carl Metropolitan Goodnight everyone
15:50 Kara2016 i wonder how bright it would get if you kept on donating too it?
15:50 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Bye all.
15:50 Carl Metropolitan I'm off to do the transcript!