Caledon Oxbridge General Q&A for 2019-11-24

15:03 Carl Metropolitan Welcome to this Sunday's Oxbridge General Q&A. Andrea and I are here to answer any of your questions about Second Life, Caledon, Oxbridge, Steampunk, Linden Lab, and anything vaguely related to any of the above.
15:03 Carl Metropolitan If we don't know the answer, we can Google it. (i.e., we know where to look) Or we can probably put you in touch with someone who does know the answer.
15:04 Carl Metropolitan Before we start with the questions, Andrea do you have any announcements that you would like to promulgate?
15:04 Carl Metropolitan Hello Puppy, Mellie, Skuld
15:05 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) There will be a COU end of harvest fundraiser ball
15:05 Puppy Dawg (puppysan) hello
15:05 Skuld Aki (skuldaki) Hi Carl!
15:05 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) It will be on the 30th. Food, Dancing, and conversation will be present.
15:06 Mellie (musicalmelody7321) hi
15:06 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) See the notice in the COU groups for more info.
15:06 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Tuesday night there will be a 70 and 80's themed dance. Notice to go out tonight. Cynthia Farshore will be out DJ; location to be determined.
15:07 Carl Metropolitan Thank you Andrea
15:07 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) If you go to the village below us, there is a curiosity to explore.
15:07 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) A winter in a jar; giant jar, winter inside and trapped people. It may change a bit over time and snow.
15:08 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) I have decorated the pub, and am about done setting up a Christmas house, it has all the Christmas cards and season greetings cards i have collected since 2015
15:09 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Sadly, these are becoming a lost art
15:09 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) And there are a few I can't find in inventory that were really interesting.
15:10 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) I urge everyone to think about a card or texture this year
15:10 Soup Jonson Oh that is a nice idea.
15:10 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) if you need a prop with pose or a location, I may be able to help.
15:10 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) I have a few things I will set out soon in a sky box.
15:11 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) I think one of our professors does a class on making a card.
15:11 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Ok back to you Carl
15:11 Carl Metropolitan Thank you Andrea
15:11 Carl Metropolitan Let's open the room up for questions.
15:11 Carl Metropolitan Hit us with your stumpers :)
15:13 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) chirp chirp
15:13 Sulley Daviau So if I may i have a follow on question to a previous meeting
15:13 Carl Metropolitan Please do.
15:13 Puppy Dawg (puppysan) Is it true that unless you created your account many years ago, you cannot receive a stipend?
15:13 Sulley Daviau This has already been explored at some length.. but i mention again.
15:13 Sulley Daviau I’ll wait for the answer to Dean Phrynne's question.
15:14 Carl Metropolitan I will answer Puppy's question while you are finishing yours, Sulley
15:14 Sulley Daviau k :)
15:15 Carl Metropolitan Puppy, the only stipends that are not available to new accounts are the old Basic Account stipends that used to be 50L a week. That was ended sometime around 2008 I believe. Currently all Premium accounts get stipends of 300L$ a week (or if someone has a Premium account that has been kept up for ten years or so, 500L$ a week).
15:15 Carl Metropolitan The only way to get a stipend in SL now is to have a Premium account.
15:16 Puppy Dawg (puppysan) Interesting and rather pleasant to hear. I'd heard something along the lines of "Linden Lab stopped issuing Stipends".
15:16 Carl Metropolitan There are always weird rumors going around.
15:16 Carl Metropolitan As far as I know, Premium account stipends are unchanged.
15:17 Carl Metropolitan Sulley, what was Phrynne's question? I did not hear one. I may not be close enough to her
15:17 Puppy Dawg (puppysan) Good to know. Thank you for clearing that up for me
15:17 Carl Metropolitan Maybe that will help :)
15:18 Phrynne I don't have a question, Carl; I was just saying hello.
15:18 Tee (terrainion) Is the format here, just ask away?
15:18 Carl Metropolitan The format is people ask questions and Andrea and I answer them.
15:18 Carl Metropolitan Questions about SL, Caledon, Steampunk, Linden Lab, whatever!
15:18 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) lol
15:18 Sulley Daviau In the "places to visit" in the Directory Guide for "newcomer Friendly" the listing for Caledon makes only scant reference to Oxbridge Uni being a welcome area for new avis. I compare this to NCI, for example which makes it clear the location provides education and support for new residents. Contrarily, Caledon's listing focuses more on it being a SteamPunk sim. I only say this because I wonder if perhaps new avis might not think to come here. I in previous discussions it was mentioned that having a separate COU listing in problematic. But I have to ask if perhaps it can be examined since if we had a dedicated listing that said COU offers classes, etc, then more avis might come here.
15:18 Tee (terrainion) *holds up his hand, wishing to ask a question! :)*
15:20 Puppy Dawg (puppysan) looks eager to hear Tee's question.
15:20 Carl Metropolitan Sulley, I agree. That is something that Wordsmith needs to talk to Desmond Shang about. It is not something I would feel comfortable doing on my own. I would urge you to bring it up to him personally, or at the next Q&A With the Deans (2nd Sunday of the Month).
15:20 Tee (terrainion) Ok, LL question, the proposed up coming ability to change names, will that be surnames only, or first names as well?
15:20 Sulley Daviau nods ty
15:21 Carl Metropolitan I am not sure. Let me check the announcement.
15:21 Carl Metropolitan Okay
15:21 Carl Metropolitan Here is the official LL announcement from their blog:
15:21 Puppy Dawg (puppysan) perhaps the username instead of "Display name"?
15:21 Carl Metropolitan We heard you loud and clear. Soon it will be possible to change the name of a Second Life account. This is one of our Residents’ most requested features and we’re working furiously to make it available by the end of January. Name Changes will be exclusively for Premium members at an additional fee. Changing one or both of your First and Last Name will be available as a single transaction. Last Names will be picked from a list, which you can help us curate.
15:21 Carl Metropolitan What’s a last name you would choose for yourself? We’ll soon hold a contest seeking your contributions to the pool of last name options. From all of the suggestions, we’ll pick five, and those five lucky Residents will be able to change their names completely free of charge! You will not need to be Premium to participate or to win. The contest will run December 16 through January 15th, and participation details will be announced shortly.
15:22 Carl Metropolitan So first and last names will be changeable. This is not Display Names. But only for Premium accounts.
15:22 Carl Metropolitan More on upcoming LL plans at:
15:24 Carl Metropolitan I assume it would be possible to go Premium for a month, pay the fee, get your name changed, and revert to a free account.
15:24 Carl Metropolitan Okay. Next question!
15:24 Tee (terrainion) Wow, both it is then, thank you for that Carl! :)
15:24 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) is not interested about paying for a name that would have to be selected from predetermined list so he probably is not going to change anything.
15:25 Soup Jonson You tell em Elf!
15:25 Kara Zor - El (superpantera) is not interested too
15:25 Carl Metropolitan Just keep an eye on the list [of last names], it will likely change over time.
15:25 Puppy Dawg (puppysan) Understandable, Elfbiter. some people get very attached to their names.
15:25 Skuld Aki (skuldaki) not interested
15:25 Carl Metropolitan Some people are; some people are not.
15:26 Carl Metropolitan Does anyone have more questions?
15:26 Kara Zor - El (superpantera) nods
15:27 Carl Metropolitan If that announcement (about upcoming improvements in Second Life) makes you wonder "Why is LL suddenly paying attention to SL again?", consider this:
15:27 Carl Metropolitan Sansar, Linden Lab’s much-promoted and eternally in beta virtual world, appears to be taking on water. According to separate articles by virtual worlds reporters Hamlet Au and Ryan Schultz, Linden Labs has laid off twenty to thirty employees that were working on the next generation virtual world, and put it in “maintenance mode”.
15:28 Carl Metropolitan I'm quoting myself there :)
15:28 Kara Zor - El (superpantera) smiles
15:28 Carl Metropolitan I'm guessing they finally decided to stop shoveling money into the money pit.
15:28 Skuld Aki (skuldaki) They did a campaign at many cons promoting SL not Sansar.... it is how I ended up here so perhaps the increase in traffic is here not Sansar
15:28 Skuld Aki (skuldaki) yup
15:28 Skuld Aki (skuldaki) claps for Carl
15:28 Carl Metropolitan What kind of conventions, Skuld?
15:29 Skuld Aki (skuldaki) Anime, SciFi etc.
15:29 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) I gave up on Sansar. the control interface simply won't work with older machines. A mistake in my opinion.
15:29 Skuld Aki (skuldaki) I never knew of SL until I went to a con. My bro in law and I signed up to win an Occulus Go.
15:29 Skuld Aki (skuldaki) I won but play SL instead.
15:30 Carl Metropolitan That is a remarkably good marketing strategy. Someone at Linden Lab's marketing department needs a raise.
15:30 Skuld Aki (skuldaki) agreed
15:30 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Sansar needs hardware most people don't necessarily have
15:30 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) There were a few regions set up for Occulus, might check the SL website for those.
15:30 Skuld Aki (skuldaki) that is also true Elf. And yes true Ms. Jones
15:30 Carl Metropolitan In my experience Sansar's UI is really hard to use, too.
15:31 Kara Zor - El (superpantera) I was in SANSAR, funny people there told that many SL users goes to SANSAR and they prefer it instead of SL, I completely disagree because I quit SANSAR forever
15:32 Soup Jonson SL forever! Caledon Forever! Long Live Oxbridge!
15:32 Gronk Seriman My biggest gripe is that you can wander SL while things are downloading. In Sansar, you get to watch the logo spin till the sim COMPLETELY downloads. On a slower connection, it's an eternity.
15:32 Carl Metropolitan I have never actually talked to a SL user who preferred Sansar. I am sure there must be some, but I don't know any.
15:32 Puppy Dawg (puppysan) Huzzah, Soup
15:32 Soup Jonson ty
15:33 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Sansar developers, maybe?
15:33 Carl Metropolitan Perhaps.
15:33 Kara Zor - El (superpantera) yeah
15:33 Carl Metropolitan Quoting myself again, "I hope that Linden Lab will be able to use some of the technology they developed for Sansar to improve Second Life. After all the hype of being a next generation platform that would be fundamentally incompatible with Second Life, there may not be that much they can salvage from Sansar’s tech base. But undoubtedly some of Linden Lab’s “Sansar is too advanced to be of any use for upgrading Second Life” talk was just hype."
15:34 Skuld Aki (skuldaki) Completely agreed Mr. M.
15:34 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) It is kind of understandable that they tried to make the "next stage" but Sansar does not seem to be it.
15:34 Carl Metropolitan It will be interesting to see what Linden Lab does with Sansar.
15:34 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) You never know until you try.
15:35 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) And, well, LL has added all the new Mesh-in meantime...
15:35 Kara Zor - El (superpantera) Well actually I met a SL user that is using SANSAR as well, that's why I was curious to try it but definitely SL it's better than SANSAR.
15:35 Carl Metropolitan I am not sure the developers knew what they were trying to make as LL's marketing for Sansar kept changing over time.
15:35 Carl Metropolitan Sansar went from the next generation virtual world (and inevitable successor to Second Life), to a VR-centric virtual world, to a sort of half-assed MMO, then most recently, a place for live events requiring support of massive concurrent numbers of avatars in one location.
15:35 Tee (terrainion) I far prefer the present SL format, never wanted to even try Occulous/Sansar.
15:36 Carl Metropolitan I think VR headsets are still not quite ready.
15:36 Kara Zor - El (superpantera) In my opinion you should try it to know other virtual worlds ☻
15:36 Phrynne One of the things that turned me off Sansar, besides the fact that it doesn't allow Mac users in, is that they don't allow just anyone to build or make things, only 'preferred' builders, so you need to buy their stuff.
15:36 Tee (terrainion) As the old wise saying goes: "If aint broke, don't fix it!"
15:36 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Sounds like AT&T and videophones...
15:37 Puppy Dawg (puppysan) VR technology can be quite expensive i believe. So much that it wouldn't be viable for everyone with a SL account to convert to the VR version
15:37 Carl Metropolitan The latest generation essentially use half of a phone display. That's kind of small and low resolution for someone used to a high resolution monitor
15:37 Sulley Daviau pls forgive me je dois partir i must go. RL. Thank you so much Andrea and Carl. :)
15:37 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) And lots of VR tech assumes "standard" eye placement and 20/20 vision...
15:37 Carl Metropolitan LL was trying to fix what was not broken, I think, Phrynne.
15:38 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) bye be well Sulley
15:38 Skuld Aki (skuldaki) a bientot
15:38 Carl Metropolitan Okay. More questions?
15:38 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) They are just trying to get their piece of the next pie in VR
15:39 Puppy Dawg (puppysan) What's the standard type of residence given to people with Premium accounts?
15:39 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) And some smartphone manufacturers try to get into VR business as well
15:40 Tee (terrainion) I bid ye all present a pleasant farewell :)
15:40 Puppy Dawg (puppysan) Farewell Tee.
15:40 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Bye tee.
15:40 Carl Metropolitan Puppy a Premium Account holder can either take a free 1024 of tier and buy land on the Linden Lab owned mainland, or take a "Linden Home".
15:41 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) still does not think anything is "free" is one should pay for it...
15:41 Puppy Dawg (puppysan) How does a Linden Home differ from the mainland?
15:41 Carl Metropolitan The current Linden Homes are being replaced/augmented by new designs. Right now, LL is having trouble rolling them out fast enough to meet demand—mostly from existing Linden Home owners.
15:42 Carl Metropolitan Let me find the link for the current Linden Homes and see if the new ones have made the website yet.
15:43 Carl Metropolitan Froze up there. Sorry.
15:44 Puppy Dawg (puppysan) welcome back
15:44 Gronk Seriman The difference is for a spot on the mainland, you get just the spot. You need to supply your own home, usually. The Linden homes are prebuilt. You just walk in.
15:44 Puppy Dawg (puppysan) Interesting, Gronk.
15:45 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Linden homes also take most of the LI, I think
15:45 Sue D. Nim (suednim) Sorry. LI?
15:45 Puppy Dawg (puppysan) Seems like a lot of effort to find your own house for putting onto your owned Land
15:45 Carl Metropolitan
15:45 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Land Impact / prim allowance
15:45 Puppy Dawg (puppysan) I might like a Linden Home instead
15:46 Carl Metropolitan That is the link with the information on them
15:46 Puppy Dawg (puppysan) Thanks for the information
15:46 Phrynne Each parcel is allowed only so much LI. So, if you have furniture, you need to have enough LI to put it out and use it.
15:46 Sue D. Nim (suednim) So you're saying that the Linden home itself takes up most of the allowed LI? So you're better off getting the plot of land on the mainland?
15:46 Carl Metropolitan Keep in mind to have a Linden Home, you must have a Premium Account
15:47 Renard (yipyipyipyiphowl) Traditionally Linden Lab puts linden home root prims on public land so it doesn't count against your LI.
15:47 Phrynne As for getting a house, there are free houses available in many places, including at Oxbridge.
15:47 Renard (yipyipyipyiphowl) I don't know if the new linden homes are like that.
15:47 Carl Metropolitan The Linden Home itself takes up half the prim allotment of the land.
15:47 Carl Metropolitan The new Linden Homes may be more efficient.
15:47 Carl Metropolitan I like building or buying my own place, but that's just me.
15:48 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) has bunch of free buildings in his inventory he got from Hunts
15:48 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) The houses usually have a lot of features, you can change some of the windows, coloring, security through the website
15:48 Renard (yipyipyipyiphowl) Are you sure of that, because that was a selling point, that the home didn't count against your prim allotment.
15:49 Night Rider (colin.nemeth) sorry I’m late my PC died on me.
15:49 Carl Metropolitan Renyard, the Linden Homes give you a home plus at 512m2 Land Impact allotment (Prims). Just taking the Premium land gives you a 1024m2 Land Impact allotment.
15:49 Renard (yipyipyipyiphowl) The linden homes only cost you 512sm of tier.
15:49 Carl Metropolitan So it does not matter where the root prim is placed, the Linden Home option gives you a House plus 512m2 LI allotment.
15:49 Renard (yipyipyipyiphowl) If you get a 512m linden home, you still have an extra 512m of tier
15:50 Gronk Seriman I like my Linden home. The biggest box-like, no personality, two-story barn they had. I never really furnished it like a home. I treat it more like a locker room and a laboratory for building and lighting.
15:50 Renard (yipyipyipyiphowl) Because when they came out, you only had 512m of tier.
15:50 Carl Metropolitan Yes, but if you did not get a Linden Home and took your 1024 m2 of free premium tier to the mainland, you would have twice as much LI to play with opposed to a Linden Home
15:51 Renard (yipyipyipyiphowl) No.
15:51 Sue D. Nim (suednim) I like mine okay for a starter home, until I become knowledgeable enough to do what I want with my own land. I use low prim furniture and I like it.
15:51 Night Rider (colin.nemeth) You need a premium account to get one.
15:51 Carl Metropolitan I like to encourage people to look for land in Caledon. It is a really good community and quite pretty compared to the mainland or most other estates.
15:51 Renard (yipyipyipyiphowl) Remember, when the linden homes came out, you only had 512sm of free tier
15:52 Renard (yipyipyipyiphowl) Those linden homes cost 512sm of tier and give you the home and 512sm worth of tier. You still have 512sm of tier unused.
15:52 Sue D. Nim (suednim) Anybody who's curious to see a very modest Linden Home is free to come and snoop around mine.
15:52 Carl Metropolitan Thank you Sue.
15:52 Carl Metropolitan I know Renard; I just explained that.
15:53 Sue D. Nim (suednim) Just warn me, because I spend most of my at home time changing clothes. lol
15:53 Carl Metropolitan Any last questions as we come close to the end of the hour?
15:53 Night Rider (colin.nemeth) sorry have to run
15:53 Mellie (musicalmelody7321) Talking of LI and Tier in terms of how big the parcel is? That's confusing to me. Different land owners charge different tier. It varies quite widely. It also varies how much LI you get to play with.
15:53 Phrynne I would suggest that anyone who wants to know more about how land works in SL should come to the Buying and Renting Land class at Oxbridge.
15:54 Carl Metropolitan Yes
15:54 Kara Zor - El (superpantera) I complete agree about that
15:54 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Would be the best way
15:54 Carl Metropolitan It is very complex
15:54 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) And things change as well
15:54 Phrynne The class is kept up to date.
15:54 Carl Metropolitan I suggest doing what Phrynne suggested and taking the class
15:54 Kara Zor - El (superpantera) That's right Elf
15:54 Gronk Seriman Can we stop using the confusing term "tier" and use what it usually means, RENT?
15:55 Puppy Dawg (puppysan) I must dash off. Thanks for the answers all, It's been helpful.
15:55 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Well, that's the _official_ term...
15:55 Carl Metropolitan I could, but the people would be confused when they hit LL web pages and LL is talking about "Tier"
15:55 Carl Metropolitan Bye Puppy
15:55 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) And we have to explain it to newcomers
15:55 Carl Metropolitan Yes
15:55 Carl Metropolitan Tier = Rent
15:55 Carl Metropolitan You really never own land in SL.
15:55 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) I also do not talk about "owning" a land...
15:55 Carl Metropolitan Either you or your landlord is paying LL monthly.
15:56 Carl Metropolitan If you don't pay your rent you will get evicted; If a sim owner does not pay his or her rent, LL will turn off the sim.
15:56 Carl Metropolitan It is like RL. If you don't pay your property taxes to the government, they will evict you from land you "own" and you will be living in your car!
15:57 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Depends on the country, of course
15:57 Gronk Seriman ...or in a van down by the river!
15:57 Carl Metropolitan Anyway, don't get me started on a semi-libertarian rant about all of it.
15:57 Kara Zor - El (superpantera) Or even they take away the car from you
15:58 Carl Metropolitan I try to offend everyone on my blog; not in SL :)
15:58 Renard (yipyipyipyiphowl) OK, I just checked the new linden homes. You get 1024, plus a house, and the house doesn't count against the prims.
15:58 Carl Metropolitan They changed it again.
15:58 Carl Metropolitan I guess.
15:58 Renard (yipyipyipyiphowl) They changed it when they increased the size of the parcel
15:58 Carl Metropolitan Well, that's not surprising.
15:58 Renard (yipyipyipyiphowl) It's still consistent.
15:59 Agatha Macbeth Straight from the fox's mouth...
15:59 Gronk Seriman Ooo! I may need to re-shop for a Linden home again!
15:59 Carl Metropolitan Check the details carefully before you lease land or a house from anyone—including Linden Lab.
15:59 Renard (yipyipyipyiphowl) They're also a LOT nicer.
16:00 Carl Metropolitan Renard is also talking about the NEW Linden Homes. I don't know if the LI allotment went up for the old ones.
16:00 Renard (yipyipyipyiphowl) These are the first LH I would consider getting into.
16:00 Renard (yipyipyipyiphowl) No, the allotment for the old ones didn’t go up, but neither did the cost.
16:00 Sue D. Nim (suednim) May I have that link? On the web page I looked it, what I took from it was 1024 OR a 512 house and an additional 512 allowance on the mainland.
16:01 Gronk Seriman It did a little, as I remember.
16:01 Sue D. Nim (suednim) You just made it sound like and AND, not and OR.
16:01 Carl Metropolitan So for the Linden Homes that people can actually buy right now without being on a waiting list, nothing has changed.
16:01 Sue D. Nim (suednim) Which would make a big difference
16:01 Renard (yipyipyipyiphowl) But in either case the house is free.
16:01 Carl Metropolitan No. It is not.
16:01 Renard (yipyipyipyiphowl) Sure it is.
16:01 Carl Metropolitan Renard is wrong.
16:02 Carl Metropolitan Please ignore him.
16:02 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Nothing one has to pay for, directly or indirectly, is "free"
16:02 Carl Metropolitan Do your own research.
16:02 Carl Metropolitan Take the class here on Land.
16:02 Carl Metropolitan You don't have to believe me.
16:02 Renard (yipyipyipyiphowl) OK, the house does not count against the parcel's LI
16:02 Renard (yipyipyipyiphowl) That better?
16:02 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) I believe we are out of time, any other questions?
16:02 Gronk Seriman Don't forget the other perk of a Premium account. The 300L per week allowance.
16:03 Gronk Seriman That and the free home make an interesting enticement. I like it.
16:04 Carl Metropolitan Thank you all for coming.
16:04 Agatha Macbeth Thank you
16:04 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) More notices to come watch the union group
16:04 Renard (yipyipyipyiphowl) Overall, I think renting on an estate is a better deal.
16:04 Carl Metropolitan Knowledge base article on Premium Benefits:
16:04 Carl Metropolitan
16:04 Gronk Seriman Thank you, everybody!
16:04 Renard (yipyipyipyiphowl) Especially since they increase the cost of premium.
16:04 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Past my bedtime
16:05 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Goodnight Eb
16:05 Carl Metropolitan Goodnight everyone!
16:05 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Hold the fort.
16:05 Carl Metropolitan Thank you all for coming.
16:05 Kara Zor - El (superpantera) Me too
16:05 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) try to sleep well
16:05 Kara Zor - El (superpantera) Be time
16:05 Kara Zor - El (superpantera) Sleep well Elf
16:05 Gronk Seriman Goodnight, EB!
16:05 Carl Metropolitan I am off to do the transcript for Word to post later
16:05 Carl Metropolitan See you all soon
16:05 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Be seeing you
16:05 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) bye all
16:05 Kara Zor - El (superpantera) Yes
16:05 Carl Metropolitan Thank you for coming!