Caledon Community Meeting for 2024-09-14

13:46 NeoBokrug Elytis Haha yay! That is an extremely cool "chair" you have there.
13:50 Nyree Rain Thank you. I bought it for this use about 3 meetings ago and then kept missing the meetings.
13:54 Aury (aurysa) hello everyone!
13:54 KayCooper Hi Aury
13:55 Owlie Fairelander Greetings!
13:55 Ravelli Ormstein Hello everybody
13:55 Aury (aurysa) hi there Ravelli :)
13:56 Owlie Fairelander Greetings!
13:58 Katie (katie.canningham) Hi everybody!
13:58 KayCooper Hi Katie
13:58 NeoBokrug Elytis For those who are here, Sandling is playing some music for us for the meeting.
13:58 Aury (aurysa) hi there Katie
13:58 Katie (katie.canningham) Hi Kay! Hi Aury!
13:58 Katie (katie.canningham) Hi Owlie and Neo and Sandling and Ravelli and Elf!
13:58 Katie (katie.canningham) Hi Nyree!
13:58 Katie (katie.canningham) Hi Wordsmith and Andrea!
13:58 Wordsmith Jarvinen I see you brought your elegance and your books, Kay
13:59 KayCooper grins
13:59 KayCooper always travel with books ;)
13:59 Sandling Honey Hey there :D
13:59 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hiya, Katie
13:59 Owlie Fairelander Greetings!
13:59 Owlie Fairelander Nyree went afk to eat dinner for a few.
13:59 KayCooper Hi Zahra
14:00 Zahra Ethaniel Hi Kay :)
14:00 Zahra Ethaniel Hello Neo Guv :)
14:00 Zahra Ethaniel Greetings Everyone :)
14:00 Zahra Ethaniel Hugs Owlie
14:00 Aury (aurysa) hi there Zahra!
14:00 Zahra Ethaniel Hi Hi :)
14:00 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hi, Zahra :)
14:01 Zahra Ethaniel Hello :)
14:01 Katie (katie.canningham) Hi Zahra!
14:01 Sandling Honey Heyooo :)
14:01 Owlie Fairelander Greetings, Zahra and Katie and all!
14:01 NeoBokrug Elytis Good afternoon everyone! We'll give folks a couple more minutes to arrive fashionably late.
14:02 Ravelli Ormstein do we need clothes???
14:02 Aury (aurysa) fur is fine Ravelli :P
14:02 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) grins. I was about to say "those who are waiting for their outfits to rez so they don't tp in nekkie"
14:02 Ravelli Ormstein ;-)
14:03 Zahra Ethaniel I need Nyree's cool hand chair
14:03 NeoBokrug Elytis brb real quick
14:03 KayCooper Hi Jorge Hi Magda
14:04 Magda Kameneva (magda.fairelander) Nuuuuuuu!
14:04 Katie (katie.canningham) It's a "cool hand look"
14:04 Katie (katie.canningham) Hi Jorge and Magda!
14:04 Magda Kameneva (magda.fairelander) Hi, Kay.
14:04 Magda Kameneva (magda.fairelander) Hi, all.
14:04 Magda Kameneva (magda.fairelander) What's new?
14:04 Zahra Ethaniel Hi Magda and Jorge
14:04 Magda Kameneva (magda.fairelander) Oh, Nyree, I'm going to need to borrow your hands for tonight.
14:04 Owlie Fairelander While Neo's aways we should do the vote for Neo's October costume he has to wear for the whole month to celebrate Halloween.
14:05 NeoBokrug Elytis I heard that
14:05 NeoBokrug Elytis Okay!
14:05 Owlie Fairelander Oops
14:05 Magda Kameneva (magda.fairelander) Yay!
14:05 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) something steamy
14:05 NeoBokrug Elytis Thanks for coming everyone!
14:05 Ravelli Ormstein votes for one pink sock
14:05 Magda Kameneva (magda.fairelander) Boudoir steamy or clockwork gears steamy?
14:05 NeoBokrug Elytis I got a lot to say and only 50 minutes to cram it in.
14:05 Magda Kameneva (magda.fairelander) Or both?
14:05 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) why not both?
14:05 NeoBokrug Elytis So I have prepared a few paragraphs because I can't talk that fast. So we'll go with a few copy paste things.
14:05 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) with a crocheted Rawr cap, of course.
14:06 Katie (katie.canningham) Hi Lady Aeval!
14:06 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) *kitty
14:06 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) Hiya :)
14:06 NeoBokrug Elytis Just a reminder, Sandling is playing us some music for this meeting, so toggle your streams.
14:06 NeoBokrug Elytis Occupancy this month is about the same as it was last month. For a bit we had a bump up, but then a bump back down yesterday.
14:06 NeoBokrug Elytis Shortly after I took over Caledon had 100% occupancy, and even though there's a small spattering of yellow parcels for sale on the map right now -- it doesn't really tell the whole story for this past year. I spoke with Des this past month, sort of catching up about things, and he reminded me that Caledon had just shed three regions before I took over, and a couple more regions the year before that. Things had been in a downward decline. It got me to thinking though...
14:06 NeoBokrug Elytis But before I continue, I have to be a little candid here -- if only to give context to my internal workings; I am pretty confident I have a degree of impostor syndrome. For me it is a double edged sword. On one hand I frequently doubt what I do, feel that my efforts are never quite good enough, and sometimes worry that folks will come to the realization that I'm not that great as people believe I am. On the other hand because I am aware of my own behaviors and quirks, I tend to work and try harder to not give reason to validate these feelings. Sort of a self therapy I guess. I promise this will make sense near the end.
14:07 NeoBokrug Elytis Everyone could have bailed after the transition of power. I could have made some massive screw up that alienated folks. I genuinely worry about these things, because I don't want to mess up the community.
14:07 NeoBokrug Elytis After I was done talking with Des, I got to really sit down and analyze things logically. Caledon had been in a slow freefall for a couple years, and after the transition Crymru and Dream had become "vacant", but not immediately available due to the redesigns. So we hit 100% occupancy pretty easily. Then as they became done, the new owners moved in, and understandably moved their holdings around. This was 100% expected. So if we look at the occupancy Caledon has now, and accounting for the first few months of startup -- Caledon's net occupancy is really the same. TO a degree I saw that as some personal failure -- because of the impostor syndrome.
14:08 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Impostor syndrome is better than Dunning-Kruger
14:08 NeoBokrug Elytis But talking with Des and the residents here, reminded me that I had stopped the freefall. And that by adjusting some regions and fixing their LI allocations, and adding parcels -- we even had bumps in total occupancy gain this past year. The problem for me specifically was that, I wasn't acknowledging it properly.
14:09 NeoBokrug Elytis But this community chose to stay together, to give me a chance, and just the ... tidal wave of support everyone has given me publicly, and in personal IMs is very humbling.
14:09 NeoBokrug Elytis That is not to say that The Wastelands doesn't compliment me too -- it is just that I was "The outsider", and I didn't expect it, or felt I deserved it.
14:10 Ravelli Ormstein hear, hear!
14:10 NeoBokrug Elytis So I want to thank everyone, personally, here and now, publicly.
14:10 Magda Kameneva (magda.fairelander) It's too late, Neo, you're one of us now. Gobble gobble!
14:10 Katie (katie.canningham) Yes, you're an insider now!
14:10 NeoBokrug Elytis haha!
14:10 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) smiles.
14:10 Sandling Honey *gasps*
14:10 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) your stuck with us
14:11 NeoBokrug Elytis Any questions about all that?
14:11 Zahra Ethaniel Huzzah Neo! Very glad you are at the Helm here :)
14:11 Ravelli Ormstein thank you too Neo for enduring us :-)
14:11 Jorge Serapis Wait. who's this Neo guy... ?
14:11 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) wait reverse that
14:11 NeoBokrug Elytis hah!
14:11 Katie (katie.canningham) We'd rudder have you at the helm!
14:11 Zahra Ethaniel lol Katie
14:11 Katie (katie.canningham) :)
14:11 Magda Kameneva (magda.fairelander) Hacker, legal name Thomas Anderson.
14:11 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) guess, related to that, I should bring up be totally transparent.
14:12 Ravelli Ormstein sees a white bunny
14:12 Magda Kameneva (magda.fairelander) hums "White Rabbit"
14:13 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) Speirling and Pensans are paid up through the end of October (or thereabouts). After that, I don't know what will happen. But Neo--if you hadn't been so encouraging over this past year, they may have poofed before now. I just want to make sure that it's above board that whatever happens, it is NOT a knee-jerk reaction to anything you've done or said.
14:13 Mari Moonbeam one prim makes you smaller and PBR doesn't do anything at all...
14:13 NeoBokrug Elytis We'll figure it out Aev. :)
14:14 Katie (katie.canningham) Ask Andrea when she's 30m tall
14:14 Katie (katie.canningham) (hugs!)
14:14 Owlie Fairelander Well, two regions is a lot financially, Aeval ---understandable to let downsize a bit. You have held a lot of land over the years.
14:14 NeoBokrug Elytis Would you allow folks to donate Aev?
14:15 Katie (katie.canningham) I was thinking Pensans would be a great spot for a festival
14:15 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) "Save the Witches of Speirling" fund?
14:15 Ravelli Ormstein Pensival
14:16 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) hopes white rabbit does not turn into white elephant
14:16 NeoBokrug Elytis Perhaps there can be a party, we should speak of it later Aev -- if that is okay. :)
14:16 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) Things may work out fine. I mean, I managed to turn a 25USD piece of mainland into 300USD...then sank it into the meters to save them for a few more weeks. :)
14:17 Magda Kameneva (magda.fairelander) You flipper!
14:17 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) (I'm not--it was total luck!)
14:17 Katie (katie.canningham) with great porpoise
14:17 Mari Moonbeam gentrification
14:17 Owlie Fairelander Do whatever is best for you.
14:17 NeoBokrug Elytis Yeah! First life comes first.
14:17 NeoBokrug Elytis Always.
14:18 NeoBokrug Elytis We'll revisit this today if we have time, and I'll talk with Aev more, an we'll come up with a plan.
14:18 NeoBokrug Elytis Haha Sandling.
14:18 Sandling Honey ;D
14:19 Magda Kameneva (magda.fairelander) \o/
14:19 NeoBokrug Elytis A year ago I said I'd revisit the tier situation here, where some folks pay cost or very near cost, and in a couple instances less than cost.
14:20 NeoBokrug Elytis I am fine with where tier is now for everyone for the time being. If I adjust tier by increasing it ever, I'll give folks plenty of warning, and if I decrease tier, probably no warning. ;)
14:20 NeoBokrug Elytis Only a couple folks were bumped up to cost this week, but they had ample warning months ago.
14:21 Mari Moonbeam holds out bowl, please Sir some more?
14:22 NeoBokrug Elytis One to-do item for me is to work on new landing spots? I know the old "Welcome to Caledon" boards are heirlooms at this point. But Caledon is a lot bigger, a lot more diverse, and the notecards in them are very outdated. That'll probably be the first thing I work on once I come back from working on The Wastelands important things.
14:22 NeoBokrug Elytis If you have ideas of things you'd like to see at these new landing spots, let me know. I have some good ideas already.
14:23 Ravelli Ormstein maybe these signs I updated about renting in Caledon?
14:23 NeoBokrug Elytis I also want to make sure that things that are rezzed at the telehubs now are... applicable and up-to-date. So I will be asking their owners about that.
14:23 Mari Moonbeam will they be forced landing spots? Like Tam is ?
14:23 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) male and female burlesque dancers with welcome to Caledon signs?
14:23 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) Interactive scamp news hawkers at the main corners?
14:23 NeoBokrug Elytis Probably not Mari, I plan to change that in Tam.
14:23 Mari Moonbeam Thank you
14:24 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) maybe what to do in the region notecard givers
14:24 KayCooper That would be good
14:24 NeoBokrug Elytis I may centralize any information dispensed, so changes can be made from one location.
14:24 NeoBokrug Elytis And kept up to date.
14:24 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) so clubs, pubs and events can be listed
14:25 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) the usual, chips, dips chains and whips
14:25 Ravelli Ormstein centralizing is great
14:25 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) Ages ago, a former resident had what I thought was a pretty brilliant idea to handle upgrading things. A Caledon National Museum. Of course, it would take having people with edit rights on the legacy items to move them into it...
14:25 KayCooper That would be awesome if it was doable
14:26 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Which reminds me that we could have more freebies...
14:26 NeoBokrug Elytis All good ideas so far, I will take them in to consideration when I am working on things.
14:26 Jorge Serapis Something I've done and encourage people is to give copies of builds to the Guv as backup.
14:27 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) We already have a build for it. That castle Jorge did for SLB was awe-inspiring.
14:27 NeoBokrug Elytis This past year I haven't really REALLY advertised for Caledon yet. That'll change in the next week or two. I've been scouting locations for where I want to place them.
14:27 Magda Kameneva (magda.fairelander) Yes!
14:28 Jorge Serapis Thank you. (*fauxblushes*)
14:28 KayCooper It was quite impressive
14:28 NeoBokrug Elytis Aev: Going back a bit TheEthereal hand is the official "stuff" account. If you want someone to move your stuff with edit rights, maybe share them with that account.
14:28 Magda Kameneva (magda.fairelander) Um, is there any PBR in/on the castle?
14:29 NeoBokrug Elytis Neo cannot share edit on anything, due to how I run the games in The Wastelands -- too much room for exploits.
14:29 Jorge Serapis On the SL21B build? No.
14:29 Magda Kameneva (magda.fairelander) Sehr gut.
14:30 NeoBokrug Elytis After working on the telehub spots, I want to get back to renovating regions. Due to real life, and months of difficulties, I am not anywhere near I wanted to be with the renovations. I do acknowledge I've made some good progress though.
14:31 Jorge Serapis You've made solid progress, Neo... and I for one, thank you.
14:31 Ravelli Ormstein well said, Jorge, and I agree
14:31 Jorge Serapis more importantly, you've listened to and taken onboard ideas and suggestions.. even when you've said I'm full of shit. :-)
14:31 NeoBokrug Elytis The Steam Meets Scrap event was overwhelmingly successful. Almost everyone I pinged to perform was available -- and I honestly was not prepared for that. In hindsight the event should have been 2 days long.
14:31 Katie (katie.canningham) O.O
14:32 NeoBokrug Elytis Haha I don't call people full of shit, I might think it REAL loud though.
14:32 Jorge Serapis I CAN READ MINDS
14:32 KayCooper o.O
14:32 Katie (katie.canningham) O.O
14:32 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) /me
14:32 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) *FAINTS*
14:32 Mari Moonbeam mon dieu , merde
14:33 Katie (katie.canningham) waves smelling salts under Lady Aeval's nose
14:33 NeoBokrug Elytis Folks have asked me to make it an annual thing, and I don't know if I can commit to that. However I COULD apply my event organization skills to Founders Day, and give us a huge party on that day.
14:33 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) the thought bubble over your head says it all
14:33 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) The one with a light bulb?
14:33 Katie (katie.canningham) When is Founders Day?
14:33 NeoBokrug Elytis I am not opposed to the Stream Meets Scrap event happening again, but I am not going to make any commitments.
14:33 Jorge Serapis The one that has "..." in it.
14:33 Owlie Fairelander Not sure about Firestorm, but to give Ethereal edit perms on the SL viewer, the accounts have to be 'friended'
14:33 Jorge Serapis Same with FS, Owlie.
14:34 NeoBokrug Elytis I guess we'll have to work that out later too.
14:34 Owlie Fairelander Good to know, Jorge, thanks.
14:34 NeoBokrug Elytis But I do want to thank all the performers, and the folks who visited Steam Meets Scrap again.
14:34 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) Feb 26th
14:34 Katie (katie.canningham) thankee!
14:35 Owlie Fairelander Great build Neo, it was a fun day.
14:35 NeoBokrug Elytis If I organize a big party it'll probably happen the weekend of the 26th.
14:35 Zahra Ethaniel It was an awesome time for sure!
14:35 Magda Kameneva (magda.fairelander) That was fun.
14:35 Magda Kameneva (magda.fairelander) I'm sorry I had to leave.
14:35 NeoBokrug Elytis Okay. Now for the HARD discussion now that I've tactfully softened everyone up. :)
14:36 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) pulls on her vest
14:36 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) We'll be 19, I think?
14:36 Jorge Serapis *mutes chat*lalalalala
14:37 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Did you have to boil the eggs?
14:37 NeoBokrug Elytis I want to change how the ISC group does does announcements and group chat about events. Before you all chew me alive, please listen to my reasoning. And Word, this doesn't affect Caledon Oxbridge Group.
14:37 NeoBokrug Elytis Before I propose said changes, here's my reasons:
14:37 Owlie Fairelander Chew you alive! we aren't werewolves...ok some of us aren't
14:38 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Anyone for mustard for chewing?
14:38 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) Needs tenderizing first
14:38 Katie (katie.canningham) no thank you Elf
14:38 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Oregano? Tabasco?
14:38 Jorge Serapis WD40.
14:38 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) hold the MSG
14:38 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Minced hafnium?
14:38 NeoBokrug Elytis 1) I've spent the past year observing group chat and notices, and the interactions. It seems my worry about "burnout" is a bit legit. We need the group to convey messaging to everyone, especially about important things regarding Caledon. Some folks, when I tell them about something new, say they don't know about it.
14:39 NeoBokrug Elytis So they're not getting the notices. They are either capping out, or have the group muted.
14:39 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Some groups have the problem that not all notices show up.
14:39 Ravelli Ormstein I have to admit that I hardly read any ISC group notices.
14:40 NeoBokrug Elytis So I want to sort of reel it in with what is posted to ISC, because there ARE alternatives.
14:41 NeoBokrug Elytis 2) I plan to limit notices about events -- to stay WITHIN Caledon*. That is to say if an event is happening outside of Caledon, you would need to ask permission to post it. If your event is IN Caledon, got for it.
14:42 Ravelli Ormstein that would be the rule like we had them originally
14:42 Katie (katie.canningham) that makes sense
14:43 NeoBokrug Elytis 3) Group Notices should have at least 1 hour before the event starts, and ideally a day before. I don't want to see notices specifically for something happening 5 minutes before, at that time, and half-way. That's going to be THREE whole IMs to folks offline, for an event.
14:43 Wordsmith Jarvinen One reason not to see notices is that forwarding to email is an option that has to be set.
14:43 Magda Kameneva (magda.fairelander) Does the ask permission include a disposition leaning towards yes if the event is in a Steamland or colony of Caledon?
14:43 NeoBokrug Elytis (I'll get to that Word)
14:44 Magda Kameneva (magda.fairelander) And same for RFL team events happening outside of Caledon?
14:44 NeoBokrug Elytis No Magda, and here's why: Each community has it's own group, and they can send out notices. For those who want a catch-all, there's the Aether Chrononauts group.
14:44 Nyree Rain starting in 5 minutes or half-time should be group chat, not notices
14:44 NeoBokrug Elytis RFL I am leaning to a yes with, but if it is Caledon adjacent.
14:44 Owlie Fairelander Also, there is a difference between putting it in the group as an IM and sending out a notice.
14:44 NeoBokrug Elytis Nyree is correct, i was going to get to that.
14:44 Ravelli Ormstein sends a copy of the original rules to Neo
14:45 NeoBokrug Elytis Group Notices count as an IM.
14:45 NeoBokrug Elytis I brought this up so we can talk about it all here, because I expect some resistance. Nothing is formalized yet. But it is something that needs to be addressed.
14:45 Owlie Fairelander I mean what Nyree said with that chat and group notice is different.
14:46 NeoBokrug Elytis So I want input and feedback today.
14:46 NeoBokrug Elytis Yeah, group chat, I am supportive of the short term notices. Just go EASY.
14:46 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) I send notices hour before, barring RL trouble.
14:46 NeoBokrug Elytis I don't want to give folks reason to ignore our notices and chat.
14:46 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Partly because that's what the Buddha Center does
14:46 Katie (katie.canningham) So if NameWithheld puts in ISC chat only, "hey come to prim charades" it's okay?
14:46 NeoBokrug Elytis I am fine with that, it is a good reminder.
14:46 Nyree Rain What about Out of Caledon events being posted in chat?
14:47 NeoBokrug Elytis Katie: Does it happen on Caledon? Then probably not.
14:47 Katie (katie.canningham) ok, I'll warn NameWithheld then
14:47 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) We actually had that argument couple of years ago already
14:47 NeoBokrug Elytis Aether Chrononauts is a catch all for the steamlands, and I can probably talk to folks to see if they can post notices there.
14:47 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) We probably have it in five years again.
14:48 Ravelli Ormstein I don't read most group notices because there are far too many when you are in just some few active groups. and then there are too many group notices sent for same events in similar groups (we probably have too many groups). and in addition many group notices are hard to understand language-wise, either sloppy written or extra complicated, so I stop reading them.
14:48 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) People forget and again post unrelated notices...
14:48 Katie (katie.canningham) We'll still be here in five years! Yay!
14:48 Magda Kameneva (magda.fairelander) BTW, I'm DJing the annual Fall Privateer's Ball next Sunday in Rosehaven, you're all invited.
14:49 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) I do post to many group, does not seem to influence attendance that much
14:49 NeoBokrug Elytis I want ISC to be Caledon Centric. I am not trying to crap on everyones events. But the group notices are overwhelming. Each community has their own notices. Not everyone is interested in what happens in other places, and because we're so notice dense -- important notices get lost.
14:50 Ravelli Ormstein nods
14:50 Owlie Fairelander I get what you are saying Neo, but I think a lot of folks aren't in other steamland groups, so not allowing a group chat statement of an event elsewhere that would be of interest is a hardline. Not sure how to balance it though.
14:50 Mari Moonbeam So proposal is events needs to be in Caledon , group notice a week ahead , and modest group chat nudges day of are ok ?
14:50 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) has an idea, but I don't know how hard it would be to put it into effect
14:51 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Week ahead notices are ignored or forgotten.
14:51 Owlie Fairelander listens to Aeval
14:51 NeoBokrug Elytis Mari: Generally yes, at least an HOUR before your event. A whole day is ideal.
14:51 NeoBokrug Elytis AND
14:51 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) we usually do a notice a hour or so before the event and then
14:51 NeoBokrug Elytis AND, I just want you all to know that I WILL PROMOTE YOUR CALEDON EVENTS EVERY THURSDAY.
14:51 Nyree Rain I know I keep ISC chat open, but closed down the notices for the other steamlands I belonged to to cut down on notices.
14:51 Gyel Llewellyn Thanks for the summary, Mari.
14:51 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) Could Wallace be scripted to put out a weekly events notecard? Maybe a couple of times per week? And at the bottom, it could have a link also to Aether Chrono...for those who don't know.
14:52 NeoBokrug Elytis I was just poking Wallace earlier today, unsure.
14:52 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Could Dodo be re-scripted for that?
14:52 NeoBokrug Elytis I have a hard deadline here in 5 minutes.
14:52 Ravelli Ormstein yes, Neo, such weekly event overviews are great. They could be even more compact, with less words, if it reduces your workload
14:52 SarahBernheardt Does it make sense to differentiate between things that happen every week, every month, once a year?
14:52 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) Or we could take a page from Belli and have him drop a link to the events page a few select times per day.
14:53 NeoBokrug Elytis So I invite those who have events to contact me this week. There's a minor, annual event happening in The Wastelands right now, and my night is full up with that.
14:53 NeoBokrug Elytis Sarah: no, if I think I know what you're asking.
14:54 Owlie Fairelander Not sure about this Neo...this one is not an easy one, but I get everything you are saying.
14:54 NeoBokrug Elytis I am going to have to change Wallace to pull all the group members in a list so I can IM everyone to ask them to unmute the group, if they hve it muted, and show them how to change tht email setting.
14:54 NeoBokrug Elytis Yaeh,
14:54 NeoBokrug Elytis My A key is dying
14:55 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) with the previous computer the W and S were dying...
14:55 Ravelli Ormstein use ü instead a
14:55 NeoBokrug Elytis Okay, If you have other concerns or ideas shoot me a notecard.
14:55 NeoBokrug Elytis I gotta wrap this up.
14:55 NeoBokrug Elytis SO.
14:55 Owlie Fairelander Thanks, Sandling for the tunes!
14:55 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) scribbles some more notes
14:55 Ravelli Ormstein many thanks for the news, your time and energy, Neo
14:55 Mari Moonbeam Go powder your nose & have fun this afternoon Guv
14:56 Magda Kameneva (magda.fairelander) Thanks, Sandling.
14:56 Sandling Honey Most welcome :D
14:56 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) ty for your effort Neo
14:56 NeoBokrug Elytis I have a friend IRL who runs a TEA shop. I know many of you like tea, so I asked if he could do us a favor.
14:56 Magda Kameneva (magda.fairelander) Ooooh.
14:56 Katie (katie.canningham) yes! many thanks Sandling for the music! especially White Rabbit!
14:56 Katie (katie.canningham) ◑0◐ TEA! ◑0◐
14:56 Sandling Honey \O.O/
14:57 NeoBokrug Elytis Here's his shop: This is a one use code "CALEDON" for 20% off your entire order. It's mostly exotic stuff from Asia.
14:57 Mari Moonbeam Spiffy
14:57 NeoBokrug Elytis Right now the code only works for the Americas.
14:57 Magda Kameneva (magda.fairelander) Pu'erh!
14:57 NeoBokrug Elytis We're going to talk with the Europe shop, and see if they'll match his gift to us.
14:57 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Probably could not afford it
14:58 NeoBokrug Elytis I know the group thing is a bit spicy, but it's gotta change.
14:58 Zahra Ethaniel Thanks, Sandling for the wonderful music
14:58 NeoBokrug Elytis I'll figure out the specifics, and I'll have an inworld meeting again about it.
14:58 Aury (aurysa) fankies Sandling & Neo
14:58 NeoBokrug Elytis BUT, I hve to administer some pain and suffering upon Wastelanders.
14:58 Mari Moonbeam Do I eject Neo so he's on time?
14:58 Ravelli Ormstein nods Do it!
14:58 NeoBokrug Elytis Thnk you all for your support this past year.
14:59 Zahra Ethaniel Thanks for all the info, Neo, enjoy the rest of the afternoon/evening!
14:59 Katie (katie.canningham) Thank you too Neo!
14:59 NeoBokrug Elytis I hope to continue to make you proud, even if we have spicy conversations about change.
14:59 KayCooper Thanks Neo, Thanks Sandling
14:59 Gyel Llewellyn Thanks, Neo.
14:59 Owlie Fairelander Spicy is the best.
14:59 Sandling Honey Most welcome! =D
14:59 NeoBokrug Elytis SHoot me notecards bout your thoughts.
14:59 Gyel Llewellyn Thanks Sandling
14:59 NeoBokrug Elytis Remember!
14:59 NeoBokrug Elytis Reality is an illusion; the universe is a hologram; buy gold; BYYYYYYYEEEE!
14:59 KayCooper lol
14:59 Owlie Fairelander So about Neo's October costume.
14:59 Zahra Ethaniel Thanks for hanging in here with us, Neo and here's to many many more years in Caledon :)
15:00 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) then the gold is also hologram, why buy it
15:00 Katie (katie.canningham) YAY!!!!
15:00 Wordsmith Jarvinen Prepares the transcript to stuff in a burlap bag, even as it tries to wiggle away.
15:00 Owlie Fairelander tutu's and pink socks!
15:00 Aury (aurysa) reaches for tinfoil
15:00 Katie (katie.canningham) but then it's a shiny hologram!
15:00 Ravelli Ormstein so, again one hour less in life
15:00 Sandling Honey Okees, time for me to take the music over to the Wastelands fight!
15:00 Zahra Ethaniel Have a great rest of the day/night everyone :) Good to see you all
15:00 Sandling Honey Cheers everyone!
15:00 Aury (aurysa) thanks everyone, take care!
15:00 Katie (katie.canningham) have fun at the fight Sandling!
15:00 KayCooper Take care everyone, see you around :)
15:00 Sandling Honey Thankees :D
15:00 Ravelli Ormstein bye bye everyone
15:01 Katie (katie.canningham) cheers everyone!
15:01 Gyel Llewellyn Bye, everyone.
15:01 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) waves. Back to fighting piles of textures...
15:01 Owlie Fairelander Bye all