Caledon Community Meeting for 2023-09-16

13:41 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Phrynne
13:41 Viktoria Paravane (vi.paravane) hello, Martini, Andrea, Beth, and those of you I don't yet know
13:41 Darlingmonster Ember heya Andrea
13:42 KayCooper Hi Viktoria
13:42 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) victoria
13:42 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) Oh my! I hope the troubleshooting works, then!
13:42 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Welcome, Chancellor.
13:42 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) word
13:42 Sauce Sorrowman hi Phrynne and Martini - long time no see
13:42 Beth Ghostraven Hello Viktoria, Martini, Phrynne, and Word!
13:42 KayCooper Hi Word :)
13:42 Wordsmith Jarvinen ty Magda :)
13:42 KayCooper Hi Martini
13:42 Martini Discovolante hola Sauce!!!!
13:42 Martini Discovolante hi Kay!
13:42 Wordsmith Jarvinen Andrea :
13:42 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) greetings Viktoria.
13:42 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hi Kay
13:42 Wordsmith Jarvinen whispers Hello, Martinii
13:42 Martini Discovolante hi Magda and DMMie!
13:43 Viktoria Paravane (vi.paravane) by the way, you probably know me as "Vi", but I tried to make people pronounce my name right with this alias. It didn't work. Oh well
13:43 Darlingmonster Ember hi hi
13:43 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Hi vi and martini
13:43 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hello, Beth
13:43 Phrynne hello Vi, DME, Magda, Kara, Andrea, Kay, Word, Beth
13:43 KayCooper pops into RL for a moment, brb
13:43 Darlingmonster Ember :D
13:43 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) oh..yes, I remember..Greetings SorrowMan..long time..
13:43 Phrynne hello Sauce
13:44 Darlingmonster Ember welcome Word
13:44 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) Greetings Wordsmith!
13:44 Martini Discovolante hihi everbunneh!
13:44 Viktoria Paravane (vi.paravane) now, the embarrassing question: what's going on? I got the time wrong for the Transfer Ceremony, but I figured a crowd at the palace must be something
13:44 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hi Dimmie and Emilly
13:44 Darlingmonster Ember love the glasses Martini
13:44 Beth Ghostraven Vi, we're just here early
13:45 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) Mrr? I thought it was 2 pm SLT?
13:45 Viktoria Paravane (vi.paravane) same here, Emily
13:45 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) Fruity beers.
13:45 Viktoria Paravane (vi.paravane) but the notecard says 7:30 SLT
13:45 Viktoria Paravane (vi.paravane) OOPS
13:45 Darlingmonster Ember they do look fruity
13:45 Wordsmith Jarvinen If you're early, you're on time
13:45 Darlingmonster Ember oh....I thought it was 2pm
13:45 Beth Ghostraven oh, that's Tao's dance at 7:30
13:45 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) It...doesn't, though?
13:45 Martini Discovolante thankees, DMMie!
13:46 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) <..looks at the note card..
13:46 Berrah Gud Ran out of time in the menu.
13:46 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) b) We are going to have a Town Hall Meeting, Saturday 16th September at the Guvnah’s Mansion, at 2pm SL time.
13:46 KayCooper back
13:46 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) oh..thewre it is..thank you Emilly
13:46 Ravelli Ormstein Hello everybody
13:46 Viktoria Paravane (vi.paravane) oh, well, then. here we are!
13:47 KayCooper Hi Ravelli
13:47 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) hi shockwave
13:47 KayCooper Hi Emmanuelle
13:47 Viktoria Paravane (vi.paravane) let's have a round of Darjeeling, on my tab!
13:47 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) how is cynthia?
13:47 Emmanuelle Starchild smiles
13:47 KayCooper Hi Shockwave
13:47 Emmanuelle Starchild Hello Kay
13:47 Shockwave Yareach Hi Andrea!
13:47 Darlingmonster Ember welcome Shock
13:47 Shockwave Yareach She should be able to make it to this meeting
13:47 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hi Shock
13:47 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) mr ormstein
13:47 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) welcome
13:47 Beth Ghostraven Hello, Ravelli, Emmanuelle, and Shockwave
13:47 Ravelli Ormstein pokes Sauce
13:48 Shockwave Yareach I'm the one in jeopardy :)
13:48 KayCooper Hi Kyoko, Hi Phrynne
13:48 Emmanuelle Starchild Hello Beth :)
13:48 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Kyoko
13:48 Beth Ghostraven Hi Kyoko
13:48 Wordsmith Jarvinen Good afternoon, Miss Kyoko ;)
13:48 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) steps back to solidify a patch of air.
13:48 Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane) hello all ;)
13:48 Shockwave Yareach 6 months of drought, then I got 4 inchs of rain in an hour.
13:48 Sauce Sorrowman whispers I'd poke back Rav, but my weight dropper isn't working for some reason :(
13:48 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Yikes.
13:48 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) Hi owlie
13:49 Beth Ghostraven Hi Owlie!
13:49 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) Hi!
13:49 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) waves at mr eb
13:49 KayCooper Greetings Elf, Heather, and Owlie
13:49 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) Thanks, Beth
13:49 Beth Ghostraven yw!
13:49 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Hello, Owlie, Ravelli, Random, Shockwave, Kyoko, Elfbiter ...
13:49 Shockwave Yareach the duchess should be hear today though
13:49 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) Greetings!
13:49 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) Greetings!
13:49 Darlingmonster Ember heya Owlie
13:49 Darlingmonster Ember hi Random
13:49 Shockwave Yareach Hi Magda, Darlingmonster!
13:49 Random Wezzog Hello, Mags. Hi, Dme
13:50 KayCooper Hi Random
13:50 Random Wezzog Hello, Kara
13:50 Random Wezzog Hullo, Kay
13:50 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) Oh, goodness, that's very nearly a homicide-inducing level of cuteness, Owlie.
13:50 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) Hugs random
13:50 Beth Ghostraven Hi Tao!
13:50 KayCooper Hi Tao :)
13:50 нєαтнєя Rɵʂἔ (hrheather) *WHIPS UP MARTINI in my arms (baby style) and sways side to side...... purrrring at her....*
13:50 Tao Mistwalker Hi, everyone!
13:50 Random Wezzog smiles
13:51 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) Thank you, Emilly
13:51 Random Wezzog Hi, Tao.
13:51 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) TAO
13:51 Darlingmonster Ember Tao!!!
13:51 Shockwave Yareach wait... homocidal Owls?
13:51 Darlingmonster Ember hugs
13:51 Phrynne Tao!
13:51 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) giggles..Hugs Heather.
13:51 Random Wezzog Hi, Beth
13:51 нєαтнєя Rɵʂἔ (hrheather) ^,..,^
13:51 Viktoria Paravane (vi.paravane) waves at Duchess Eva
13:51 Eva Bellambi waves to all the assembled
13:51 нєαтнєя Rɵʂἔ (hrheather) *puts the trippy Martini back down to the cobblestones*
13:51 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) waves to Duchess Eva
13:51 Random Wezzog Hi, Phrynne
13:51 KayCooper Hi Eva, Tavish, Zahra
13:52 Zahra Ethaniel Greetings Everyone :)
13:52 Random Wezzog Hi, Eva \
13:52 Zahra Ethaniel Hi Kay :)
13:52 Darlingmonster Ember waves to all new and old
13:52 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) I have lag issues, don't mind me.
13:52 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) I can see my house from hee.
13:52 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Hi, Tao, Eva, Tavish, Zahra, Heather,
13:52 KayCooper Hi Katie :)
13:52 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Hi, Aury.
13:52 Darlingmonster Ember I have all the back issues of Lag
13:52 Zahra Ethaniel Hello Hello :)
13:52 Phrynne hi Katie
13:52 Katie (katie.canningham) Hi Kay!
13:53 Aury (aurysa) hi there!
13:53 Katie (katie.canningham) Hi Kara and Magda and Andrea and Ti Phrynne and Owlie and Tao and Word and Kyoko and everyone!
13:53 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) Ooh, yes, lag will start to be a factor.
13:53 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) katie
13:53 Darlingmonster Ember this is more people than I
13:53 Shockwave Yareach that's a fun idea. A virtual magazine devoted to slow responses of computers.
13:53 Random Wezzog Hey, Dme.... how be you?
13:53 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Hey, Katie.
13:53 Darlingmonster Ember Perky
13:53 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) Hugs Katie
13:53 Katie (katie.canningham) Are wee meeting out here?
13:53 Katie (katie.canningham) hugs!
13:53 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) ... hello lag my old friend, I've come to walk with you again...
13:53 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) newo said we were
13:53 Tavish Brock (tavishbrock) waves to everyone
13:53 Tao Mistwalker Ok, where is this happening?
13:53 Eva Bellambi It is so lovely to see old friends and new.
13:53 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) Around here-ish
13:54 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) I was told the courtyard
13:54 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) hi zahra
13:54 Martini Discovolante nervously nibbles a rosebush...
13:54 Zahra Ethaniel Hello :)
13:54 Ravelli Ormstein maybe they will be speaking to us from te balcony
13:54 Ravelli Ormstein *the
13:54 Tao Mistwalker Ah, in the great outdoors. Spectacular. :D
13:54 Shockwave Yareach ROSE.... BUD
13:54 KayCooper It's a lovely garden
13:54 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) This feels like homecoming/Grand Reunion weekend.
13:55 Katie (katie.canningham) hears rose bud, looks around for a sled
13:55 Eva Bellambi I agree, Magda
13:55 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) hi star
13:55 KayCooper Hi Star :)
13:55 star (astarrynite) Hi Andrea
13:55 Lidl Guvna Ran out of time in the menu.
13:55 star (astarrynite) Hi Kay
13:55 Beth Ghostraven Hello everyonewhojustgothere!
13:55 star (astarrynite) Hi Dimmie
13:55 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) hi neo
13:55 star (astarrynite) Hi Kara
13:55 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) It truly does.
13:55 star (astarrynite) Hi Neo
13:55 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) desmond
13:55 Katie (katie.canningham) hm, I should be dressed more Caledonian
13:56 NeoBokrug Elytis What's everyone lookin' at? :)
13:56 Zahra Ethaniel Hugs DME
13:56 Darlingmonster Ember hugs Zahra
13:56 Random Wezzog hi, Lady Aeval-Leigh
13:56 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hello Random
13:56 star (astarrynite) looking at the wonderful Tao
13:56 Zahra Ethaniel Greetings Neo
13:56 KayCooper Greetings Des and Neo
13:56 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Hi, Star.
13:56 star (astarrynite) Hi Des
13:56 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) Hello Neo and Des!
13:56 star (astarrynite) Hi Magda
13:56 Zahra Ethaniel Hugs Des :)
13:56 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) We have sort of gathered!
13:56 Phrynne Hello Des and Neo
13:56 Beth Ghostraven Hi Des!
13:56 Phrynne We are here!
13:56 KayCooper Hi Nyree
13:56 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) The overlords have arrived.
13:56 Random Wezzog Hullo, Guv.
13:56 Shockwave Yareach Hi there "Artist formerly known as Governor!" :)
13:56 Eva Bellambi Hello Des! Hi Neo!
13:56 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) :)
13:56 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) snerks
13:56 Nyree Rain Greetings everyone
13:57 Darlingmonster Ember the plaza is a decent auditorium
13:57 Katie (katie.canningham) Hi Des and Neo!
13:57 NeoBokrug Elytis Hi Folks
13:57 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Hi, Aev, Nyree.
13:57 star (astarrynite) *:-.,_,.-:*'``'*Yayyyyyyy!!!!*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*
13:57 star (astarrynite) Neo
13:57 Tao Mistwalker I suppose you're all wondering why I've called you here today...
13:57 star (astarrynite) *:-.,_,.-:*'``'*Yayyyyyyy!!!!*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*
13:57 star (astarrynite) Des
13:57 Zahra Ethaniel Hi Nyree :)
13:57 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) Hihi :)
13:57 star (astarrynite) sorry
13:57 Katie (katie.canningham) ♩♪♫♬ APPAWS! ♩♪♫♬
13:57 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) lady ave
13:57 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) agatha
13:57 Shockwave Yareach Speaking to us from the balcony may work better
13:57 нєαтнєя Rɵʂἔ (hrheather) *lifts an eyebrow waiting for the response*
13:57 Desmond Shang hi all, just a few more minutes
13:58 Darlingmonster Ember you could hide several tinies and a few dinkies under that fab dress, Char
13:58 Sauce Sorrowman waves at the ex/current Guvs
13:58 Charlemagne Allen would it be bad if a catling gun showed up?
13:58 Burton Newall greetings, Guvnah, and Caledonians
13:58 Desmond Shang catling gun is fine :)
13:58 Charlemagne Allen laughs
13:58 Darlingmonster Ember yes it would be bad
13:58 KayCooper Hi Burton
13:58 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) waves to Charl and Burton
13:58 Tao Mistwalker If they move to the balcony, imma move out of spitting distance.
13:58 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) Likely, Chaz, and also, I don't want to know if you have a copy of the meatcat gun.
13:58 NeoBokrug Elytis Haha
13:58 Charlemagne Allen oh what's that?
13:58 Charlemagne Allen looks
13:59 Shockwave Yareach Hello dear!
13:59 нєαтнєя Rɵʂἔ (hrheather) *looks at Charlemagne's gown, wondering just how many spies could hide under that.....figures at leas our*
13:59 Zahra Ethaniel Hi Jorge :)
13:59 star (astarrynite) Hi Jorge
13:59 нєαтнєя Rɵʂἔ (hrheather) *four
13:59 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) It launches...meatcats. It's...terrifying.
13:59 Jorge Serapis Evening, everyone.:_)
13:59 Charlemagne Allen hmmm
13:59 Random Wezzog Hi, Jorge
13:59 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) Good evening!
13:59 KayCooper Hi Jorge :)
13:59 Cynthia Farshore Greetings everyone
13:59 нєαтнєя Rɵʂἔ (hrheather) *murders the lag fairy with mushroom soup*
13:59 Zahra Ethaniel Hello Eva and Tavish :)
13:59 Katie (katie.canningham) Hiya!
13:59 Eva Bellambi Nice to see you Zahra.
14:00 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) Hugs Agatha
14:00 Tao Mistwalker looks around at all the wonderful peeps
14:00 [Kamilah Hauptmann Great day for a sim reboot, I must say.]
14:00 Zahra Ethaniel Thank you, nice to see you as well :)
14:00 Ravelli Ormstein Hello Des, Neo and everybody who came after me
14:00 Tao Mistwalker laughs out loud
14:00 Eva Bellambi Oh Kami
14:00 Desmond Shang Ok hi everyone, starting this now!
14:00 Beth Ghostraven ACK! Kami, I hope not
14:00 Darlingmonster Ember wait I just got here...Kami is gonna reboot me?
14:00 Sauce Sorrowman rezzes chair to stop posterior getting further dampened
14:00 Desmond Shang gently calls everyone to order
14:01 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) closes Animal Crossing.
14:01 Desmond Shang Alrightie!
14:01 Desmond Shang Mags! :P
14:01 Desmond Shang Ok, so, first
14:01 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) passes out rum
14:01 Katie (katie.canningham) thankee
14:01 Tao Mistwalker helpfully helps Andrea pass out the rum
14:01 Phrynne *drinks it*
14:01 Desmond Shang I'd like to thank everyone for their support, their enthusiasm, their creativity and kindness over the last 18 years
14:01 Katie (katie.canningham) takes a swig
14:01 Tao Mistwalker One for me, one for you... One for me...
14:01 Nyree Rain snags half the rum
14:02 Desmond Shang It has really touched my heart, and has been far more than anything I have ever deserved.
14:02 Desmond Shang As you all know by now, I have stepped down.
14:02 Shockwave Yareach *turns off music)
14:02 Tao Mistwalker Stepped aside, maybe.
14:02 Desmond Shang NeoBokrug Elytis is now formally the 2nd Guvnah of Caledon.
14:02 Darlingmonster Ember Huzzah!
14:02 Charlemagne Allen Neo is a cool dude
14:02 Desmond Shang We shall answer questions shortly
14:02 Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane) ♪♥♪·.¸♪♥♪·.¸APPLAUSE!!¸.·♪♥♪¸.·♪
14:02 Eva Bellambi applauds
14:02 Beth Ghostraven .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
14:02 нєαтнєя Rɵʂἔ (hrheather) *secretly wants Zahara's gown... Eva's... and of course Charlemagne's for it's ability to hide a small contingent of spies under it, and at least one assassin*
14:02 Phrynne ♩♪♫♬ APPAWS! ♩♪♫♬
14:02 Charlemagne Allen also, this means i can't rez dinosaurs in the wastelands anymore.
14:02 Darlingmonster Ember \0/\0/ Ⓣн℮ Cяσwđ ⒼⓞⓔⓈ Ⓦìlđ!!! \0/\0/
14:02 Zahra Ethaniel Congratulations, New :)
14:02 Desmond Shang As my last official act, I now turn today's agenda over to him.
14:02 star (astarrynite) He is!
14:03 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) ஜॐ♥ஜ______ஜॐ♥ஜ
14:03 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) APPLAUSE!!!
14:03 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) APPLAUSE!!!
14:03 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) APPLAUSE!!!
14:03 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) ஜॐ♥ஜ______ஜॐ♥ஜ
14:03 Zahra Ethaniel *Neo*
14:03 KayCooper *•.¸'*•.¸ ★ ¸.•*´¸.•*
14:03 KayCooper .•*★¨`• Aρρlɑuѕɛ •¨`★*•.
14:03 KayCooper ¸.•*`¸.•*´ ★ `*•.¸`*•.¸
14:03 Ravelli Ormstein applauds
14:03 Tavish Brock (tavishbrock) applauds
14:03 Sauce Sorrowman applauds
14:03 Katie (katie.canningham) +*✰*+*'*•.¸ APPLAUSE APPLAUSE ¸.•*'+*✰*+
14:03 Charlemagne Allen applauds
14:03 Nyree Rain Welcome Neo!
14:03 Agatha Macbeth ★★♪✰〄✰♪★★ Aρρʟαυѕᴇ Aρρʟαυѕᴇ ★★♪✰〄✰♪★★
14:03 Viktoria Paravane (vi.paravane) applauds
14:03 Tao Mistwalker Nicely done, Des.
14:03 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) Yyaayy!! Neo!
14:03 NeoBokrug Elytis Thanks Des! I'm NeoBokrug Elytis, it's cool if you call me Neo. :)
14:03 Zahra Ethaniel Welcome Neo
14:03 Jorge Serapis BRAVO!!!!!!
14:03 Jorge Serapis ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE***********
14:03 Jorge Serapis .;:+*'`'* APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE *'`'*+:;.
14:03 Jorge Serapis ♫~~♫~~APPLAUSE~~♫~~♫
14:03 Sauce Sorrowman Ooh, I like the claw
14:03 Katie (katie.canningham) +*✰*+*'*•.¸ APPLAUSE APPLAUSE ¸.•*'+*✰*+
14:03 Tao Mistwalker applauds the NeoGuv
14:03 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) I avoid Matric movie references
14:03 Katie (katie.canningham) How 'bout Neoguv?
14:03 NeoBokrug Elytis For this, I dug out my old avatar from when I once lived in Caledon. I've given it some modern updates, but it is fundamentally the same. I regularly host Community Meetings and I prefer to have bit of structure that makes it work so we can adress all the questions and comments people have. Usually we'll talk for a bit, take a break and ask if anyone has questions or comments aboud what was just said. We'll address them, and move on to the next "block" of what we want to say. :)
14:04 Nyree Rain NeoGuv is excellent.
14:04 Tavish Brock (tavishbrock) I'll say it again here: Thank you Desmond for doing what you did to make Caledon, and for knowing what not to do so that we could make it too.
14:04 Tavish Brock (tavishbrock) Welcome Neo!
14:04 Charlemagne Allen can i rez dinosaurs in caledon?
14:04 NeoBokrug Elytis I don't normally have a lot of prepared statements -- but for this I've had a lot to think about.
14:04 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) facepalms
14:04 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) I mean, it wouldn't be the first time..
14:05 NeoBokrug Elytis Ever since the initial announcement on Tuesday, I've been lurking in chat, and listening to with folks who've reached out to me. There's three primary concers I've been hearing, and I want to address them first. :)
14:05 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) We have killer turkeys in Caledon, Charl, who told you you COULDN'T rez dinos in Caledon?
14:05 NeoBokrug Elytis The first concern that I've had a few people reach out to me is -- that they worry that Caledon will change. The character of what Caledon is won't change; and I think that is a huge factor in why Desmond trusted me to lead it going forward. I hope to bring positive change for Caledon, but I have no intention of changing the roots of what Caledon is.
14:05 Tao Mistwalker Hee.
14:05 Sauce Sorrowman (birds are effectively dinosaurs anyway)
14:05 Charlemagne Allen haha
14:05 Tao Mistwalker So we're taking over the Wastelands, then. Excellent.
14:05 KayCooper grins
14:05 star (astarrynite) hehehe
14:05 Tao Mistwalker I mean, that's what *I* heard...
14:05 NeoBokrug Elytis People often compliment me about what a great place The Wastelands is -- and I am not saying that as a bragging point -- I say that because I have to let them know the truth; that The Wastelands is the product of its community, not me. And that my role is to simply "steer the ship". Caledon is no different.
14:06 star (astarrynite) no min height here for games, no game :(
14:06 Viktoria Paravane (vi.paravane) hisses "Shhhh. I'm having trouble hearing him"
14:06 NeoBokrug Elytis Caledon is only 11 months older than The Wastelands. Because of our respective estate origins, I have always thought of Caledon and The Wastelands as sister estates. The Wastelands even has a few hidden Caledon easter eggs scattered around -- if you can find them. Over the years we've had residents who reside in both estates, or bounce back and forth between the estates seasonally. I already know some of you here today, before my involvement with the meter changes. All of that brings us to the second major concern, that I don't know MOST of you -- and you're right. But getting to know folks here is my current biggest priority.
14:06 Tao Mistwalker Hmm.
14:07 star (astarrynite) yeah da burnt flag :( not saying where it is
14:07 NeoBokrug Elytis I'm not saying that you NEED to reach out to me, or that I'm going to pry in to your Second Lives. Instead, I am going to make a concerted effort to be at the events here in Caledon, to chat with folks if and when they want to, and generally just be part of the community. Not only is that important to me personally, but I think that seperates us from what a lot of "just land" estates have. It's our "one simple trick" to outlasting them is to have a community.
14:07 Ravelli Ormstein :-)
14:07 Katie (katie.canningham) I didnt do it
14:07 Charlemagne Allen We need more balls then.
14:07 Charlemagne Allen I have too many gowns.
14:07 Charlemagne Allen ;)
14:07 Tao Mistwalker Hee.
14:07 Katie (katie.canningham) impossible to have too many gowns
14:07 NeoBokrug Elytis Finally, tier won't change for existing residents for a year, without consent; or unless Linden Lab changes region costs. That's something I promised Des before he even asked me.
14:07 Shockwave Yareach *bites his tongue*
14:07 Sauce Sorrowman (Linden's HATE him for this one simple trick)
14:08 Tao Mistwalker lol
14:08 NeoBokrug Elytis Having said all that, does anyone have any questions or comments for me or Des?
14:08 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) passes Jorge a chocolatini.
14:08 Katie (katie.canningham) What happens after a year?
14:08 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) Only that (I'm very happy with the choice of new Guv'nah.
14:08 Charlemagne Allen Can I scavenge weapons now?
14:08 star (astarrynite) I think it is a great idea
14:08 Charlemagne Allen Will there be mutants and fish people?
14:08 star (astarrynite) Des will yiu have time to come in more since you won't be Gverning
14:09 Desmond Shang After a year I shall *still* be retired!
14:09 Beth Ghostraven Charlemagne, I fail to understand why you're asking permission for anything>??
14:09 Tao Mistwalker Might there be some crossover Wastelands / Caledonian events? Not sure if people want that, or if it's better to keep them separate, but I may like to explore.
14:09 Eva Bellambi I simply want to extend my thanks to Des for nearly 18 years for friendship for for developing this wonderful community.
14:09 Sauce Sorrowman Do we need to increase security around our water sources?
14:09 Jorge Serapis *accepts choclatini gratefully*
14:09 Tao Mistwalker seconds Eva
14:09 Nyree Rain Welcome to Caledon Ball Wed. night 6:30pm SLT to celebrate our new Guv
14:09 Desmond Shang I'll be here socially
14:09 NeoBokrug Elytis Katie: I'm going to evaluate things here before the year is up. I plan to be fully transparent about tier. There's improvements I want to make to the estate, such as upgrades to 30k regions -- but I won't do that if residents of that region don't vote for it.
14:09 Desmond Shang (thank you Eva)
14:09 Jorge Serapis thirds Eva
14:09 star (astarrynite) Can we have Prom too?
14:09 Nyree Rain Dragon Ballroom
14:09 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Well, I am mostly concerned about Oxbridge. There were already speculation of turning that back into full sim but I doubt that
14:09 Eva Bellambi And thank you Neo for joining us! Very much looking forward to getting to know you better!
14:09 Martini Discovolante rubs her nose on the back of her sleeeve.... allergies... really.
14:09 NeoBokrug Elytis Tao: I do want to have crossover for events.
14:09 Katie (katie.canningham) THANKEE NEOGUV!
14:09 Desmond Shang *hugs* Martini
14:10 Martini Discovolante <3 hello DES!
14:10 Tao Mistwalker nods
14:10 Ravelli Ormstein is looking forward to spend time with Des
14:10 Katie (katie.canningham) hands Martini a hanky
14:10 Martini Discovolante *mucho smooches!*
14:10 Charlemagne Allen Yes, party with the catling gun.
14:10 Litta Nightfire Like Eva, I'm here to thank Des. So many lives you've enhanced!
14:10 NeoBokrug Elytis Haha give me a moment to respond, I'll do my best to respond to everything. I am very transparent with how I run The Wastelands, and I plan to bring that transparency here too.
14:10 Jorge Serapis *makes note to schedule Neo for new official Guvnah portrait*
14:10 Martini Discovolante thankees
14:10 Sauce Sorrowman we should've held this meeting on the train
14:11 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) leans towards Beth. "It's because she's gotten in a bit of trouble with some rezzing things out. Lovely person, but her inventory is packed with many dangerous and bizarre things. One I trust has labeled it a class 3 cognitohazard.."
14:11 star (astarrynite) yeah, never anythign sneaky in the wastelands, always a heads up
14:11 Charlemagne Allen laughs
14:11 Charlemagne Allen moi?
14:11 Charlemagne Allen looks innocent
14:11 NeoBokrug Elytis A lot of the plans I have have prerequisite plans, so I need to address those first. Elfbiter: Oxbridge is very on my radar.
14:11 Katie (katie.canningham) ooo sounds awesome!
14:11 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) grins
14:11 Mari Moonbeam Will you be keeping the general theme and time frame ?
14:11 Jorge Serapis listens
14:12 Beth Ghostraven whispers to Emilly "Yes, but does she really care about permission??" *snickers*
14:12 NeoBokrug Elytis Mari: Yes.
14:12 Charlemagne Allen Any plans to redo some of the older assets with mesh or whatever?
14:12 Charlemagne Allen The public stuff.
14:12 NeoBokrug Elytis I may be a tiny bit more strict about theme.
14:12 Agatha Macbeth prefers whatever
14:12 Tao Mistwalker waves at Litta!
14:12 Litta Nightfire winks
14:12 Viktoria Paravane (vi.paravane) theme - yes!
14:12 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) <..hands Martini a tissue..
14:13 Martini Discovolante *merci*
14:13 NeoBokrug Elytis It's one of the things us estate managers hate to address -- but let me reiterate my policy about theme:
14:13 Darlingmonster Ember I like a spot of theme now and then
14:13 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) perks up. "More strict?" She beams happily.
14:13 Sauce Sorrowman is also pleased about theme.
14:13 NeoBokrug Elytis As long as I can see you're making an attempt at staying in theme; it's usually good by my eyes. Now all of us are great builders, and sometimes the build may not be super great, but it can easily fit in the theme.
14:13 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) I confess to being fairly unfamiliar with the Wastelands, but it appears to be a strict RP community, with limits on what species people can be to be active in the RP. Is that correct, and if so, will you promise now that there will be no attempt to impose species limits for Caledon activities, without a vote of the community?
14:14 Katie (katie.canningham) wonders, species? and looks worriedly at her paws
14:14 Sauce Sorrowman caws
14:14 Nyree Rain Neo could you iterate exactly what you see as the theme for Caledon.
14:14 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) Strict on theme, not on rp. The roleplay is just there if you want it.
14:14 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) is lousy building outside Minecraft
14:14 Charlemagne Allen monreaus were always fine in even babbage.
14:14 Shockwave Yareach I rather doubt caledon will go Human ONly
14:15 NeoBokrug Elytis The Wastlelands is NOT a strict RP community. We welcome everyone. Our only golden rule is that you wear some frikking pants. We accept everyone as visitors. Everything in The Wastelands is opt-in.
14:15 Beth Ghostraven I, for one, would like to see Caledonians return to a more formal, Victorian-style form of address, but I don't want it to be legislated
14:15 Charlemagne Allen Or not underage nanobot swarm
14:15 NeoBokrug Elytis Our best roleplayers are furs. :)
14:15 Desmond Shang (checks to make sure his pants are on)
14:15 Darlingmonster Ember I have lovely lavender frikking pants.
14:15 NeoBokrug Elytis Did I miss any questions so far?
14:15 Katie (katie.canningham) or skirts
14:15 Kamilah Hauptmann has arrived in the Wastelands for a visit in a variety of outfits and avatars, always been welcome.
14:15 Tao Mistwalker is not wearing pants
14:15 Nyree Rain I wan everyone to feel welcome here an not be worrying about what they look like.
14:15 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) What are we going to do with those platypi in turqioise leotards who are gnawing the cavorite ore to create jubilation rings?
14:15 Martini Discovolante sniffs and turns up the great.big.eyes.
14:16 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) I contend I am in Victorian dress, just from another sector of the British empire.
14:16 NeoBokrug Elytis I honestly based the policies and covenant on Caledon when Des told me to just start The Wastelands.
14:16 star (astarrynite) for me it is height, I have to wear a bigger avi for the game to accept me, but my dinkie was welcome
14:16 Tao Mistwalker Caledon does have a spark of madness inherent in the community.
14:16 Nyree Rain And Des, I DO remember you standing in my ballroom in front of EVERYONE wearing nothing but a locomotive engine.
14:16 Sauce Sorrowman I thought the madness was in the covenant.
14:16 Tao Mistwalker snorts
14:16 Desmond Shang *blushes*
14:16 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Define "madness"
14:16 Charlemagne Allen you look lovely mags
14:16 Katie (katie.canningham) O.O
14:16 NeoBokrug Elytis I don't plan to change how people visit Caledon.
14:16 Autumn Fairy Throne Animation: Throne1
14:16 Shockwave Yareach good.
14:16 Charlemagne Allen WILL THERE BE PCAKE?
14:17 NeoBokrug Elytis If there's not further questions I'm going to move on to talking about myself for a bit. :)
14:17 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) CAKE IS A LIE
14:17 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) <..hands Marini a box of Tissues..
14:17 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) There will always be cake and thank you, Charl.
14:17 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) Waffles, however...
14:17 Cynthia Farshore Well I do have Glitchpants
14:17 Shockwave Yareach I knew somoen would say that...
14:17 Katie (katie.canningham) yay waffles
14:17 Phrynne we always need waffles
14:17 Mari Moonbeam so the theme is Neo-victorian/
14:17 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) If I am forced to go formal in my language, I will become very absent, and someone else can take on my parcels.
14:17 NeoBokrug Elytis /rimshot
14:17 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) ...hi ho, hi ho, to waffle mines we go...
14:17 Autumn Fairy Throne Animation: Throne2
14:17 Charlemagne Allen also, any plans to redo some parts of the sim in mesh?
14:17 Charlemagne Allen just curious
14:18 NeoBokrug Elytis Formal in your language?
14:18 Zahra Ethaniel Hugs Owlie
14:18 Katie (katie.canningham) can we slap on some gears and call it steampunk?
14:18 Nyree Rain Glue Katie. You need to glue them on.
14:18 Katie (katie.canningham) ah yes, glue
14:18 Tao Mistwalker I read that as "take on my pants", Owlie.
14:18 Katie (katie.canningham) can we do that then?
14:18 NeoBokrug Elytis I don't plan to change how people visit. In The Wastelands folk just visit and shoot the shit; and if they want to RP with broken dialog they can.
14:18 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) blinks as Magda's statement sinks in. "Nothing but a...locomotive...No, do not need that image."
14:18 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) Gears are Caledon rinestones
14:18 Mari Moonbeam when I started there were sloooooow typists doing RP in chat , bored me to tears
14:19 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) ms kamie, hi
14:19 Jorge Serapis *strains a bit to hear Neo
14:19 Wordsmith Jarvinen Whyfor wouldst though desert us Owlie, praytell?
14:19 Shockwave Yareach You want to build typing speed? Chat a few days in here.
14:19 NeoBokrug Elytis Hah!
14:19 NeoBokrug Elytis Ever since I joined Second Life, I've been networking, managing projects, and developing content professionally since late 2006. In 2007, Des pushed me down the stairs into the role of community leader for The Wastelands. That was some hard and fast learning for a very new community leader -- but he helped guide me through it.
14:19 Charlemagne Allen yo
14:19 Sauce Sorrowman Or at least boost reading comprehension speed.
14:19 Katie (katie.canningham) its not my typing speed, its my reading speed that needs improvement
14:20 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) As far as I'm aware, Owlie, the certain...relaxation of grammar forms over the years will likely not change, nor do most residents want it to. I'd say you're fine.
14:20 NeoBokrug Elytis For the most part since then, I've been a contractor for entities both in and out of Second Life who want to either become a part of SL, or existing residents who want execute their bigger ideas here. Between the contract work I do, and managing The Wastelands, for the most part I have been in Second Life full time.
14:20 Charlemagne Allen the CIA?
14:20 star (astarrynite) What about content that is a knock off, what is someone has it in Caledon whether theyknow it or not
14:20 Sauce Sorrowman you haven't visited the Langley sim?
14:20 NeoBokrug Elytis For all the professional (and unprofessional) work I've done, I have learned one very important rule about Second Life. It is that you cannot come here with the mindset of "If you build it, they will come." Sure, you CAN build it, they WILL come, but they won't stay. Any project worth its salt requires nurturing, and dedication to keep it going forward.
14:21 Shockwave Yareach Caledon Institute for Aerospace?
14:21 Mari Moonbeam there's a black carriage at the gate for you M Allen , adieu , can I have your stuff?
14:21 Eva Bellambi Well said, Neo
14:21 NeoBokrug Elytis star: Do you mean game rips?
14:21 star (astarrynite) yep
14:21 Shockwave Yareach Yeah, getting folks to visit has long been my problem
14:21 star (astarrynite) I know you don't allow it in The Wastelands
14:21 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) still hopes to GM a TTRPG session inworld
14:22 star (astarrynite) Gamerips are bad, but I never knew I had stuff
14:22 Tao Mistwalker Well, community is the key to virtual worlds. Without it, there is nothing.
14:22 Lord Erik Wall (erikwall) indeed sir
14:22 Charlemagne Allen and dinosaurs
14:22 Charlemagne Allen and cats
14:22 Charlemagne Allen cats and community
14:22 Agatha Macbeth ^.^
14:22 Tao Mistwalker Yes. Community and dinosaurs. And cats.
14:22 Katie (katie.canningham) and bunnies
14:22 Sauce Sorrowman don't forget the gears
14:22 Beth Ghostraven (I'm searching back through chat and I don't see Neo saying anything - am I missing something?)
14:22 Tao Mistwalker sighs
14:22 NeoBokrug Elytis What star is referring to is a policy I have in The Wastelands, which has recently changed. I keep a blacklist of creators on a google sheet, and an endorsement list of creators. The policy in The Wastelands is that it wasn't allowed at all. I would ask people to return stuff. Instead I just notify people of where the content came from, and encourage them to seek out something to replace it.
14:23 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) You can not build community, community must build itself.
14:23 Ravelli Ormstein Beth, yes, Neo is talking since a while
14:23 star (astarrynite) ok, thanks Neo
14:23 Sauce Sorrowman It would be embarrassing if you've blocked the Guv, Beth :)
14:23 Litta Nightfire Well ... you can build and create something that encourages community
14:23 Desmond Shang all of us are required by law not to allow ripped content, it's not even really an estate thing
14:23 Beth Ghostraven oh good grief, did we not have a discussion about text being the way to go? I can't hear anything at all
14:24 Beth Ghostraven IS NOT HAPPY
14:24 NeoBokrug Elytis Here's that google sheet, I cite my sources in it -- so there's less confustion. I have always believe in supporting original content creators in SL.
14:24 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) It is in text, Beth.
14:24 Sauce Sorrowman It's all in text
14:24 NeoBokrug Elytis Let me scroll back to catch up on questions.
14:24 star (astarrynite) thank you
14:24 Desmond Shang this is all text today to be inclusive
14:24 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) Oh, I will be saving that, Neo, I run into more and more infringing items in haunts every year.
14:24 Katie (katie.canningham) i have voice on just in case and haven't heard a thing, so yeah, all text
14:24 Sauce Sorrowman You might have been just out of range
14:24 Litta Nightfire (thank god, I've forgotten how to use SL voice)
14:24 Kamilah Hauptmann There will be a riot if Contraption appears there.
14:25 Charlemagne Allen same.
14:25 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) everyone huddle up
14:25 NeoBokrug Elytis This is a text only meeting. :)
14:25 Zahra Ethaniel (waves to Litta)
14:25 Beth Ghostraven ok I moved a little, I didn't realize I was out of range
14:25 Beth Ghostraven sobs
14:25 Sauce Sorrowman @Kami - I had scoped out the cool mechanical arm and had scheduled a visit :)
14:25 Tao Mistwalker Hee.
14:25 NeoBokrug Elytis Moving on if there's no other questions for us. :)
14:26 Tao Mistwalker And now you'll be drowning in text, Beth.
14:26 Beth Ghostraven I want to drown in it, Tao!
14:26 Tao Mistwalker IMs Beth like a Guvnah
14:26 star (astarrynite) maybe it is me, but your list is not showing,
14:26 Katie (katie.canningham) hands Beth an umbrella
14:26 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) Smiles
14:26 Charlemagne Allen will you have your mansion in Caledon Neo?
14:26 star (astarrynite) just the paragraph and when I click the link I get the page again
14:26 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) What's the NeoGuv's stance on catgirls? ;-p
14:26 Charlemagne Allen Look at the tabs star
14:27 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Speaking of text, will there be a cleaned-up transcript of this meeting for people who couldn't make it?
14:27 Lord Erik Wall (erikwall) dam I just bought like 4 items from BL cretor thats a bother
14:27 Charlemagne Allen /coughs
14:27 Tao Mistwalker Yeah! Do they still not exist in precisely the same way?
14:27 NeoBokrug Elytis Moar catgirls!
14:27 star (astarrynite) Ooooh...
14:27 Katie (katie.canningham) I promised Jan and Sig I'd send them a copy
14:27 star (astarrynite) got it
14:27 Martini Discovolante blinks
14:27 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Oh good. Because catgirls are your Secret Service agents here.
14:27 star (astarrynite) will you be promoting RFL?
14:28 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) after thier cat naps..
14:28 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Although you'll have to share them with des.
14:28 Charlemagne Allen Do you plan to set up office hours or whatever?
14:28 star (astarrynite) Caledon used to be big in RFl and started coming back mainly in the SLB
14:28 Tao Mistwalker looks around nervously
14:28 Tao Mistwalker Me?
14:28 Lord Erik Wall (erikwall) SS protects current and former part of the gig
14:28 Tao Mistwalker Damn voices in my head...
14:28 NeoBokrug Elytis Personally, I am very passionate about Second Life. I typically have done at least one moderate sized project every year, I'm always working on The Wastelands (and now Caledon). This past year I have toned down my Solution Provider work, specifically to peruse projects I love in SL, and this opportunity to lead Caledon to a future that everyone would be proud of, was something I couldn't pass up.
14:28 NeoBokrug Elytis I do plan to hold a monthly Community Meeting every 2nd Saturday of the month.
14:29 Katie (katie.canningham) hands Tao a glass of rum
14:29 Nyree Rain What time of day?
14:29 Tao Mistwalker Thankee!
14:29 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Caledon still participates in RFL via Aether-Chrononauts Tiny Steps.
14:29 Katie (katie.canningham) Welkies!
14:29 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) This seems to be a goodish time for Saturdays.
14:29 NeoBokrug Elytis Nyree: 2pm -- It'll be a lot like this. It's my opportunity to tell you my plans, and what we've accomplished. :)
14:29 Ravelli Ormstein monthly meetings sounds great
14:29 Nyree Rain Thank you.
14:29 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) nods
14:29 Sauce Sorrowman It's not an insane hour for Europeans, so this is a good time
14:29 Tao Mistwalker nods
14:30 Tao Mistwalker It's workable
14:30 Lord Erik Wall (erikwall) a tad early but doable
14:30 Jorge Serapis SLT+8, here.
14:30 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) plays with her mini-black hole and drops it....ooops
14:30 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) As usual, 2 PM SLT is past midnight for me :-)
14:30 Sauce Sorrowman ditto Jorge
14:30 star (astarrynite) yes I am in that Magda, thank you, I have books of Caledon I made all photographs, some are RFL, I will pass to Neo and anyone who wants one, Des if he lost his too
14:30 NeoBokrug Elytis 2pm is the golden hour on Saturdays, I can meet half the Euro crowd, and half the US crowd.
14:30 Kamilah Hauptmann RIP Perth, Australia.
14:30 Charlemagne Allen you have kangaroos to fight
14:30 Nyree Rain Will we meet here?
14:30 Tao Mistwalker jumps
14:30 Jorge Serapis Oh dear. Did you break perth again, kami?
14:31 Charlemagne Allen and dingos
14:31 Charlemagne Allen and koalas
14:31 NeoBokrug Elytis Well, what we do for the meetings is we publish the logs for folks who can't make the meeting.
14:31 Sauce Sorrowman don't forget the dropbears
14:31 Mari Moonbeam Long term anything you'd like to share Neo, hopes dreams aspirations, threats&bribes?
14:31 Katie (katie.canningham) RIP?? omygah what happened???
14:31 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) Former land openings were handled by a group of EMs, and there were some inconsistencies. If I may, I would suggest you work with Owlie and the others to ensure the information on openings is correct.
14:31 Cynthia Farshore well fact is your not going to get the best hour for everyone so might as well pick 2PM
14:31 Beth Ghostraven I think just all of us getting together every month would be wonderful - great idea!
14:31 NeoBokrug Elytis Mari: I want to get Caledon growing again. My short term plans are to get to know folks. Offer me your friendships NOW.
14:31 Tao Mistwalker I think Kami was talking about the time difference.
14:32 нєαтнєя Rɵʂἔ (hrheather) :)
14:32 Charlemagne Allen I won't spam you.
14:32 Charlemagne Allen Meow
14:32 Charlemagne Allen i may just
14:32 Charlemagne Allen meo*w
14:32 NeoBokrug Elytis I play a lot of games, and I like to design them too.
14:33 Agatha Macbeth (I like him already)
14:33 Tao Mistwalker First order as NeoGuv: BE MY FRIEND NAO!!!
14:33 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) or else muwhahahahahaha
14:33 Tao Mistwalker Hee.
14:33 Beth Ghostraven I added the Town Hall Meeting on the 2nd Saturday at 2 pm SLT to our Caledon online calendar
14:33 Lord Erik Wall (erikwall) the friend request flood hasnt begun yet?
14:33 Jorge Serapis May God have mercy on your friends list, Neo.
14:33 Tao Mistwalker lol
14:34 Charlemagne Allen it's too late. he runs two rp sims.
14:34 Beth Ghostraven Calendar:
14:34 Shockwave Yareach I made one with black and white tiles. If you get them in a row, the opponent is teleported home. I call it GO AWAY
14:34 Litta Nightfire NeoGuv! perfect :)
14:34 NeoBokrug Elytis I am very open to resident ideas, as this is your home, and if I can do anything to make it better, feel free to let me know. But just to be fair, I still have veto powers. I am always thinking what's best for the whole community, and what brings the most impact.
14:34 Beth Ghostraven wait here's a better link for the calendar
14:35 Tao Mistwalker I imagine Neo will become just the Guv in time, but for now, and to me, he's the NeoGuv.
14:35 Tao Mistwalker Des is Guv Prime.
14:35 Charlemagne Allen looks innocent
14:35 Desmond Shang (retired)
14:35 Ravelli Ormstein I would like to see more Steampunk in Caledon again
14:35 Katie (katie.canningham) *:-.,_,.-:*'``'*Yayyyyyyy!!!!*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*
14:35 Cynthia Farshore Well it would be a good thing for the new Guvnah to have friendship contact with Duchesses and Dukes and other officals
14:35 Tao Mistwalker Des is Guv Prime (real tired)
14:35 Martini Discovolante oh yes, Rav!
14:35 Lord Erik Wall (erikwall) indeed
14:35 Beth Ghostraven or Guv Emeritus?
14:36 Tavish Brock (tavishbrock) Gov Prime? Desmond is derivative of nobody!
14:36 Charlemagne Allen can we set everything damage and give everyone rapiers?
14:36 Martini Discovolante likes the title Emeritus...
14:36 Sauce Sorrowman @Charlemagne yes!
14:36 Desmond Shang call me ejected once Kami gets bored...
14:36 Katie (katie.canningham) nuuuu
14:36 Phrynne Not in Oxbridge, Charlemagne!
14:36 Charlemagne Allen Everywhere else.
14:36 Darlingmonster Ember Guv Ejected.... mmmmm?
14:36 NeoBokrug Elytis For my first few months, I am really going to have to lean on the EMs for their guidance. They've been here far longer than I have. :D
14:36 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Rapiers? I still have Ordinal's hatpin.
14:36 Shockwave Yareach governor X
14:37 Katie (katie.canningham) I haz a katana
14:37 Charlemagne Allen the artist formerly known as desmond shang
14:37 NeoBokrug Elytis I have Ordinals Humbug.
14:37 Charlemagne Allen i have her engine rifle and more
14:37 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Well, as far as potential new resident are concerned, you should check the covenant we hand out in Oxbridge. To update it.
14:37 Kamilah Hauptmann Last five years, griefing? What's griefing? We do that to ourselves for a musement now.
14:37 Tavish Brock (tavishbrock) Booting Des would certainly be ejectile dysfunction
14:37 Litta Nightfire (I still have everything of Ordinals that I ever got)
14:37 NeoBokrug Elytis I've got some Cavorite in my inventory.
14:37 Tao Mistwalker Des is now "just zis guy, y'know?"
14:37 NeoBokrug Elytis Haha
14:37 Katie (katie.canningham) most importantly I haz a waffle iron and I know how to use it
14:37 Zahra Ethaniel Greetings Princess :)
14:37 Phrynne ooooo
14:37 Katie (katie.canningham) waffles anybody?
14:38 Eva Bellambi smiles at Selena
14:38 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) I have ejected griefers out of Oxbridge for years. Not recently, fortunately
14:38 Nyree Rain Me I'm starving.
14:38 Selena Evergarden waves
14:38 Darlingmonster Ember ok then, no more important things then?
14:38 Katie (katie.canningham) hands out waffles
14:38 Darlingmonster Ember *listens
14:38 Charlemagne Allen can i bring my cat?
14:38 Charlemagne Allen it's very important
14:38 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) Cavorite? You may need that if Morgaine is returning some time in future.
14:39 Nyree Rain loads up her waffle with strawberries, bananas, blueberries and powdered sugar.
14:39 Charlemagne Allen what if the cat had cavorite?
14:39 Charlemagne Allen and a rapier
14:39 Charlemagne Allen just asking?
14:39 Sauce Sorrowman I thought that morgaine's problem that it had too much cavorite and the chains gave way...
14:39 NeoBokrug Elytis Well folks, it seems like things are winding down. I think we should all take a moment to thank Des for everything. Without him and his vision of Caledon, nor his encouragement for The Wastelands -- none of us could connect over vast distances to share a common love for these themes.
14:39 Tavish Brock (tavishbrock) Desmond, in recognition of all that you've done this is from Eva and I, a special gift...
14:39 Katie (katie.canningham) THANKEE DES
14:39 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) (Well, at the time, yes)
14:39 Nyree Rain Three cheers for Des!
14:39 Charlemagne Allen thank you des.
14:39 Phrynne Thankies, Des
14:39 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) ☆(`'·.¸(`'·.¸ * ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)☆
14:39 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) •.¸¸.·` APPLAUSE!! ´·.¸¸.•
14:39 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) ☆(¸.·'´(¸.·'´ * `'·.¸)`'·.¸)☆
14:39 Katie (katie.canningham) YAY!!!!
14:39 Agatha Macbeth He's a jolly good fellow
14:39 Nyree Rain applauds enthusiastically!
14:39 Tao Mistwalker raises a mug to Desmond!!!
14:39 KayCooper Thank you Des!
14:39 Aury (aurysa) thank you so much Des :))
14:39 Katie (katie.canningham) *•.¸'*•.¸ ♥ ¸.•*´¸.•*
14:39 Katie (katie.canningham) .•*♥¨`• BRAVO!!!! •¨`♥*•.
14:39 Katie (katie.canningham) ¸.•*`¸.•*´ ♥ `*•.¸`*•.¸
14:39 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) Smiles brightly.
14:39 Kamilah Hauptmann If I could offer a quick vouch for Neo.
14:39 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) raises a glass
14:39 KayCooper *•.¸'*•.¸ ★ ¸.•*´¸.•*
14:39 KayCooper .•*★¨`• Aρρlɑuѕɛ •¨`★*•.
14:39 KayCooper ¸.•*`¸.•*´ ★ `*•.¸`*•.¸
14:39 Desmond Shang :) much appreciated
14:39 Random Wezzog Yay, Dez!!!!
14:39 Tao Mistwalker Now he can drink many more!
14:39 Ravelli Ormstein applauds
14:39 Lord Erik Wall (erikwall) BRAVA SIR THANK YOU!!!
14:39 Desmond Shang haha!
14:39 Martini Discovolante is crying realtime....
14:39 Tao Mistwalker applauds
14:39 Darlingmonster Ember I thank you Des for my lavender frikking pants. hugs
14:40 Litta Nightfire runs over and hugs Des tight
14:40 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Thank you, Desmond.
14:40 Eva Bellambi cheers and applauds
14:40 Kyoko Järvinen-Barzane (samara.barzane) ``` e too
14:40 Desmond Shang *hugs* Litta
14:40 Shockwave Yareach The pipes, the pipes are crawling!
14:40 Desmond Shang thank you all
14:40 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) Thank you. Thank you both.
14:40 Katie (katie.canningham) When's the party?
14:40 Lord Erik Wall (erikwall) dam I was to slow hope someone got a opicture LOL
14:40 Cynthia Farshore I hope someone has been taking pictures
14:40 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) took a few
14:41 Mari Moonbeam Thank you Des- for the fun, the honesty and making a special place where we could have a home in a mad world
14:41 Ravelli Ormstein took pictures
14:41 Jorge Serapis I've got a handful.
14:41 Lord Erik Wall (erikwall) I have a few crowd shots nothing close
14:41 Darlingmonster Ember sometimes I take pictures... I always put them back
14:41 Litta Nightfire No, thank YOU. Amazing, the lives you've enhanced. You've been a virtual caregiver to us all.
14:41 Desmond Shang Thank you everyone,
14:41 Zahra Ethaniel Des, you have been a wonderful and supportive Leader here in Caledon, and a good friend. Thank you for all your kindness and concideration
14:41 Beth Ghostraven The party is at 7:30, at Tao's!
14:41 Desmond Shang I am smiling like a fool here
14:41 Ravelli Ormstein how do you feel now, Des?
14:41 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) The party's a bit later, yes
14:41 Mari Moonbeam Is it true you've got a book deal ;p?
14:41 Shockwave Yareach We appreciate you Des. Great job
14:41 Sauce Sorrowman thanks for everything Des! (though I think we've probably interacted more in Minecraft than SL!)
14:41 Tao Mistwalker Oh, one more important question: Des, will you be changing clothes now?
14:41 Beth Ghostraven As always, thank you from me too, Des
14:41 Lord Erik Wall (erikwall) 730 tonight at Taos? I shall be there
14:42 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) Oh, does this mean we get Des' tell all book, now?
14:42 Desmond Shang I may find a way to be back here at 7.30 briefly at Tao's :)
14:42 Jorge Serapis Thank you Des, for everything. Past, present and future.
14:42 Eva Bellambi LOL Tao
14:42 Desmond Shang I shall change my clothes a lot now, once a year if needed or not!
14:42 star (astarrynite) forok
14:42 Cynthia Farshore As some of you may know I am in the process of moving from Washington State to Texas right now I'm in a Motel6 and the net is slooow so I can't take any pictures
14:42 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) Oh goodness!
14:42 Zahra Ethaniel I hope you can make it, Des
14:42 Desmond Shang *hugs* Cynthia that's awful
14:42 Tao Mistwalker Hee.
14:43 star (astarrynite) heee
14:43 Tao Mistwalker Yes, the Real-Tired-ment party is at 7:30 in the Laughing Dragon Tavern in Mayfair.
14:43 Tao Mistwalker Where you'll learn this one weird trick for making a Guvnah drunk.
14:43 Charlemagne Allen haha oh wow
14:43 Desmond Shang I, or an evil twin, might show up at 7.30. Until then, I need to go and process all this with a MacAllan and some quiet :) See you all soon.
14:43 Tao Mistwalker Excellent. :D
14:43 Darlingmonster Ember NeoGuv.... you are brave. You have spunk. Go forth and be Guvvy
14:43 Tavish Brock (tavishbrock) Fare well, Desmond!
14:43 Eva Bellambi Slainte, Des
14:44 Lord Erik Wall (erikwall) Blessed be Sir and thank you again
14:44 Charlemagne Allen ciao
14:44 KayCooper Take care :)
14:44 Kamilah Hauptmann Didn't your evil alt attempt get banned, Des?
14:44 Martini Discovolante cheers, Guv.
14:44 Aury (aurysa) take care Des :)
14:44 Cynthia Farshore Thanks Katie
14:44 Zahra Ethaniel Huzzah for Des!!!
14:44 Desmond Shang Again, thank you everyone, you have touched my heart. Neo is the guy you need, I promise. I expect to be here as a citizen and see great stuff.
14:44 Litta Nightfire Safe paths, Des!
14:44 Martini Discovolante erm... both Guvs.
14:44 Katie (katie.canningham) Welkies!
14:44 NeoBokrug Elytis Thank you for trusting me with this Des, and everyone.
14:44 Beth Ghostraven Neo, thank you for taking us all on!
14:44 Desmond Shang Kami, eject me now please?
14:44 Desmond Shang grins
14:44 Zahra Ethaniel Thank you for your Service to Caledon!
14:44 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) Open roads and kind fires.
14:44 Eva Bellambi Cheers, Neo!
14:44 Sauce Sorrowman eject and ban Des from VC
14:45 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) Don't Kamilah the big red button! She uses it!
14:45 NeoBokrug Elytis lol
14:45 Kamilah Hauptmann just did
14:45 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) give*
14:45 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Too late.
14:45 Random Wezzog Best wishes, NeoGuv!
14:45 Zahra Ethaniel chuckles
14:45 star (astarrynite) •´¨*•.¸. HahahaA •´¨*•.¸.
14:45 Mari Moonbeam end of an era
14:45 star (astarrynite) can we all do it?
14:45 Ravelli Ormstein ohoh, poor Des
14:45 Kamilah Hauptmann A quick vouch for Neo.
14:45 Zahra Ethaniel well, now you are stuck with us all, Neo :)
14:45 Tavish Brock (tavishbrock) The beginning of an era too :)
14:45 Lord Erik Wall (erikwall) indeed, The Guv is gone long reign the NEO GUV
14:45 Tavish Brock (tavishbrock) And for Neo, an error ;)
14:45 Kamilah Hauptmann Neo and I are contemporaries here, I remember him with some grapling hook device in VictoriaCity when it launched.
14:46 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) Smiles brightly for Neo
14:46 Zahra Ethaniel Hip Hip Hurrah NeoGuv!
14:46 Kamilah Hauptmann Anyway, when I got word of Des' retirment my response was 'He better pick Neo."
14:46 Sauce Sorrowman haha
14:46 Litta Nightfire Neoguv, looking forward to whatever Caledon becomes. I'm sure great times are coming!
14:46 NeoBokrug Elytis I still have that Kami
14:46 Eva Bellambi smiles
14:46 Tao Mistwalker appreciates Kami's endorsement, as it means a lot
14:46 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) "Neoguv". Catchy.
14:46 Sauce Sorrowman grappling hooks are a non-trivial scripting problem to solve! though now with raytracing they might be easier to work out.
14:46 Mari Moonbeam alledged the fountain does "fireworks"
14:46 Tao Mistwalker I mean, damn it, I keep hearing GOOD THINGS about Neo!
14:47 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) Trust Kamilah cause she has the rare thing called common sense.
14:47 AZ Romantic Water Fountain whispers Fireworks Display has now been set to happen every 30mins during SL night
14:47 Kamilah Hauptmann Wastelands is a well run place, it's relaxed in a lot of ways, culturally very similar where it matters, we're in good hands.
14:47 Litta Nightfire Great to see everyone! RL calls ...
14:47 Litta Nightfire <curtsey>
14:47 Tavish Brock (tavishbrock) If anyone is lacking for grievances with which to bother the new Guv, I have a large supply that would be willing to part with for a reasonable price...
14:47 Tao Mistwalker Night, Litta!
14:47 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Don't forget the Oxbridge well
14:47 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Night, Litta.
14:47 NeoBokrug Elytis It's hard to hate me Tao.
14:47 Zahra Ethaniel Take care Litta :)
14:47 Zaida Gearbox (zaida.gearbox) passes out hugs like they're candy
14:47 Zahra Ethaniel see you soon
14:47 Zaida Gearbox (zaida.gearbox) hi mr neo
14:47 Tao Mistwalker starts planning some clarifying discussions about pirates and fae and stone circles with the NeoGuv
14:47 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) (not that you even notice anything I try to say)
14:47 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Hi, Zaida.
14:47 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) Matbe later on, I will get an LM for the Wast Lands and exlore.
14:47 Zaida Gearbox (zaida.gearbox) or mr new guvnah
14:47 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) I have never, not once, even when I just went in for a scattering of pictures, been hassled, catcalled, or even dealt with rudeness. So there's that, too.
14:48 Eva Bellambi Neo - Again - welcome! Time for me to head to make RL dinner.
14:48 Lord Erik Wall (erikwall) Bllessed be to all must dash hope to see many at Taos
14:48 Darlingmonster Ember ohno, Tao is going to clarify me
14:48 Darlingmonster Ember I'm doomed
14:48 Eva Bellambi Good to see all of you!
14:48 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) And you!
14:48 Zahra Ethaniel Take care Eva and Tavish :)
14:48 Selena Evergarden See you later, Eva!
14:48 NeoBokrug Elytis Alright, meeting is over. If anyone has further questions, needs help, or wants to shoot the shit, feel free to contact me. I'll be here for a while, and I'll try to answer questions.
14:48 Tavish Brock (tavishbrock) waves and vanishes as well
14:48 Selena Evergarden be good, Tavish
14:48 Mari Moonbeam Thanks for the meeting NeoGuv and welcome
14:48 Lord Erik Wall (erikwall) EWelomce Guv Neo I look forward eagerly to new things
14:48 Zahra Ethaniel Thank you, Neo, for taking us on
14:48 Martini Discovolante thank you , sir.... and welcome
14:49 Zahra Ethaniel I look forward to getting to know you : )
14:49 Sauce Sorrowman good luck, Neo
14:49 Tao Mistwalker He may yet regret his rash decision.
14:49 NeoBokrug Elytis Des tricked me.
14:49 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) See some of youat taos tonight at 7pm SLT
14:49 Aury (aurysa) thank you Neo and good luck :)
14:49 star (astarrynite) I put a bix near Neo
14:49 Tao Mistwalker Des is thinking "I'm free! I'm free!"
14:49 Ravelli Ormstein yes, New, welcome as guvnah to Caledon, also looking forward
14:49 Zahra Ethaniel chuckles
14:49 star (astarrynite) they are Caledon Books I amde in 2017
14:49 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) yes, he probbly is tao
14:49 star (astarrynite) if I get new pics I will create new books
14:49 Martini Discovolante licks her paw, and wipes her nose
14:49 KayCooper ty star
14:49 star (astarrynite) feel free to buy them for 0L
14:49 star (astarrynite) *:-.,_,.-:*'``'*You're Welcome!*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*
14:49 Cynthia Farshore Hope to see you come through Downs the next couple month Neo there will be a setting up of the Halloween on it
14:49 star (astarrynite) many of you are in them
14:49 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) Possibly. Every beginning contains the seeds of its own ending, so this is part of the process.
14:49 Mari Moonbeam he was humming that born free theme from the big cats movie
14:49 Darlingmonster Ember keen
14:50 Darlingmonster Ember I need books
14:50 star (astarrynite) please let me know if people are interested in a new books after you see these pics
14:50 нєαтнєя Rɵʂἔ (hrheather) <-- has to sneak away quietly without being noticed
14:50 star (astarrynite) Holly took the pics, not me
14:50 Sauce Sorrowman picks a different vehicle for egress inspired by the mention of Ordinal earlier
14:50 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) too late heather
14:50 star (astarrynite) and other people
14:50 NeoBokrug Elytis I love halloween!
14:50 нєαтнєя Rɵʂἔ (hrheather) O,..,O
14:50 NeoBokrug Elytis SOrry catching up on a ton of IMs, and localchat.
14:50 Selena Evergarden I need to sneak off again, Neo, you know where to find me, if you should have need of me.
14:50 нєαтнєя Rɵʂἔ (hrheather) *FEROCIOUSLY fluffs up Andrea's hair*
14:51 Sauce Sorrowman nice to see everyone :)
14:51 Kamilah Hauptmann Most of the IMs are questiosn that would be bes tin lock, I wager. :D
14:51 Cynthia Farshore You'll like Downs I will be making the ghost train ride longer this year
14:51 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) Yah, Caledon's infamous for IM storms
14:51 NeoBokrug Elytis I shall find you. :)
14:51 Zaida Gearbox (zaida.gearbox) waves to miz arton
14:51 NeoBokrug Elytis BRB 1 minute!
14:51 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) Oooh. Very nice, Cynthia.
14:51 Shockwave Yareach Now with more spooks!
14:51 Beth Ghostraven bye everyone! see you at Tao's!
14:51 Selena Evergarden farewell beautiful Caledonians
14:51 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) More spooks are always welcome!
14:52 Beth Ghostraven curtseys
14:52 Nyree Rain Being called to dinner and I'm hungry. Hope to see everyone at Tao's dance tonight.
14:52 Tao Mistwalker Wait, so what just happened? Des is doing WHAT?
14:52 KayCooper I need to be off, bye for now :)
14:52 Zahra Ethaniel Take care Kay :)
14:52 Darlingmonster Ember laughs at Tao
14:52 Cynthia Farshore Have a great evening everyone, we must be off now
14:52 Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) curtseys as well, as the fpc has just dipped below 10. :) Fair travels, all.
14:52 Martini Discovolante ooooh. dinner....!
14:52 Cynthia Farshore curtsies elegantly.
14:52 Zaida Gearbox (zaida.gearbox) squees at the top of her lungs,"CORGI"
14:52 Zahra Ethaniel See you later Nyree :)
14:53 Ravelli Ormstein I hope Neo's mail box is big enough for our daily wish lists
14:53 Tao Mistwalker Thank you, Neo!