Caledon Oxbridge General Q&A for 2019-09-29

15:02 Carl Metropolitan This is Oxbridge General Q&A. I'm here (usually with Andrea, but she is busy right now) to answer any question you have about Second Life, Caledon, Oxbridge, Steampunk, and anything else remotely related.
15:02 Carl Metropolitan This is not Q&A with the Deans
15:02 Carl Metropolitan That is only once monthly now
15:02 Carl Metropolitan The other three weeks I run this!
15:03 Carl Metropolitan So if you have a Dean question, we have no Deans right now I'm afraid.
15:03 Mars (emberell) We've been dean-ied!
15:03 Carl Metropolitan Andrea usually comes, but she is busy right now.
15:03 RossMetzger Weren't you a dean at one time, Carl?
15:03 Carl Metropolitan So it is just me.
15:04 Carl Metropolitan No. I was never a Dean. I was Chancellor twice and co-founder of Oxbridge (along with Desmond Shang).
15:04 Carl Metropolitan Now I am just a regular Tutor.
15:04 RossMetzger Works for me
15:05 Carl Metropolitan So yes, I can answer questions about the ancient days of Oxbridge if you like.
15:06 Carl Metropolitan Or about anything in SL now.
15:06 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Ah, the time of the Dorms...
15:06 Carl Metropolitan Hit me with your questions.
15:06 Orange Planer Future of SL: any idea?
15:07 Carl Metropolitan I think that is is going to continue a long time. I would not be surprised if it were here ten years from now. Especially as Sansar seems to have crashed and burned. Though I'm not sure that's fair; I don't know if it ever launched.
15:07 Carl Metropolitan This is what makes LL their money.
15:07 Mars (emberell) Do we have any official stats on Sansar? I hear a lot of rumor about it, but I haven't been able to get actual tangible numbers
15:07 Carl Metropolitan SL is where the people and the money are.
15:07 Carl Metropolitan I have no official stats about Sansar.
15:08 Mars (emberell) nods
15:08 Carl Metropolitan Let me ask you all this. Who here has been to Sansar?
15:08 Mars (emberell) I have, once
15:08 Carl Metropolitan I have once, too.
15:08 Carl Metropolitan Anyone else?
15:08 Badass Fae (larkylouz) me, once at the very beginning
15:08 Carl Metropolitan Hello Eva
15:08 RossMetzger Not I, nor my other avatar
15:08 Carl Metropolitan Hello Larky
15:08 Mars (emberell) Not in recent days
15:08 Orange Planer Sansar crashed?
15:08 Badass Fae (larkylouz) Hi Carl, all
15:08 Mars (emberell) It's a virtual world, so I imagine it's changed leaps since then
15:09 Mars (emberell) I think Sansar is still running, but hasn't been doing as well as LL may have hoped
15:09 Carl Metropolitan I am saying that is it not the successful follow-on to Second Life that LL said it would be. That is what I meant by "crashed".
15:09 Lyban Never been
15:09 Orange Planer nods
15:09 Carl Metropolitan I can't figure out what they spent the money on to be honest.
15:09 Mars (emberell) High tech VR-capable experience
15:10 Carl Metropolitan Avatars are awful, it is impossible to move, laggy as hell.
15:10 Orange Planer They're betting on VR, but not enough people are going the VR route.
15:10 RossMetzger They should have invested in SL server upgrades instead.
15:10 Orange Planer They did, Ross.
15:10 lovejoy2199 Showing my age, something like PS/2 was.
15:10 Carl Metropolitan LL has continued to invest in SL, but at a greatly reduced rate.
15:11 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Lots of people, including me, would need much faster computers to go to Sansar...
15:11 RossMetzger I have no interest in VR.
15:11 Carl Metropolitan I don't know what the stats are now, but when Sansar was starting up, it took up 2/3rds of LL's programming and engineering team.
15:11 Mars (emberell) Sansar also simply doesn't cater to mac, I believe...
15:11 Mars (emberell) Or at least, Phrynne was shunted out of it again when she tried to join
15:11 elui5555556 excuse me, are there dorms in second life
15:12 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) has non-standard eyes so default VR devices would not work.
15:12 Carl Metropolitan Elui. No, there are not.
15:12 Gronk Seriman That's Sansar's weakness. Few people have the computer nor the internet pipes, nor the goggles, to be in Sansar.
15:12 Carl Metropolitan There are a variety of low cost rental options.
15:12 Badass Fae (larkylouz) At least not in Oxbridge, Elui
15:12 Carl Metropolitan Depending on what you consider low cost.
15:12 Carl Metropolitan I've seen small furnished skybox rentals for as little as 50L$ a week.
15:13 Carl Metropolitan If you want to rent in Caledon, you can get a small parcel of land for as low as 450L$ a week.
15:13 elui5555556 thanks
15:13 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Read the Covenant as well
15:14 Carl Metropolitan If you are looking for land in Caledon, ask me after the Q&A and I can try to help you find some thing.
15:15 Carl Metropolitan Okay. Next question?
15:15 RossMetzger There's a class on buying and renting land in SL, you should check it out
15:15 Carl Metropolitan Thank you Ross
15:15 Carl Metropolitan It is Saturday at 12 noon SLT
15:15 Carl Metropolitan Lindal Kidd teaches it
15:16 Gronk Seriman She's been teaching it for years.
15:16 Lyban It's a very good class
15:16 Carl Metropolitan She teaches three great classes, I wish everyone could take, "How to Buy & Rent Land in SL", "Avatar Safety", and "Smart Shopper Fundamentals"
15:16 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) And very popular at times
15:17 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (atlasshrugged3) I am assuming the minutes of this session will be published?
15:17 Carl Metropolitan I know they will be forwarded to Wordsmith. He has not set up a place for them on the website yet though.
15:17 Carl Metropolitan So it may be a while. He's quite busy
15:18 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (atlasshrugged3) I have some statements to share.
15:18 Carl Metropolitan Please.
15:18 Carl Metropolitan Share with us.
15:18 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (atlasshrugged3) Information to the Deans
15:18 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (atlasshrugged3) I currently have a very dedicated batch of Students at Photo Salon
It very rewarding teaching when the students are engaged
15:19 Carl Metropolitan The next Q&A With the Deans is October 13th. They will all be there that afternoon. I will be happy to pass on anything you have though.
15:19 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (atlasshrugged3) ok
15:19 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (atlasshrugged3) On October 30th – The class will be “Event Photography - Tour of Halloween Sims”
15:19 Carl Metropolitan That sounds fun
15:19 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (atlasshrugged3) Field trip to the Scariest Halloween SIMs documenting the trip as a Tourist, telling the story of your journey.
15:20 Agatha Macbeth waves to Jorge
15:20 Carl Metropolitan welcomes Jorge and Norma
15:20 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (atlasshrugged3) I am starting my search for the appropriate Halloween Sims for the field trip
I will share my field trip list to the Deans when my list of Halloween Sims is finalized
15:20 RossMetzger That's probably one of the things keeping Andrea busy, setting up the Halloween stuff
15:20 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (atlasshrugged3) Maybe by Oct 13th
15:21 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (atlasshrugged3) Also, that class concludes Photo Salon’ current term.
15:21 Carl Metropolitan You can just go to Wordsmith. Along with being Chancellor, he is also the Dean of Education. (If you need this approved? If it is just for information, share away with all)
15:21 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (atlasshrugged3) I will start a new term in November, packed with special Christmas theme photography classes
15:21 lovejoy2199 Teddy? Does Linden Realms still have it "Halloween' sim?
15:22 Carl Metropolitan How long to terms of the Photo Salon class last?
15:22 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (atlasshrugged3) Thank you are allowing me to share information
15:22 Carl Metropolitan That's what we are here for, Teddy
15:22 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (atlasshrugged3) Lovejoy, I typically start with the Lindens List of SL Halloween SIMs
15:22 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (atlasshrugged3) In past years, Linden Realms was not on that list
15:23 lovejoy2199 OK.
15:23 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) I take it there is still grinding for lindens in the Realms?
15:23 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (atlasshrugged3) Halloween SIM will open up in earnest next week
15:23 Carl Metropolitan I think they have some sort of haunted cornfield game there.
15:24 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (atlasshrugged3) Personally its easier taking the students on the Halloween SIMS that have rides
15:24 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (atlasshrugged3) Field Trips is kind of like herding cats
15:24 Carl Metropolitan Thank you Teddy
15:25 Carl Metropolitan Okay. Let's take the next question.
15:25 Carl Metropolitan Need to know something about Second Life? Here's where to ask.
15:25 Carl Metropolitan What I don't know I can find out quickly
15:25 Carl Metropolitan Or point you to someone who does know.
15:26 RossMetzger Are you ever going to bring back Trivia night?
15:27 Carl Metropolitan Not any time soon
15:27 Carl Metropolitan I've been spending most of my SL/Oxbridge time working on the freebies
15:27 Carl Metropolitan I still have a more to do there.
15:27 Carl Metropolitan I failed at uploading a skin that should have worked, so I need to find someone who can help me do that right.
15:28 Carl Metropolitan For the freebies section.
15:28 RossMetzger misses the green glowing ball
15:28 Gronk Seriman Yes , the Freebies! That has grown to significant proportions. Should we advertise our Freebie spot more in the Plaza?
15:28 Gronk Seriman Or at the end of the Orientation?
15:28 Carl Metropolitan You are welcome to point people to it.
15:28 Badass Fae (larkylouz) Good idea, that last, Gronk.
15:28 Carl Metropolitan It is now open for business.
15:29 Carl Metropolitan It has a lot more to grow though.
15:29 Carl Metropolitan But it is strong in building and scripting stuff.
15:29 Carl Metropolitan As well as furniture and buildings and vehicles
15:29 Carl Metropolitan I need more free things in the Avatars category
15:29 Gronk Seriman It's the warehouse for making a nice place in Caledon, too.
15:30 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Lots of people have heard about the new freebies already
15:30 Carl Metropolitan Maybe some signs? I will check with Phrynne on that.
15:30 Carl Metropolitan Good
15:30 Carl Metropolitan I've also updated Lindal's freebie notecard with a lot of places
15:30 RossMetzger I was over there scarfing up stuff when Elfbiter TPed me here ;)
15:30 Carl Metropolitan And took out a bunch that are gone now.
15:30 Lyban I didn't notice the buildings. Have to go back for another look.
15:30 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) And they have specifically come to Oxbridge to see what is available.
15:30 Carl Metropolitan That is available in one of the posters there.
15:31 Carl Metropolitan Look in the center section
15:31 Carl Metropolitan There are several very nice mesh ones
15:31 Lyban Ooh... Good
15:31 Carl Metropolitan Please don't rez them down there. Use a sandbox to look at them.
15:31 Lyban I rez responsibly
15:31 RossMetzger Speaking of signs, I noticed a minor typo in the Steampunk locations directory sign...
15:32 Carl Metropolitan Do people who have used the new freebies area find it an improvement over the previous one? Are there any things I could do to make it better.
15:32 Carl Metropolitan Please let me know , Ross. I have one to correct pending already.
15:32 RossMetzger On the sign, and in the notecard, "Mieville" is misspelled "MieLville"
15:32 Jorge Serapis Are the houses there the Advent Calendar ones..?
15:33 Carl Metropolitan Yes. Phrynne told me she has permission to give them out no transfer
15:34 Jorge Serapis Brilliant.
15:34 Carl Metropolitan Some of the furniture is from past advent calendars, too.
15:34 Lyban I like the Caledon themed items
15:34 Gronk Seriman Nice!
15:34 Carl Metropolitan I donated a few things to this Advent that will ultimately make it into freebies next year
15:34 Carl Metropolitan Thank you
15:34 Carl Metropolitan We try to support the theme when we can.
15:35 Carl Metropolitan Ross. I have that already in my queue to fix.
15:35 Gronk Seriman I guess that's a pipeline to more Freebies. Donations to the Advent Calendar that are also permitted as Freebies.
15:36 Gronk Seriman It's up to the maker, of course.
15:36 Carl Metropolitan I have a number of places I've been to lazy/socially awkward to approach and ask for freebies, too :)
15:36 RossMetzger brb, hungry cat is pestering me :)
15:37 Carl Metropolitan It used to be much easier when we had more shops in Caledon.
15:37 Carl Metropolitan Do the new box designs work for everyone? I was trying to get as much info and a photo of the freebie on the box as I could.
15:38 Lyban The uniform branding is a good
15:38 Gronk Seriman Carl, they are works of art. And I have an idea how much work each individual box took. Bravo!
15:38 Carl Metropolitan Thank you.
15:38 Carl Metropolitan I hope they are easy to use.
15:38 Lyban They are
15:39 Carl Metropolitan They don't take that long. I have a template in photoshop
15:39 Carl Metropolitan Okay. Next question?
15:40 Gronk Seriman Anybody here ever tried SineSpace?
15:40 Carl Metropolitan No. What is it?
15:41 Carl Metropolitan Mathematical modeling software?
15:41 Carl Metropolitan A porn chat program?
15:41 Gronk Seriman It's another online world. Easy to wander. But you have to build content in the Unity gaming engine.
15:41 Carl Metropolitan Badly named?
15:42 RossMetzger Only other virtual world I tried was inWorldz
15:42 Carl Metropolitan InWorldz was based on a reverse engineering of the SL server, right?
15:43 Carl Metropolitan Gronk, I don't even know what the Unity Gaming Engine is.
15:43 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Unity is connected to Quake, IIRC
15:43 RossMetzger Probably.
15:43 Gronk Seriman
15:44 Gronk Seriman It's a platform for making computer games. Kinda like the Unreal platform many games are based on. Unity seems to be the King.
15:44 Carl Metropolitan Just looking at the web page they seem to have gotten a few things right. They understand that people want to socialize. That they want to have nice looking avatars. That they want to be able to make stuff.
15:45 Gronk Seriman SineSpace has been around for a long time, and I think survived a few name changes. Not clear.
15:45 RossMetzger I'm still waiting (and waiting and waiting) for Antilia to come out
15:45 Carl Metropolitan A lot of virtual worlds have come and gone since SL came online.
15:45 Carl Metropolitan SL was not the first either
15:46 Carl Metropolitan There was before it.
15:46 Carl Metropolitan So was Active Worlds
15:47 Carl Metropolitan But SL came along with the right (perhaps accidental) mix of factors and took off.
15:47 Gronk Seriman I just mentioned SineSpace when I saw a lull develop.
15:47 Gronk Seriman smiles
15:48 Carl Metropolitan It is cool. I am not an expert on competing virtual worlds
15:48 Carl Metropolitan I spent a little time in Blue Mars. It was nice, but it never caught on.
15:48 Gronk Seriman It is fun to wander for a few days. Some of the old lands they have are broken and unfixed. That's why I think its been around for a while.
15:49 Carl Metropolitan Okay. Next question? Comment? Random observation?
15:51 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) the only form of perfection is being perfectly as you are
15:51 Carl Metropolitan Okay. If there are no more questions, then I guess we will quit a few minutes early.
15:51 Carl Metropolitan Thank you all for coming tonight.