CVL-Caledon Literary Group Transcript for 2020-07-09

Andre Norton — All Cats Are Gray

16:37 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hi Max
16:38 Max Chatnoir Hi, Wordsmith.
16:38 Max Chatnoir I guess I have the right place.
16:39 Max Chatnoir For some reason I had Stonesedge outdoor meeting center or something like that on my calendar.
16:39 Wordsmith Jarvinen You do. I'm just waiting for things to rez
16:40 Max Chatnoir OH, good!
16:40 Max Chatnoir Thanks.
16:40 Max Chatnoir Nice outfit.
16:40 Max Chatnoir space age academic!
16:41 Wordsmith Jarvinen Outdoor seating around the corner, it seems
16:42 Cooper Udimo Hiya Welcome!
16:42 Cooper Udimo just setting things up
16:43 Max Chatnoir That's OK. I came early to be sure I could find it.
16:43 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hi, Cooper. Same with me
16:47 Max Chatnoir What are you reading these days, Val.
16:47 Max Chatnoir or writing. :-)
16:48 Valibrarian Gregg Tonight a read aloud! Starting at 5pm- CVL and Caledon present a Read Aloud at Cooper's Coffeehouse. Meet out back! Here's the story
16:48 Valibrarian Gregg
16:48 Valibrarian Gregg and tomorrow I share the book I just wrote at the Nonprofit Commons :) 8:30am
16:49 Max Chatnoir Let me get that on the calendar.
16:51 Max Chatnoir Might run into my AC guy.
16:52 Max Chatnoir But it's on the calendar.
16:52 Valibrarian Gregg ok great
16:53 Cooper Udimo Of course! Feel free to utilize it anytime
16:53 Max Chatnoir Put me on the list1
16:53 Cooper Udimo Unfortunately I got into a new computer which does not have a mic yet so I'm unable to join :/
16:53 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) hallo
16:53 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hi, Welcome
16:53 Max Chatnoir Hello, Ololo!
16:53 Cooper Udimo Welcome! ㋡
16:53 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) ;)
16:54 Cooper Udimo Love the avatar Ololo
16:54 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) :)
16:54 KayCooper waits for things to rez...
16:55 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hiya, Kay.
16:55 KayCooper Hello :)
16:55 Cooper Udimo Just putting down some extra seating ㋡
16:55 KayCooper yay! Ololo isn't just floating eyeballs anymore :)
16:56 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) oh!
16:56 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) must have been scary!
16:56 KayCooper yes, it's nice that you have a proper head now
16:56 Cooper Udimo Yes Max
16:57 Cooper Udimo Meant to put out these refreshments earlier ;P
16:58 KayCooper oooh snacks :)
16:58 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) I have certainly read a few works from Andre Norton, but that was as a kid many many years ago. I don't remember if I read this one.
16:59 Wordsmith Jarvinen This was written back when. Likely one of her earlier pieces, showing the pen-name Andre North.
16:59 (DS) Blackboard A new fishing contest is starting! Catch as many fish as you can within 29 minutes.
17:00 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) hmmm
17:00 KayCooper I read a couple of her time traders novels a very long time ago
17:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen Can everyone hear voice?
17:01 Max Chatnoir I think so.
17:01 Cooper Udimo Yes ㋡
17:01 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) is anybody talking now?
17:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen And are there others than Val, Max, and myself who would like to read.
17:01 Valibrarian Gregg yes
17:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen ?
17:01 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) ok
17:01 KayCooper I hear you
17:01 Max Chatnoir Yes
17:02 Ludova (quippe.wylder) yes
17:02 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) I can't read, sorry
17:02 Ludova (quippe.wylder) Love to
17:02 Wordsmith Jarvinen Val, Max, Ludova, & myself
17:03 Wordsmith Jarvinen Then, I'll start.
17:03 Max Chatnoir And I'll follow Val.
17:03 Valibrarian Gregg
17:04 Andy Sullivan (thechemengineer) Yes.
17:04 Max Chatnoir Yes
17:04 TaTa (777tata777) oh yes :)
17:04 Cooper Udimo Sounds great!
17:04 KayCooper yes
17:05 Valibrarian Gregg Welcome George!
17:05 Valibrarian Gregg Just started reading here:
17:05 Cooper Udimo Welcome George - feel free to grab a seat. There are refreshments and coffee on the table over there
17:05 Curious George Hi, everyone
17:05 Valibrarian Gregg Let us know if you want to read aloud or just listen :)
17:05 TaTa (777tata777) waves hi
17:05 KayCooper Hi George
17:10 Valibrarian Gregg Ludo? Voice working?
17:10 TaTa (777tata777) yes :)
17:11 KayCooper nods
17:11 Valibrarian Gregg Welcome Riddler! We are reading here
17:12 Cooper Udimo Welcome Riddling! Feel free to grab a seat. There are refreshments and coffee on the table next to you
17:20 Curious George This is a fun gathering, but unfortunately I have to go, RL calls. Have fun, everyone!
17:20 KayCooper Bye George
17:20 TaTa (777tata777) yes :)
17:20 Cooper Udimo Bye George - thanks for coming out!
17:21 Valibrarian Gregg don't hear you now Ludo!
17:21 Valibrarian Gregg Did Ludo's voice cut out?
17:21 Cooper Udimo I do not
17:21 KayCooper I don't either
17:22 Valibrarian Gregg okay! she can catch up if it works!
17:26 Valibrarian Gregg haha INteresting story!
17:26 Valibrarian Gregg gray! world
17:26 KayCooper Space cats rule
17:26 Valibrarian Gregg The title....all cats are gray- makes sense now
17:27 Valibrarian Gregg oh true!
17:27 Valibrarian Gregg "And it kills—it must—when its curiosity is satisfied." Reminded me of CURIOSITY killed the cat!
17:27 Cooper Udimo They totally can
17:28 KayCooper That seems likely the inspiration for this story
17:28 KayCooper I always wonder about the colors I can't see
17:29 Valibrarian Gregg ooh an extra green gene! interesting
17:29 Cooper Udimo Oh wow I never knew that
17:29 KayCooper Ohh cool
17:29 Valibrarian Gregg My husband LOVES colors so much (his clothes get wacky sometimes!) I always thought maybe he had more rods and cones than me or something! hehe
17:30 Cooper Udimo I've met a few people who are color blind. Super interesting because they can still tell the color usually because it just looks different than what we see but they learn what color its "supposed" to be.
17:31 Valibrarian Gregg The Giver by Lois Lowry (Newbery Award book)- the world is all black and white in the future- I love this book!
17:31 KayCooper I'm not
17:31 Cooper Udimo Wow - nearly 10%? That's incredible.
17:32 Andy Sullivan (thechemengineer) I watch The Giver movie. Very good.
17:32 Valibrarian Gregg I was not familiar with this author- Andre Alice Norton
17:33 Valibrarian Gregg She was the first woman to be Gandalf Grand Master of Fantasy,[2] to be SFWA Grand Master,[3] and to be inducted by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame
17:33 KayCooper Bye Ludova
17:33 Valibrarian Gregg Good to see you Ludo
17:33 Cooper Udimo Thank you so much for coming!
17:33 Cooper Udimo Feel free to come by anytime ㋡
17:34 Cooper Udimo TaTa I couldn't hear you if you said something.
17:34 Wordsmith Jarvinen Couldn't make that out TaTa
17:34 Cooper Udimo Is it very expensive?
17:35 Cooper Udimo For unlimited books? :O
17:35 Cooper Udimo lol
17:35 Wordsmith Jarvinen There are also public-domain books and audio books under the Internet archive.
17:36 Cooper Udimo Oh that sounds so much better than Kindle books
17:36 Cooper Udimo It's upsetting that the Kindle versions of so many books are MORE expensive than the paper
17:36 Wordsmith Jarvinen Some of the Kindle books have optional audio versions.
17:36 Cooper Udimo Not a problem TaTa! Thank you for coming by.
17:36 TaTa (777tata777) thank you :)
17:37 KayCooper Bye Tata
17:37 Cooper Udimo Take care ㋡
17:38 Valibrarian Gregg
17:39 Cooper Udimo That is so true. I never thought of it like that.
17:39 KayCooper yeah, that is very interesting
17:40 Cooper Udimo "they don't make them like they used to" - is so damn true.
17:40 KayCooper mhmm
17:40 KayCooper I think with SL you build your own space more...that gives is a bit more value I think
17:40 Cooper Udimo I've been embracing a more minimalist lifestyle lately. Trying to minimize my environmental impact - but the added benefit is you just have more time to focus on hobbies and relationships
17:41 Cooper Udimo Really!?!
17:41 Valibrarian Gregg yes Kay- sustainable (persistent) environments
17:41 Cooper Udimo Absolutely.
17:42 Cooper Udimo I wonder if SL in the next 5-10 years will bridge into Virtual Reality.
17:42 KayCooper In a lot of ways
17:42 Cooper Udimo Especially since they are being bought out
17:42 Valibrarian Gregg Sci- fi sort of becomes real...but somehow different usually!
17:42 Cooper Udimo Well, Linden Labs is
17:42 Cooper Udimo if you haven't already heard:
17:42 Wordsmith Jarvinen
17:43 Cooper Udimo Linden Labs is being bought by some investment firm. I haven't dug too deep into it.
17:43 Wordsmith Jarvinen That's a link to a 1966 book on American anti-intellectualism
17:43 Cooper Udimo From what I gather yes
17:43 Cooper Udimo Published today.
17:43 KayCooper Oh no...I hope this doesn't ruin it
17:44 Cooper Udimo Linden Research, Inc. announced today it signed an agreement to be acquired by an investment group led by Randy Waterfield and Brad Oberwager. Closing of the acquisition is subject to regulatory approval by financial regulators in the U.S. related to Tilia Inc.’s status as a licensed money transmitter as well as other customary closing conditions. Upon closing, Mr. Waterfield and Mr. Oberwager will join the Board of Directors of Linden Research, Inc.

“We’re excited for this new chapter to begin. We see this as an opportunity to continue growth and expansion for Second Life and our money services business Tilia,” says Linden Lab CEO Ebbe Altberg. “We're grateful for the ongoing support from our community, business partners and investors. Now more than ever, there is increased recognition of the value and utility of virtual worlds to bring people together for safe, shared, and social online experiences.”

“Both the company and its virtual world community have a unique culture and creative energy
17:44 KayCooper The danger is if they start to prioritize profit over the community...
17:44 Valibrarian Gregg hhmm maybe some big changes ahead
17:44 Cooper Udimo I mean SL is moving to the cloud - so one of their most massive costs - server space - won't be there anymore. So I think SL is definitely here to stay
17:44 Wordsmith Jarvinen I agree Kay.
17:44 Cooper Udimo So true Kay
17:45 Cooper Udimo I hope they release their "intentions" soon.
17:45 Andy Sullivan (thechemengineer) The investment group must see an opportunity to monetize SL and see more value than Linden sees.
17:45 KayCooper I hope it stays for good
17:45 Cooper Udimo Same!
17:45 Cooper Udimo Could you imagine being able to buy a sim for say, $100 a month lol
17:46 Wordsmith Jarvinen It could give them more stability in finances.
17:46 Cooper Udimo I'll be in RL class :/
17:46 Wordsmith Jarvinen LL at one point cut out the educational discount. That motivated moving to open sim.
17:47 Cooper Udimo I remember when they did that!
17:48 Valibrarian Gregg ooh Quantum Mechanics? love it!!
17:48 Valibrarian Gregg qubits!
17:48 Cooper Udimo 2020 needs to just be over. Hah
17:49 KayCooper Thank you :)
17:49 Andy Sullivan (thechemengineer) Thank you everyone.
17:49 Cooper Udimo Thank you all so much! ㋡
17:49 Cooper Udimo Same to you! ㋡
17:49 Cooper Udimo ;)
17:49 Valibrarian Gregg take care all!
17:49 Valibrarian Gregg bye for now
17:49 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) Thank you! See you soon
17:49 KayCooper bye :)