EXPANATION OF FIELDS IN THE MULTI-DAY SUMMARIES OF OXBRIDGE USE First date / last date: Both in yyyy-mm-dd format. Data Day: The number of days of data collected. Not always all days in the data range. Avatars by Day: This is just the sum of the number of unique avatars on each day Avatars by Range: This is the number of unique avatars over the range of dates. Multiday factor: The ratio of the above two, giving an indication of multi-day use by avatars First Day: The number of avatars observed on their first day and present at Oxbridge for two minutes or more First Week: The number of avatars first observed on a day during their first week and spending two minutes or more at Oxbridge on that day. Visit Count: The total number of visits, of any length, made to Oxbridge. Age Histogram: Age in days summed over the data range. Languages: A day-by-day sum of the count of the codes under which avatars were registered Avatars vs Hour: A day by day sum of the count of avatars observed during each hour Total Visit Times (seconds): The day-by-day sum of the total times that avatars spent at Oxbridge during a day. Single Visit Times (seconds): The day-by-day sum of the length of individual visits by avatars during a day. Gender Shape: 0 equals female, 1 equals male, and the documentation says that other values are possible with hand-crafted avatars. ---------------- Wordsmith Jarvinen - 13 Aug 2017